Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not a thing.

Author's Note: Alright. Well, first of all, not going to lie, but I don't know where this is going to go. It's either going to be ridiculously depressing or ridiculously fluffy at the end. I haven't decided which. I just recently dove into the Tokyo Ghoul fandom and realized I will never be happy again, especially thanks to a certain blond angel who is still currently missing. We need to find him right now.

Anyway, in terms of context for this story, it includes parts from the manga and the anime. This would occur before the Anteiku raid and draws heavily on the blossoming relationship between Hide, Akira, Amon, and Seidou as they work together as a team. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see any of this in the anime and very little in the manga, so I wanted to flesh it out a bit more. The main component from the anime is just Kaneki working for Aogiri instead of his little team. Hopefully it makes sense.

He pulled his flimsy cloak tighter around his shoulders and exhaled in the frigid, black night. Although he wasn't particularly cold, he enjoyed the nipping chill of the faint breeze and the sensation of icy solitude as he studied the twinkling lights of the city in the distance. Everything seemed so peaceful for once.

"Oi! One-Eye!"

Kaneki inhaled deeply through his nose. It seemed as if his short-lived silence was over for the moment. He turned to face the intruder, trying to keep the annoyed scowl from stretching across his blank features. He eyed his new partner, wishing that he hadn't been assigned to work with anyone, or at least someone who wasn't as foul as the ghoul in front of him.


His visitor flicked back his cloak, revealing a toothy grin and flaring eyes. Rakko. A particularly nasty ghoul with a fondness for dragging out his victims deaths, forcing them to watch as he devoured them.

"It's almost time. They'll be here soon."

The white-haired teen nodded slowly. He couldn't afford to waste time staring at the city skyline when they had a job to prepare for. "I'll be with you in a second," he finally settled on, deeming a few more moments of peace to be harmless.

If the older ghoul seemed irritated by his superior's blatant lack of excitement for the impending battle, he didn't voice his concerns. He simply lifted an unreadable eyebrow and turned away, disappearing in the dark with a flutter of his maroon cape.

Kaneki sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, his fingers gliding seamlessly through the silken strands. He tightened the strap on his mask before pulling his cloak over his forehead.

Gravel crunched and headlights dimmed as their opponents surrounded the abandoned warehouse complex. They were attempting to be stealthy, traveling in the dark without lights or sound, but in the end, they only managed to stumble into the trap, completely blinded by their caution.

This night would serve as another firm message from the Aogiri Tree.

Their mission: destroy as many investigators as possible.

The white haired teen exhaled again, feeling his breath warm the thick material on the inside of his mask.

It was hard to keep fighting when there wasn't even a purpose. No goal in sight—just more carnage and hatred.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Amon asked, lifting an unconvinced eyebrow as he studied the younger investigator.

His subordinate flashed the man a wide smile, forcing his expression to remain light and jovial despite the solemn atmosphere. "It's just a routine check, right? Simply following up on an anonymous tip."

Amon nodded slowly, unable to bury the churning in his gut. He hated the feeling. He realized these hindering nerves only affected him when he felt like his subordinates were in danger. First when Akira was bitten by a ghoul at Kanou's lab, and then again when Seidou was ambushed during the pursuit of a rank B ghoul.

Now, Amon felt it again as the teen strapped on his helmet, concealing his shock of messy blond hair.

Before he had the chance to respond, Akira turned her blank stare on the newest addition to their team.

"You shouldn't be here," she began matter-of-factly, skewering him with narrowed blue eyes. "You have little formal training and you're just an investigation assistant. At best, you'll slow us down. Worst case scenario—you'll get us all killed."

"Now, Akira—" Amon interrupted, trying to stop his partner before she became even harsher.

"There shouldn't be anything to worry about," the youngest team member insisted, though his earlier smile seemed a little strained. "It's just a routine check," he repeated.

"Yeah, nothing to worry about," Seidou echoed, trying to reassure himself more than anyone else.

Amon sighed, shaking his head at his assembled team. He didn't know why Marude added Nagachika's name to the list of investigators that were to participate in the raid, especially since investigation assistants rarely left the office during dangerous times. All he knew was that he certainly planned to question the man on his decision when they all returned, hopefully with all of their limbs attached.

"Just…just be careful. All of you," he added, sparing a glance to a bored Akira and a pale Seidou. "And Nagachika?"


"Try not to wander off."

