Hello everyone! Firstly, this new story is a sequel to my Old Habits Die Hard story. This time the story is going to be a joint collaboration between myself and Damnitjane, I used all my charm and manage to convince her to write this new story with me, which creating a story together will be good fun and I am really looking forward too writing it with her.

This new story will be full of action, drama, angst, darker Jane and characters, twists and turn and definitely M RATED. ;) Please don't say we didn't warn you from the start. (If you need something fluffier, then def check out Damnitjane ff author page, she has written some great TM romance one shots to fill you boots up with. She is listed on my Fave Author page.)

Thanks for reading our story and we hope you enjoy it as much as we will writing it! :)

'The lawyer nodded his head picking up his brief case. "I will be in touch again soon with regards to your bail hearing Mr De Santis. Until then I suggest you keep your nose clean in here and you will be a free man before you know it..."

Once his lawyer had left the Interagation room De Santis sat quietly alone with his thoughts. He rubbed his fingertip along the fresh new scar on the back his hand from where the brunette cop had jammed a steel blade into it all those months ago.

It was then that De Santis made a promise to himself, the minute he was out of this shit hole prison he would track down Teresa Lisbon making sure she knew that he wasn't a man to crossed or made a fool of. Federal Agent or not. She would pay for this and he would personally would make sure of it...'

Chapter 1

Eleven months later...

He stood outside their cabin and looked on as the lights went dark from inside the house. In the moonlight, the knife in his hand glimmered brightly against the rays as his other hand knotted into a fist. Teresa Lisbon was going to pay dearly. Eleven months, four days and seventeen hours he had been waiting for this moment. Nobody locks up Tony De Santis for nearly a year in that hell hole and gets away with it. Nobody!

Waiting another thirty minutes, hoping they were now settled down for the night, he started off toward the small, innocuous cabin with murder only on his mind. He took a direct route to the front door, ghosting between shadows and the sound of the water off to his left. He reached out a hand and felt for the knob of the front door, trying hard not to step on the wrong plank of wood and have it creak.

He turned toward the door when the knob didn't budge. Sticking the edge of the knife between the lock and frame, Tony joggled the knife as silently as he could. The popping sound of the lock giving way brought a smile to his face. This one was easy. It was almost too easy.

Stepping inside the dark, quiet house, Tony closed the door behind him and kept himself against the wall, gliding down the hallway with small strides. It was as he was nearing the first door on the right side that he heard a noise.

"Shit," he whispered.

He couldn't quite place the sounds at first. As he came up to the slightly opened door, he peeked an eye through the crack. The sound was obvious, now. They were having sex. At least, they were warming up to it. The room was in darkness but he could still see their silhouettes moving.

Instead of sneaking into their room or ambushing them, Tony stood quietly watching them as they initiated sex. He could hear every word and every moan they were making. This would be interesting to watch, he thought, especially as he had just spent eleven months stuck with two thousand lowlife men for his only company. Very, very interesting. He lowered the knife to his side and tuned into the show.

Jane locked his lips on hers, his hands wading through the deep chocolate curls that fell over the stark white pillow. He felt her hands skim his spine from the base of his neck to the small of his back, her fingers dancing against the naked flesh of his butt.

As soon as he felt her fingers on him, his mouth teased and tickled her jaw and her chin, falling slowly down her neck and to the inset of her throat.

"You know what that does to me," he whispered to her. He kissed her across her collar bone and at the swell of her breasts.

"Oh?" she replied, chuckling as she rubbed her palms of the smooth skin at his butt. "Good to know."

"I couldn't imagine not doing this with you, Teresa."

"Mm," she agreed, feeling his mouth lock onto one of her breasts. She hissed in delight. "Easy there, cowboy. They're still going to be there in the morning," she teased.

"Cowboy? I have the champion gun in town," Jane chuckled against her breast as his lips gently drank in her puckered, rosy bud.

Her coherency slipped as the sensation nearly unnerved her. She pinched him with her hands, making him let her go and look up at her face. He smiled wickedly at the expression on her face. She was being pleasured. He wanted to fill her with pleasure. The taste of her skin. The Feel of her.

