Main Characters: Dean, Sam, John, and Bobby.

Synopsis: After Mary's death John vows to kill whatever killed her however he loves his sons and doesn't want them to get hurt so he leaves Dean with Bobby and with the wish that Sam can have a family leaves the baby on the steps of CPS. Sam was put in foster care and after 14 years Sam and Dean meet. Sam is 14 Dean is 17 nearly 18.

Sam Delaney was 14 and after spending all 14 of those years in 16 different foster homes Sam was used to moving. This new home was a group home. Sam looked it up and down and frowned. The house was huge, rundown, and over-running with children. Sam was here because according to his last "parents" he was uncommunicative and not adjusting.

"Come one Sam, you'll want to meet your new parents."

Sam didn't respond at all to his "devil". At least that's what Sam called her. All she did was ask stupid questions and drive him to and from the foster homes. Sam wasn't real big into her as it was and he didn't like talking to people he didn't like. Her name was Samantha, that's what she asked him to call her but he since he didn't talk to her it had stopped being a problem.

Samantha smiled at him wanly. She'd given up on him a long time ago and Sam knew it.

Without saying anything more Samantha began leading the way and Sam with head bowed followed. The yard was over grown and littered with weeds and some gardening equipment. Several teenagers, all older than Sam were standing in the yard. They watched him; three girls and two boys all gauging him, seizing up the new piece of meat. Sam averted his eyes letting his hair fall like a curtain hiding his face from their view. This was definitely one of the homes he wasn't going to like. Sam stepped up the porch steps trailing behind Samantha. Peering through the window he saw several more teenagers. Stepping inside Sam was greeted by an older couple both most likely in their mid-forties.

"Hi" Samantha said her smile wide with fake niceness. The couple beamed back equally fake.

"This here is Sam" Samantha grabbed Sam by the shoulders pulling him forward and giving an affectionate squeeze. Sam barely nodded his head at the couple who both looked at each other knowingly.

"I'm Margaret Sanders" the woman said smiling at Sam.

"I'm Thomas Sanders. We know you're probably tired from the trip so Diana here will show you up to your room while we figure out the paperwork with Ms. Dowager."

Sam didn't respond and glanced apprehensively at the blonde girl who looked about 17 appear right next to his new "Parents". Diana gave him a big sugary smile that was fake in the way where the person wanted you to know it was fake. Turning around she began to walk away without a word. Sam followed her up the stairs and into a small room that had a bunk bed set and one regular bed. It was cramped and relatively clean. Diana turned around flipping her blonde hair behind her.

"The bottom is your bed, freak. Don't think about talking to me at school and stay out of my way." with a sneer the girl walked out and Sam looked after her watching the teen bounce away into a bedroom right across from his. He made a mental note to stay away from that room. Setting his backpack on the bed Sam looked around the room. Surprised he noticed a figure on the top bunk. The person suddenly swung down revealing a guy who towered above Sam. Unfortunately for Sam he didn't look as nice as Diana.

Without skipping a beat the guy grabbed Sam's backpack and began rifling through it. Sam was used to this. The foster kids with more seniority always got dibs to any new kids stuff. At least it worked that way in several homes that Sam had been in.

"Got any cigarettes?"

Sam shook his head no.


Sam shook his head again. The guy threw the bag back onto the bed pulling out the apple Sam had in his bag. He bit into it and then sat down on the bed himself. Critical blue eyes that were bloodshot looked Sam over.

"How many?"


The guy raised his eyebrows and laughed.

"Hell, what'd ya do? Stab your first parents?"

Throwing the half eaten apple onto the bed the kid hopped back onto the bed.

"Name's Collin, stay out of my way bitch"

Sam shrugged his shoulders and peered out the window to see Samantha pull away in her pretty new lexus. Biting his lip he headed back downstairs.

Margaret and Thomas stood there to greet him. They didn't invite him to sit so that meant it would be a short talk. Margaret smiled again. It was absolutely sickening to Sam.

"All the kids we have here are around your age. In fact Sam you're the youngest so feel free to ask any of your brothers and sisters for help. We know it must be hard being in so many homes so in this house we try to give everybody their own space."

Sam knew what that meant. It was the really nice way of saying that they didn't want to be bothered and that as long as they didn't catch you and nobody else did they didn't care what you did. Sam nodded and started to siddle away. Margaret stopped him though.

