Disclaimer: If you recognize it, I don't own it. This is not kayfabe-compliant and also completely fictional.

Rating: M for explicit sexual content (including masturbation, light dom/sub, and public foreplay scenes) and some mild language.

A/N: So this turned into something way longer than just the intended one-shot I had initially. This'll probably be around 5 chapters, give or take. This starts during FCW and there will be talk about past Jimmy Jacobs/Tyler Black and William Regal/Dean Ambrose later on.

The only sound Seth hears when he tells Dean it's over is the swirling wind outside during one rainy night in October.

Seth learned from his days in Ring of Honor that being in a relationship with a co-worker was tough. It always started great, but everything ended in a complete clusterfuck when one of you got shoved into the big leagues and neither of the two wanted to talk about it without yelling and throwing furniture at the walls. He doesn't want his dysfunctional whatever with Jimmy Jacobs to happen with him and Dean.

So Seth's speech is practiced. Not because it's fake, but because it's too real. He tells Dean that he's just not ready to handle it all. That he really wants to focus on his career right now because he figures that his big break is going to come any day now. Seth couldn't imagine that he'd be in FCW for much longer so he's stopping it before it gets serious, before it gets to be anything more than just a few nights a week in the same bed.

He promises Dean that once they both get their feet steady in the business, they can discuss something more concrete than just the casual hookups. This isn't final and it isn't really a breakup. Seth tells him to see it more like a pause.

Dean doesn't say much; he just delivers a succinct, "Okay," before getting up to leave.

Seth worries about Dean for the next few days, but it's all for naught. Dean apparently doesn't dwell on the rejection, as Seth finds a man, barely out of his teens, sneak out of his motel room later that week.

Good for him, he thinks.

They go their separate ways and move on into different feuds. And what Seth thought was only going to be a few days to catch his big break becomes months. And adding onto that frustration is the fact that he realizes that he never had to call it quits with Dean so prematurely.

But it's for the best, Seth reasons, because he doesn't want to make their relationship out to be more than it was, especially since he doesn't know what the future holds for him in this company anymore.

Management makes it easier on him because for whatever reason, management decides that Dean doesn't need to be on TV as much. Dean never seems to be backstage, so they stop "unexpectedly" running into each other late into the evening and inviting the other to stay the night.

Seth does notice his absence, but, to be sure, he isn't pining away for Dean and he doubts that Dean is either. What they had was great, but as with most relationships with people in their mid-twenties, especially wrestlers, it was probably fleeting and insignificant in the long run. Seth thinks about Dean just as much as anyone in he's had a past relationship with.

It was fine. Really.

But by coincidence, or maybe fate, Seth gets sent up to the main WWE roster along with Dean and one of their friends, Roman. They don't get pulled apart. In fact, the company tells them that they are intent on having them work together for as long as possible.

When they see each other again right before an 8-man tag match down in Tampa, literally less than a couples of weeks before their planned debut onto the main roster, Seth simply gives Dean a casual nod and Dean returns a shrug.

But everything, oddly enough, is even more arousing when they wrestle side-by-side rather than against one another. There is always so much chemistry and sensual stimulation between the two of them in the ring that it's no wonder that they'd both end up on their backs at some point or another. But the funny thing is that listening to the other desperately moan face-down on the mat and watching the other get manhandled by another wrestler right in front of the other…seem to be just as enticing.

Maybe it's awakening the voyeur inside of him, but instead of pure tactile stimuli, he has to rely solely on his visual and aural cues. Which tends to get a much slower rise out of him, but also generates a much more gratifying release in the end.

So a few nights after they get reacquainted, they fuck. It's hot and sloppy and they can't hold off for more than a few minutes before they're both panting and covered in a slick, sticky film of saliva, sweat and cum.

And Seth figures that maybe he was just prolonging the inevitable. Putting the relationship on hold – and promising something more – was never necessary. After all, it would be foolish to think that they'd never wrestle each other again, and by extension that they'd never be here, lying next to each other exhausted and drunk in a blissful haze of euphoria.

So they start fucking after tapings and shows regularly on the main roster, as if no time has passed since that night in October a little more than a year ago.

