To you our faithful readers:
First and foremost we're very thankful to you all for accompanying us through this journey and given us the pleasure of providing you with fan fictions on your favorite fandoms. With the greatest pride we happily present to you the last Chapter of Summer Romance.
When we first started this fic we never thought it would take this long to finish and for that we are absolutely sorry.
Anyways unto the story:
Percy's POV
Three days went by and Annabeth seemed to be regaining her skin color, but she had yet to wake up. Meanwhile Baby Jackson was still unnamed and had yet to be introduced to the family.
She had only met Thalia, Piper, Jason, and Hazel. Frank and Leo had to stay at home watching over the twins.
"So are you going to keep on staring and not say anything?" A females voice asked.
I looked and I mean I focused my eyes on the bed that my wife had layed in for the past three days unmoving.
"You're actually awake right? It's not just my dehydration and my lack of sleep getting to me right?"
"Nope, at least as far as I know I think I am pretty real." Annabeth said glaring at me.
"I missed you Wise Girl!"
"Yeah yeah, whatever go get me a doctor or a nurse Seaweed Brain. And where's my baby?"
"Oh Miss. Jackson baby is right in that crib over there." I said smiling as I stood up to go get the nurse.
"Why'd you call our daughter that horrendous name. She will be called Sylvia after my grand role model Sylvia Plath."
"Eww. No!" I shrieked at the name.
"I have declared her name is Sylvia and you have to deal with it," she said in a harsh tone, finally leading to me leaving the room and look for a doctor or a nurse.
I went up to the counter and immediately got creaped when I saw my cousins Bianca and Nico. Bianca didn't creep me, but Nico. Well...
"What are you guys doing here?"
"We came to see Annabeth and the baby of course!" Bianca said not really looking at me.
"Their in room R102. See you guys there."
I looked around the counter looking for a hospital worker, until I found an RN sitting in the computer hidden behind a book.
"Umm excuse me?"
She looked at me with an awkward look. "Yes."
"Umm my wife just woke up and I thought to let the nurses know" I said, not really sure how to respond to the awkwardness.
"Oh okay, I'll send Dr. Solace to the room as soon as possible, also can you tell me the room number."
"It's R102." I said as fast as I could.
"Okay then."
"Thank you for everything."
I practically ran back to the room and I could already the wails of my daughter. As I was about to come inside the room, the door opened and Nico walked out. Then Baby Jackson, because I refuse to call her Sylvia, stopped crying.
"Man your kids are all creeps." He muttered, but I am pretty sure he is the only creep. I love him though.
"Sure Nico," I said rolling my eyes and opening the door to come in.
"So you guys decided to name her Sylvia? What an original name." My cousin said with a fake smile.
No Bianca isn't a fake person, she's just to easy to read and she is too nice to say she doesn't like it.
"Not really she doesn't have a name yet, I have not agreed to call her Sylvia." I say.
"Well, I guess I'll get going. See you guys later." Bianca said with big frightened eyes.
As she walked out I turned to see Annabeth had a smirk.
"Seaweed Brain, can we please name her Sylvia?" She said with watery eyes and plump lips. Oh no.
I can't give in.
Not again.
I can't give in.
"Okay Sweetheart whatever you want."
"Hahahahahahahaha. I can't believe you fell for that again. You know I wouldn't name our daughter something as bad as Sylvia, maybe I would name he Arathme or Jakobe, but never would I name her Sylvia. Your such a Seaweed Brain." She said laughing hysterically.
The knock on the door stopped my moping and her laughter.
"Good afternoon Mr and Mrs. Jackson I am just going to run some test to make sure everything is back in place and in two days you should be free to go. Anyway I'll send the nurse to run the test in ten minutes." Dr. Solace didn't wait for our response instead he just walked out.
I called Thalia while the nurse was running her test.
"Hey can you bring the kids to the hospital. Annabeth is awake."
"Alright everyone is going. See you in a jiffy Mr. Barnacle." She said and hung up.
URGH she infuriates me.
"So the test point to everything being pretty normal. I would recommend to stay away from stress for a month or two and do not any heavy lifting. I don't recommend you carry the newborn unless your seated or laying down. That's all have a nice evening." She said and walked out.
"You heard that Mrs. Jackson you have to stay away from stress."
"Mr. Jackson don't you know my life is not complete unless I have tons of stress in my body. Plus what will I do when Macy and Caleb want to be carried."
"I'll explain to them that you are temporarily unable to carry them. That should do it." I said.
"I going to take a power nap when the guys get here you wake me up."
"Daddy!, Daddy, wake up!" I heard Macy exclaim as she jumped in front of me.
"Shh Sweetie pie your mommy and sister are tired."
"What is baby sister name Daddy?" Caleb asked.
"She doesn't have a name yet."
"WHAT ABOUT FLOWER." Macy once again yelled.
"Alright guys no fighting come here and tell mommy hello." Annabeth said being woken up by the noise.
"Mommy can we name sissy Flower."
"No mommy name her Hicup."
"Well even though they're both beautiful names, but I've had another name in mind. How about Hope."
"That's actually not a bad idea, but why?" I said.
"Well when I got pregnant with the twins and I left I never thought we'd get married, much less have another kid. She also is a new beginning for us and our family."
"Speaking of families. Where are your aunts and uncles?"
"Well when we got here Auntie Piper began to pee herself and so Auntie Hazel and uncle Frank ran with us here and told us to tell you the Stork is coming." Macy said.
"I guess Piper went into labor. I am kind of worried. Go see her Percy and take the kids with you. I'll just take a nap."
"But momma we wanna stay with you." They both said.
"Don't worry Wise Girl go to sleep. I'll see how everything is doing over there and come back as fast as I can. I love you know that."
"I love you too my Seaweed Brain."
"Oh how I owe Thalia for that fateful Summer."
"And to our Summer Romance."
The End
I know. Horrible ending.
Well we're sorry.
Have a nice day
-Joky04 and Emily1050