Bonds Shattering

This is a Inuyasha/Naruto crossover. Not to mention my first.

Disclaimer: Anyways I do not own Inuyasha or Naruto except for the story plot of this story I'm writing.

A/N: This takes place 3 months after the Fourth Great Ninja War. Sasuke is back at the village & Neji didn't die in the war. I really didn't like that he died so might as well leave him alive in this story. And with Inuyasha its been 1 year and the gang is still collecting the jewel shards & Naraku is still alive. Sesshomaru is still being the Ice prince for now. All right just to make something clear Naruto gets pulled into their world and Later so does the Shinobi world much later. One more thing a Jinchuriki rivals that of a Daiyoukai, so Naruto will be on par with Sesshomaru.

Chapter One: Prologue

It was a usual day at Konoha at least for some but not for Tsunade the fifth Hokage. She had just recieved some intel that an unkown source of dark energy had been detected close to the places that Naruto frequents. And she has a feeling that whatever it is wants none other than Naruto. And the latest intel just confirmed it. It seems that where ever Naruto is the energy follows. Whether its inside the village or outside it seems to stay right behind him like a shadow. Many times she sent the Anbu to try and find it but only to return empty handed. They tried using sensory type ninja but none have been able to detect it. It seems that if it wants to be detected it will show itself and if not then it hides itself. That just made it official, it was toying with them. Sending a message that it can kidnap Naruto when ever it wants and they wouldn't be able to track them.

'So if it can kidnap Naruto when ever it wants then what's stopping it from taking him right now?' She thought about it. 'There must be a reason for the delay. Maybe it needs more time before it makes its move. And if thats the case then I have to make my move first. Starting now. I need to warn Naruto.'

"Shizune!" Tsunade yelled. And right on cue she came bursting through the doors of the office. With TonTon in her arms. It seemed that she was already heading to the office before being called into the room.

"Yes my lady?" Shizune answered her quickly. Knowing that what ever she wants needs to be carried out quickly and sufficiently.

"I want Naruto in my office now!" She ordered. Shizune gave a puzzled look before she asked her why she wanted Naruto to come in. There aren't any missions for him since it's his day off.

Seeing how Shizune was still here. She barked out her order again this time telling her that it is the utmost importance. And with that Shizune was running out the door looking for Naruto.

Tsunade perdicting what Naruto will want to do and who to ask for assisstance she quickly wrote to one person in particular, explaining the circumstances of this dark energy and the reason why it stays. She also explained how she tried to have it found and captured, but were unable to locate it. Also what the latest intel confirmed. Not to mention her fears of what its truly after and her theories of what would happen if it accomplished it. And also how they both need his help and to keep it between them three. No one else will know of this for fear if the information were to leak.

After a few minutes more she finished writing her message, she sealed it making sure the person who is to recieve the message is the only one to open it. Next she had the message sent to him in order for him to recieve it as soon as possible. Now all that was left to do was to wait and hope for the best.

Menwhile Naruto has been in the training grounds since morning, training but he hasn't been able to shake off this feeling of being watched. Although in the past he would get the same feeling whether friend or foe. Though the feeling he would get is one of just being observed and nothing more. But this time its different, it feels more predatory than anything. Watching him like he's prey. Not to mention the dark energy it gives off every time he's all alone with no one around in a one mile radius. Just thinking about it sends a cold chill through his entire body, not only because he remembers the feeling of its dark energy but because he's by himself right now. Not to mention the sun already set five hours ago, leaving the training grounds in complete darkness.

'Wait complete darkness?' He thought about it for a while until it dawned on him why he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. The training grounds is more darker than usual, giving the place a dark sensation. He looked around the place to see if there was anyone there since he could still feel the sensation of being stalked. Just as his eyes looked to the right side of him thats when he saw them. Eyes the color of crimson blood staring right at him. Upon seeing them he froze, it was like the gaze held him unable to break away. As he looked into those crimson eyes he could see nothing but evil and it's focus was none other than him. When he realized that he broke from his stupor and decided to test it. And he was right where ever he walked those eyes followed him, watching every movement he made including when he breathed in or out. Just when he was about to say something, it started to speak.

"Uzumaki Naruto. There is no reason to fear me. I didn't come here to hurt you, if I did then you would've been more than hurt. I'm merely here to see if you are what I'm looking for." he said in a monotone voice. Yet his eyes held a glint of victory before it changed back to a look of evil before Naruto could notice the change in his eyes. For the most part it wasn't a waste of time watching him for 3 months to see if he was indeed what he was looking for. And now that he knows that he is indeed the one, not to mention that everything he needed was now gathered. All that is left is to seperate him from his comrades, and he knew just how to do that. Just thinking about how his plan can finally get started and how it will all end brought a smirk to his face.