Seth promised Dean then that he'd reconsider their relationship when they were on the main roster, when they made a name for themselves, when they could both give the relationship the time and effort it deserves. And now they're both where they dreamed they'd be at as little kids – getting pushed into main events and being touted as the brightest superstars spearheading the new generation of WWE.

There's nothing stopping them anymore. There's nothing stopping them from moving a physical relationship to the next level. There's nothing stopping them from making them something.

But when Dean tries to wrap his arm around Seth's waist as he's leaving the hotel, almost three weeks into their newly resumed relationship, Seth pulls away.

Because the funny thing about stripping all of the complications and obstacles of their wrestling careers is that what's left is just the two of them. A real relationship with no excuses to fall back on.

And Seth doesn't think it sounds so hard. Trying to make a physical relationship something more. Because isn't that how all relationships start? Just a little physical attraction. A little wink, a brush on the arm, a chaste kiss.

Simple, he tells himself.

But Seth can't help but feel like they're moving too fast. Everything feels so intimate. Every touch, every whisper, every moan – they all seem so much more significant than before.

Now he's wondering if somehow that small caress on the neck Dean gave him last weekend meant "I love you," or if Dean thinks that sharing a photo of his dog last week was an invitation to spend time with him at Christmas.

Maybe he's paranoid, and maybe he's always been a little too careful in his relationships. He likes control and he doesn't like making the same mistakes twice. But it's because that's who he is and just because he's with Dean now, it doesn't mean Seth's going to change.

Seth knows that Dean notices this and he figures that Dean must feel a little hurt by the fact that he tries to make a lame excuse about having bad breath and pulls away a little abruptly when Dean tries to lean in to kiss him. Dean pretends to look cool on the outside, but Seth knows Dean well enough to know that even though he can play every character in the book, the one thing he can't do is keep something to himself

They're grabbing a bite to eat, after one of the Smackdown tapings, when Dean asks him about Seth's recent behavior.

"Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?" he asks, chomping on the last of his French fries. He says it in a very casual tone, but from Dean's overly fidgety hands, it's obvious that he's nervous to hear the answer.

"What? No," Seth denies, shaking his head. "Why would you think that?"

"You always push me away out in public. And I know you don't want to make this a big deal – and I don't either – but I feel like you kind of don't want me." Dean kind of mumbles the last part, as he looks down at his burger.

Seth thinks back and he realizes that maybe he had been rejecting him in public. Unintentionally, of course. Dean tended to get a bit warm and affectionate in public. Behind closed doors, Dean never bothered with loving caresses or soft kisses. He usually just went straight for Seth's pants' zipper, and Seth can handle that – the simple, carnal desire that they were so well-versed in since their first hookup more than a year ago. He just doesn't know what they are now once everything has become official.

"I want you," Seth assures him, rubbing his knee under the table. And Seth does want Dean. Despite all of the doubts running rampant through Seth's head, Seth likes Dean and Seth is interested in a real relationship with him. He just doesn't want Dean to think that a year of casual hookups means anything more than just a year of casual hookups.

Dean doesn't look convinced, and Seth realizes that a small gesture under the table isn't going to alleviate Dean's concern. Seth then leans over the table and grabs the back of Dean's head to pull him closer. He presses his lips against Dean's to reassure him and there's an instantaneous rush of heat from his lips to his toes when their lips meet. Dean's lips part in a drawn-out sigh and as their tongues tangle together, Seth shows him just how much he wants him with his fingers and teeth and tongue – everything but his words. Dean makes a small whimper at the loss of contact, even though he's the one to break it.

"People are staring at us," Dean explains breathlessly, resting his forehead against Seth's.

"Whatever," Seth responds lazily, kissing him again. "I'm not ashamed of who we are or who you are," Seth reiterates. He pulls back a bit, but lingers close enough that the Dean can still feel the sharp prickling sensation of Seth's beard and Seth can still hear their breathing slow to a normal rate.

"Well, I guess you don't have a problem with PDA. What's wrong, then?" he asks, snapping his head up, not understanding.

Seth pauses. He wants to tell Dean all of his worries about a relationship that began as just sex. All of his doubts about being in a relationship with someone he's known for years – but not quite. All of his fears about making the same mistakes he's made in past relationships. Because he wants this to work, and Seth knows he can't expect this to work without him trying to tell Dean these things.