The blond offered the dark haired man a broad grin, his eyes scrunched in a cheeky wink. "I promise!"

Amon nodded, temporarily satisfied with his team's condition. He turned back to his Quinque case, checking to make sure everything was in order.

He never caught the distracted frown that flickered across Hide's face.

They wouldn't be deploying this many investigators for a "routine check," the boy reasoned. Something is definitely wrong.

As they stepped out of the armored vehicles, Hide was grateful for the thick padding of his uniform. It was far warmer than the outfit he would have worn if he hadn't been assigned to join the investigators—his civilian "stealth" ensemble as he affectionately dubbed it. One way or another, he knew he was going to participate in the CCG's raid, though he was relieved to be with fellow investigators than having to slink around in the dark by himself.

Hide exhaled in the frigid night, watching his breath swirl in the dull glow from the CCG van and the humming streetlamps.

"Nervous, Nagachika?"

Hide glanced to the brunet to his right. Although Hide was considerably apprehensive about their upcoming mission, he didn't feel nearly as nervous as his fellow investigator looked. Hide gave the young man a reassuring smile.

"A little bit," he admitted, "but the CCG investigates random tips all the time, don't they?" Hide flapped his hand at the wrist, as if dispelling any negative outcomes. "Besides, the main team already went in. We're just back up."

"H-how do you know?"

Hide blinked and scratched at his cheek with his index finger. "I, uh, just heard it on the comlink?" he offered, gesturing from his cheek to the tiny responder in his ear. He had overheard an earlier conversation that the first wave of the raid would move in at 23:00 and it was just a few minutes past that.

"Oh," Seidou glanced down at the tiny plastic piece in his palm before tucking it carefully into his ear. He listened for a moment with a distant expression before glancing back to Hide. "But I don't hear anything," he frowned at the blond.

"They must've switched to radio silence or something?" Hide shrugged, hoping the brunet would accept the answer. After another moment of listening and silent consideration, Seidou did with another nod.

"Yeah, probably."

They waited in silence for another moment until Amon and Akira joined them. Amon confirmed Hide's earlier statement with a brief report of the first wave's progress.

"So far they've had no confirmation of ghoul sightings, but they requested backup just in case. We're to assist them at the southern entrance and perform a quick sweep to the center of the building. Do you understand?"

His young subordinates nodded and Amon continued.

"At the current moment, there are no specific targets for this mission, but that is likely to change if ghouls are spotted." He hesitated before speaking next. "Our anonymous source seems to believe that the Aogiri may be involved in this warehouse, so make sure to watch for many of their higher ranked ghouls." Hide's eyes widened as he processed the news.

Aogiri? But that might mean—

"And above al—" Amon cut off as the sound of screams filled their earpieces. He grunted as his hand flew to his ringing comlink. He fell deathly silent, waiting for further communication. Sounds from their companions washed over them in the cold stillness. All four investigators winced as their fears were confirmed by panicked shouts and dying groans.

"This is Squad Leader Kimu Tokana. We request back up at the south si—argh…."

The message trailed off, much to the investigators' dismay.

Seidou swallowed thickly and glanced to the blond teen beside him. "Maybe this isn't going to be a routine check…"

Amon unlocked his Quinque case and straightened up with an ominous expression, his weapon clenched tightly in his fists.

"This is Koutarou Amon. We are on our way." He turned and surveyed his tiny team for a moment, considering each member before issuing the order to advance.

"Akira and Takizawa—you follow me. Nagachika, stay behind until we give you the signal to advance with us." He hesitated before turning back towards the warehouse. "Marude may have put you on the list, but until you have a Quinque and some proper training, you aren't coming in." Without glancing to his subordinates, Amon made his way towards the entrance.

"I understand."

"Sensible," Akira muttered, striding towards the darkened building. Seidou gave the blond one last hopeful look before trailing after them.

Hide watched them disappear in the shadows. He took a deep breath and adjusted his helmet.

Like hell am I just going to sit here and wait.

Kaneki watched from the rafters as the investigators and ghouls fought. The only light in the dark warehouse bay was the glow from the ghouls' kagune and the human's Quinque as they slashed and tore at each other. He swept his disinterested gaze from one end of the large room to the other, not looking for anyone in particular, but simply watching the carnage build.

"Oi! One-Eye! Aren't you going to do something? Or are you just going to sit around and watch?"

