Hi. No. It's not an update. Or is it? Maybe it technically is. It's just a little FYI that I uploaded the sequel to The Voice. The preface as well as the first chapter is up on my profile, titled The Last Five Years. Normally I hate when authors do this, write a notice of the sequel at the end of the original story. I just think it usually looks a little tacky, but here I am.
A little background; if you want it. I didn't want to write an epilogue continuation. I felt that would end up just being random fluff that wouldn't really end up being a substantive story. So instead, it's a look back at their relationship throughout five years after The Voice.
It's essentially a series of flashbacks. There isn't going to be some big continuity run of five years. There will be time jumping. Five years is just a lot to fit into one story, no matter how long I want it to be. I'm not even going to predict a word count because everytime I do, it ends up being much longer than I envisioned it.
So yes; The Last Five Years. Anyone who's interested in what Chloe and Beca got up to after The Voice that wasn't shown in the epilogue should check it out.
Also just a final note. I found this story on Wattpad, translated into Spanish. At least the first 20 chapters; of course with my A/Ns taken out and not to my consent. I feel both flattered and annoyed at it to be honest. I'm not going to stop publishing or whatever because, as a writer personally, I don't really care. However, if anyone does see someone credit that Wattpad author for this story, I'd just like for my followers here to correct them.
Thank you so much for everything you guys have done for me. And please enjoy the sequel. It's shaping up to be a lot of fun to write. And hopefully a lot of fun to read.