Ok, I just had to post another chapter…Eep! I hope you guys enjoy!
Loving the reviews btw!
"Natsu!" Lucy shouted, searching the guild for her pink haired friend.
That was it, the final straw; he had crossed the line. Not only did he sneak into her room almost every day; now he had taken her novel…with it not even being close to done; with possibly a love interest that may or may not be based off of him…
"Where is that Dragon slayer?" Lucy said to herself, probably looking like a deranged lunatic at this point; the occasional guild mate staring.
Lucy had even went as far as looking into the broom closet to find that man; yet no sign of him. Then when she thought all hope was lost, she heard the sound of loud shouts coming from the opposite end of the guild hall. Lucy stomped her way over to a table being swarmed by other guild mates. She squeezed in between Erza and Wendy; trying to get a better look. Sure enough there was Natsu, arm wrestling with Gray. These two could be so childish at times, yet Lucy would have it no other way. Her expression seemed to change when she remembered why she was looking for Natsu in the first place.
Natsu Dragneel!" The whole guild turned to look at Lucy, she began to blush. "Oops, maybe a little too loud…" Too late.
Natsu stood straight up, at attention to Lucy's outburst; he didn't quite understand what he could be in trouble for this time.
"What'd I do?" Natsu shrugged his shoulders in confusion.
"You took it!" Lucy pointed her finger at him.
"Took what?!" Natsu was dumbfounded.
"You know what!" Lucy started walking closer to Natsu; as he ungracefully backed up and over a chair.
"Ow!" Natsu scratched the back of his head; the hardwood didn't feel so good against it.
"Lucy, I didn't take anything…dragon slayers honor!" Natsu nodded his head; she wasn't buying it.
"Yeah right, you've been trying to get ahold of it for weeks…" Lucy, at this point; looked crazy to anyone watching.
"I…have…no…idea…what…you…are…talking…about!" Natsu said, slowly emphasizing each word.
Lucy looked at him, he honestly didn't know what she was talking about; huh how odd.
"You mean you don't have my novel?" Lucy looked confused.
"No!" Natsu exclaimed; an odd look on his face. "I don't even know where your novel is since the last time you hid it from me!"
"Oh…" Lucy started to blush; now she even felt crazy. "Oops…"
"Yeah, oops is right…Geez." Natsu stood up and stretched his arms over his head. "Maybe you just misplaced it…"
"I don't think I did…" Lucy was trying to think if maybe she was the one to blame for her recent missing novel. "Nope!"
"Um, Lucy…" A familiar and quite voice spoke behind her. "I have it."
Lucy turned around to see Levy, holding a bundle of papers in her arms; her novel.
"Oh…" Lucy looked apologetically toward Natsu. "Sorry!"
"I forgot to give it back to you when I left for my job; remember you wanted me to proofread it for you?" Levy said, her expression seeming sad today.
"Oh yeah, I forgot." Lucy grabbed the bundle of papers from Levy. "Thank you."
"Yeah…anytime…" Levy nodded her head, then looked over her shoulder; seeming to look for someone.
"Um, are you ok?" Lucy felt genuinely concerned for her friend. "You've seemed pretty down since you got back yesterday."
"Oh…um, yeah…I'm fine!" Levy said hesitantly. "Just tired is all…"
"Oh." Lucy wasn't believing Levy's lie for one instant.
"So, how was working with Gajeel?" Lucy was a tad bit curios about the new duo.
Levy seemed to jolt to attention at the mention of his name.
"It was…fine." Was all Levy said; she didn't seem talkative today.
"Oh, ok…where is he? You guys didn't come back to Magnolia together." Lucy asked.
"Well he decided to find another way back…Jet and Droy met me at the train station; to check on me I guess…" Levy said, the whole memory of it all made her upset again. "I'm sorry…I have to go!" Levy turned on her heels and ran out of the guild hall; the door slamming behind her.
"What's up with her?" Natsu asked, pointing in Levy's direction.
"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." Lucy looked at Natsu, a look of determination on her face.
"Uh oh…" Natsu backed away slowly; not wanting to get into Lucy's way.
Levy had run all the way to her room; throwing herself on top of her bed and weeping into her pillow. The whole thing made her bawl like a baby; she felt so vulnerable. Why did she have to feel these emotions for him, why did she have to cry herself to sleep last night? They spent one night together, one mind blowing amazing night together. Just the very mention of his name made it hard for her to control all the raw emotion building inside of her.
"Pull it together Levy!" She said to herself, picking herself up off her bed and walking into her bathroom to wash up. "He's just a guy…" Yet the more she told herself those exact words, it became clearer that he wasn't "just a guy". She felt like he was "her guy", iron cold personality and all.
Gajeel had arrived in Magnolia last night and had yet to go to the guild hall, he didn't want to face her yet; the whole scene her stupid teammates had caused made him feel…vulnerable. He didn't mean to walk away from her, he just didn't know if he could control himself much longer before he hauled off and shoved a fist full of iron into the two knuckleheads mouths she called "friends". For quite some time he had inklings of certain feelings for the little bluenette. Yet, after their erotic night together; his feelings became more prominent…persistent. He felt he needed her like he needed iron and that to him was the very essence of living; the one thing that fueled him. When he was with her he felt she had fueled desires inside himself that he didn't know were even possible. Gajeel sighed in frustration, he knew he needed to make things right between them; he just didn't know if it were possible with her teammates so close in tow behind her constantly.