But all the words he wants to say gets tied up on his tongue and the only thing Seth can blurt out is "It's weird."

Dean just nods. "You know, this is new for me too," he starts. "We can always slow things down. Just tell me what you want to do."

It sounds odd because their version of slowing things down is focusing on the physical. And in the back of Seth's mind, he wonders if there's something wrong with his mentality – being comfortable with the sex part, but not the intimate, lovey-dovey stuff normal couples do.

"I don't think you-" Seth tries.

But Dean takes Seth's hand into his own, and the unexpected softness in his hands and the eyes staring back at him interrupts Seth's train of thought.

"Here, let's start again. Hi, I'm Dean," he begins, extending his other hand. Seth just stares at his outstretched hand. "And you are…?" Dean prompts.

"Seth," he answers slowly.

"I know who you are. I've seen you wrestle," Dean says, his tone suddenly light. Seth tilts his head.

"You've seen me wrestle?" Seth replies a few seconds late, not quite understanding still.

"Yeah, you're really good," Dean nods, his eyes shining. And Seth finally gets what Dean's trying to do. And if this were some romantic comedy, Seth would, no doubt, groan and tease Dean mercilessly for even thinking of the clichéd relationship reset button.

But it's not a movie, and in practice, it's actually adorable.

"You think?" Seth asks, a smile forming as he catches on.

"Now don't let it go to your head…"

"But you think I'm cute and talented…" Seth plays along.

"Wait a minute…I never said you were cute," Dean denies, grinning anyway.

"You bought me dinner though. I must have caught your eye," he points out, gesturing at the empty plates of food on the table. Dean lets out a genuine laugh.

"It was your hair," Dean says, leaning across the table.

"You wanted to buy me dinner because of my hair?" Seth asks amused.

"Reminds me of all those awesome punk bands," Dean reasons.

"Okay, now I know you're just trying to get in my pants. You hate the stuff I listen to," Seth snorts, dropping the act.

"Hmm," Dean starts, scooting his chair closer to him. He furtively runs his hand up Seth's thigh. "Is it working?" There's a sudden change in Dean's expression, almost as if he's suddenly aware of something particularly interesting and appetizing in front of him.

And Seth suddenly remembers why the reset button doesn't work in real life. It's pretty much impossible to forget the problems and issues that led you to press the reset button in the first place.

"Dean," Seth cautions. Because it feels like they're jumping back right into the sex that basically defined their first relationship – a relationship that, although great in its own simple way, should be completely different from this current one.

"Sorry, habit," Dean stops himself. He gives Seth a sheepish grin, but his hand remains on Seth's thigh. "As much as I like the feeling of your perfect ass tightening and clenching around me and the way your body absolutely cries and begs for more with every shudder and every thrust when I wrap my lips around your cock-" Deans goes on very casually, the only difference being the lowered volume of his voice.

Seth stills and Dean takes this opportunity to travel his hand up Seth's thigh. A shiver runs down Seth's body at the thoughts Dean is putting into his head.

"- And trust me," Dean smirks, "I thoroughly enjoy that feeling." Dean's grin grows wider as he traces the outline of Seth's bulge in his flimsy athletic shorts.

Seth's breath catches in the back of his throat and he unconsciously slumps down to the edge of his seat trying to get closer to Dean's probing hands.

His body is betraying him, doing the exact opposite of what his brain is telling him, but he figures that there's no way that Dean would try something in public, so he lets Dean continue because he wants to hear what he has to say.

The little ministrations of his hands and the rasp of his voice are just bonuses.

"We can go as slow or as fast-" Dean pauses, moving his hand up again. He hooks his finger underneath Seth's waistband and follows the elastic riding low on Seth's hips, his nail scraping across his skin. He stops his curious fingers right above Seth's cock and gives a slight tug on the waistband as he finishes his sentence with a lopsided smile, "- as you want."

Seth should be saying something. He should be saying a lot of things. But instead, he just grips the table a little more and bites on the bottom of his lip to hold back any noise that may spill out of his mouth.

Dean always has a way with words, but he also has a way with his hands and mouth and tongue and…

Dean suddenly pulls his hand away and looks deep into Seth's now dark, but confused eyes. The atmosphere changes in an instant as cool air from the restaurant's air conditioning washes over his body.