The white haired teen glanced down to see Rakko smirking at him, crimson dripping from his sharpened teeth and dribbling down his pale chin.

Kaneki bristled at the ghoul's blatant lack of respect for his assigned superior. He dropped from the rafters, landing lithely in a catlike crouch before straightening up slowly.

"Do you think this is all they have?" Kaneki hissed, eyeing the shredded corpses surrounding the massive concrete room. "This is just one of the warehouse's bays. There are at least four other squads coming to other parts of the building, including several with special investigators."

Rakko had the decency to look mildly concerned. "So?"

"So," Kaneki gritted, "there will be stronger investigators coming any moment."

The older ghoul studied the white haired teen for a moment. He opened his mouth to say something when a faint buzzing erupted from the comlink buried in a nearby corpse's ear.

"tsss—this is—tss-Koutarou Amon-tsss."

Kaneki frowned at the familiar voice. Who… I know him… It's the investigator from—

"Whudya know... More of those pigs are coming in." Rakko's bloody smile stretched across his gaunt face. "Just in time—I was starting to get hungry again."

The device's sound was distorted from the soldier's fatal injury to the head, but the ghoul could still make out what the investigators were saying. It might be useful… he mused, bending down to pick it up.

"tsss—you follow me—tsss—Nagachika-tsss—"

Kaneki froze and jerked his hand back. Nagachika….? It can't be Hide. The device continued to crackle, relaying instructions, but Kaneki couldn't break free from the name.

"Did it shock you?" Rakko squinted at the buzzing piece of plastic. "It'd be just like them to bug their equipment so we can't use it against them."

"I—I…. No, it didn't shock me…" Kaneki slowly looked down at the device, still stained with the previous owner's blood.

Hide wouldn't be here. He's just a normal university student—not a ghoul investigator.

"tsss-I understand—tsss—"

Before he could stop himself, Kaneki's fist collided with the device, smashing it and the human's skull into tiny, jagged pieces. He blinked at his handiwork, the crimson splatter staining his uniform and exposed cheek.

It was Hide's voice.

Hide's voice.

Hi…de….? Kaneki echoed numbly, too surprised to try to rationalize why he heard his best friend's voice on the other line.

Rakko watched with thinly veiled amusement. He crossed his arms and his eyebrow rose higher on his forehead. Kaneki realized he hated the ghoul's mocking, repetitive habit.

"Care explaining?"

I…I don't even know.

Kaneki straightened up and rubbed the blood from his cheek with the back of his hand.

"There's a blond investigator out there. He's young. Tell your team not to hurt him. Instead, ah, bring him to me. Alive."

Rakko crossed his arms, a dark sneer lifting on his stained lips. "I wasn't under the impression that this was a take prisoners kind ofmission. We were told to leave no survivors."

Kaneki surged towards the older ghoul, wrapping his clenched fists into the man's cloak. Although Kaneki was significantly shorter than the other ghoul, he yanked Rakko down to his eye level. Kaneki's ghoul eye blazed crimson as he pulled Rakko in close enough to smell the sweet tang of blood on his tongue.

"I said," Kaneki growled menacingly at his subordinate, "tell your team not to hurt him." He held that pose for a moment before releasing Rakko. The taller ghoul stepped back, brushed out the wrinkles in his cloak, and glared defensively at the white haired ghoul.

"I'm just trying to be the one following orders."

"That's your new order," Kaneki spat, curling his trembling fingers into tight balls.

"Fine." The ghoul dipped his head in a mock display of submission. "As you command, One-Eye." He turned slightly, exposing an icy shoulder to the white haired ghoul. He paused for a second, perhaps weighing the cost and benefits of curiosity.

"What'd this guy ever do to you anyway?"

Kaneki hesitated before glancing away. He subconsciously reached to touch his chin, but the thick material of his mask got in the way. He brushed against the leather and fabric for a moment before dropping his hand to his side.

"He…he killed an old friend."

Rakko nodded, satisfied by the answer. After all, it was an answer that hinted at the investigator's inevitable death—just by the hands of Kaneki instead.

Kaneki watched Rakko leave before turning and dashing towards the southern side of the warehouse. It was where the other investigator said they were heading. He had to reach him first.

Hide…what are you doing? What have you done?

Amon surveyed the entrance in front of them with a displeased frown. Either a ghoul attack or Mother Nature had destroyed that side of the warehouse, leaving the entrance a mere crumbled pile of concrete and steel.

