It is currently 1:25am and I am up writing smut.

A twoshot of Bratva!Olicity because I miss it and I had all this smut inside of me that I needed to get out


Part One

She could feel him watching her. And she loved it.

The Bratva enforcer she was dancing with pulled her closer to his body, his hands gliding along her body as she rolled her hips into his.

And all she could feel was her husband's heated gaze.

She knew what she was getting herself into. She knew that once he got his hands on her, she would be forced to bend to his will. And she knew that she would easily submit to him. But not after a little resistance.

She would fight him. She alway did. And that was part of the thrill.

The Bratva enforcer, whose name she didn't know, was hard behind her, his presence heavy as she lost herself in the music and the fact that she was being watched.

She'd accidentally became friends with the Bratva leader when she accidentally began working for the Bratva. She couldn't believe that it had taken her almost a whole year for her to realise that she was working for a mafia. Of course, when she had found out, a gun had been trained on her temple, with Oliver Queen standing five feet from her, a gun raised on her assailant.

Then she had married him. To go into hiding, as the Bratva leader's wife. No one would touch someone that belonged to Oliver Queen. And she hadn't been, not by the people who had been after her anyway.

Oliver had had her in his bed on their fast wedding night, and she had been there ever since.

That was seven months ago.

Since then, she had recently found a new way to torment her husband.

He watched her.

There wasn't anything else he could possibly do to stop his wife from dancing with his enforcers.

From the second level he was on, he had a full view of his wife and the man he paid to protect her. He loved the way she moved, her hips swayed erotically, her head had fallen back onto the other man's shoulder, her arms looped behind her and around his head. He could tell that her fingers had threaded into the mans hair.

He prided himself on his calm control. Shocked that he had lasted this long. He hated watching her talk with other men. Absolutely hated her touching them. The thought made his blood boil. Yet he was sitting on the second floor of his club, watching the woman he claimed as his dirty dance with one of his enforcers.

The possessive raged that suddenly filled him had him shooting to his feet when the enforcer spun Felicity in his arms, his hands cupping her face, tilting her head up as if he were going to kiss her.

He didn't even think twice as he began moving towards the stairs, people separating and creating a pathway straight towards his wife. The anger he felt was strong, the jealousy almost overwhelming, the possessiveness almost overbearing. Nobody touched his wife the way he did.

By the time he had spotted the enforcer, he realised that Felicity wasn't with the man any longer.

She didn't hear him enter their home. Not until she heard his dangerous growl.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." he taunted. It made her shiver as she remained silent in the front room. If he was taunting, that meant he had lost a little bit of his control. She had pushed him to far tonight and she was almost to scared to allow him to have her.

The house was dark, she hadn't bothered turning on lights as she had rushed into the house he had gotten just for them. She knew he had been on her tail as she had driven home from his club, she had heard the rumble of his favourite motorbike following behind her as she had slipped into the house.

She felt overtly vulnerable as she slipped along the wall of the front room, listening to him remove the items he didn't want on him before he started his hunt. She almost squeaked when she heard him undoing his belt, knowing that he would use it somehow to ensure she totally submitted to him when he caught her.

Tip toeing through the front room, she scattered through the doorway and across the hallway, hurrying silently into the lounge room. She hoped the darkness of the house had hidden most of her and she did a little dance of victory when she listened for any tips of him knowing where she was and finding none.

She squeaked in surprise when a large silhouette stepped into view. Despite her knowing it was her husband, her mind screamed at her to run. The fear and the excitement boosted her adrenaline as she whirled around to bolt away.

He lunged after her, missing her by a second as she shrieked and scattered back out into the hallway. She should have known she was no match for him. Hell, he was the bloody most powerful man in Russia, terrified by many. Her strength was no match for his.

He grabbed her, his hands curling around her, trapping her to his body as he lifted her away from the ground, away from her escape. The insane combination of fear and excitement filled her and she began to fight his hold, wiggling her upper body to see if she could escape him. He grunted when her legs began to thrash, kicking him in areas she wasn't so certain of, and with a deep growl that had her biting her lip, he set her back on the ground, spinning her to face him as he backed her up against the wall.

