"So what are we going to do now?" Kotori asked while looking at the futons stained with Honoka's puke. She doesn't know where to get worried about. Well there are a lot of things to be worried about. First are their friends who are not making any movements for a while now, second is the mess Honoka did and third is the now panicking Rin whose laps are now covered with Honoka's puke.

"WHAT THE HELL NYAA!?" Rin shouted, trying to remove the stains in her uniform. Yes, they're still wearing they're uniform because they're too lazy to get change into their pajamas. "THIS WILL STAIN MY UNIFORM FOREVER!"

"R-Rin calm down." Nico managed to say. "First of all there's no forever and we still need to know what happened to them."

"Nicochii's love life must be so complicated that it made her think of such things as forever." Nozomi giggled, teasingly.

"Oh shut up."

"W-W-Were they poisoned?" Honayo asked nervously while helping Rin in her situation.

Nozomi went closer to the box where the chocolates were placed. There were only 4 chocolates left as expected. She scanned the outer box. It looked exactly as their box of chocolates and when she flipped it over to read the description behind she found a WFC written in small letters.

"Nicochii, get our box of chocolates." Nozomi said, still not taking her eyes of the letters in the box.

"Eh? What for?"

"Just give it to me."

Nico noticed the seriousness in Nozomi's voice so she just obeyed her orders. She carried their group's box of chocolates and gave it to Nozomi who once again flipped it over. Nozomi scanned the box once again and when she noticed that there's no WFC written in it she put it down and picked the other box again. She looked at it closely and then she noticed that there are small words written below the WFC. It's hard to notice if a person is not looking at it hard enough. The words says 'Whiskey Filled Chocolates' and that's when Nozomi finally realized what happened to their unmoving friends.

"They're drunk…" She sighed.

"What?! How did that happened?!" Nico stated is disbelief.

"Didn't we eat the same chocolate?" Kotori asked also shocked at what the fortune teller said.

"Well basically, no. They accidentally ate whiskey filled chocolates. Well I'm quite surprised that they didn't notice the taste of it though. The soldier game trio is in their group, I mean, they're supposed to be the smartest members of muse." Nozomi sighed.

"Well Honoka is with them so there's no help thinking about it." Nico countered. "But still… Isn't it quite impossible to be drunk in 4 whiskey filled chocolates? The chocolates are small and they would notice that after eating the first one right?"

"They ate it all at once, Nico-chan…" Hanayo muttered loud enough for Nico to hear.

"Oh great… They're the perfect definition of idiots."

"We can't blame them. It's a whiskey after all. A strong alcoholic drink that can make anyone drunk in a matter of seconds." Nozomi explained as she made her way beside Eli.

Nico went beside Maki and kneeled beside her. She slightly shakes the red head hoping to wake her up. "Hey! Maki-chan! Wake up!"

Maki responded with a mumble then faced away from Nico. She almost touched the puke beside her but she was caught by Nico before it happened. "Whoa! Maki-chan you almost took a bath in Honoka's puke!" Nico shouted, quite relieved because she managed to catch Maki in the last seconds.

"It's not safe to make them stay here, especially if there's puke everywhere." Nozomi huffed as she placed Eli's arms over her shoulder so she can support the blonde in standing. "So Nicochii, where's the guest room?"

"Eh? I think it's near Maki-chan's room." Nico said glancing at Maki who's back in her original position. "Just wait a bit, I'll show you the way." She said, placing Maki's arms in her own shoulder hesitantly at first because she knows that she can't support Maki's weight with the small body of hers but she still did it anyway.

"What about Honoka-chan?" Kotori said, knowing that when all of them leave, Honoka will be left in the room alone. "We can't just leave her like that, can we?"

"We'll give Honoka-chan a bath. Rin-chan is planning to take one after all." Hanayo sighed still helping Rin in her uniform.

"Just leave everything to us nyaa~"

"Then wake Umi up, Kotori. Maki-chan is not as light as you think." Nico grunted.

Kotori nodded and muttered a "Thank you" at the two first years before heading towards Umi. When Kotori tried to touch Umi, the blue haired girl took Kotori's hands and hold on it tightly. Kotori didn't move for a while until Umi shifted.

"I-I'm ok… Just a little bit dizzy but I think the whiskey is still not kicking in."

"Can you stand, Umi-chan?" Kotori whispered, not letting go of Umi's hand.

"I-I can managed somehow." Umi mumbled, standing while wobbling.

"We're ready to go." Kotori said, letting Umi put a little of her weight to her.

Nico lead the way to wear the guest rooms are, taking a glance at Maki, making sure that the girl is still breathing somehow. Nozomi and Kotori would chuckle once in a while, receiving a grumble from Umi.

