"Oh, good evening Momoi-san, can I help you?"
[Oh~ it's nothing Tetsu-kun~ But... Do you want to grab something with me tomorrow?]
"...I'm sorry Momoi-san, but I have plans for tomorrow."
[Oh~? It's okay, Tetsu-kun! But what are your plans? The Pranks?]
"..Yes. While we're still talking, I would like to leave a message for Aomine-kun please."
[Sure~! What is the message?]
"Meet me at Maji Burger at 1 p.m, I want to have some basketball practice with him."
[Okay~! Anything else?]
"I'm going to your house to take the cookies you made, is that okay?"
[Eh? Really? Yes it's okay, but you don't want Dai-chan to take and give it to you?]
"...I would like to take it my self Momoi-san" Because if Aomine-kun knows that it's yours, he won't take it
[Are you sure?]
[Okay then~! What time do you want to take it?]
"Is 9 a.m alright?"
[Okay~!... Ah! I need to go back now Tetsu-kun! Bye~!]
"See you tomorrow Momoi-san"
Kuroko smirked inwardly. Tomorrow is going to be fun~.
The next day
Momoi Satsuki is NOT a lazy person. Thus, she rarely wake up late. However, the idea of meeting her Tetsu-kun today, especially when he's going to her house for the first time ever, is too much for her full-of-love-heart.
She ends up fan-girling for more than 5 hours and wastes her energy.
And do not forget the fact that Tetsu-kun and her talked to each other around 7 p.m., making her fell asleep on midnight.
And now, on 8.30 a.m she finally wakes up.
And her meeting with Tetsu-kun is in an half-hour.
And she needs a full 10 minutes to fully wake up.
And don't forget that females.. especially someone such as her, likes to spend time to try to look great. No matter how she denies it.
So she only has 20 minutes left.
Somehow she manages to finish her shower in 10 minutes though.
Another 10 minutes to prepare for the incoming of Tetsu-kun.
She quickly changes into a pastel pink skirt, 2 inches above her knees, and a pastel blue shirt with frilly white edges.
She put on face powder and lip gloss and a faint pink eyeshadow match with a natural shape of eyeliner (how do that even look lol. Sorry, I ain't no good w/ make ups).
2 minutes left.
She runs towards her kitchen and took her wow-it's-a-very-well-done cookies (which is actually the total opposite), and place it 'cutely' into some kind of a box made for food.
And she also add a sky blue ribbon that has 'For Tetsu-kun ' written on it.
*door bell rings*
"Ah.. yes! Comin'! " She answered.
"Good morning Tetsu-kun!" She said happily as she opens her house's door.
"Good morning, Momoi-san," Answer Kuroko back with a fond smile tugging at his lips, making Momoi's heart flutters.
"Uhh.. Momoi-san.. are you okay?" Asked Kuroko with a barely visible concern face when Momoi is frozen.
"Uh..uh-huh! Yeah! Very!" She answers her beloved Tetsu-kun a little absent-minded.
"So why are you here Tetsu-kun? Ah! Not that I minded! Tehee." Said Momoi still in a daze.
Kuroko sweatdrop. Did Momoi-san forgot the talk they had yesterday?
"Ano.. I want to get your.. cookies Momoi-san."
Momoi face-palmed inwardly. Was she that idiotic when Tetsu-kun is involved?
"Oh.. oh yeah, here you go. Ehehe..." that was her response, followed by a nervous chuckles. She gives him her cookies.
Kuroko read the 'For Tetsu-kun ' on the ribbon and sweatdropped. Again.
"Thank you for this, Momoi-san. I'm afraid I have to go now, sorry I had to trouble you.." Kuroko decides to prank her a little and give her one of his cute pouts with a little bit of 'sadness' on it. Making him very cute and adorable.
Very cute and adorable, indeed. So much that Momoi got a nosebleed... well, more like nosebleeds since it comes from both of her nostrils.
And secretly, he's an excellent actor too.
"Uhh..." He continues, not sure what to do when he sees that Momoi is now passed out on the floor.
He put the cookies aside and pick her bridal style, muttering a small "sorry for the intrusion" and place her gently on her couch like a gentleman he is.
He then exits the house. Quickly. Don't worry though, he doesn't forget to close the door.
'Well' He thought to himself
'Let's search for the nearest honey farm ...'
"Good afternoon, Aomine-kun" Kuroko greets Aomine with his usual blank look.
"Language, Aomine-kun, there are children here." Kuroko scolds Aomine as if he's a child.
"Oh.. yeah.." Aomine answers Kuroko while scratching his head, gulping when he notices glares from some of the adults.
"..and don't forget it's annoying too." An invisible arrow made itself comfortable on Aomine's pitiful heart.
"Ahaha... yeah.. but my voice isn't that horrible, unlike most people, right Tetsu?" He responded while chuckling nervously. Still feeling a little bit depressed.
"No. Especially you." Another stab through the heart.
"So what do you need me for?"
"...what do you mean, Aomine-kun? If it's about us meeting, then it's to have a light basketball match."
"We both know that's just an excuse, Tetsu." Kuroko just slurps on his milkshake.
"..so are you going to answer me or not?"
"Did you said something?" Asks Kuroko.
Aomine slamed his head to the table, surprising a few people passing by their table.
"I asked, what do you need me for? A light basketball match is just an excuse. I'm not a fool, Tetsu."
'Well you actually are.' Is what Kuroko thougt.
"It's true indeed that I have another.. reasons.." He keeps his face carefully blank.
Aomine is getting impatient, "And that is...?"
Somewhere inside his 'innocent' heart, lays an evil smirk, caused by certain plans in his mind.
Don't forget Kuroko is a natural-born actor.
