Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, I do not have any rights to Harry Potter and I do not make any money from writing these stories.

Warnings: Smut, Strange pairings, Human/Magical Creature, None Human Harry, Yaoi/Slash, Adult Context, Multiple Kinks and even More. This is a collection for ADULTS! You have been warned!

Written for: Fifty Shades of...Challenge, Diversity AU Challenge, As Much As You Can Challenge, If You Dare...Continued Challenge, The Pick-A-Card-Any-Card Challenge.

Prompt: Pyramid, Enguard, Pansy VS Any Gryffindor.

Holiday Confusion

Harry stood frozen in place as his mind went blank, after being adopted by the Weasley's and going on his very first holiday to Egypt (to be introduced to one of his big brother's properly) Harry had thought that the craziness of his life had finally come to an end. He had never been more wrong in his life.

"Wow, you really do attract them, don't you Harry?" Bill asked good naturally as he gave the adult male Sphinx that was wrapped around Harry like a house cat. "When you said that you had met someone of interest in the Pyramid you were not joking were you?"

"Bill," Harry began only to correct himself when Bill gave him a pointed look. "Big brother...I did not come here to find myself in a situation like this!"

"Like what?!" Pansy yelled angrily as she pointed the tip of her sword at Harry. "Come on! Enguard!"

"A woman like her has a twisted mind indeed," the Sphinx purred out as it nuzzled Harry's waist while his long lion tail wrapped around Harry's legs possessively. "She is blind, she will not make it through the night even when the sun is shining down upon us."

"Stop ignoring me and give me back my lover!" Pansy demanded as she waved her sword at Harry in a threatening manner. "Potter, just because you have a fancy title does not mean that you can pinch other people's lovers for yourself!"

"But I did not pinch the Sphinx! You can have your lover back!" Harry shouted back as he nervously turned to look at his new, but shocked, parents. "Help...please, what can I do?"

"Happily become my mate," the Sphinx said with a happy purr, ignoring the glare that Harry quickly shot his way. "Age is a mere number, love is like time, close your open eyes to truly see."

"Stop encouraging that slimy Slytherin!" Ron shouted out angrily, finally able to break out of his shocked state. "You stupid cat why can you not see that my little brother is not interested in you? Why do you not just go back to your snake of a lover?"

"Maybe you should listen to my little brother?" Bill asked good naturally while ignoring Harry's complaint about being the same age as Ron. "Pansy really does seem to want you."

The Sphinx gave Bill a lazy look. "Need, want, have, love, hate, so different but so similar. This Sphinx does not take orders but does as he wants. I am staying with my beloved mate and I am not moving."

"Okay..." Bill said slowly as he gave Harry and Pansy a helpless shrug of his shoulders. "Why not create a threesome or share your Sphinx lover between you both? Maybe take turns."

"Bill!" Molly finally gasped out in shock, she pointed angrily in her new son's direction who was currently bright red. "Enough is enough! Harry has only just turned thirteen years old! He is too young for this!"

"If this is how my love life is going to begin then I dread to think what it might turn into as I grow older," Harry muttered to himself only for the Sphinx to hear him. "I am too young for this."

"If this Sphinx's mate wishes I can wait for time to pass until you reach your majority," the Sphinx said as it gave Harry another loving but gentle head but to his side. "This Sphinx will be at your side no matter how many passing of waxing moons pass in the sky."

"But you are mine! Daddy brought you for me! Not a stupid Gryffindor," Pansy yelled out angrily, only to be ignored by the Sphinx. "You are supposed to help me keep my blood line pure and strong-"

"By damaging this powerful one's blood line? I think not," the Sphinx said with a shake of his head. "This Sphinx knows what is right and what is not and what is in between. You are in the defiantly not right pile of trash."

End of Drabble.

I hope you liked the first one of this collection. Just to repeat the warnings at the start of the chapter and in the summary of this collection these are not for young young readers, hence the rating, other than that I hope you enjoy this crazziness!