AN: Hello again! So soon Setsuna? We normally don't hear from you these days… Yes, my darling friends, this is sooner that it has been for the past 2 or 3 months. Honestly I have soooo much crap to do these days that sometimes is hard to sit down and write when inspiration strikes, not that it had been striking as of late. There were lots of guesses for this fic about who in God's green Earth Angelica was, many were close and some hit the nail right on the head, thankfully you get to find out if you fit into those categories in this chapter.

Regarding the poll for my updates, I thank you all for participating. We still have the rest of today and tomorrow to get more votes in so I can start working on those fics and get those updates out for you.

Here is the count so far:

Video 12

Secret 11

Wild 9

Ride 9

War 7

Unexpected 7

Hybrid 4

Host 3

Unless something changes and more votes are added it's looking like it will be Video-calls, Secret Admirer, and Wildlife Archives. The good thing about that is that Wildlife only has one more chapter to go so when I'm done with it I'll tackle the next one on the list which is Ride the Wind. After I'm done with the top 3 then I will move on to the next 3 and so on until I'm done with all my updates. I might throw a oneshot here and there to keep you all on your toes too.

This fic is betaed by fifteenfeb and I still don't own anything.

So happened that Asami had been so caught up in the storm of his anger that he had not heard a single thing Akihito had said before the blond had stated that the woman would be staying in his home. Was it a rare occurrence that he let his anger get such a strong hold of him that he dove so deep into his own thoughts that he forgot to listen to what was being told to him? Most definitely so. Then again, this was something related to Akihito so there was no accounting for how he might react given that anything Akihito-related would be rather unpredictable and could go ways no one would expect.

Was he being unreasonable? Probably not, given that Akihito had just declared this woman whom he had never met and was all over the blond, was staying in his most private space.

Thus, Asami grabbed a stunned Akihito by the wrist and pulled him towards their bedroom for a private chat, giving Suoh a backward glance that clearly demanded 'remove the woman'. He would deal with her after his 'chat' with his lover.

"Asami, what the hell?!" Demanded a struggling Akihito before they had made it to the hallway as he threw glances at the wall of muscle slowly approaching the woman. The photographer froze instantaneously on the spot and seeing the sudden change, Asami turned around to face the young man he was still holding.

The golden eyes traveled in slow motion from the spot where his hand held the small wrist, up the slim yet toned arm and to his lover's face where hazel eyes looked at him with murderous intent. Asami found himself in a frozen stupor, it was the first time Akihito had looked at him in such a way, with true unadulterated anger which promised retribution. He did not like it at all.

It occurred to Asami that whatever words were going to come out of Akihito's mouth in the next two seconds were words he would not like at all.

The tone was so icy and filled with conviction that for the first time, Asami was chilled to the bone by something his lover said, he knew too well that Akihito meant every word.

"Asami, if Suoh manhandles my mother in any way, I swear to all gods you will wake up one day with a very beloved part of your anatomy gone. Though I will most certainly miss it, I will not regret it." Asami would revisit this threat in private with Akihito at his mercy at another moment. Right now, he wanted to make sure he had not heard wrong and Akihito had indeed dubbed the woman as his mother, which Asami knew was not true.

"Do not lie to me, Akihito. I've seen the dossier on your mother and it is not this woman."

"You had my parents investigated?! You know what? Never mind, don't answer that. I should have known you would do something like that. But let me educate you on something not many people know. My parents, that is Mr. and Ms. Takaba had trouble conceiving and made an arrangement with a dear friend of theirs to carry their child, me. While she is not my parent in the sense that she did not raise me, Angelica is still my mother because she gave birth to me. Not only that but she is my friend and I brought her here to meet you because she understands the kind of relationship we are in because she too is in a gay relationship. Sometimes, Asami, you can be such a bastard."

"Why didn't you tell me who she was?"

"I DID! Obviously you weren't paying attention! It's not my fault that you were so caught up thinking whatever the hell was it that was crossing your mind when you came home that you did not hear a single word I said."

The hand holding Akihito's wrist weakened its hold and the blond yanked his arm away stomping into the living room and glaring daggers at a mystified Suoh as he pulled the woman away from the heavily built man standing next to her with his hand still up in the air where it had been when he had made an attempt to grab her.