"Hey Nicochii, are you sure that this is the way?" Nozomi asked. She's still worried if Nico really knows the way or not. They can't be walking like this forever, supporting drunken girls with their shoulders.

"Of course I know! It's near Maki-chan's room." Nico replied and when she realised what she said her face warms up and she knows that she's already blushing.

"Well that explains a lot hehe." Kotori giggled. All of them know that the stubborn third year has a crush on the red head and they also know that the red head feels the same. They're just so tsundere that they can't say it to each other.

"Sh-shut up!" Nico muttered.

Silence begun enveloping the atmosphere again but it didn't bother anyone of them. It's comfortable knowing that your friends are with you even if things could get really out of hand like this one. They walked passed some rooms with massive doors but the one that caught their attention was a door bigger than any of the other rooms' door, must've been the master's bed room.

"We're here." Nico said, stopping at the front door of Maki's room. "The guest rooms are the doors there." pointing at the doors near Maki's.

"Is it even open?" Kotori asked.

"That's… What I don't know…"

"Oh!" Nozomi gasped. "Well, it looks like they're open." She twisted the knob of the door and completely opened it and dragged Eli inside.

"I'll be taking this one then." Kotori said, entering the room next to Nozomi's. She smiled at Nico before going inside and Nico just nodded in response.

She went inside Maki's room and slowly lay down the red head in her massive bed. She arranged the cover of the bed and Maki's blanket, trying to ignore how cute the red head is even though she's drunk. 'Ahhhh! How troublesome!' She sat beside Maki and stared at the red head's face.

"You're really troublesome, Maki-chan." She grumbled, looking at the ceiling then closing her eyes. She would be lying if she says that she hates being in Maki's room. It smells like Maki and it has a calming feels around it after all.

"What should I do now?" Nico sighed standing up, but before she can even take one step forward, she felt a tugged in her sleeves and who else could even stop her when it's just her and Maki in the room.

"What is it, Maki-cha-", she was cut off when Maki pulled her, making her lay down in the bed with Maki on top of her. Yes, Maki is on top of Nico.

"WHAT'S WRONG MAKI-CHAN?" Nico panicked, not seeing the girl's face because of the darkness in the room. Now she's regretting the fact that she didn't even turned on the light before dropping Maki to her bed. She's overheating because of their current position. It's out of character for Maki to do such bold things. This one is included.

"Nico-chan…" Maki mumble, gripping Nico's wrist tightly but Nico could feel that the red head's hands are shaking maybe because of the effects of the whiskey. Maki then made an eye contact with her. Ruby eyes met the amethyst one once again but Maki's eyes are hard to read until she said something that messed Nico's thoughts.

"I want to have babies sooner."

'Great… She's still freaking drunk.'

"Mou! Honoka-chan, wake up nyaa!" Rin shouted, pulling Honoka to the bathroom with Hanayo following them behind. Honoka's clothes are a mess, with puke everywhere on it but the two 1st years didn't mind it, they just want to help their leader take a bath then relax at Maki's mansion after it.

"I think she's in pain, Rin-chan." Hanayo mumbled.


"She'll get mad if she heard you, you know?"

Rin just grumbled in response and continued her struggle. After a while of pulling and a little pushing from Hanayo, they finally reached the front door of the bathroom. Rin dramatically fell down to the ground with Honoka planking beside her, still asleep. Hanayo just giggled at Rin's action and opened the door of the restroom for them.

"Why are you laughing Kayochin?" Rin asked, slowly lifting her head to look at Hanayo.

"It's because Rin-chan is so funny and cute."

After hearing what Hanayo said, Rin suddenly stood up and hugged Hanayo tightly and so this made Hanayo shift stiffly but after a while, she hugged the cat-girl back. She's quite used to how Rin would always hug her but sometimes it will come out of nowhere and it will lead her questioning herself what she had done or what she had said. Rin is easy to please because of her childish personality but that's what Hanayo likes about the girl. Well maybe not just that but she's sure that even though the girl is so clingy or childish she can't hate her.

"You're cuter than me nyaa! Kayochin is super super supeeeerrrrr cute nyaa!" Rin beamed, rubbing her cheeks with Hanayo's. Hanayo just giggled at the actions of the orange-haired girl and didn't make any movements to stop her. A blush was visible on her cheeks but she just ignored it until Rin broke their skinship and looked down on Hanayo's uniform.

"Uhhmm…. I'm sorry Kayochin…" Rin mumbled. "It looks like I made your uniform a little bit messy too."

"Eh?" Hanayo said looking down herself and found a stain of puke on her uniform. Rin was expecting a yell from a Hanayo but instead she received a giggle from the cute girl.

"It looks like I'm also going to take a bath."

The two of them laugh and they completely forgot their leader who's now drooling on the floor.

"Mhhmm… Breads…" Honoka mumbled in her sleep.

"Here, Umi-chan."