"We...can't get in, can we?" Seidou asked after another pause.

"No," their superior grunted, tightening his grip on his Quinque until his knuckles turned white. "We'll have to go in through another entrance. Let's try the main entrance. We should be able to find ghouls there." He hesitated before asking if Hide had heard the message.

There was a crackle of static before Hide's chipper "understand" echoed in their ears.

The investigators quickly ran to the other side of the building, managing to avoid being detected by any type of sentry. Probably since they're just waiting for us inside, Amon mused, not feeling particularly comforted by the thought.

From the moment they entered the warehouse, the investigators were in a battle for their lives. A cackling ghoul dove immediately at Seidou' exposed back and was promptly decapitated by Akira's Quinque.

"Th-thanks," he mumbled, clearly shaken by the near death experience. However, he quickly got over it, managing to fire an entire round of bullets into a nearby ghoul, too distracted by inhaling a dead soldier's intestines.

Within moments, the tiny team was covering in bruises and slashes, and the number of ghouls seemed unchanged. Conversely, the number of viable investigators was declining sharply, leaving only a few able bodied soldiers. However, after another intense round of blows, only the most experienced ghouls remained to fight the surviving investigators.

Panting and holding a shallow wound on her side, Akira surveyed the room, searching for her next opponent. She scoured the shifting shadows, keeping her chimera Quinque close at hand, ready to lash out at any sudden movement.

She never thought to look up.

"It's a pity I won't be able to consume you. Your power would lend me strength to crush your friends."

Akira's wide, icy gaze darted up, but she heard it before her eyes could register what was happening. A grinning ghoul with jagged teeth tucked his kagune back to his side just as the steel girders of the warehouse roof screeched as they grated against one another, still smoking from where he had sliced them. A large section of the beam broke free from the rest of the roof and tumbled towards a petrified Akira.


He promised himself that he would wait at least ten minutes, at least out of courtesy for his agreement with his superior; however, after nine minutes, he couldn't handle waiting anymore. Especially if the Aogiri were present inside. It might just be his chance to finally see Kaneki—

Hide made his decision with a deep breath and a hard swallow. Staying primarily in the shadows, he skirted around the warehouse walls to the main entrance, trying desperately to not be caught without a weapon. He wasn't sure how he could help, but there had to be something he could do.

He skidded to a breathless stop in front of the warehouse entrance just in time to see a steel beam fall from the ceiling. He traced the object's path, horrified to note that it was heading straight for Akira, unmoving as the sudden death sped towards her.

Hide opened his mouth to shout, but his superior's voice cut through the din instead.


The blond watched as the older man raced towards the girl and bodily slam into her, knocking the both of them out of the steel beam's path. It slammed into the concrete floor a mere second later, kicking up a cloud of gray, powdery debris. Hide was about to release his pent up breath when he noticed something troubling. As the smoke and dust cleared, he was relieved to note that Akira was already climbing to her feet. However, Amon was still stuck on the ground, writhing to free his pinned leg from underneath the mangled beam.

Soon realizing what had happened, Akira immediately dropped to her knees and began to strain against the heavy metal, trying to lift it enough to let her partner pull his broken leg out from underneath the steel beam.

She can't do it alone, Hide realized with another start. He felt his feet moving in the girl's direction, completely oblivious to any ghouls in his periphery.

"Seidou!" Akira's voice was shot with desperation and fear as she yanked at the metal with little success. The brunet turned slowly and his eyes widened at the sight. He moved towards the pair, but another ghoul launched herself at him, keeping the young investigator distracted.

By then, Hide had made it to the steel beam. At the sight of the young man, Akira started and jerked up from her crouched position by Amon.


Amon stirred at the girl's voice and sent a half-hearted glare in the boy's direction. Before he could reprimand the blond for disobeying orders, Hide dropped to his knees and dug his fingers in the twisted metal.

"Take that end and lift," he urged the blonde investigator, giving her an encouraging smile.

Akira nodded once and reclaimed her place on the opposite side. However, even with the boy's assistance, they could not lift the beam off Amon's leg.

"Seidou!" Akira shouted again, scanning the emptying warehouse for their partner. Within seconds, the brunet crashed to his knees beside them, panting and bleeding from a slice to the forehead.

"On three?" Seidou offered, to which the others responded with determined nods.