"For our old times sake. In honor of our... lovely memories." Okay, he's talking in tongues now, Aomine thought. Kuroko's face is as blank as ever. But his smirk inside is getting a little bit wider.
"Umm okay..?" Said Aomine unsure about how to react in that situation.
Kuroko sighed, "Well, since it looks like you've finished your burgers, let's get to our favorite meeting place," He said, using his misdirection.
Glares from the people inside the restaurant. Which is kinda ignored by him.. or he probably just too stupid to realize.
"Mommy, why is that guy talking to himself? Is he insane?" A random kid asked his mother.
Aomine twitched.
"Welcome, Aomine-kun." Said Kuroko dribbling his basketball.
"Oy Tetsu! Why the fvck did you leave me there?!"
"Language, Aomine-kun." Kuroko deadpanned.
Again, Aomine twitched.
Kuroko raised an eyebrow, "Why are your cheeks red, Aomine-kun?" Not that he cares, but he needed to show a little care to his friend, right?
It suited him anyway. He kinda looked cute with those red palm marks.
"An old hag slapped me." Answered Aomine with twitching eyes.
Kuroko opened his mouth.
"Don't even ask."
Kuroko closed his mouth.
"Anyway, you sure you wanna have a one-on-one match with me? You're gonna lose miserably, Tetsu."
This time, Kuroko twitched. He caught the ball he's dribbling with both of his hands.
Yes, he knows that he will absolutely lose. But Aomine is in no position to say that because...
'First plan of being a PranKing : Aomine version : Start!'
"Tetsu, are you okay?" Asked Aomine with one of his eyebrows raised.
Kuroko's grip around the ball tighten.
"Uhh.. Tetsu.. are you mad?"
'Of course not,' he thought.
'But this will scare you, and it's my intention,' thought Kuroko with a smirk.
Again, his grip on the basketball tighten.
Aomine sighed, a part of his pathetic arrogance coming back.
"You of all people should understa-"
The basketball in his hands exploded.
Aomine gulped. A feeling of dread spread in his body.
Again, Kuroko just sighed, "I'm sorry to startled you, but I just can't help it.. your remark is... unacceptable, you see, and it irked me..."
"Hahaha.. no, no.. it should be me who apologize.." After all, you'll never want to deal with an angry Tetsu. Aomine scratch his head nervously. He seemed to be doing that a lot today.
"Don't worry about it, Aomine-kun," Kuroko dismissed his apology. 'But apologizing won't change the fact that today will be a... memorable day for you, Aomine-kun'
A shiver run down Aomine's spine.
"Also, since the ball has blown up, can you please take another one? It's on my bag on that bench on your right."
"YES! Yes I'll be glad to help.. haha..."
As Aomine search for the ball inside his bag, Kuroko smirk.
"Ah, my apologize, that must've been from my activity yesterday." Kuroko answered with a blank expression.
'WHY WOULD YOU HAVE AN ACTIVITY THAT INCLUDES EXPLODING POWDER ANYWAY?!' Was what he wanna say, but he's still busy coughing.
'Of course,' Kuroko thought, as if he know what passed his ex-light mind, 'Preparing to have fun with you today, Aomine-kun'
When Aomine has finished coughing, he took the basketball from the bag.
'This ball is very heavy and.. what's the word? Slimmy. Is this really Kuroko's basketball though?' He glanced at his former shadow. Kuroko's face is as blank as ever, but he's almost sure that he saw a glint in those blue eyes. Almost, because Tetsu is an innocent boy. He would never do this. 'Or would he?'
"Oy Tetsu! Why's this ball so damn slimy?"
"I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about, Aomine-kun."
Of course he knows.
He asked his science-maniac uncle a few days ago to make a basketball with unique -slimmy- material that won't lose it's slimmy-ness even if there's some powder coating the ball.
Just a few feet away, from Tetsu, the ball slipped his hands, fall downwards onto his feet (remember it's very heavy).
He opened his mouth to scream, but before he can voice his shock, the ball let out some kind of gas, which smells BAD.
Yes, my dear readers, the gas came from stink bombs that was installed by Kuroko's uncle.
Aomine passed out.
"WHA-what..?" Aomine opened his eyes. He saw Kuroko's face so closed to him.. just 2.5 centimeters from his.
Aomine took a big gulp of air out of reflex.
Kuroko withdraws his face a good 100cm away, letting Aomine chocked from getting too much air, making him have another coughing fit.
"What was that for?!"
"You have been out for 30 minutes, I was worried." Answered Kuroko. Lies, it's only for approximately 3 and half minutes. But Aomine-kun doesn't need to know that.
Aomine feeling tired, just rubbed his eyes and nodded.
And then he yawned.
Bad move, Aomine. Bad move.
Kuroko immediately put some cookies that he got from Momoi-san. The size is only 3cm diameter each cookies. He clamped a hand over Aomine's mouth.
He passed out for the second time that day.
Few hours had passed. Kuroko decided to put his final plan on hold. As he needed Aomine to regained his trust over Kuroko.
"What is it, Tetsu?"
"Can we go there?" Kuroko pointed to a building which has "Best Honey Farm" written there.
It's honey farm so..
"Umm Tetsu, I don't think that's a good idea..." Said Aomine, holding back a shiver.
But then he saw Tetsu's face.
Another bad mistake, Ahomine.
Such a cute pout and pleading eyes are just too much for Aomine's non-existent brain. And heart.
So he agree.
Let's just say he can't sleep for weeks without getting nightmares which includes a big-assed black and yellow monster chasing him around while ripping his Mai-chan's favorite collection. Which is all.
And don't forget the background sound of Tetsu's evil laugh.
Sorry for not updating so long XD. A heavy Writer's block. Sorry for the grammar errors too.. and typos.. maybe.. also, my internet provider blocked this site, which make it even harder for me to found out how to update my stories.