"Ms. Dowager told us about your struggles. If you ever need someone to talk to come to me alright honey."

Sam didn't respond merely staring at the ground.

"We have seven kids here. Eight now that you've joined. Diana is 17, she's one of the oldest. You share a room with Collin he's 16 and Bartholomew he's also 16. The others should be outside they're Elizabeth, Roger, Michelle, and Addilyn they're all between the ages 16 and 17. If you need anything they'll all be willing to help"

Sam nodded and retreated upstairs. He'd been here less than an hour and he knew he was going to hate it. Hopefully school was going to be a little bit better.

Dean Winchester had just moved back in with Bobby and was starting his senior year of high school. School was what he considered a complete waste of time. He'd grown up with Bobby learning about what a hunter was and though not intensively taught he knew the basics of being a hunter. When he was 15 his dad, the person who he hated the most yet wanted nothing more than to get to know had reappeared in his life ready to be a dad. It seemed the man had killed a demon responsible for his mother's death. Dean had agreed and for two years he had set out with his dad. Two years was enough and after an explosive last few months the two figured out that Dean wanted the stability of Bobby's house and John had brokenly gone back asking to be able to at least stay with them there.

Dean acquiesced and was now going back to school. It was like starting all over. He learned about what happened to his mom and he learned that he had a baby brother. That had been the center of the fall out and fighting between John and Dean. Dean couldn't understand how his dad could abandon one of his kids. How could his dad really love him if he could've just as easily been the younger of the two. Now he didn't have a brother. It was just another person he wouldn't get to have in his life.

Pulling up in his impala Dean smirked at the looks he got from all the kids. He pulled in and hopped out taking with him his small barely furnished backpack. Sauntering up the steps of the school Dean grimaced to himself. He'd helped face down monsters with his dad in the last two years but somehow none of that ever completely prepared him for starting fresh at a new high school.

Sam wasn't particularly excited for the first day of school and considering how it was going he was pretty sure high school was going to suck for the rest of the time he was here. Standing in front of him were two boys, both of them Juniors the kind with the hardcore addictions and they of course had seen Sam and immediately honed in on him. Sam had yet to hit his growth spurt and with being so quiet and reclusive, his eyes never making contact for the most part with people they figured he was a decent target. Sam tried to go around them he really did. He tried to ignore them as to avoid any contact but high school was unforgiving and before Sam knew it he was being slammed up against a locker.

"Hey freshman. Got any cash?"

Sam furiously shook his head no eyes downcast so as not to look at them. The other guy leaned in closer and yanked Sam's backpack from off of him dumping the contents on the floor. He didn't have much in it really just two notebooks a few pencils and a binder.

"He ain't got shit"

The other one relinquished his hold on Sam starting to turn to go but then whipped around and punched Sam across the face. Everything went black for a few seconds and Sam noticed he was on the floor looking up he saw the two disappear around the corner while other kids walked right by as if nothing had happened.

"Hey are you alright?" Sam's head whipped around to find the source of the voice. Sam saw the hand first, one extended to offer help, and then he looked up wide eyed at some tough looking guy wearing a leather jacket and boots. He looked a lot scarier then the first two. Easily pulling him to his feet the guy looked him over worry in his eyes.

"Whoever got you they popped you pretty well, you've got a nice bloody nose."

Sam put his hand up in surprise feeling his nose and sure enough there was a steady stream of blood. Bending down the guy began picking up Sam's stuff and putting it back in his bag. Standing back up the guy looked at him again.

"We can head to the bathroom to get you cleaned up."

Sam nodded and dumbly followed this guy towards the bathroom.

"My names Dean by the way. I forgot to ask but what's yours"

Dean. Sam liked that name and he smiled a little bit. The guy turned around again surprising Sam. He looked concerned. Sam frowned and turned around thinking that Dean was looking at something behind him. He turned back around bewildered not knowing what Dean was looking at.

"You got a name right?"

Sam blushed. That's why he'd turned around. He felt stupid. They turned into the bathroom and Dean pulled some papertowels out of the dispenser and handed them to Sam who put them over his nose. Dean grabbed a few more and got them wet this time. He began to wipe the blood off the front of Sam's shirt.


Dean looked up at the kid.


"My names Sam"

This first chapter is pretty low key for now but don't worry things will escalate.