OK, E/O fans, I know I still have to update Engage and Together, and I'll work on those. But this short story has been running through my head and I had to write it down before it drove me crazy. It will just be a couple of chapters….promise. Please read and review! I love you hear what you guys think.


Elliot loved Olivia Benson for many reasons. She was dedicated to her job, she was a fearless partner that always had his back, she had incredible empathy with victims, she was incredibly smart, and she could be ruthless and cunning when she needed to be. But right now, all of those thoughts went out of his head and were replaced with pure lust for the beautiful, sexy woman standing in front of him.

Earlier that week…..

The squad sat around, looking at the facts of three recent rapes on the board. Elliot stood up and turned to face Munch, Fin, Olivia and Cragen.

"OK, these are the facts. All three rapes occurred at The Towers Hotel. All three women were guests at the hotel, attacked in the rooms as they entered." Elliot pointed to a photo of the first victim. "The first victim was entering her room after a trip to the spa. She was staying at the hotel with her boyfriend, but he was not with her at the time, so the perp must have been watching her. He knew she'd be alone."

Elliot took a few steps and pointed to a second photo. "The second victim." He then pointed to a third photo. "And the third victim, we're both at the hotel nightclub with their boyfriends. They both got into fights with their boyfriends and left the club and went up to their rooms alone. They were attacked as they entered their room." Elliot turned around to face the rest of the team. "So it stands to reason that our attacker was in the nightclub and he was watching. Something these women did made him notice them. And he knew that they were staying at the hotel."

"Were they drunk?" asked Fin.

Olivia gave him a dirty look. "That doesn't matter." she said sharply. "No one deserves to be raped, drunk or not."

Fin put his hands up. "Settle down Liv. I didn't mean it that way. I was just wondering what they were doing prior to the attack that would have made their attacker choose them. He would have targeted someone that he thought was easy prey."

Elliot picked up some paperwork from the desk in front of him. "We interviewed the women and their boyfriends. They each had photos that they took in the bar." He pulled photos out of the file and held them up. There were two photos; one of each. One was relatively close, as if they took it themselves. The other one was farther away, so someone else must have taken it. Both of the women were brunettes; beautiful women dressed for the club. They had big smiles on their faces, cozied up to their boyfriends, not knowing what the night had in store for them.

"Well, they're certainly dressed for a night out. They're not leaving much to the imagination." said Munch, and Olivia shot him a dirty look as well.

Olivia turned to Elliot. "So could they give you any kind of timeline? Do we know exactly what happened?" she asked.

Elliot looked through the file again. "Well, both men reported similar stories. Both happened on a Friday night, one week apart. Both couples were staying in the hotel. Both went to dinner at the Italian restaurant in the hotel, and then ended up in the nightclub around 9:30PM."

"That's pretty early. The club wouldn't be very busy at that time." Olivia said.

"Yeah. Well they both reported going in and standing at the bar. They'd had a few drinks with dinner, and both said their girlfriends were a little tipsy, but not drunk. They ordered another drink at the bar and were just talking and hanging out for a while."

"Did they talk to anyone else?" asked Munch.

"They both said there were lots of people hanging out around the bar, and that they talked to several people. Some were guys that were alone, and said they were in town for business and just hanging out. But some people they talked to were couples. No one that stood out."

Elliot kept reading, refreshing his memory from the conversations they'd had with the victims and their boyfriends. "Both women reported that they had a few more drinks, one had some shots. They drank and hung out for a while, but then they both said they wanted to dance, but their boyfriends did not. So they went out and danced by themselves…" he paused, reading. "Sounds like that's maybe when things started to go south. The men both reported that their girlfriends were dancing with other guys and that things were getting out of hand. Finally they'd had enough and went out and interrupted the fun…and subsequently got in a heated argument with their girlfriends. Both times, it ended with the girlfriends storming out of the club and back up to their rooms."

"And they just let them go?" asked Olivia.

"Yeah. The both said they figured it was OK because they were staying in the hotel. And they were mad and they wanted to cool off before they followed them." said Elliot.

Fin stood up. "So they come into the club, they're both beautiful women, dressed for a night out on the town. They get drunk, dance with several guys…with the kind of dancing they're doing at these clubs, that'll get ya' noticed for sure. And your boyfriend won't be too happy with them. I know if my girl was grinding up on a bunch of guys, I would lose it."

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Everyone's dancing like that…and everyone's dressed like that. So why these women?"

"I think it's just opportunity" said Elliot. "Not everyone in the club is staying at the hotel. So he goes in, without picking a victim. But he chats people up at the bar, founds out they're staying there and then sees what unfolds." Elliot sat back down on the edge of a desk. "I mean, it can't be too hard. You have to figure that on any given night, there' s going to be one women that's going to lose a little control and end up in a fight with her husband or boyfriend."

"So what happens then?" Cragen asked.

"The women both report heading straight to their room. They took the elevator and then as soon as they put their key card in the door and pushed it open, the perp rushed them from behind. He had a knife, threatened them to be quiet and pushed them face down on the bed. He wears a ski mask pulled halfway down, binds their hands to the headboard and rapes them. He's in and out in 15 minutes. In both cases, the boyfriends were back up to their rooms in about 30 minutes and found their girlfriends still bound to the bed. They weren't assaulted in any other way; no cuts or other bruises."

Olivia sighed. "And because he wore a mask, they couldn't provide any kind of description?"

