An AU of AoKaga


Ch.1 The Feelings

Early in the morning, Kagami walked around the second-year hallway to check on each classes for his name and then he stopped at the last class at the end of the hallway.

'2-8: Kagami Taiga'

He walked inside to check if someone already there. 'It's empty,' he thought.

He took the back seat and then slept until class started.

Kagami woke up by the sound of someone sit next to him. He looked at the person and then he went back to sleep. Not long after that, the teacher came and introduced himself. The teacher asked the students to introduce themselves.

The first day was nothing but introducing and telling hobbies. But Kagami haven't made a friend because his was so quite. All the students were quite. Speaking of the students, Kagami noticed some friends from elementary school but they probably forgot about Kagami. He studied at America when he was in middle school.

The next day, Kagami still took the back seat for no reason and slept like yesterday. Then again woke up by the sound of someone sit next to him.

Class started and somebody was late. Kagami and then realized that person. 'Oh shit.'

That person was Aomine Daiki. Back in elementary school, he always followed Kagami around because he liked Kagami. Kagami wasn't very please at that back then. Besides this Aomine guy already had a girlfriend.

After lunch break, the students were sent to the library to do some assignment. Kagami took out his pen and started to write. But then someone sat next to him and it was Aomine. Kagami tried to ignore him but Aomine made a move.

"Hey Kagami," he said.

"Hi," Kagami said. Not making an eye contact with him because it was kinda awkward to begin with.

"I remembered we used to fight because I always followed you," Aomine said, tried to look at Kagami's face.

'Shit, don't bring that up,' he thought. Kagami was literary blushing and still avoiding Aomine's face.

"Come on, it was in the past, hehe," Aomine chuckled and did his assignment.

'urgh why did I blush, so lame…damn,' Kagami tried to shake it off and he did, he went back to do his assignment.

Kagami came to class a little bit late than before but he saw his old pal, Himuro Tatsuya.

"Tatsuya, I didn't see you yesterday in this class," Kagami approached him.

"Well I switched with somebody in this class, so… wanna sit with me?"

"Sure," Kagami put down his bag and talked with him

Next thing in class, they have to work in a group. Unfortunately for Kagami, Aomine was in his group. Well, not really unfortunate until Aomine made a weird movement towards Kagami. Aomine shifted his leg towards Kagami's. At first Kagami thought he needed for space (he got long legs) so Kagami shifted his leg away from Aomine's. But not long after that, Aomine shited his leg toward Kagamis's and this time Kagami felt weird about it.

'What the heck?' he thought.

Aomine rubbed his leg against Kagami's. Kagami felt his face was getting a little hotter than before and he tried not to look at Aomine because he was too embarrassed.

"Tatsuya, you know Aomine right?" Kagami asked Himuro on the next day.

"Well yes but not too close, why?" Himuro unplugged his earphone.

"Is he gay?"

Himuro's widened as he heard the word 'gay'. He stopped his music and looked at Kagami.

"Well, he was dating with Momoi-chan," Himuro said. Kagami knew about that, but they were not together anymore?

"Is he a bi?"

"WHY are you asking me that?"

Kagami let out a small sigh and told Himuro about it, from the very beginning.

"Everybody stop, put down you quiz paper on my table," the teacher demanded.

All the students started to line up and Kagami was the last person, not anymore. Aomine moved behind him because he didn't get any space.

Kagami didn't mind Aomine behind him but somehow, Aomine stood TOO close to him. Kagami could feel Aomine's chest on his back, hair brushing each other, and one unexpected thing. Arms wrapped around Kagami's waist. Kagami heard a low hum near his ear.

'Holy shit!' Kagami froze when Aomine 'kissed' his hair. Kagami blushed, heart pounding, and it felt nice.

'What? No, NO! This is so wrong. God help me please.'

Back at home, Kagami couldn't shake that off. Aomine's touh, it felt so nice. It was warm and lovingly. Despite his athletic body, his touches were gentle. What was the meaning of that? Well okay, he broke off with Momoi but… he wasn't a gay, was he?

Kagami tried really hard to not to think about it.

The next day, Kagami saw Himuro talking with a blonde guy and a tiny guy.

"Taiga, c'mere!" Himuro gave a hand gesture. Kagami walked towards them.

"This is Kuroko and Kise, they know Aomine pretty well," Himuro said.

"He did something weird, didn't he?" Kuroko asked.

"Yes, how did you know?" Kagami raised one eye-brow.

"Don't worry; he did it to other people too, even me and Kuroko," Kise rested his head on one hand.

"You guys okay with it?"

"Well…yes and no," Kise started to feel uncomfortable.

"Hugging and somebro stuffs are okay, but there's one time he almost went a little bit too far," Kuroko said calmly.

"Okay…thank you, I thought he was gay or something, hehe," Kagami felt reliefed.

The next day, Kagami sat alone because Himuro caught a cold. The bell rang and all students prepared to study. Wait, something missing.

'Two…four…six..,' Kagami counted all the students. Aomine, he's not there yet. Kagami wished Aomine didn't come to school, but he was too late. Aomine was late and worse, he sat next to Kagami. Awkward, but Kagami tried to act as normal as he could.

"You're late, Aomine."

"Yeah, I had a nice dream and didn't want to wake up, haha,"

"Huh really? "


"Maybe later, I'm trying to study,"

"Aww come on, you won't regret it," Aomine leaned towards Kagami.

Kagami could feel his breath and he smelled nice.

"Okay, okay, you can tell me right now, I'll listen," Kagami smilled a little, hoping Aomine didn't see his smile.

"Hey Kagami," Aomine looked at Kagami.

"Hmm?" Kagami's eyes focusing at the book.

"Can I hold your hand?" Kagami just threw his hand, eyes still on the book.

"I'm serious," Aomine let out a small chuckled. Kagami stopped reading and looked at Aomine.

'Err…what?' Kagami thought.

Kagami lower his hand and Aomine hold him. Kagami stated to blush; his face was hot, really hot. Heart racing and thought scattered everywhere.

'Get a hold of yourself, Kagami! He just wants to hold you, wait…that's wrong.'

Aomine interlocked his fingers with Kagami. Kagami felt in about a second he could explode. He never felt this before. And once again, he wished Aomine didn't see his reaction, again.

Later that night, Kagami couldn't stop thinking about the holding hands thing.

'Weird,' he thought.

"Tattttsuyaaaaa," Kagami called lazily.

"Something happened yesterday?" Himuro raised one eyebrow.

"You can say that…," Kagami blushed.

"Ooohhh, you like him, don't you?" He grinned.

"What?! No!" Kagami shouted. Kagami lied.