Okay I want to try something new and since I am on a Female Harry Potter kick.. :)

Title : The monster within

Main Pairing : Lord Voldemort/Tom Riddle x Dark female Harry Potter.

Romance. Horror. Mystery. Soul mate identification marks.

Rated M for mature themes, gore and everything else I can come up with. She will not be completely dark - just a dark gray. Horcrux still present. Heavy Dumbledore bashing. Time travel spells. No Hermione bashing!

Full Summary : Instead of 'going to die' like everyone expected her to in TDH, Shea Potter goes to a familiar semi quiet place to think. All the people that cared about her are dead and with a soulmate that is clueless and insane, things are not looking in her favor. That is, until she goes back in time to finally claim her life as her own.


The darkness that seeped through every corner of a house that was hidden from the outside world, there were various sized moving portraits with same wavy dark hair and silver eyes, seemed to blend in with the dangerous aura that hid behind the black grand double doors with elegant silver handles that led to the library. In the large room and behind a few stacks of books that were tall, a young woman of seventeen years old slowly pulled a thick dark arts book away from her face to reveal haunt bright jade eyes that matched the color of the killing curse.

The color of blood matched her curly hair, bangs hanging in her sun kissed faced as she leaned forward to rest her head in her hands. Tears clouded and stung her vision before she closed her eyes, she saw the faces of those that had fallen that were close to her. Luna. Neville. Fred. Hermione. Sirius. Remus. Tonks.. A finger traced the very much alive scar on her forehead and Shea Potter couldn't help but shiver in th pleasurable pain it gave in return. Knowing what she did now, she knew she couldn't give it up.

Ever since she was young, Shea Potter's life was not her own. From the Dursley's abuse that everyone turned a blind eye to - to Dumbledore's manipulations : everything was chosen for her. Everything.. and like the naïve idiot she was-

"So weak. So.. vulnerable." Voldemort had been right all those years at the department of ministries and even back then - when he was insanely obsessed with killing her he said that as a matter of fact. As if he saw through her and wondered just how Dumbledore aimed for her to 'vanquish him'. As if wondering if she even had enough power to go head to head with him, someone who spent decades upon decades studying and mastering the dark arts.

She was not raised in the magical world, she didn't know the right questions to ask and.. Dumbledore, the man she trusted just like so many other blind sheep to the Shepherd, had been raising her to die. Every year she was at Hogwarts had been one test or another, she was made out to be such a hero. Dumbledore kept her ignorant of many things : her heritage of Morgana le Fey and later on down the line Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, her assets and thousands of pieces of gold stolen from he vaults as well as personal items of the invisibility cloak, the Gryffindor sword and many other treasures.

He kept her ignorant and abused with the one hope of having a sense of belonging left to rot in a cell he did not commit, not even attempting to speak up to suggest a trial since Dumbledore was the exact same person that did the secret keeper spell. Dumbledore was the cause of this - the old lemon drop eating coot not only stole from her to pay off most of the Weasley's to like her except for Fred, George and Charlie but he planned to make her kill her magical soul mate.

Oh yes, Tom Riddle was her soulmate. She doubted he knew since he split his soul up into seven pieces like he wanted to do when he first asked Slughorn about it. She only knew for two reasons a.) Her magical soulmate identification mark curved his name on her heart only a few days ago and b.) Because after Dumbledore's death she went to Gringotts and ... 'politely' asked for a full length blood test. It also explained what happened all those years ago as soulmate, knowingly or unknowingly, couldn't kill each other - the soul piece from her brave mother's death latched onto her as a way to be safe.. nevermind that she was the only person that was alive in the room since the caster could have put it in anything such as a music box or a teddy bear.

Shea sighed tiredly into the emptiness of the room and paused for a split second before angrily throwing the book in front of her a crossed the room. It landed with a thud and something went clang but truthfully she couldn't find it in her to care much. Her killing curse colored eyes were narrowed as she tried to find a way to talk to Tom before she 'came to die'. He wouldn't listen to her if she went to speak with him in the forbidden forest now, a move that everyone expected her to do including her soul mate. The urge to sigh heavily was held back as she let her magic lash out to search the books for the answer to her problems, and a slightly insane smile curved itself on her lips as she finally found the book she was looking for.

"Sssoon." She hissed under her breath in parseltongue, as if to make a promise to any one who was listening even though no one besides her was in the house, "Thingsss will change."

Oh, they will all soon know just what kind of sleeping monster they decided to poke.



Uh.. hehe.. Ta da..? I know that it is short and everything but I didn't know if you guys would like it or not. This is simply the first chapter of something I just wanted to try. Please do me a favor and tell me your thoughts? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading.