Author's note: This is truly just an idea I have swimming inside of my head so yeah. I don't know if I will keep it or scrap it but we shall see. Anyway if you like it let me know.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Game of thrones, it's plot or characters. I do own Alara and her mother though.

Prologue/Chapter 1: She will win you no wars.

Whores were not uncommon in the towns across the seven kingdoms, almost every town held a brothel. Each brothel held an assortment of whores that would please any man or woman willing to pay the fair price. They never discriminated, they did as they were told, when they were told. If you brought the gold, they would be your best friend, lover and anything else you could imagine for the night. Once your time ran out of course they would leave you alone, feeling just as empty as when you stepped through the hollow doors of the building. But brothels did not only hold the scent of sex, the clang of gold or the taste of wine, some held something much for valuable, secrets.

In Kings Landing secrets were particularly valuable, and Petyr Baelish took pride in the secrets he gathered in his brothels. He knew almost everything that went on inside the hallowed halls of the Red Keep, and everything that took place in the streets of the city that resided below. He enjoyed the power secrets gave him, he enjoyed the leverage he gained from secrets, but even he knew some secrets were meant to be shared.

In his brothel he held on of the biggest secrets in the Seven Kingdoms, a girl, a girl born of a man who was once a revered Kingsguard. Baelish did not care that the knight broke his vow and he was sure by morning the knight had forgotten his broken vow as well, but the child bore of it was one no one could deny.

When he had first bought the brothel that housed the child, he thought of sending both the whore mother away as well as the child until he caught of glimpse of her. She had dark hair, but it was not her hair that drew him in, it was her eyes. The child that he found amongst the whores had the most distinctive violet eyes he had ever seen. When he inquired the mother of her birth father, she was hesitant at first, not wishing to shame the dead but before long she told him of her birth. He informed the mother that she could remain in his service, and the child could remain there was well, but only if the child remained pure until he deemed it. The mother quickly agreed, she had no other work nor did she wish to raise her child on the streets of Kings Landing.

Baelish knew the girl would never win him wars, or favors from anyone but she was still a bastard of a high born man and one day she may become useful. It was not everyday that a Kingsguard broke his oath, and sired a child never seeing them again. Baelish often wondered as the girl grew up if her father had truly forgotten his broken vow, or if he had thought of the girl before he died. It was a shame she was to grow up without a father, but of course Baelish would help her with that.

Alara's p.o.v

"Alara, sweetling, you must run along now." Alara was never to stay in the brothel when her mother expected it to be busy.

"I am aware, mother, I shall be back at nightfall." She kissed her mother farewell before making her way out of the back entrance to the brothel.

Lord Baelish had taught Alara all of the ways to get around in Kings Landing without being noticed, he taught her a lot of things really. He told her to avoid in the city,she was never to speak to a gold cloak even though he was the one who paid the men. He never wanted her to be seen by a member of the royal family, or of the small council. She never understood why she was such a secret, she was just another bastard born of a whore. Alara was just one of a number for Waters, bastards born in the crownlands.

Alara always found herself at the bay, looking at the water in front of her. She did not visit many other places in the over crowded city, she did not like the way people looked at her. She always kept her eyes down but when she would meet the gaze of people whispers would start. Alara was aware of her beauty, her hair was fell in long dark tresses, her eyes were violet and her skin held a natural tan. Alara was tall for a woman, lean, and her curves were one she had seen men covet before. She lived in a whore house, she knew what men wanted, but Alara was never to be with them until Lord Baelish allowed her to be.

She was not interested in being a whore, Alara wanted more in life, she wanted to be wealthy enough to take her mother away, she wanted the freedom to see the things outside of the city walls. She was forbidden from leaving the city, only to visit the bay, though she never dreamed of running off. As long as her mother lived in the city, she would never leave her side.

"How did I know you would be here?" Alara had her feet buried in the sand when some approached her.

"Because I am never anywhere else." She did not turn to him, she knew who it was.

Alara was not allowed to have friends, but that did not stop her from making them. She made friends with a baker on the street of flour, she knew a few whores from other brothels on the street of silk and she even had a very good acquaintance from the street of steel.

"One day you will dive into the bay and disappear forever." Her friend was such a pessimist.

"I would drown and that is not my plan." She turned to her dark friend with a look to kill.

Alara was a proud woman and suicide was not something even she would look to for escape. She longed for the freedom of not being the daughter of whore, locked away most days, but she did not wish to die.

"I forgot you can't swim." He was always the sarcastic one.

"Gendry, fuck off." They both laughed at her vulgar mouth.

Gendry was a bastard just as she was, it made them compatible as friends. The difference between them was she knew her mother while his died long before he could truly remember her. He always described his mother to her as a fair haired woman who used to sing to him. Alara used to feel sorry for him, not knowing either of his parents but he had taught her long ago not to pity him. He was a talented blacksmith apprentice who was much more fun loving and carefree than the other men on the street of steel.

"What are you doing here anyway, Gendry, shouldn't you be off working?" He was always busy making something.

"Actually due to the Kings impending return home I was given the day to rest."

"Oh aren't you special."

"At least I work, unlike some children I know." Alara was no child, and Gendry was even younger than she was.

"Would you like me to be a whore? I am sure I could even please you." Alara gave him her best sensual smile, and it only lasted a moment before the boy smiled.

Alara and Gendry had a very innocent friendship, for which she was thankful, most men looked upon her with lust and she enjoyed having a friend who saw her for who she was. Most days she spent alone, but on the rare occasion Gendry could escape from his work he would meet her at the bay. They would sit there for hours just talking about their lives and their pasts. They shared a common past of never knowing who their father's were. Gendry was never told, and Alara as only informed her father was born a noble man, who died fighting for the Targaryens's in the rebellion. Sometimes they would joke about who their father's were and why they slept with their mothers.