"Thank you, Kotori."

Umi reached out for the medicine in Kotori's hand, blushing when their hands touches each other and after staring at it for a second she put it in her mouth and swallowed it. Kotori got the medicine from the emergency medical kit in the kitchen a while ago. A medical kit was already expected in a house where doctors live and it's really handy to be honest.

"So how was it?" Kotori asked, looking at the disgusted face of Umi. "Seems like you don't prefer that medicine, sorry."

"No no. It's okay, really." Umi responded, waving her hands in front of her. "I hope this will help in making my dizziness go away." She sighed. The effects of the whiskey are now hitting Umi and she doesn't like it. Her whole vision is blurry and her head begun throbbing as the whole world is spinning for her.

"You should rest for a while Umi-chan."

"Yeah…Maybe I should. Thanks Kotori"

"No need to thank me hehe."

Umi just smiled at the kindness of her childhood friend. Kotori is the kindest member of their group and everyone knows it. Even their fans know that the girl is the easiest to approach in all of the members because of the calming aura around her. Her smile can make anyone's day happy even though they are in a bad mood and Umi can't deny that because she always experience it. When she's stressed about Honoka's carelessness, Kotori would always approach her and give her an assuring smile that can make the frown in her face into a smile.

Kotori went beside her and gently pushed her to the bed. Umi's eyes are now closed but pain is still visible in her face and this made Kotori uncomfortable. She hates seeing the other girl in pain after all. Kotori rearranged the blanket and made Umi comfortable so that she can somehow sleep peacefully. When she heard a faint snore from Umi she smiled and sat in the nearby wooden chair, feeling dizzy herself. She forgot what a smell of an alcohol can do to her. She's really sensitive with those things.

"I think that I should also drink the medicine I gave Umi-chan…" She mumbled while massaging her temples. She tried standing up but slowly sat back again. She could now feel the dizziness and wanted to curse the whiskey for it but she didn't do it. Cursing is a thing that didn't suit her and she can't also do it, remembering how her mother glared at her when she said some bad word for the first time when she was still a child. She looked at Umi and stared at the girl for a while. She could feel her face heat up and so she looked away.

"She's so beautiful that it makes me want to kiss her."

Nozomi unbuttoned Eli's blazer and removed it, folding it neatly as she placed it in the nearest table in the room. She also untied the blonde's ribbon and placed it above her blazer. Even though she opened the AC and filled the room with cool air, Eli is still sweating as if she's on a beach in summer days.

"Seriously Elicchi?" Nozomi sighed. "What kind of drunk are you?"

"Mm…Nozomi?" Eli responded and much to Nozomi's surprise.


"Don't leave me please."

Nozomi was shocked at what she heard from Eli. The blonde that's always independent and collected. She knows that Eli has that kind of side but she was still quite shock after knowing that it will naturally come when the blonde is drunk.

"As you wish, Elicchi~" She giggled. Well, she's really happy discovering another side of Eli that the others do not know yet. Even though she knows that the others will soon find out, at least she's the first one to find out, right? Nozomi was disturbed from her thoughts when she felt warm arms clinging around her.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, ignoring the light blush on her cheeks.

"Nozomi is really warm." Eli said, clinging tightly to Nozomi and burying her face in the other girl's chest. If it's the normal Eli then she won't even dare to hug Nozomi this tightly without dying due to overheating but because of the circumstances she's doing it right now without even a single hesitation. As if Nozomi can say no to this adorable Elicchi so she just hug the blonde back and patted her head.

"There there…"

"I really like you, Nozomi…" Eli mumbled but Nozomi still heard it.

"I know."

Silence filled the room once again and when Nozomi realized what Eli said, she suddenly pushed the blonde away from her shoulder but she didn't let go of Eli's shoulder instead she hold on it tightly and starred at the girl in front of her, whose face is still bright red. She could also feel her face warm up as she made an eye contact with the girl in front of her.

"I really like Nozomi~" Eli repeated but this time it's louder and Nozomi's heart almost went out from her chest after seeing a childish smile from Eli while saying those words. 'That's literally a killer smile.' She thought to herself, so even her cards can't predict this coming.

"E-Elicchi, You're just drunk. You need to sleep and rest." Nozomi changed the subject and slightly pushed Eli to lie down to the bed but the blonde didn't move and instead of lying down she hugged Nozomi tightly. This time its Nozomi whose face is now buried in the blonde's chest that made her blush again.

"Let's sleep together Nozomi!~"

Hi :D I'm really sorry for the late update T^T I'm really busy with things so it's hard to find time updating -_- Anyway, did you enjoy this chapter? xD I hope you did~ My ships are killing me every day especially NicoMaki and SoraPile T^T I made a ton of fanfics of SrPi but I don't know if I'll put it in here or not hahahaha xD