A/N: Hello, everyone! It's Ashleigh here and I honestly have no idea what I'm doing posting this.

This was something I wiped up on the fly an hour ago. I had always wanted to do an Outlast fan-fiction of this idea since the first game came out, but never had the inspiration for it. Today, while working on my Object-oriented Analysis and Design assignment, I somehow dished this out at the same time.

I guess that's what Breaking Benjamin's music does to you.

Anyway, I don't know how I'll continue this, or if I'll ever continue this, but hey: just let me know what you think! ^.^

September 18th, 2013

Dear Journal,

I still can't stop crying.

I just came back from the police station after filling a missing persons report on Miles. I told the officer what Miles had told me yesterday: "To some place called the Mount Massive Asylum," he said. "Stupid fuckin' name, if you ask me,".

He was always so funny and how I loved that about him.

I waited for him until 1 in the morning last night before I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, there was no indication that he had come home. I lost count of how many times I tried to call him. I told the officer that he had received a lead about something very wrong going on in that asylum, which had been reopened by Murkoff Corp 4 years ago. I even gave the cop a copy of the email that was sent to Miles.

He said that Miles shouldn't even be up there in the first place, on private property. But I tried not to freak out, but I didn't give a crap. My fiancee was missing and I wanted him back.

He looked me right in the eyes and said to me, "I'll be back before you know it, Sammie. Most of these things often end up in a dead end anyways. Don't worry a thing. I'll see you when I get back."

He said those words to me, which meant that he was making me a promise.

He lied, Journal.

He fucking lied.

I still remember the day I met him; there was no way I would ever let myself forget. It was my first day at the Weekly Bulletin, a newspaper company here in Lake City, Colorado. I was fresh out of college and couldn't wait to start my dream job. That was 6 years ago. Wow, I've been working for the same company for 6 years. Funny how I'm not sick of it. Funny how I didn't follow Miles when he was fired.

I wanted to, believe me. It was Miles who didn't let me quit.

I had always been a shy person, but I always delivered. I only had a few friends, friends I could really trust. Miles turned out to be the best friend a girl could ever have and want.

My desk was next to his. He watched me with interest when I took my seat, watched me with that little smirk that I eventually grew to like.

I was about to introduce myself to him. After all, it was the polite thing to do. However, he was the one who spoke first.

"So you're the new girl? Finally, I was wondering when you'd turn up."

Naturally, I was taken aback. It was just how I was, just so damn timid always.

Who would have thought that he would be the one to break me out of my shell permanently.

"O-oh. You've heard of me?"

"I was told I'd be getting a new colleague. Worth the wait, 'cause you're cute."

It was almost like he knew of my quiet nature the moment I opened my mouth, and he also knew he could take advantage of that. Though the blood fiercely rushed to my cheeks, I managed to get out a thank you, not without a stupid goofy smile.

"T-thank you."

"Don't mention it. Miles Upshur."

He held out his large hand to me and of course, I shook it.

"Samantha Armstrong. Sam is fine."

"Oh yeah? What about Sammie?"

"Oh, well... no one's ever called me that before."

"Well then, I guess you do now."

Somehow, at that moment, I knew I had gained a great friend.