"Let's go get some cakes." Gendry held up his hand which held a bunch of silver stags.

"I know just the place."

The pair walked hand and hand through the city, and because they were bastards no one cared. Alara could have kissed him and no one would of thought twice about. Sometimes the upside of being the daughter of a whore is no expected much of you, they just expected you to follow in her footsteps. She had no intention to follow in her mother's path, Alara had her own plans. She would one day be free of the chains of the brothel, and she would find who her father was and she would learn everything there was to know of the man, and she would take her mother with her as she explored that freedom.

"Two honey cakes please." Alara smiled at the baker, who she had become quite fond of.

"Of course." Gendry paid the lady, and the two were once again off into the city.

Gendry led her through the city as she at her cake, Alara loved her sweets. At the brothel Lord Baelish would bring her lemon cakes, or honey cakes just to see her smile. He was always kind to her and when he bought the brothel her mother had been so afraid he would kick them out, now he was like Alara's father.

"Come on, the king is coming." She could see the crowds forming, and the last thing she wanted was to see them.

"I want to stay and watch." Gendry pulled them to a stop at the end of the street just as a group of knights came parading by.

'Never let them see you Alara, you are so beautiful I fear they would want to steal you away. Don't let them see you, love, the royal family is tainted.'

Alare kept her head down, hearing the words of Lord Baelish in her head. He never wanted her to be seen by people, never wanted her to get to know people. He was adamant that the royal family, or anyone associated with the Red Keep see her. She kept her word to him, she would just keep her head down, and keep to herself.

"She is pretty." Alara looked up to see the girl Gendry spoke of. She saw a pale red haired girl riding on a horse, she had blue eyes and she looked as if she could not be happier.

"She is very pretty, such a shame she has to be stuck here."

"I hear she is to marry the prince." It was a stranger who spoke, a random person on the street Alara did not know.

"Poor girl."

Alara did not find the prince appealing, and she had heard stories of the castle. She heard the king was a man incapable of being satisfied, and that his son no doubt would be the same way. She would never understand what caused men to step away from their wives and seek company from women for money. Alara had no fantasies of marriage or love but she knew if she ever found it she would kill a man who stepped out on her in such a way.

"Alara would you like to come to the shop with me? I hate days of rest." Alara had gone to his shop only a few times before, and she knew she was welcome.

"I suppose so, it is better than wandering for a hours."

The man who was Gendry's master was kind enough, and he never spoke of her visits which made her grateful. She knew if Lord Baelish found out about her friendship with Gendry he would find a way to keep her locked away inside the brothel. She did not mind sitting in the hot blacksmith shop while her friend worked, he had a habit of making some of the most amazing things she had ever seen. He had a talent, which is something Alara lacked. She was good at nothing special but she had learned how to pleasure a man in more ways than most, even as a maiden.

While Gendry made another weapon no doubt for some nobleman, Alara read from her book of poems. Her mother had given it to her, saying her father had gifted it to her before his death. She used to think she would find some clue to who he was in the pages, but she had read the thing a million times and never found a hint. They were just poems you could find written in any other book, nothing special but to Alara it was everything. She had nothing of her father, and her mother so rarely spoke of him, that Alara clung to what little she had of the man.

She watched Gendry as he made the weapons, she could see why girls in the capitol looked at him often he was handsome. Of course he was always messy, but his muscles were something to look at. He caught her staring and he only winked at her, she loved the games they would play. She spent hours there reading her poems, while both men did their work. It was mostly Gendry who did the work, he was excellent at what he did.

"Nightfall is coming, Lara." She looked up from her book of poems with a pout.

"I don't wish to go back, can I sleep with you tonight?" She held her face for a moment before she starting laughing.

"Cute, now run along. I shall see you soon."

Alara kissed Gendry on the cheek before she ran off into the streets of the city. He was right night was falling fast and if she was not home soon her mother would worry. Most thought her mother to be absent but her mother was truly hands on with her, she never let Alara run amok in the city for too long. She only did it out of necessity. Her mother thought if Alara was in the city and not in the brothel when men came calling, that Lord Baelish would spare her the horrors of being a whore.

Alara slipped into the brothel through the back, slowly making her way to the chambers she shared with her mother. She did not make it to her chambers, she overheard her name being spoken by Lord Baelish, and for a moment her curiosity got the better of her. She knew where to hide not to be seen, and she did so, listening as two men spoke.

"She will win you no wars, garner no favor, she is just the child of a whore here." She did not know that man's voice and she dared not peak to see who it was.

"She is much more than a child of a whore, but I am aware her parentage will not gain me anything, yet."

"What do you plan to do with her? She would make you quite a penny in your brothel, I hear she is very beautiful." She hoped Lord Baelish would not do such a thing.

"She is quite beautiful, she looks nothing of her mother, very much of father's family. I am going to bring her into someone's service soon, do not worry."

Service. Was Lord Baelish going to sell her off as someone's personal whore? She could not allow that to happen, but she knew she could not stop it. She felt sick, she knew it would be some fat, old man who wanted a woman to cheat on his wife with, or it would be some young Lord who just wanted a woman to warm his bed. She had no false ideals of her future but she did not wish to be sold off as someone's personal whore, away from her mother. She did not wish to be a maiden when she was shipped away, it would not doubt be horrid for her if some vile man took it from her. Alara was terrified when she entered back into her own chambers. Her mother was fast asleep, but Alara's head was a mess, she could not be sold, she needed to stay in Kings Landing. Her mother needed her, she needed Gendry and she needed to stay there until she could find out who her father was.