Tigress: *tries to push Monster Po down and yells* We can't hold him any longer.

Shifu: *in panic* Mr. Ping, please quickly.

Mr. Ping: *walks worried to Monster Po and looks into his eyes* Po, my son. I love you.

Monster Po: *begins to roar in pain* ROAAAAAAAAAAR….

Shifu: *walks to him and looks down at him* Give up, Yan Wang. It's over.

Monster Po: *tries to fight against the pain* No, it's not over! I'll never give up. Never! The Dragon Warrior is mine. *turns to normal*

Po: I belong only to me, Yan Wang! *turns back to a monster and tries to fight *

Monster Po: *tries to deal with him* Come on, Dragon Warrior. Together we will rule whole China. Or maybe the whole world. You will get everything, what you need. *turns to normal*

Po: *looks to his friends and smiles to them* I already have, what I need. This is the last warning, Yan Wang. Give up! *turns to a monster*

Monster Po: *yells* Never!

Po: *echo voice appears* Then you give me no choice.

Monster Po: *confused* What are you mean? What are you doing? Wait! No!

Po: *says his famous slogan* Skadoosh!

Monster Po: *scream in pain* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *turns to normal*

Po: *lies exhausted on the ground* Uffffffh, it's over. *looks to his friends, who smile at him* Yan Wang will never return to here.

Shifu, the five and Mr. Ping run to him and help him up.

Tigress: *hugs him* You are back! *pulls quickly away* Oh, and I really glad about that.

Po: *smiles lovely* Thank you, Tigress!

Shifu: *looks confused at him* Panda, I thought the words would banish Yan Wang.

Po: *smiles* The words have weakened him and I did the rest.

Shifu: Oh. *smiles* But you must know, Po! I really love you.*puts his paw on Po's belly* my son.

Po: *smiles* Thank you, Master Shifu! But I know that, because I saw it in your eyes, as you said that to me.

Both look at each other in a smiling way.

Mr. Ping: *walks to his kitchen and return to his work, as if nothing is happen* Who is hungry?

The End