He dipped his face and dragged his lips down the middle of her belly, kissing her navel as he got there. Her hands slid from his back and came to tangle in his blond tufts of hair.

Jane's hands left her curls and he brought them down to hold onto her slim hips as his mouth dipped downward to her bare V. He could feel her tremble under his lips as he pushed open her legs and brought his moist mouth down on her.

"Jane!" she whispered loudly.

"Shh," he told her, lifting his head from between her legs.

He lowered his head once again and darted out his tongue, lapping her gently as she heaved and pulled his hair tighter. He kissed her inner thighs before he brought his lips back to her warm folds, pressing his mouth into her by pulling on her hips with his strong hands.

"Jesus!" she nearly cried out. Instead, it came out as a muted mutter. "Uh!"

There was a sudden sound from the hallway. It was almost like a creaking floor. The place was old, but Jane had replaced most of the flooring with new wood.

"Wait! Jane!" she told her husband. "I heard something!"

Jane groaned and placed his forehead against her belly. "Lisbon, it's just the house. It's an old frame."


He leaned his mouth back down and clamped over her once again to assure her that whatever was making that sound wasn't as important as what he was doing to her right now.

Lisbon groaned loudly as his tongue found her sweet spot. She instantly forgot about the sound she heard as all thoughts left her mind and she became putty under her husband's wicked tongue.

"Damn," she murmured, closing her eyes and blocking out the world for pure pleasure cascading over her.

"Shit!" Tony silently mouthed.

The knife had fallen from his hand as he was taking in the show in the bedroom. Teresa had heard it, but Tony was thankful that her husband was enjoying his midnight snack too much to go check it out.

It was as he was picking up his knife that he saw a small night light coming from the room down the hall. He left them to finish their sex as he ventured into the small room across the hall, looking around at all the blue and silver in the room. It was some kind of nursery.

Tony De Santis gently pushed open the door and saw a baby crib situated across the room. He crept up to the crib that sat against the back wall and peered in. Well, holy shit! It was a baby sleeping! This must be their kid. Her kid. The words above the crib spelled out MIKEY in blue.

Tony put away his knife and reached in for the sleeping child. "Well, Mikey. I think you just became a very interesting pawn in your mommy's business with me."

Tony cradled the child to his chest and walked over to the rocking chair in which sat a vested teddy bear. Mikey's Mr. Stuffins, or as Mikey called it: 'tuffins. He laughed at the stupid bear, grabbed it and walked over to peer in the hallway to see if the coast was clear. When he saw it was, Tony walked softly down the hall and past the room in which they were still having sex. Very loudly now, as it would have it. He walked to the front door, pushing it open quietly, and sneaked out in the quiet, dark night with Teresa's child.

He pushed into his wife again before releasing. He groaned against her breasts as he collapsed on top of her, panting. He felt her squeeze his butt and push him hard into her as they shuddered from the orgasm.

"That was amazing," she told him, feeling him pull out and roll off her. "Wow."

"Wow, yourself."

"We haven't had sex like this in a while," said Lisbon. "I mean, with me working late and the baby."

"Feels good to be back," Jane laughed.

"Feels good to have you back," she answered, kissing him.

"And to have moved on with our lives, eh? You know, after everything that happened last year in Vegas, I mean" Jane asked her quietly.

"Yes," she said honestly. Remembering how hard it had been on her when Jane had been taken. Those two days having been the worse she had ever gone through.

"It was made a mess," Jane told her. "Danny shouldn't have concerned you. You shouldn't have come to Vegas to find me."

Lisbon turned her head up at him and inclined it. "Why? You were in trouble and you're my husband. I am a cop! It's what we do."

"You have Mikey, Lisbon. You don't just get up and run when I am in trouble. Think about the baby," he whispered to her. "What if something bad had happened to you? What then?"

She raised herself up on one elbow and blinked at her husband. Was he really getting into this now? How did the conversation go from great sex to Danny and the Vegas trip? She shook her head without looking at him.