Elliot referred back to the files. "All three said that the perp was white. Green eyes. But other than that, nothing. No tattoos or distinguishing marks that they can recall."

Cragen sighed. "Well, we don't have much to go on, but at least his M.O. is consistent." He looked at the members of his squad. "Looks like were going clubbin' on Friday night."

"Oh good, I just bought a new dress." said Munch.

Olivia laughed. "That's not something I want to even think about."

Elliot looked over at the Captain. "I don't know if we can pull this off." In the back of his mind, he was tired of Olivia always being the bait in these undercover operations; he was afraid that one of these times, she was going to get hurt.

Olivia stood up. "You don't think I can attract anyone's attention in a night club?" She gave him a sultry look. "I haven't always been a cop you know." She put her hands on her hips, leaned over slightly towards him, and blew him a kiss.

It was overtly sexual, and caught Elliot by surprise. They didn't act like that at work; especially around each other. The sexual tension between them had been building for years…and they were both too afraid of what would happen once that spark was ignited.

"I KNOW you can attract attention…happens every fucking day." Elliot blurted out, surprising even himself.

"Look, I don't want to see Munch in his new dress and you already have the part of the jealous boyfriend down pat." said Fin. "So that's why it's you and Liv."

Elliot kept pushing. "I'm tired of Liv always being the bait. One of these times, she's going to get hurt."

Cragen stood up. "No one is going to get hurt. This is how we're going to set it up." Cragen launched into the plan. Elliot was listening, but he was looking at Olivia. She didn't seem concerned in the least, even though she was going to be bait for a rapist. She looked over at him and caught him staring; she gave him a big smile. She mouthed to him "It's OK" and Elliot sighed, knowing she would do anything to get this guy off the street. And as usual, he was going to be there to watch her back.


Friday came quickly; too quickly for Elliot's taste. He was sitting at his desk watching Olivia. She was absorbed in some paperwork at her desk, obviously not worried at all about what she had to do tonight. Elliot sighed and scrubbed his hands over his face, trying to ward off the nerves churning in his gut. He didn't know what it was about this case that made him so nervous; they had been in plenty of tough situations before. Maybe it was because he had finally admitted to himself that he was in love with Olivia. And ever since his divorce had been final a few months ago, he had been working up the courage to tell her. He had always known it; he had just been in denial. He didn't know why it was so hard…he was pretty certain she had similar feelings for him. But they had been dancing around it for so many years that it was hard to change the trajectory of their relationship. They worked well together and they had fun together…they were best friends. He didn't want to mess that up, but he couldn't go on like this. And now this case was making him a nervous wreck…putting her in danger went against all of his instincts; he was tasked with protecting her and those feelings had never been so strong.

"Elliot!" he heard Olivia yell and he looked up.


"Did you hear anything I said?" she asked, standing up with her jacket in her hand and the strap of an overnight bag draped over her shoulder. "We're going. Ready?"

Elliot shook his head in agreement and stood up. "Ready." He followed Olivia out of the squad room.


The ride over was quiet. Olivia kept looking over at Elliot.

"Are you OK?" she finally asked.

"I'm fine." he said.

"Hey, that's my line." Olivia laughed. Elliot didn't respond, so she kept talking. "What's up with you lately?" she asked. "If you're worried about tonight, don't. I can handle myself and there will be lots of eyes on me in the hotel. Plus I have a secret weapon."

"A secret weapon?"

She punched him lightly in the shoulder. "You!"

He gave her a small smile. "I got you Liv. I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

She smiled back. "I know Elliot. I trust you completely."


They all convened in the hotel room. It was Cragen, Fin, Munch, Elliot, Olivia. O'Halloran and two other tech guys she didn't know, plus a couple of undercover guys loaned to them from Vice. They were on loan so they could blend in with the crowd at the club and have more eyes on Olivia.

Cragen ran through the plan one more time. "OK. Munch and I and the tech team will be in the adjoining room. The doors between the rooms are unlocked and will remain so…Olivia and Elliot will go down, have dinner in the restaurant and then go over to the night club. Try to arrive before 9:30. We don't want the place to be too busy."

Cragen looked over at Elliot and Olivia. "I think you should spend about 30 minutes or so at the bar; talk to a variety of people. Focus on the single guys hanging out there because I doubt it's one of the couples. Then Liv, you should do what the other women did…go out and dance by yourself…make a scene…make it memorable." He pointed at Elliot. "I'm not sure how long you should let Liv dance, but let it go longer than you're probably going to want to…" He knew how overprotective and jealous Elliot got. He didn't want him to move in after 5 minutes. "You can spend your time at the bar complaining about what she's doing…make sure the guys at the bar hear you so they anticipate the fight, OK?" He turned towards Olivia again. "When Elliot pulls you off the dance floor, put up a fight and you two get plenty loud. I'm not sure if our perp is going to be out on the dance floor with you or at the bar, but we want everyone to see the fight." He turned towards Fin and the undercover cops. "The second Liv leaves the bar, you give us a heads up so we're ready." He turned back to Olivia again. "Liv, we're installing cameras outside the room, so we'll see you coming. The minute he's in the room, we'll be there, OK? You don't need to worry."

Olivia nodded. "I know. I'm not worried." She picked up her overnight bag. "If we're going to get to dinner on time, I have to get changed." She walked into the bathroom and shut the door while everyone else get everything else set up.