Keeping an eye on the battlefield, Hide strained with the others to lift the steel girder off their superior. After a moment of tense pulling and grunting, the heavy metal groaned and rose, giving the decorated investigator just enough time to hastily drag his leg away.

Unable to hold the beam any longer, the three junior partners dropped the metal and quickly pulled their toes back before they were crushed.

"We need to get him out of here," Akira panted, glancing from Hide to Seidou.

Seidou's bright gaze shifted from his partners to his fallen superior. "Nagachika and I can take him if you can watch our backs."

"I can do that," Akira nodded, bending down to scoop up her Quinque. Her expressionless mask returned as she surveyed the remaining ghouls.

A low cackle echoed around them, causing the hair to rise on the back of Hide's neck.

"Isn't it sweet? A bunch of juniors trying to save their senior. It'd be easier to just leave him to me."

Akira slanted her chin down, revealing a frosty cold gaze. She wouldn't let herself be a victim to this ghoul twice.

The blood-covered ghoul tilted his head as he considered the young woman before him.

"Hmm… Blonde, but not a boy. Too bad."

Ignoring the man's words, Akira let a confident smirk temporarily slip across her pressed lips. She studied his kagune, noting the writhing tentacles, poised to strike.

"Hmm…" she mimicked in an equally condescending tone. "A rinkaku kagune. Too bad." The girl's blue eyes flared dangerously as her expression darkened. "You could've been a fine Quinque if you were a bikaku instead."

The ghoul's eyes widened in fury, no doubt remembering a comrade who had been turned into a CCG weapon. He pulled back the multiple strands of his kagune before swinging them in Akira's direction. She swiped at the largest protrusion, barely grazing it with the tip of her Quinque, before the ghoul's kagune changed directions. With a playful swat, it struck the struggling procession of Amon, Seidou, and Hide, all trying to drag the former to safety.

"No!" Akira shouted, reaching out to her partners as the ghoul's kagune crashed into them. All three went flying. Seidou, who took the brunt of the hit, uttered a weak groan before falling still. The blonde raced towards them, swinging her Quinque behind her, managing to temporarily drive off the last lingering tentacles. She skidded to a stop, spinning back around to face the ghoul, gloatingly snapping his kagune as he approached the girl.

Hide groaned and rolled onto his stomach, sluggishly regaining a hold on his senses. Although he had been thrown the furthest from the rest of the group, he had managed to roll a few feet, lessening the force of a sudden impact. He blinked at the ongoing action, clearing the stars in his vision just in time to see Akira grunt as she jerked her Quinque at the ghoul's darting tentacles.

She can't hold him off for long.

Hide swallowed and took a steadying breath. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Seidou's discarded gun. Hoping to not distract the ghoul prematurely, he carefully slid his body towards it. He stared down at the unfamiliar weapon, wishing he had asked the brunet earlier how to work it. If he didn't figure it out soon, the rest of his tiny team would be dead.

"It looks like I'll get to eat you after all," the ghoul smirked, revealing his jagged, uneven teeth in a grotesque smile.

"You probably wouldn't like me."

"You don't know that. I'll just have to try and see if I like the taste."

Hide scanned the gun again and pulled on the trigger. Instead of firing as he hoped, the gun gave a loud click, indicating an empty clip.


He looked back to the ghoul, worried that the sound might have alerted the creature, but he was too consumed with the thought of eating a full meal to turn his head.

"I'm a bit tough to chew."

"I'll just have to soften you up then."

"Tch," the girl spat, bending slightly at her knees to prepare for her next attack.

Hide glanced back down at the gun in his hands. He couldn't shoot it, but there was another option. Rearing back his shoulder and arm, he launched the useless weapon in the ghoul's direction. It hit its target, smashing into the back of the ghoul's head and falling to the ground with a metallic clatter.

There was a moment of silence as all eyes slowly turned on the young investigator.

Hide was the first to react, taking a hesitant step back. The ghoul, either infuriated to be distracted from his meal or embarrassed by being attacked by an empty gun, snarled at the boy and took a menacing step to compensate for the human's hasty retreat.

His kagune relaxed as his body quivered with rage. Seeing an opportunity to catch the ghoul off guard, Akira tensed her muscles. With a low grunt, she swung her Quinque with all her might at the distracted ghoul. However, without even tearing his thunderous glare from Hide, the ghoul caught the writhing weapon in his flaring tentacles. He yanked the girl's weapon, forcing her to release it from her grip to prevent being dragged into one of his spikes. He flicked the weapon out of the investigator's reach, keeping one projection dagger sharp and poised at the girl's throat to keep her still.

