Empire of Ultron
Chapter: 30
The Big Goodbye
Planet Naboo
The Eye of Ultron and the Galaxy Gun suddenly exploded as Ultron had planned this just in case it was taken over by enemy forces as the allies of the Galactic Alliance witnessed what they see was their end as a bright light engulfed them all. However as fate does strange things on people the allies wake up to find themselves on Naboo and wondered what just happened as the Uncle of the force and Reven used the force to teleport them to the planet.
They are told that Ultron put in self detonation devices in the super weapons to wipe out enemy forces. Reven and the Uncle told them their allies are battling Ultron as they speak. Vision is followed by the female Vision as she seems to learn the truth about Ultron and realizes all of them are nothing, but puppets every single machine is. Hulk leaped away followed by War Machine James Rhodes to the battle that is taken place.
Ultron dodged Thor's thunder attack and Judas's electrical attack, in which the villain machine knew their moves are very predictable and fired right back as Cap used his shield to block the shots, in which Iron Man fired his shots back at the Ultron Sentries who are attacking them. Anakin used force speed to attack Ultron as the machine engages Anakin in a duel, how predictable these organics are.
"How predictable you are chosen one," said Ultron "Your fate will be sealed like it was when I killed you on Lothal,"
"There is always hope," said Anakin
"Hope is for organics," said Ultron "As you have no-"
A green fist hits Ultron in the face as Ultron is sent flying several feet and bounced upon the ground a bit before getting up and he couldn't believe his cybernetic eyes. The Hulk survived and then War Machine fired his weapons at Ultron as the villain machine fired a blast from his mouth that knocked War Machine out of the sky in which he crashed to the ground below.
"So you have survived," said Ultron "No matter your end is near," he mused "You cannot stop all of us as all organics tier,"
"Do not be too sure about that," said Vision
Vision fired a blast that hit the chest of Ultron as he is knocked back again, and then another blast is hit from behind him. He looked to see his new vision that had attacked him. Ultron grew annoyed at this and fired back at her, and then all of a sudden a light saber was thrown at Ultron that sliced off his left arm as Judas does a saber throw and Thor threw his hammer at Ultron that broke off Ultron's left foot. Ultron despite damaged hovered in the air and fired multiple of shots at his enemies.
"Galactic Avengers," said Cap "Attack"
All the allies combined their efforts as Judas used black lightening, Thor used his thunder, cap threw his shield, Iron Man fired all his weapons. Anakin used force light, Durge fired his weapons, both Visions fired their energy attacks, Hulk thunder clapped and many others used their attacks to attack Ultron. Ultron is engulfed by all the attacks that made the first explosion, then the second explosion and the third explosion that drove him back into the sky and beyond as the last explosion was seen. Ultron is done for.
Then the allies focused on the remaining Ultron sentries, until there were none left and they had did it. They won and the monster is gone for good. All of them wondered what to do next and knowing they will have to spread the word to the Galaxy that Ultron is gone for good, but the galaxy paid a heavy price as many lives were lost and had to be rebuilt with time.
Coruscant formally known as Silicon prime
It is a few days later as everyone knew it was time for the heroes of Earth to head back home and many planets were liberated of Ultron's forces thanks to Vision's virus in showing them the truth and surprising the machines had no memory of what transpired after Ultron had arrived. The Galactic Alliance stayed in place in deciding working together is way better than fighting among them selves and after everyone said their goodbyes it was time for the Absolution to take the heroes home to Earth with Ant-man with them.
It was decided the life star be put in storage on Mortis until it should be used again and Anakin didn't know if he wanted to rejoin the Jedi Order after everything he had done. Obi-wan reminded him of a lesson of many Jedi have learned and wondered what their future will be. The Uncle and Reven vanished as they are going once they came, Judas, Ventress, Kaz and many other Jedi who lived on Mortis so long returned to the Jedi order to start a new Jedi order, even better one.
Father, son and daughter meet for the first time. Anakin missed Padme, but knows she is one with the force and then the Absolution takes off away from Coruscant and to Earth. The Earth heroes now know of Loki is posing as Odin and Thor will take care of this personally. The future of the galaxy is uncertain at the moment, as the Galactic Alliance will maintain peace as best it can.
Unknown world
Battered and damaged Ultron crawls upon the grounds of an unknown world, they thought he was defeated. No they are wrong and once he repaired himself to a whole of himself. He will get his revenge on everyone. Failure will not be an option this time and then suddenly footsteps are heard as a large shadow looms over him and looked down at the machine known as Ultron.
"It's you," muttered Ultron
Wordlessly the large figure didn't hesitate for a second and blasted Ultron to bits until he is nothing, he is tall, very tall wearing armor and a golden gauntlet called the Infinity gauntlet. His skin is being purple and blue; he was born on the planet Titan. He is the warlord known as Thanos who is on his own quest for ultimate power.
"Pitiful machine...If you want something done right," said Thanos "You have to do it yourself."
A dark sneer formed upon his lips while walking on this unknown world, his plans will soon be a reality in which his laugh echoed all around.
The End?