He then made his way to the guild hall, he needed to face reality sooner or later.
Levy had managed to pull herself together and go back to the guild hall; sitting at a table with Jet, Droy, Lucy and Natsu. They had seemed to be in a very interesting conversation about whether the dragons would show up again; although Natsu was 100% sure that at least Igneel would come back. Levy would occasionally glance over at Lucy, who seemed to be watching her intently; having seen her sudden outburst of tears when leaving the guild earlier in the day. Levy took a deep breath and took a sip of her water, looking down at a book she had recently purchases; the group conversation reaching a boring turn. Once Levy had seemed to tune out the outside noises, she could faintly hear the sound of the guild doors opening; Levy turned toward the sound and almost knocked her water all over her new book. Gajeel walked in, head held high and arms dangling beside his muscular body. Levy shook the thought of touching every line and indentation of his chiseled chest from her mind, although the very sight of him made her weak in the knees; she was sure glad she was sitting down.
"Look who decided to come back…" Jet said, looking straight at Gajeel.
Gajeel glared at him, then his attention was turned to Levy; his crimson eyes boring into her very being. Levy let out the breath she had been holding and quickly looked down from his gaze; knowing that an intense stare would make her feel hot all over again.
Lucy had noticed the look that Gajeel and Levy had given one another; she was very curious about the two wizards.
Gajeel let his gaze linger for another minute before he made his way to the bar and took a seat; ordering a much needed beer from Mirajane. He looked back at Levy once more, her back toward him. He traced up and down her body with his eyes, the way she was propped to one side made her ass look amazing. He started to imagine his hand running down her sides, cupping her behind and lifting her against a wall; savagely kissing her.
Lucy could see how Gajeel looked at Levy, like he yearned for her and part of Lucy felt bad for the guy. He had seemed to be making an effort in changing and she had the feeling something had definitely happened on his and Levy's first job together. All the pieces were fitting into place inside her head, the sudden outburst of tears when she had brought up his name to Levy, down to the way he looked at her. She had also noticed how protective Jet and Droy had become of Levy when Gajeel had walked inside. Lucy could see why he wouldn't approach her; he didn't want to upset her if he lashed out at her fellow teammates. All the signs were showing that Gajeel was simply turning the other cheek at the other two boys' immaturity; she felt she needed to lend the poor guy a hand. At least get them a few minutes alone together; so they could talk in peace. Whatever Levy would choose Lucy would gladly stand by her decision because that's what friends were for. Lucy saw Levy sigh with sadness as she looked down at her book, Lucy needed to help her friend; Levy deserved to be happy and if Gajeel was the one to make her happy then so be it.
Lucy turned to look at Natsu, he was talking to Droy and hadn't paid attention to anything that was going on; expect the subject the two wizards were discussing.
"Psst…Natsu." Lucy nudged Natsu's elbow with her own.
"Huh?" Natsu diverted her attention to Lucy. "Why are we whispering? Natsu whispered his reply to her, leaning in closer.
"I'm going to need you as a distraction." Lucy whispered, looking around the guild. "Yeah know cause a fight or something…" Lucy giggled, that shouldn't be hard for him in the least.
Natsu grinned and chuckled.
"You got it!" Natsu gleamed with excitement, as he stood up from the table. "I'm always up for a good brawl!" He pumped his arms in the air, puffing into the wind. "I'm all fired up now!"
"Hey, ice princess!" Natsu shouted toward Gray, who had once again; taken his shirt off.
"What did you call me flame for brains?" Gray shouted back, picking up a piece of cheesecake.
"You heard me!" Natsu shouted back.
Gray threw the piece of cheesecake, Natsu dodged it just in time; except Droy wasn't as fast. The cake hit him square in the face, dripping down. The whole table stood up, Levy picked up her belongings so they wouldn't get dirty; she definitely needed to get out of this fiasco. Lucy moved out of the way, letting out a giggle; her plan seemed to be working. She would help clean up after it was all said in done.
"Not the cheesecake!" Erza shouted. "That's it!" She transformed her armor and charged toward them.
Food started flying and before you knew it Natsu and Gray were rolling around; throwing punches. Jet and Droy even got into the fight; leaving Levy unattended. Lucy could see Gajeel make his way toward Levy from the bar; dodging the occasion food particles flying in the air. Once Gajeel was directly behind Levy, Lucy stepped away and walked over to Mirajane; explaining everything. Mirajane's face turned a shade of pink and then a smile covered her face; the mess wasn't a big deal compared to what might be happening between the script mage and the iron dragon slayer.
Levy took a step back and collided with a firm figure; she looked up to see Gajeel looking down at her. A small wary smile crept across her face, unsure of what might happen.
"Hey shrimp, can we talk…in private?" Gajeel asked.
Levy's smile seemed to grow; if that was even possible.
"Yeah, we should probably get out of the way anyway." Levy said.
Gajeel smirked and grabbed Levy's belongings for her; sneaking out of the guild hall before anyone even turned to notice.
Levy walked beside the iron studded man, knowing what their conversation might be about; her stomach was knotted in anticipation. Levy found her hand reach out and grab onto Gajeel's arm; her nerves calming.
Gajeel smiled and looked at her for a brief moment, watching as her smile seemed to spread once again. Her touch was the one constant he wanted in his life, along with the bluenettes smile.