Naruto didn't like this situation. Not only does this stranger know his name, he also implied that if he wanted to he could hurt him. He's confident and there's no doubt in his eyes, he was serious. This sensation he was feeling was getting worse the more time passed.

"What do you mean by seeing if I'm what you're looking for? And who are you? Just what the hell do you want with me?" Naruto demanded. All his instinct where telling him to get away from this guy. But as a ninja he must get information out of him in order to warn the village of a possible threat. Hopefully this won't turn out to be another war. Right now the five great nations are still recovering from the war Madara started. They don't need to be worried about the possibility of another war. As long as this person doesn't mean any harm against the village or the Shinobi world then there is nothing to worry about. Hopefuly. As if this person read his mind he spoke.

"Relax I don't mean to start a war or mean any harm to the five great nations. My interest lies solely on you and no one else. And as for the rest you'll just have to wait and see. You should spend some time with your friends while you still can. Oh and one more thing Naruto, how much do your so called friends and comrades believe in you?" He said in a mocking tone of voice.

"That's a stupid question! Everyone in the village believes in me and I believe in them! After all I'll become Hokage one day." said Naruto with a confident voice.

"And what happens if they lose all faith in you? What if they started turning their backs on you,or if they despise you? What will you do when your left all alone Naruto? Or better yet they try and kill you? Will you be able to say the same thing you told me just a second ago, that you trust them?" He said with a smirk on his face. After all, he just needed to make him doubt. Even a little bit will do. And once that seed of doubt is planted then he'll have him in the palm of his hand. He was looking forward to seeing him shatter.

" would never turn their backs on me or despise me. I..I won't be left all alone again. No I won't go back to those times when I was kid, not again." Naruto said more to himself.

"Oh but they will Naruto. If they did it in the past then who's to say they won't do it again. In fact that is what they're going to do. So consider my words as a warning Naruto. Until then Naruto." With that said he disappeared within the darkness of the night. Leaving Naruto with doubt whether his friends and comrades will lose all trust in him and leave him to relive his worst nightmares. His thoughts were interupted by someone calling his name. As he turned to see who was calling his name, Shizune came to a stop in front of him out of breath.

"Finally... I found you... Naruto. Lady Tsunade... wants to see... you right away. She wants.. to discuss.. something important.. with you." She said in between breaths. At first glance you could tell that she has been running all over the village trying to find him. So its only natural for her to be so out of breath. He kind of felt bad for her.

"All right I'll head over there now. Thanks Shizune." With that said he left towards the Hokage mansion.

Tsunade was going over some last minute paperwork when there was a knock on the door. When she gave permission to come in, the door opened and Naruto walked into the office. At first glance she knew that something was wrong. Naruto had this very troubled look on his face and it could only mean something bad is going to happen.

"Naruto the reason I called you here for was-" She wasn't able to finish what she was going to say, since Naruto interrupted her mid-sentence.

"I have a pretty good idea on why I'm here granny Tsunade." At that statement Tsunade raised one of her brow.

"Oh. And what do you suppose you're here then Naruto?"

"If I had to guess then it would be about the ominious energy that has been around me lately. Am I right granny Tsunade?" With that she gave a nod. Tsunade wasn't shocked to hear him say that. After all she suspected he was able to sense the energy, since it was always around him. But she wasn't prepare to hear what Naruto said next.

"But what I don't understand is why now? Why wait three months to talk to me about this Granny?" Tsunade was stunned. After all, she barely noticed the energy the past two weeks. And now she's finding out that the energy has been around for three months. She wasn't liking this at all. Her suspicion was right all along, what ever this thing wants it doesn't involve the rest of the ninja world. It only involves Naruto. And who knows for what purposes Naruto has to play in its twisted plot. But one things for sure she's not going to make it easy for it to take Naruto.

"Naruto, I only found out about this energy two weeks ago. But you mean to tell me its been around since after the war with Madara?"

"If you put it that way then it explains why you're barely talking to me about it. But to answer your question, yeah it was the day after the war. And it'll probably help if we revealed what we know so far." With that they talked for three hours exchanging information they knew so far. Tsunade gave him information he already knew. After that Naruto told her, his encounter with the person responsible for the ominious energy. And they both agreed that they didn't like this one bit.

Tsunade also informed him that there was a third person who knew about the situation and that they should keep it between the three of them. Naruto agreed to it saying that it was probably for the best that few people knew about it. Until they knew more about this new enemy. And it will be wise to inform the third person on the new events that occurred tonight. With that the conversation was over and Naruto was excused but before he could leave Tsunade spoke.

"Naruto, don't worry about what he said to you. There is no way we'll shun you. You won't be alone, that is if I don't have anything to say about it. I'll be right here if you need me, I won't let you be alone Naruto. After all you're going to become Hokage one day." She said with a smile on her face.

