The Risen Omega

Chapter 20: What Nars Deserves

(Take my poll on my page (new) if you want to read more from me!)

Also, thanks to The Return of the Enclave for an idea of the last chapter!

Humphreys POV

I finally woke up what looked like a few minutes later. That's good though, I didn't die, but when I get my paws on Garth! I stood on my feet and strolled back to Jasper. Hopefully, Kate is looking for me, or at least a few other people since that'll be a first. It only took a few minutes to find Kate running towards me nearly crying. Well, I shouldn't of left in the middle of the night, Kate will definitely kill me now. Kate pounced on me almost grabbing my neck and strangling me, but she thought other wise.

"Oh Humphrey, you scared me so much!" Kate said sobbing.

I got up to my feet, again, and started to comfort Kate.

"I'm sorry Kate, Garth kidnapped me and strapped me to the train." I said gently.

Kate kept bawling in my arms, I've never felt so bad for Kate before. Seeing her hurt like this hurt me as well. I kept comforting her until she stopped sobbing.

"Humphrey, it wasn't his fault Nars made him or he would have killed Lilly, and Garth didn't want that to happen. So Garth tied you up." Kate said explaining to me what actually happened.

It's either that he's lying or he's telling the truth. I'll go with telling the truth since Nars wasn't ever extroverted, never really social. Especially since I've tried to make friends with him a few years ago. I looked up over into the bushes and saw the bushes rustling, hopefully nobody is spying on us. That would be outrageous if anyone actually is spying on us!

Garths POV

I nearly didn't have enough power to confront Lilly that I tied up Humphrey, I entered the tall grass where Lilly and I live. It's actually pretty comfortable. Anyways, I kept pushing through the grass and saw Lilly tied up to a tree! What the hell just happened. Lilly tried to say something to me but a few layers of long grass covered her mouth. I couldn't understand her at all. She started to get louder and louder until a wolf behind me pushed me forward. It was Nars. Lilly kept screaming knowing that something bad was going to happen to me.

"You didn't do it, did you!" Nars spoke menacingly.

"Yes I did, I swear! As much as I didn't want to do that I swear I did!" I yelled back to Nars.

He still didn't believe me. I guess that's what happens when you kidnap an Omega, they outsmart anybody who antagonizes them.

"I just saw Humphrey NOT on the train!" Nars kind of proved me wrong.

I didn't have an answer since there was no way out of this. Nearly laying on the ground, I kept backing up and backing up until I was on a log. I'm trapped! I mean not really but nars will end up catching me at some point in the chase. Nars pulled out a sharpened stick that can pierce my fur and skin. No way out! Lilly started struggling violently and screaming to the point where she could lose her voice. Soon, the stick entered my heart of what looked like it and everything went black.

Kates POV

Humphrey and I kept walking back to Jasper. I was looking on the ground struck by frustration and fear for Humphrey. Thank God he was okay! Soon, we were at the den and I let Humphrey go inside first to wash up since he was extremely dirty. I looked out into the tall grass where Garth and Lilly. I hope Garth told Lilly what happened and also nearly strangled him like I almost did to Humphrey. I then smiled, AND SAW NARS COME OUT OF THE GRASS! I reacted as swift as I could.

"NARS!" I roared for all of Jasper to hear.

Nars then panicked running with fear taking over his body, but I was too fast. I Pounced on him. Nars kept struggling, growling and screaming for help, but not this time. I bit his neck and tore it apart until his whole body stopped shaking. I couldn't believe it, I did what my mom said that night I went to the moonlight howl with Garth. I knew my mouth was bloody, so I searched for the near by lake Humphrey and I drink out of. Finally after a few minutes, a crowd was near Nars. I'll talk about that later. I entered the tall grass and found Lilly wailing and looking at Garth with a stick stuck near his heart.

"Oh my god." I said booming then silent.

I took the stick out of Garth, and untied Lilly who was still bawling.

"Lilly, could you help me bring him to the healers den please." I asked gently.

She accepted my request and found our way into the bloodstained den that we were in.

Humphrey's POV

Well, that's it! I still have Kate as my wife, and Nars was eradicated from life. Kate told the truth about what happened between me, Garth and Nars. As bad as Kate felt, everyone understood. I mean, especially Eve, what a violent wolf she is. I guess you could call this a happy ending for me. Now I'm one of the leaders of Jasper. I definitely was what the other wolves call me, The Risen Omega.

"Don't let others think what originally is thought of you, prove what attributes you really posses to others." - SpiritHowl2

Thanks for reading The Risen Omega! If you want to read more, take my poll on my page!

Your Alpha and Omega FanFic Writer,