"Would you mind waiting for a moment?" The ghoul began casually as he advanced on Hide. "I have to deal with a small problem, but then I promise I'll turn my attention back to you," he assured the young woman.

Hide tore his wide gaze from the ghoul for a moment to briefly scan the empty warehouse. As he had hoped, his team and the ghoul were the only living things left in the room. If he drew the monster away, it could be enough time for Akira to get the others out. His eye caught on a darkened doorframe with the door discarded to the side, completely ripped off its hinges. He wasn't sure where it would lead, or if it was just a dead end, but he had to try it.

To try to throw off the ghoul, he turned his head towards the warehouse entrance from where he had come. The ghoul followed the teen's line of vision, catching sight of the path to freedom. The ghoul's stained smile grew as he backed towards the door, intending to cut the teen off. Instead, he only managed to put more distance between the two of them.

As he had hoped, the ghoul had moved further away, banking on the boy's human instinct to retreat to a familiar location. His little trick had only spared him a few seconds of a head start, but he prayed it would be enough to outrun an inhuman ghoul. The blond inhaled deeply to steady his nerves before darting in the opposite direction.

"Nagachika!" Akira's scream barely broke through his concentration.

Hide's combat boots squeaked loudly as he ran through puddles of sticky, spilt crimson. He pumped his legs and arms furiously, ducking around the door's corner. He paused for a millisecond to take stock of his surroundings, relieved to see the door led to a wide hallway with multiple exits. He squinted in the darkness, feeling blind after escaping from the faint glow of the illuminated main bay of the warehouse complex.

He could hear the enraged roar of the ghoul close behind him as the monster struggled to catch up. Hide studied the rooms, quickly considering which exit to take. He sprinted towards the second door, again relying on the ghoul's superficial knowledge of human behavior to search the closest door first. Hide burst into another empty concrete bay, significantly smaller than the previous one. Unlike the first, however, this one was brightly lit by nearby streetlamps pouring directly into the broken glass windows. Hide narrowed his eyes in the overwhelming light and searched for another exit. His adjusting gaze landed on an obscure door on the second pass and he raced towards it.

His trembling fingertips scraped the cold handle when something sharp impaled his calf. A pained cry sprung from the boy's dry lips, which rose to a louder scream when the kagune yanked him back, ripping deeper into his pale flesh and muscle. Hide crashed to the ground, falling face first on the cool concrete with a low grunt. The piercing tentacle released its grip on the teen's leg, giving the boy a weak respite and enabling him time to twist into a seated position.

"You thought you could hide?" The ghoul sneered as he entered the room fully. He retracted his blood-dripping tentacle, running a thin finger over the crimson stained kagune and licking the liquid off the digit. He made a deep throated hum of approval at the taste before smiling again, revealing his trademark, sinister sneer.

"It was the blood. On your shoes, on your body. The scent of it was everywhere." Hide glanced down at the floor, horrified to notice incomplete crimson footsteps lining the concrete from the door, ending at the larger pool of his own blood.

The boy scrambled backwards, using his palms and the heel on his uninjured leg to gain purchase.

"Still, it was hard to finally catch you." The ghoul continued, unconcerned by the teen's fruitless attempts to escape. "You're a smart boy, and I think I'll reward you by eating you nice and slow!" On the last word, the ghoul's kagune shot out from his waist and wrapped themselves around Hide's neck and torso. The teen gasped and struggled in the tight grip, trying to free himself with no success.

The ghoul flung the boy behind him, relishing the loud smack as the boy's soft frame collided with the concrete wall. The older man followed the sporadic blood trail to the prone investigator and frowned. During the impact, the teen's helmet had come slightly undone, revealing a vibrant shock of blond hair. The ghoul tilted his head and stared at the exposed hair with a blank expression.

Rakko considered the faint rise and fall of the human's chest, repeating his superior's violent warning over and over in his mind. It would be so easy to eat the teenager completely, leaving no evidence apart from a few fingers, but the ghoul knew he would be risking his own life for a mere meal.


Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you think. Any suggestions would be welcome. Regardless of what twisted path this takes, I'll probably wrap it up in two or so long chapters, so it won't be too long.