
Emrys- the first Dragon, Immortal, the most powerful being in the world.

Arthur- once and future king, knows his destiny.

Morgana- good and knows of her magic, confides in Arthur, secretly marriage to Leon.

Lancelot, Gwaine, Percival - Arthur's most loyal knights, and friends, Know of Arthur's plan to find the other part of his destiny.

Uther - the same as in the show but just a little bit more evil.

Title - The Dragon Kings

Summary: Ever since Arthur became the Crowned Prince of Camelot he knew of his destiny, of his mate and the world they would create, but with no clue on where to find Emrys Arthur and his friends try to keep the people of Camelot safe unaware that the one the seek is right under their nose, a servant to the very man that wishes to kill all of his kin.

Epilogue - 2015

Arthur stood by the window in the dining room smiling as he watched his children fly around the grounds of their home. Merlin had cloaked their lands the moment they had moved in, this allowed them to stay in one place and be who they always were.

There home was more like a mansion, with room for every member of their ever growing family, Merlin and Arthur had found the perfect spot to build their home there was only one road in and one road out, the selling point of the land was that not only is it in the middle of nowhere but it was also where Camelot once stood, of course no one believed Camelot to be real so they had no idea just how much the land was worth.


Turning Arthur smiled as he picked up his youngest daughter. "What is it Princess?"

"Will the egg hatch today?"

"Amelia your brother or sister will be born when they are ready. You took a while to get here." Arthur laughed.

Amelia pouted. "Will everyone be coming home daddy?"

"Of course. Are you looking forward to playing with your nieces and nephews?"

Amelia nodded as her eyes were drawn to the field outside. "Will I know how to fly daddy?"

"Soon Princess. You have a little more growing to do before you can fly with your brothers and sisters. But don't worry we will fly together." Arthur kissed his daughter's head just as the doorbell rang.

"Hey dad, uncle Gwaine and Percival are here." Liam yelled as the two men appeared.

"Yay." Amelia screamed jumping out of her father's arms and ran over to her favourite uncles. "Did you bring me anything?"

"Amelia." Arthur warned.

"Now Arty, the little princess was just asking a question." Gwaine smiled. "Now what do I have in my bag hmm?"

Gwaine made a show of searching through his bag while Percival followed Arthur into the kitchen. "You would think she would want to see the baby first." Percival laughed as he placed the baby carrier on the kitchen table.

"Is this Connor? Man I haven't seen him since he was born." Arthur smiled.

"Yep, he turns one in a few days. Even after all this time it still feels weird giving birth." Percival replied looking round the room. "Where's Merlin?"

"He's still in the nest. The egg has yet to hatch and Merlin is starting to worry." Arthur sighed just as Amelia came running in.

"Daddy look, I got a new dolly." She informed them waving her new barbie doll in the air.

"Wow, what's this one called?" Arthur wondered.

"She's mermaid princess Barbie, with colour changing hair." Amelia gasped. "I'm going to go play now daddy."

The three men laughed as they watched Amelia run off to her room.

"You know you really don't have to bring something every time you come home." Arthur told Gwaine.

"I know, but that's what family does when they leave to go some place new." Gwaine smiled.

"Will you be staying this time?" Arthur asked.

"We will, Once you've seen the world you gotta wait a few hundred years before you can see it again." Gwaine laughed.

"I don't know how I feel being stick with you for that long." Arthur joked just as Merlin walked into the room holding a small bundle.

"Arthur." Merlin whispered.

"Sweetheart." Arthur gasped. "It hatched?"

Merlin nodded. "I would like to introduce you to Aedan, Our little ball of fire."

"He's beautiful love." Arthur said as he carefully took his new born son into his arms.

"That he is Merlin. You did a wonderful job." Percival smiled.

"I'm so happy you're both home." Merlin said as tears started to roll down his cheeks.

"Come now brother, none of that." Gwaine whispered pulling Merlin into his arms.

"Dad, Papa? You home?"

"Ygraine." Merlin cried pulling away from Gwaine and running to the right door and pulling his oldest daughter into his arms. "Oh my baby I've missed you so."

"I've missed you to Dad." Ygraine smiled as she returned the hug.

"Is Emrick with you?" Arthur asked coming into the hallway.

"No, he had to stop off and pick up Allie and AJ. They should be here soon." Ygraine informed her parents.

One by one the whole family arrived and soon they were all sitting round the table enjoying a nice family meal.

Arthur smiled as he took his husbands hand in his as he looked round the table. He couldn't help but feel his heart swell up at the sight of not only his children but his grandchildren, even his great children. Their Family had only grown in size since the time of Camelot, many just thought they were a larger family they didn't really know that there was an army size of them because with every passing year his family grow so did his sisters, Morgana, and their friends turn siblings, Gwen, Lancelot, Gwaine and Percival together they protected the world they created from many unseen threats but mostly they just lived their lives however they saw fit.

Arthur had bumped into Uther a few years back and found him begging on the streets, his ragged clothes barely hanging on to his boney form, Arthur had felt bad for the man that was once his father and handed the older man a few notes so that he could get himself something warm to eat and a place to rest his head, Uther had been grateful for the small act of mercy and later that night Arthur told Merlin he finally forgave his father for all the evil he had done in their past, Merlin simply smiled and informed Arthur that upon Uther's next life he would be given a chance to end his suffering.

Even after all these years Arthur was still waiting to wake up back in his old chambers, with a mission to find Emrys. Some days it felt a little too good to be true but on those day Merlin was more than happy to remind his husband that they were in fact true.

"Are will all ready to watch Bradley and Colin's new show?" Morgana asked looking around the table.

"I wonder if they'll get anything right this time." Emrick laughed.

"Now be nice to your brother and his love, It's a big job being the Prince of Camelot." Arthur replied smiling over at the two men in question.

"You should know dad, you were the king once." Bradley laughed.

"And don't you forget it." Arthur joked.

"Come on then, lets go and settled down, you little ones are going to bed right after." Merlin told them earning a few pouts.

"Well I hope it's better than that show Camelot." Lancelot said rolling his eyes.

"Of course it is, I'm in it." Bradley replied smirking.

"You are a prat." Colin laughed.

"But I'm your Prat." Bradley smiled and kissed his fiance.

"Merlin is it too late to change my mind?" Colin teased.

"Dear boy I've been wondering the same thing." Merlin laughed.

"So what is this show called then?" Arthur asked pulling Merlin down to his lap.

"Merlin." Colin answered as he rested his head onto Bradley's shoulder.

"See I told you I was more important." Merlin said poking Arthur.

"Why you." Arthur smiled pulling Merlin closer for a kiss.

"I told you we would live happy ever after, didn't I." Merlin whispered as he rested his head on Arthur's chest.

"Yes you did." Arthur smiled as he looked round the room at everyone he loved and held dear. "I love you Merlin, thank you for giving me everything I could ever want and things I didn't know I wanted."

"I love you Arthur, forever and always. My King, My dragon lord, My kin." Merlin replied placing another kiss on Arthur's lips as he settled into Arthur's arms to watch the show.