She didn't give up struggling against him, but his strength was overpowering and her efforts were nil to none. When her arms came up to slap at his face, he gripped both her wrists and pulled them behind her so they were pressed between the wall and the small of her back, then he thrust his hard, muscular thigh between hers so she couldn't move her legs. His upper body pressed against hers, pinning her to the wall, rendering her completely helpless as he brought his shadowed face down to her. She thrilled in his clenched jaw and the angry heat glittering in his eyes.

She knew her husband enjoyed control in all aspects, but there was something about him tonight that made her want to surrender to him without a fight. But staying true to herself, she wasn't going to go down easily.

She jerked against him, her pulse racing as she attempted to twist out of his hold. He easily kept her firmly in place, the cocky smile she saw flash across his face making her growl at him. He secured both of her wrists in one of his big hands, lifting his other hand to frame her chin, forcing her head back as he brought his mouth down on hers.

The kiss was rough, brutally possessive and it would have knocked her on her ass if she hadn't been in his secure hold. His firm lips demanded a response, pushing her apart to thrust his tongue inside, delving deep and claiming her mouth that simply declared that she was his. She could feel his hunger, could feel his need, and she could feel the last bits of his control breaking.

The hand that cupped her jaw traveled down her neck in a caress before his fingers circled her throat. With an animalistic growl, he ended the kiss, his expression shadowed and hungry and it sent a tremor though her. His fingers flexed around her throat, making her imagination run wild.

She let out a breath when he slid his hand from her neck down to her chest, fisting the material of her pretty shirt and giving it a hard yank. The flimsy material tore under his brutal handling and she gasped in shock, her eyes widening as what he had just done hit her.

With her hands still positioned behind her back, and his bigger body holding her to the wall, she was helpless to his behaviour and the dangerously smug look he had on his face told her he knew he had complete control. He roughly pulled down her bra, lowering his head and taking one hard nipple into his mouth. His tongue flicked across the hard tip before he sucked hard.

She moaned harshly when his teeth bit down, white heat shot through her, her head dropping back as he tested the line between pain and pleasure. Her hips bucked against him, the pulsing in her body sweetly agonising. There was no way she was going to be breaking free until he allowed her to.

His mouth continued to torment her breasts as he reached between their bodies and shoved her short skirt right up to her hips. His hands instantly delved into her panties, two long fingers thrusting deep inside her. She forgot to breath as he body adjusted to the sudden invasion and he didn't give her time to come to terms with said invasion as he began to fuck her with his rough fingers. Her inner muscles contracted around his ruthless fingers, his tongue flickering across her nipple as he pressed his thumb over her clit. She whimpered as her head hit into the wall behind her, sucking in a breath when his mouth released her nipple.

His lips trailed up the path of her neck, his stubble ticking her skin in the most delicious way.
"So fucking tight. So wet." he breathed against her ear. "You like when I do this to you, don't you? You like being trapped, restrained, forced to submit to my touch."

She didn't like it. She loved it. But she forced herself to stay defiant to his will.

"No, I hate it." she hissed.

"Lies. Your sweet mouth, as tempting as it is, lies to me. Your body softens to my touch, your cunt is wet with the need you have for me." he murmured. He pumped his fingers into her, dragging them out slowly, forcing her to feel the way her body willingly clung to his. He lifted his head and stared down at her, his gaze dark and filled with heat. The look on his face assured her that she wouldn't be getting out of this without submitting to his every want.

"You think you can dance with my enforcers and there will be no reaction? Did you think I'd let you get away with allowing that man to touch you the way he did with no punishment?" he growled, making her swallow back her moan as his thumb began slow circles around her clit. "Now that I have what is mine, I'm going to take it. I'm going to spread you wide and take you hard, and you're going to accept everything I have to give you. I'd advise you, Mrs Queen, that it'll be much easier for you if I have your full cooperation. Nonetheless, I will be fucking you with or without it."

HA HA! Little cliffhanger for you all, not really, considering I'll be uploading the second half after my well deserved sleep sesh.

P.s In Of Species, I got told that my sex scene was rapey, and I can see how this might be a little rapey but please remember, they are married and this is a sexual game for them! No rape, it is all consensual.

Reviews keeps the demons away lol

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