The smell of defeat filled the air. Crushed smoking, sparking zachbots laid sprawled on the ground. Zach has lost again, this time with even more damaged robots. That's the last time he'll try to take mongooses. The bites and scratches are still stinging. Screw those violent weasel things! Why did he think stealing and programing them to do judo was a good idea? The two idiots who freed them was getting on Zach's last nerve.

Those Wild Rats will pay for this! Somehow. But now, all Zach wanted to do was to go back in his jet and be with his mommy. The surviving remainder of the zachbots swept up the ruined ones for repair. Zach grumbled into his ship thinking about his next evil plan. He's been considering this one plan for a while.

"Zachbots," Zach commanded. "Set up operation Cute and Cuddly,"

The machines did just so and the experiment was ready to work on. Test tubes were resting on a rack. The control panel rose. Papers and blueprints were scattered on the table. Chemicals in their marked bottles were present. Lastly, a large vat of effervescing goo was set on the work area. Operation Cute and Cuddly was a scheme to inject harmless animals with serum that would make them aggressive and attack. Of course, they would be under his control…someway. The serum was complete, hot and bubbly. All Zach had to do was test it.

"Bring out the guinea pig!"

The "guinea pig" was actually a rabbit. The poor bunny was so terrified. What would happen to it? The hot boiling liquid was ominous. Nothing good could come out of it. Especially if it was sitting on the edge of the table. Without the command to do so, the zachbot holding the cage released the bunny from its little prison. It leaped out with amazing speed and agility, landing on the table brushing past the tub of serum.

Jumping backwards and shrieking, Zach quickly got out of the way.

"That stupid rabbit almost knocked over my serum! Catch it, zachbots!" Zach ordered.

The robots followed the rabbit, threating it with buzz saws.

"Stop! I need it alive!"

The zachbots stopped… chasing the bunny. By now it was atop the control panel, stepping on buttons. The vat heated up even more.

"No! Keep chasing it!" Zach yelled, stomping his foot on the ground.

The animal was now under table. Zach was so frustrated that he didn't notice his creation overheating. It was overflowing and spilling over. There was clashing sounds underneath the table.

"Would you guys quit playing-"Zach didn't finish his sentence.

The chemical exploded.

Zach woke up feeling dizzy and hazed. He wasn't hurt besides a bruise on his head. His cloths was soaked with the serum but he was still dry. Where was he? In a chair? His zachbots must've put him there. He needed a cigarette; no, fresh air. Zach rose up in his feet and stumbled outside. The sun blinded him at first. The white rays burned his skin. The glare cleared then he realized that he was on the roof of his building in New York. The tower was taller than most of the other buildings, giving him a great view. Wow, this sight is actually nice… he thought. The sky was clear and blue; not a cloud in the sky. Why haven't he noticed any of this before? The air felt cool but pleasant. The sun no longer felt irritating but nice, warm.

"Huh," Zach muttered to himself. "Today might be a normal day…"

Suddenly, the ground began to crumble beneath his feet. Was there an earthquake? Zach ran inside his building confused and afraid. In the hallway there were monsters and demons with red menacing eyes to greet him. Was he losing his mind? It must be that serum making him crazy. Zach's body felt sick and his legs were wobbly. Abruptly, he collapsed, blacking out.

It all must have all been a dream because he woke up in his bed feeling fine. Zach got up and went to his lab. All around him were zachbots cleaning, making repairs, and so forth. It didn't feel right. All these robots now looked poorly made… and unintelligent. He entered his lab with more zachbots buzzing about.

"Ugh…" Zach groaned, trying to grasp a thought. "What was I working on before all, all this happened?"

A zachbot approached him, handing over a handful of papers. Another gave him a …purse?

"What am I going to do with this?"


"What?! This is Donita's bag? Why would I take this?"


"To get her attention? Oh god, what a bad idea…"

At that moment, an incoming video call came in. It was Donita. He had to think quickly. He answered the call.

"Zach!" screeched her familiar voice. "I know you have my sealskin purse! Return it now!"

"Hmm… this is a nice bag," Zach responded peeking into the purse. "Sealskin too. I'll give it back… for a price. Maybe a date…"

"Why the hell would I date you again?" Donita replied. "I'd rather buy another purse,"

"Really? Does it come with these?"

The bag was filled with jewels. Diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and lapis lazuli. Apparently she stole these.

"That's really dirty, Zach," Donita growled.

"Well, the choice is yours," Zach went on. "I could just drop this bag out the window. Some homeless bum would be overjoyed. Start over, begin a new life, maybe have a family… or just trade it all for meds…"

"Oh please, you don't have the guts," Donita taunted.

Zach walked over to the window and dangled the bag outside.