He took the suitcase standing near the couch by the handle and was on his way out of the condo still holding onto the worried-looking woman but Asami's words stopped him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm taking her to a hotel, obviously. It's clear you have no intentions of getting to know her and right now, I'm too pissed to be around you so I'll be staying with her."

"You will do no such thing. Suoh can take her to a hotel; you on the other hand, are staying here."

"The hell I am!"

Asami's words were prevented from leaving his lips by the soft-spoken cadence of a woman's voice.

"Aki-kun, I think you should stay and sort this out with your boyfriend. I'll go to the hotel and we can talk tomorrow, okay? You need to have a chat with Asami-san about his… issues. Anyways, a person cannot be that jealous and expect a relationship to last."

With that, the woman left. Suoh followed closely behind her, throwing backward glances to Asami and Akihito all the way to the door.

There was the telltale of a migraine fast approaching Asami's awareness. If he had been a lesser man, his mouth would have been hanging open in shock. Not only had he been so caught up in his jealousy that he completely ignored what Akihito had been saying when he got home, but had been called up on it like an immature child. Worse of all, he had just made a terrible first impression.

As he took in the image of Akihito standing before him with his arms crossed over his chest and refusing to look at him, a stray thought crossed his mind. He just had to ask what it was about; it was an inquiry that could not wait.

"Did she just call me your boyfriend?"

Blond hair flew in all directions as Akihito turned his face toward Asami in almost whiplash inducing speed, that face was redder than Asami had seen it in a long time.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

It was a lie if Asami ever heard one.


The blonde's face morphed into the image of disappointment, softly spoken words reached Asami's ears as Akihito again turned his face away from him.

"Because it's who I told her I was introducing her to tonight. I wanted her to like you… but you had to go and ruin it… Jealous prick. Like after all the times we've been together I could look at anyone else."

With those words, Akihito made his way towards his workroom. Before he managed to lock himself in to simmer in his anger quietly, until he deemed he was able to look at Asami in the eyes without wanting to strangle him, Asami caught his arm and pulled him close to his broad chest.

Large hands cupped the still angry photographer's chin and brought his face up so golden and hazel eyes met each other. Asami spoke with the low calming tones you would speak to a frightened animal who might lash out at any minute and maul your face if provoked.

"Akihito, did you really want the woman who gave birth to you, to like me?"

"I did, she understands and wouldn't have judged so I really wanted her to meet you and like you. I wanted you to like her, too."

Tears made twin paths down Akihito's cheeks and his eyes reflected more of the disappointment he felt at how bad it had all gone. Asami was not one to feel regret about the things he did, but he regretted his actions tonight. Still, he felt Akihito should have given him a call before picking up his 'mother' and informed him of what was going on.

"I'll clear my schedule for tomorrow and go with you to pick her up at the hotel. We can spend the day together if you want, getting to know each other."

"You mean it?" There was a ray of hope that things could still be salvaged shining in those hazel eyes, Asami hoped tomorrow he could fix what he ruined tonight.


He held the smaller body closer to his own in a tight embrace and then guided his lover to their shared room.

Tonight, because it was what Akihito needed, he would say he was sorry in the only way he knew. Tomorrow, after Akihito's mother was deposited back at her hotel, he would revisit the topic of Akihito not informing him right away on what was going on and letting his mind fill with uncertainty and speculation. Akihito after all knew Asami was a jealous man and should have known better, Asami was looking forward to reminding him.

As the night went on, the two found themselves in a tangle of moans, groans, cries of pleasure and soft caresses. Asami gave Akihito everything he needed and his lover responded beautifully to every touch. Their passionate embrace went well into the morning.

All in all, I'm satisfied with this short fic. It could go on but in all honesty I am not moved to continue. However, as always, I am totally open for someone to do a sequel if they are so inclined as long as they ask/inform me of it first.

For those of you who are not happy with the top three for the update poll and have not voted, this is your chance to vote on the fic you want to read. Tomorrow I will start working on the top one and will hopefully update between Friday around midnight and Saturday late afternoon.

As always, thanks for reading/reviewing/commenting/following/kudoing and etc. You are all super awesome and I appreciate the support.
