"You what?!" Lydia screeched as she watched her mother closely. "Why?"

Natalie had just told her daughter that she was working on Thanksgiving Day. It was something that Natalie had never done, and she worked so much that Lydia treasured holidays and loved spending them with her mother.

"I'm working on Thanksgiving, dear," Natalie said. Then she sighed, "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but we need the money, and anybody who works that day gets paid overtime. I need to do it. Besides, I heard you were invited to the Hales."

"I was," Lydia said, "but I was looking forward to spending it, you know, with you."

Natalie hugged her daughter. "I'm sorry, sweetheart," she apologized again, "But I need to do this. Go have Thanksgiving dinner with the Hales, and Chris and Allison are going to be there as well. Have fun, okay?"

Lydia nodded, "Yeah. Okay."

Lydia wasn't happy.

Deciding that she wanted to try and ignore her problems, she called up her friends. She called Derek first.

"What's going on, babe?" Derek asked when he heard how upset Lydia was. "Did something happen?"

"I want to just ignore everything, Der," Lydia said. "You want to come over and get drunk with me?"

"What about your mom?"

"My mom doesn't care if I drink, as long as I don't go anywhere. Besides that, she's not here; she had to work tonight. I just need to forget everything."

"What happened?"

"Mom's working on Thanksgiving Day," Lydia said. "She just told me, before she left for work. I'm coming over with Chris and Allison, though."

"Yeah, Mom just told us that she invited Chris and Ally. I have no problem with Ally, I never have, it's just...I'm wary around Chris. And I know he's never hurt us, but I'm still pretty scared."

"Mom and Chris spend a lot of time together, and he comes over for dinner sometimes," Lydia said. "And besides that, he likes Isaac, so I don't think that he holds any grudges. Besides, he divorced his wife because she actually agreed with what Kate tried to do to you guys. That makes him kind of good, don't you think?"

Derek made a thoughtful noise before saying, "Yeah, I guess so."

"So, you wanna come over and drink with me?" Lydia asked again. "I mean, I know that werewolves can't get drunk, but you still drink. I know you do - I've heard it from Stiles and Cora. So, what do you say? We can drink and watch superhero movies."

"Superheroes?" Derek asked, because he knew what that meant. "That's what you want to do?"

"Absolutely. I thought about inviting a whole bunch of people. Unless you want it to be just you and me."

"Invite who you want," Derek said. "I'm not going to try to order you around. You should know me better than that."

Lydia shrugged, even though she knew Derek wouldn't be able to see her. "You think your parents would let you stay the night?"

"Is Natalie going to be there?"

"She doesn't get out of work until two in the morning. But you can always say she will be. Besides that, I know you know how to lie to your parents. Cora told me."

"Of course she did," Derek muttered. But then he said, "I'll ask. You want to ask about Cora and Malia as well?"

"Yes please," Lydia said. "Call me back and let me know everything that's happening, okay?"

"Yeah, Lyds, I will."

They bid each other goodbye and hung up. Then Lydia called the rest of the gang. She called Allison, Kira, and even Scott and Stiles. She was still a little mad at Stiles, but she was serious when she said she wanted a friendship with him. She didn't trust him - yet, her mind supplied - but she knew she might be able to repair what little friendship she had with him.

And she knew this wasn't her fault. She knew that, okay? But she figured they could meet each other halfway. Relationships takes compromise.

Everyone started showing up about half an hour later. First it was Derek, Malia, Cora, and Isaac. Then came Kira, Allison, and then Scott and Stiles (together, of course).

"You guys staying the night?" Lydia asked them.

They all nodded. Then Derek said, "Mom was a little reluctant, but Dad talked her into it. I told her just movies with you."

Lydia nodded, "Sounds good."

They set up in the family room, gathering around the TV. Stiles won the rock, paper, scissors, so he got to pick the first movie. He picked the first Captain America.

"Of course you want that one," Lydia said. She was giving shit to Stiles, even though, secretly, Captain America was probably her favorite superhero. She put the DVD in the player in and then went to the liquor cabinet.

She pulled out a bottle couple of bottles of Absolut. When she was upset, she usually went for the hard liquor because it made her feel a little better. And yeah, she was a fan of girly drinks, but for some reason, she preferred the harder liquor when she wanted to get drunk.

She took the bottles into the family room and set them down on the coffee table, along with some plastic cups she found. She figured that nobody would be comfortable with the way that she usually just drank from the bottle.