"I know you, Seth," he says, giving Seth something halfway between a smirk and a knowing smile. Seth knows he must look like a fool right now, red and flustered and absolutely perplexed at Dean's stoppage. "And maybe we haven't been together in the traditional sense for long, but I know you. I know you hate pickles and I know you hate wet socks and I know you hate being put on hold because you hate the music that's always played. And instead of coming right out and saying it, you bite your tongue and you ignore it because you hate change and you hate it when people think you're being fussy and annoying," he goes on. Seth sits back, knitting his brows together.

"And I know you like all of the fun things we do together – I mean, it's pretty obvious here that I can get a literal rise out of you with just my pinky–," he rambles on, and this time, it's definitely a smirk that he's wearing, now accompanied with a little suggestive wag of the eyebrow. "But Iknow you're weirded out by us now that we're trying to be serious about it. So if that means starting all the way at the beginning with a 'Hello, my name is Dean' ruse because you want this to be real and serious and not just some thing we did when we were alone and horny, I'm cool with that too," Dean nods.

And even though Seth is still faintly buzzing in an erotic haze, maybe, he realizes, that Dean does understand. He doesn't need to say it; Dean can read it in his eyes, in his body language, in what Seth doesn't manage to say.

"And I'm not saying this is love or some fairytale happily-ever-after shit, but I kind of like you, if you haven't noticed," Dean goes on, his eyes focused on Seth and Seth alone.

Seth softens a bit at his admission. A few minutes ago, Seth might have been scared that the relationship was getting too serious and emotional for him, but with Dean staring back at him right now, knowing that he wants this just as much as Seth does and was willing to take it slow for him, it's not as scary anymore.

"You can take as much time as you want," he murmurs, leaning in. Seth can feel the corners of Dean's lips curl upwards as he plants a quick kiss on his forehead. It's a sweet kiss, one that tells Seth that he means it. "I ain't going nowhere," his breath ghosting over his skin, as he pulls away.

And in spite of all the overt, borderline inappropriate PDA they've been engaged in at this restaurant, this is the first time that Seth actually blushes.

Because Seth doesn't know how he got so lucky. How he managed to find someone who could be so considerate, and hot and weird and charming, who'd actually want someone so plain like him. But he doesn't question it.

When they get back to their hotel room, they don't have sex.

Dean just lays down next to him, with his hair slicked back and his fingers intertwined with Seth's, and he asks Seth if he would like to go out on a "proper date."

Seth says yes.

On their first date, Dean takes him to some fancy restaurant – because he knows that's what Seth would have wanted – but they somehow end up at an old arcade in some random strip mall. Dean is competing against an 8-year old at DDR, while Seth alternates between munching on some chips from the vending machine and laughing his ass off at Dean's flailing body and expletive-laden rants. When Dean loses for the fourth time, Seth has to drag him away by buying him a stuffed bear and some Red Hots as consolation prizes before they leave.

And it's a weird emotion for Seth – contentment. It's refreshing and exciting and frightening all at once. He's usually so uptight about things and it's almost second nature for him to worry about every single detail. But tonight, all of his doubts have been pushed to the back of his mind and he has a feeling that it has to do with the man standing in front of him.

Back at Seth's hotel room, Dean's hands are clasped in front of him, and he looks like an innocent choir boy with his navy dress shirt and now-loosened tie. Seth grins to himself at the notion that Dean researched the restaurant and actually dressed up to the nines for him as he slides the key card. Dean is rooming with Roman for the time being so that he can keep up this charade of starting all over again, and it's actually stupidly sweet. Everything about Dean has kind of been stupidly sweet recently.

Dean utters a brief goodnight and gives him a soft kiss on the lips. A pleasant tingling immediately courses through his body and even though they've kissed dozens of times before this, this feels different and new. Dean tastes like cinnamon candy, spicy and sweet, and despite Seth's distaste for the artificial sweet, he can't seem to get enough of the taste of it on Dean's mouth.

When Seth tries to deepen the kiss, Dean pulls away coyly and teases, "Not on the first date." Seth pouts in response.

He obviously asks for a second date.

And for a third and fourth and forever.

A/N: Thanks for reading, and reviews are always appreciated!