A/N: Hello! I am back with a new story! I had this idea, and after seeing only a few stories like it on the site, that I would take a crack at it myself. RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Oum. Why would I be here if I owned it? Being that I am still relatively new at writing these, feedback and reviews are always welcome. They're my way of giving exposition that I may not be able to give otherwise. Anyway, you came here for a reason, so on with the story.

Through the centuries stories have been told that depict people of legend. Their deeds of honor and heroism are respected to this day. But there are also the tales of the bad and villainous. Thieves who stole more than they could carry. Killers who were never caught. Assassins who fell kings. But the group that often captures the imagination the most are pirates.

The men who would sail the seas in search of treasure and would sink any ship in there path. They have had their stories passed down, and the result is treasure hunters in search of a pirates hoard, and more pirates looking to make a profit by robbing ships.

Today, there are very few left. They have been hunted down by the world's governments. But the ones who are a ruthless killing machines. Or so we are taught. One pirate is not ruthless. He shows mercy to those he robs. Offers to return prisoners back to land, with supplies to last them till they are rescued from the island they are left on. Yet, he can also be cruel. Those he kills are done so brutally. When he is done with a ship, he will sink it. And he is relentless. This man captains the Dragonfire. He is called Ebon Nightshade.

-Ian Hel, King of the Pirates

The Schnee Dust Company lookout peered into the thick fog that surrounded the freighter. He hated days like this. By the time you see a threat to the ship, it could be too late. He had been watching for hours, and thankfully, there was nothing to report. Little did he know of the approaching danger.

Out of the fog another ship could be seen. A dark grey it was, and had a single flag on it. The flag bore a red background, with a black serpent wrapped around a pale skull, and a dagger stabbing down through the skull. Only one ship bore that flag. The near-legendary pirate ship, Dragonfire.

The scout saw that flag and raised the alarm immediately, for no ship has ever survived against the Dragonfire.

He picked up the the phone to the bridge and said,"Captain, the Dragonfire is approaching. Fast."

The communications system rang out immediately with the captains voice," All men, battle stations! The Dragonfire is coming!"

The crew moved quickly, preparing the turrets and grabbing guns to hold the ship. The pirate ship continued its slow movement towards the freighter. It suddenly took to the sky, revealing the entire ship.

It was 100 feet long, and forty tall. It's front half was thinner than the back. Many turrets and mortars could be seen. It had two massive canons hanging from the bottom. And those weapons were armed.

Aboard the Dragonfire, the crew was preparing to fire. The first mate came up to the Captain, who was currently gazing out the window towards the ship they were to attack, in order to inform him that they were ready.

"Sir, she is ready to attack," he said. The pirate captain turned around. He wore a red and black leather armor set, with black leggings and a black cloak and hood. On his left hip was a deadly looking cutlass on a brown belt. Across his chest was one pistol and a sawn-off shotgun. He wore a silvery gauntlet on his left hand, that had a strange dust capsule on it. His hair was black as night, and red eyes that seemed to be very wise, despite the captain only being 18.

"Good to hear it. Take the ship and then wait for my word. As always, spare no man until they surrender," the young captain told his first mate.

"Will you be joining the fight?"

"When we board, yes," the captain said with only a hint of a smile.

The first mate turned to leave and order the attack when the ships received a transmission.

"Schnee Freighter 7 to Dragonfire do you copy?"

The captain picked up the microphone,"I copy. Am I correct in assuming you are contacting us to make a deal of some sort."

"No. Well, sorta. Would you be willing to take the dust and leave us be?"

"Err.. No. I need a freighter for some business endeavors."

"Please. We have VIPs on board," the Schnee captain took a more pleading tone.

"…Are you retarded? You just told a pirate that you have people that could probably be held for ransom."

"…Um… I mean.. err.."

"Here, how 'bout this? You give me half the dust on board, of each type, and the VIPs, and I'll let you go."

There was a few moments of of silence before the other captain responded,"No. We can not do that."

"And so I will take your ship," the pirate captain said, then looked at his first mate,"Attac-"

"Wait," a new voice said on the transmitter,"I have an offer for you. One that involves paying off one of your debts."

The pirate's eyes narrowed,"And that would be?"

"Do you recall a certain Ruby Rose?" the voice said, almost smugly.


"Well you will be happy to know that she was accepted into Beacon two years early. Do you recall the promise you made to her?"

"I wouldn't call it a debt. How do you know about that anyway?"

"She mentioned it to her team. She is still waiting. Do you intend to fulfill it?"

"Wouldn't I just get arrested when I coming ashore?"

"I can arrange for you to not be."

Gears finally turned in the captains head,"Your Ozpin aren't you? And you would like me to join Beacon correct?"

"Yes. Now then, do you accept?"

"Yes, I do. But didn't classes already start?"

"We can work around that. Can you go tomorrow?"

"If I get to keep my ship and my crew can stay on the ground. Have them do odd jobs for rent."

"Very well then. See you tomorrow then Mr. Nightshade," Ozpin finished.

Nightshade's first mate spoke first," Are you mad, Ebon? You going to get yourself thrown in prison!"

"This is a due I must pay. Call the men to the mess hall. I'll explain it to them."

"What is this promise?"

"..I had promised to protect her."

"But you're a pirate. You don't need keep a promise!"

"Yet I normally do, especially if it was made before I became a pirate. Even more so if it was made to a little girl."

The first mate tried to press for more details, but finally gave up and gathered the crew.

The trip to Beacon was uneventful. Ebon had given instructions to his crew to not cause much trouble, as they would be guests. He was worried. Could it be a ruse? No, he had to try to make good on his years-old promise.

He arrived during lunch. Ozpin had decided to add Ebon to Ruby's team, so he can make good on his promise with relative ease. Walking over to his new team he pushed his doubts aside. It was time to begin fulfilling his promise. He had lived a pirate's life. Perhaps it was time to live the life of a Huntsman.

A/N: And there you have it. I don't think I need to repeat myself, so I won't. I would like to ask something of all of you. If you go to my profile, you'll notice a layout for OC submissions. If you have one in mind, send it here. My OCs tend to reflect me and my friends, so they will get old after a while. Well, that and the fact that the only other characters I have ever created are invincible, though those were for sorted school projects when I was younger and I needed a Deus Ex Machina (while not knowing what that meant).

So with your help I would like OC submissions. These will always be open. If I don't put your OC into one story, I'll try to put it in for another one. This story currently has 3 OC slots. One for the first mate, and another 2 for crew. No, there will not be a team of pirates. Just need them for other things. That number will update until the slots are filled. Don't worry if you're not the third submission. I won't be picking them until I need them. And I won't for several chapters.

Now that an overly long explanation is done, enjoy your day!