What if… Tara wrote back
"Willow! Mail!" Buffy called from the bottom of the stairs. Willow tore down the stairs and yanked the envelope from a smiling Buffy's hand.
She looked at the familiar handwriting on the envelope disbelievingly. She tried to open the envelope, but froze. She couldn't open it. Did she want to know?
"Is it from Tara?" Buffy asked gently. Willow nodded. "Do you want me to read it?" Buffy asked. Willow nodded.
"Dear Willow." Buffy began. "I'm sorry that I haven't wrote back. I didn't know what to say. I cannot begin to tell you how long I've spent staring at a blank piece of paper and a pen. Or how many times I've had to empty my trashcan because it's overflowing with half-finished letters. I read all of your letters." Willow closed her eyes, and she could almost hear Tara reading to her, so she kept them shut. "I'm glad you're doing better. I want you to be able to control your magic. I don't want anything like the incident with Dawn or the memory spell to happen again. From what I've read, you realise that what you did was wrong. And I love you, Will. So, so much. It's killing me to be away from you. And I know that we have some stuff we have to work through, but I want to come back. If you'll have me, that is. Forever yours, Tara."
"Oh, Tara." Willow whispered, a tear falling from her closed eyes. "Please come back."
"Open your eyes, Willow." Buffy whispered. But it wasn't Buffy. It was-
"Tara!" Willow exclaimed happily, her eyes shooting open. The blonde woman standing awkwardly in the doorway holding her letter smiled and nodded. Willow jumped up, opening her arms for a hug, which Tara reciprocated. "I'm so sorry. I love you so much." Willow whispered.
"I know. But I'm here now. I'm back. If you'll have me, that is." Tara replied.
"Of course. Are you sure?" Willow asked.
"Yes. But we have to… to talk. We have some stuff to work through. Okay?" Tara said.
"Okay." Willow agreed. "But… this is it? You're back? For real?"
"And you still love me?" Willow asked.
Tara smiled. "Who said I stopped?"
A/N~ Okay, I know I said they were all one- shots, but I felt that Dear Tara was unfinished and deserved a better ending.
Also, PLEASE send in prompts. Like, PM me or comment with something. Doesn't even have to be Willow/Tara. Buffy/Faith might be fun... Or Xander/Anya. Or pretty much any couple, any "What if" and I'll write it. Just one rule-NO Giles/Member of the scooby gang. Seriously. I mean it.
But, yeah, other than that, any "what ifs" you've had about the Buffyverse. That's sort of the whole point of this...