"Did you not understand the part of our vows where we said we'd protect each other? Because I do!" She was getting upset now. "I went to Vegas to get my husband back! So he could be the father to our son!"

"You took a needless risk, Teresa. You have to admit that at least. Danny would have gotten me out of it somehow."

"Danny had to tell me! He told me you were in trouble. Are you serious, right now, Patrick Jane?" She thumped him on his chest with her hand. "I can't believe you! We just have sex and now you want to chastise my decision to save your ass? You couldn't have said this before I chose to sleep with you tonight?"

"Teresa, please! I was just telling you my honest thoughts. You always said you wanted honesty and I was giving that to you. I am not saying I don't appreciate you coming for me. I am very glad you did. I am just saying it was a very risky thing to do when we have a child at home." He knew he upset her. That was the last thing he wanted to happen.

"Screw you, Jane!" Lisbon told him, thumping him again across the chest. "I was thinking about our son! How dare you suggest I wasn't!" She scooted herself backward out of the bed.

"Teresa! Love! Come on!" Jane pleaded with her as he watched her walk across the room and put on her robe. "I didn't—I'm sorry!"

"We were having a great time, Jane. Way to ruin it."

"Love, where are you going?" Jane asked. "I'm really sorry. Just come back to bed. I'll make it up to you."

"I need to check on my son. No thanks," she shook her head at him. "I think I am good." She huffed out of the room, her voice cracking slightly with emotion leaving Jane lying alone in their bed.

Tony opened the unlocked car door and layed the sleeping kid inside on the back seat, throwing Mikey's baby blanket in too along with his teddy bear. The toddler was still sleeping as he moved around the car that stood behind some trees on the property. He looked back at the house, but all was still eerily quiet.

He pulled out his cell phone and dialed Max's number. After a few rings, Max answered with a sleepy voice. "Max! Get your ass over to Oklahoma City now! I will text you an address. Don't use the toll booths! I've got a something important I need you to take care of."

He hung up on him without waiting for an answer. Tony looked down at the sleeping child as he put away his phone. The kid was starting to stir. He just sighed and shook his head. "This was supposed to be about your ma. You were just there at the wrong time, sorry kid."

Tony closed the door to the back seat and walked around to the driver's side. He got in, started the car. Eleven months locked up all because that cop bitch couldn't just let things be or keep her nose out of his business! If it hadn't been for all the blackmail tape, he'd still be serving sloppy joes in the cafeteria of the state penitentiary, for god knows how many years.

He was running so hot it was unreal. He wanted Teresa Lisbon, her husband and that goddamn goofy Danny Ruskin gone and if he had to use the kid as a message that he ment serious business, then he would. He had no issues with that. The kid was just collateral damage.

"Mama!" the little boy in the back seat cried out.

"Mommy's not here," he told the kid snidely, laughing as he drove off down the road.

Lisbon moved herself across the hall and opened the nursery door the rest of the way. She padded quietly across Mikeys room to his crib. She didn't think it was odd that she hadn't heard her son. He was a quiet baby and always slept well through the nightshade days . She walked over to his crib and peered down to find it empty.

"Mikey?" she whispered. "Mikey?" A little louder. "MIKEY! JANE! MIKEY'S GONE!". Her frantic cries and screaming brought Jane running across the hall and into his room. He ran over to his son's crib to find it empty.

"Stay here!" Jane told his wife.

Lisbon could hear Jane tearing through the house looking for any signs of their son. After a few minutes of silence, Jane ran back into the nursery with the house phone in his hand. "He's gone, Teresa! Michael is missing!" Jane told her, panicking, his eyes misting with shaky tears.

"WHERE IS MY SON?" Lisbon cried, nearly collapsing onto the floor. Jane helped his wife to the rocking chair in the corner and dialed Abbotts' number.

"You got to help us. They took our baby! They took Mikey!"

"NO! NOT MY SON!" Lisbon screamed.

Jane knelt down beside her and put a hand on her back in comfort. It was the only thing he could provide as the tears fell from his eyes and his body shuddered and shook in panic and shock.

"Mikey," Jane whispered, placing his head in his wife's lap. "Omigod, Mikey."