They spent the night with conversation and movies, and by the time Isaac, the last one except for Lydia and Derek, passed out, it was almost two o'clock. Lydia knew her mom'd be home soon, and she also knew that it wouldn't bother her mom at all that they went through two bottles of vodka.

Even though Lydia wasn't pass out drunk, she was a little tipsy. Whenever she was tipsy like this, she was super horny, and she grabbed Derek's hand. He looked at her quizzically, but she just smirked and whispered, "Follow me."

He did as she asked, and when they were in her bedroom, she reached over and locked the door. She then pulled Derek towards her as she leaned against the door, pulled him down by the collar of his shirt, and attacked his lips with hers.

God, she had missed his touch. He always knew exactly what to do to make her feel good. She hiked one of her legs up and over his hip, as he dominated the kiss. He cupped her cheek and rubbed his thumb over her cheekbone as they made out.

Lydia broke the kiss and grabbed his hand, putting her leg down and leading him over to her bed. She stripped off her own shirt before stripping Derek of his. It wasn't long before they both were completely naked, and then she pushed him down so he was lying in the middle of her bed. She then straddled his hips, leaning down to kiss him once more.

She ground her hips down on his as they made out. She was so wet, she could feel it, and she loved the way his length felt against her. Breaking the kiss, she reached over in her nightstand drawer and grabbed a condom. She ripped the foil packet with her teeth and then shifted so she could roll the condom down his length. She then slid onto him, a little at a time.

She didn't start out gentle; she started riding him fast and rough, because she needed to feel it. She was a big fan of being fucked roughly and being able to feel it in the morning. As she shifted her hips, she started roaming her own body with her hands. Her fingers came up to pinch her nipples and she let out a moan.

"God, Lyds, you feel so good," Derek moaned out. Then he noticed what she was doing and said, "Oh God, Lyds, you look so sexy. The way you're feeling your own body...God, it's like a wet dream."

"Der, I'm so fucking close," Lydia said. "C'mon, make me come, I need it so badly."

He reached down and started thumbing her clit. He rubbed it fast and hard and said, "C'mon, baby, come for me. I wanna feel you come around my cock."

She felt herself tumble over the edge, and feeling her come around him made Derek explode as well. She took a deep breath before climbing off of him. Derek rid himself of the condom, tying it off and then disposing it in the trash bin next to her bed. She then cuddled up to him, her head on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her.

"I love you, Lyds," he said sleepily.

Lydia could feel herself start to drift off. Before she fell asleep, she said, "Love you, too."


The next day was Saturday, and Lydia awoke around eleven with a headache and a really bad case of cotton mouth. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes and then noticed that Derek was still asleep next to her. She kissed him on the cheek, and even though he was still asleep, he smiled slightly. Lydia climbed off the bed and threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Remembering to unlock her door, she wandered down the stairs.

She looked into the family room first. Almost everyone was still asleep - except for Stiles. Where was he?

She looked through the sliding glass doors that were in the family room, overlooking the patio, and that's where she saw him. He was on the bench out there, just kind of staring into space. Deciding to go out there to talk to him, she went through the door.

"Hey you," Lydia said, standing next to where Stiles was sitting. "How's everything going?"

"Hey, Lyds," Stiles said. "I've just got a lot of shit on my mind."

She sat down next to him and then said, "It's okay. You want to talk about it?"

Stiles sighed while watching her closely. Then he said, "Lydia, I'm so fucking sorry. I'm so sorry about what I've put you through. I was such a bastard and played with your feelings, and I know I shouldn't have."

He had tears brimming his brown eyes and then Lydia leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder. "Why did you do it, Stiles?" she asked. It was something that had been bothering her for a while. "I mean, why pick me?"

"Because Derek was going on and on about how any girl would want him, how any girl would kill to be with him. And I wanted to prove to him that not every girl wanted to be with him. And I picked you because I knew you wouldn't put up with his bullshit. I knew that you'd be able to see right through him and wouldn't fall for his magic charms like every other girl at school. But then you gave him a chance, and believe me when I say I wasn't prepared for that. But I couldn't go back on the bet, even when Derek asked me to, because I had to prove that I was unwavering. But I should've let it go, and I'm sorry I didn't. I am sorry, Lydia. Please say you believe me."

Lydia reached over and pulled Stiles into a hug. They just sat there for a good moment, Stiles crying silently, until Lydia said, "Hey, it's okay, Stiles. I mean it. Yeah, it was a shitty thing to do to anyone, but I'm able to forgive you. And I do, okay? I forgive you."

Stiles smiled as they just sat there together, and that's when Lydia knew that everything between them was going to be alright.