AN: Please don't kill me *runs and hides under the bed* I swear I am still alive and have not abandoned my ongoing fics. I have just been so lazy, that and I was kind of annoyed at some reviews to my HP fic which made me not want to write for a bit because these people just would not let the damn fic be and kept preaching about rape and everything under the sun related to it to the point that I would rather take the chapter down than deal with more of that shit. (I took down chapter 2 for that fic from AO3 by the way but it is still up on for those whose delicate sensibilities are not offended by it and still want to read it. Also, chapter 3 is halfway done but I am not sure when I will finish it.) It pisses me off to no end that people will ignore a tag such as Rape/non-con and Rape/dub-con, which they don't approve of, and then still read the fic just to turn it into a crusade against the topic. Honestly, some people I tell you… Anyhow... I will work on my fics again when inspiration strikes and hopefully stays till I finish my update cycle. In the mean time please do enjoy this short chaptered fic.

Betaed by fifteenfeb who not only puts up with all my bitching but is kind enough to look at my chapter so they don't look like crap when I post and you all can actually make sense of them. She's awesome that way.

I don't own anything though I wish I did.

This chapter is for YaoiMom for no other reason other than I enjoy her work.

Pixie's Invasion and Asami's Unreasonable Jealousy

It occurred to Asami, as he heard the report from his men stationed around the building his condo was in, that his lover had never brought one of his friends over, that was until today. For some reason, Asami could not fathom the fact that Akihito had decided to bring some 'friend' he had never seen before into their home. The closeness the two seemed to share was quickly pissing him off. At first when he had gotten the report that Akihito had slipped away from his guards, he had been as frustrated as he generally was when that same occurrence happened in all the previous times his slippery lover decided to get into trouble. Half an hour later, in what he was sure was a bout of extremely good luck because how else could his men have come upon his lover so soon when normally Akihito could only be found when he wanted to be found, he had received word that the wayward young man had been spotted at the airport.

Was Akihito going somewhere without discussing it with him? Thankfully not, as such actions would demand not only a lengthy interrogation which would produce a full explanation,but also assisted by of course by all matter of deliciously tortuous activities which would make a nun blush beet red and appall anyone with a moral compass pointing anywhere remotely close to north. However, punishment and re-education as to the way Akihito should behave and his predilection towards getting caught up in a bout of wanderlust is needed. Still, it had confused him to know his lover was at the airport, apparently waiting for someone to arrive when he distinctly remembered never being informed that someone would be coming to Tokyo who needed Akihito to pick them up and take them on a tour of the city, and what a tour it had turned out to be…

They went shopping and dinner at a five star restaurant that Asami well knew Akihito could not afford so he was sure the woman had paid. After which, they went dancing for almost five hours straight, then hit a bar Akihito liked on the way to a hotel where a reservation had apparently been canceled and to make it all more of a slap on the face, they rode on a taxi. Leaving the woman's luxurious rental car at the club earlier because they had made the wise choice not to drive in their clearly drunken state, to Asami's home where luggage was carried up by the stumbling and giggling pair.

Asami had already been simmering under his skin when he had heard that the woman had thrown herself at Akihito earlier at the airport, who had held her close with an idiotic and face splitting grin on his face. His rage was later turned into a steady boil when he had received the pictures of what had transpired between the two as the night went on. But now, now he was all out pissed and about to explode like Vesuvius at the audacity of the two as they wobbled into his home where Akihito for all intents and purposes seemed to think the woman should spend the night.

Asami was not a man who swore about things and let unrefined words leave his lips but as he received more and more reports accompanied with pictures of the two constantly smiling without a care in the world and blatantly hugging, as if Akihito did not belong to him, Asami was about ready to collect a pound of flesh for the outright disrespect. Asami found himself shocked as the words 'what the fuck' left his mouth when he analyzed the seeming closeness of the two individuals on one of the pictures in which Akihito placed a kiss on the woman's cheek.

Screw all the paperwork he still had to finish and all the scheduled meetings he still had for the was what Kirishima was for, to take care of his business when he found himself in need to set straight some more pressing issues, like the unknown woman who had already been at his home for twenty minutes with his lover doing only the gods know what in a drunken haze. This was not an offence he could let slide. He was going home early and demanding an explanation from the hazel-eyed hellion he called lover, though not openly, and kicking the woman out of his sanctum. He had let the matter go on too long wanting to see how far Akihito would take it but his patience and tolerance could only be stretched so long.

He was going home and someone would pay for his currently foul mood. Thus, Asami left Sion in a swirling cloud of breath robbing and poisonous rightful anger. Kirishima had been left in charge, the bespectacled secretary had been so appalled at the information he had been presenting to his boss through the night that he had a cleanup crew at the ready just in case things got out of hand and someone ended up with a bullet to the head. Surely, tonight someone would die. Even Suoh was sure of it.

Such was the state of affairs the night Asami was introduced to Angelica.

I hope you have enjoyed this short chapter, do let me know what you think about what will happen when Asami gets home.

Love ya'll