Naruto looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Thanks grandma Tsunade." Then he left the office. He was relieved. It was like a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders. The person's words forgotten, little did he knew that later he would wish he heeded those words of warning.

Tsunade watched as Naruto walked out the door of her office, when he had left she started writing the letter. By the time she had finished writing it and sending it, it was midnight. Last night's events really took a toll on her. She couldn't help but feel like something terrible was about to happen and that the next time she saw Naruto, he wouldn't be the same. But what she didn't know was that it was alot sooner than she thought.

"I see that I'll have to set my plans into motions. Wouldn't you agree Tsunade." a cold baritone voice interrupted her train of thought.

"I take it that your the cause of the ominious energy that has been following Naruto. And the one who confronted Naruto a few hours ago." She stated carefully. She has to be cautious around this person. And if the information that Naruto gave is right then this person is more dangerous than Madara Uchiha.

"Yes I am. And if you're wondering why Naruto then I'll tell you. For you see Naruto is very important to me. With out him my plans would not be able to take root. Well speaking of my plans its time to get started. At this very moment Naruto will be under my care and there is nothing you or anyone else could do about it. Since I plan on seperating him from this world and place him into mine. But now all I have to do is to deal with you, its nothing personal its just part of my plans. So...Farewell Tsunade."

Naruto awoke from his sleep. This weird sensation telling him to flee from danger was getting stronger. But he didn't understand why he should flee from the village. After all this place is his home it always has been even if the village despised him when he was a kid. Instead of running away he stuck around because of his dream to one day become Hokage. But now something was very very very wrong. And it looks like Kurama had also sensed it because he started barking orders to Naruto. Drawing him to his inner mind where only he and the kyubi are able to reside in.

"Naruto. Start packing you need to leave the village. There is something going on here in the village and I don't like it." Kurama stated. He could feel the ninjas of the village were coming closer to their home. But what he didn't like was their anger and hatred growing each second they came closer. When the war had ended he could sense their fear toward Naruto, all faith they had for him was replaced with cautiousness and uneasiness. He knew those were the exact same feelings they had for Naruto in the past, when they didn't acknowledge him and despised him for being a jinchuriki. And it was a matter of time til they returned to their old ways. He had warned Naruto from the begining during the war but later he thought that maybe just maybe it could all work out for Naruto. But it looks like it wasn't meant to be and Naruto will be thrown back into the darkness again. And to make matters worse Naruto's so called 'friends' are coming as well but not with good intentions. And this will be a huge blow to Naruto, and after all this is over he doesn't believe Naruto will be the same.

"What's going on Kurama? What's got you so worked up?" Naruto seemed very worried for his friend Kurama. After the war they managed to strengthen their bond. They talked more to each other now then they ever had, and sometime he would let Kurama out whether in his form or in Kurama's. But away from the village for just in case. He even trusts him with his life. So seeing him this worked up and telling him to pack had doing exactly what he said.

"Naruto make sure to pack those scrolls I managed to buy from the book store and pack all your clothes, not to metion all your ninja tools. Something tells me we won't be coming back to Konoha for a while." As Kurama stated all that needed to be packed and once that was done, Naruto had finished packing. He had at least four bags full. Naruto knew that there is no way he could carry that much, and a thought occurred to him if he needed this much then there's a probability he might never come back to Konoha. And that also means his dream to become Hokage will never come true, not to mention all his friends will be left behind. Now that thought had his very being begin to despair, it was like something inside of him started to crack. With a shake of his head he pushed those thoughts away from his mind.

"This is way to much for me to carry. I know I'll just stuff them in one of those storage scrolls I always put my weapons in." It didn't take him long to store his belongings in the scroll. A second later there was a knock at the door. When he walked to the door and opened it, he was surprised to see not only Kakashi sensei but the anbu there as well. Now he knew something was definitely wrong and it had something to do with him. The problem was he didn't know what he did to have the anbu at his front door. But what ever they thought he did must be very terrible. Not to mention those cold glares that were directed at him said it all.

"Kakashi sensei what's going on? Why are the anbu here?" Kakashi could see the look of confusion on Naruto's face. Just how could he stand there pretending he didn't know what was going on when he knows perfectly well what is going on.

"Naruto I need you to come with us there is an urgent matter that we need to discuss with you." Kakashi said in a stern voice. The look in his eyes told of how disappointed he was in him. And it wasn't lost to Naruto as he saw the meaning in his eyes.

"I'll come its not like I have choice anyways."

As they lead him out to the streets he noticed everyone was outside and glaring at him. He also noticed the whisperings going on around him, as he strained himself to hear what they where saying. He managed to hear them saying how they should have never let their guard down with Naruto, and now he's showing his true colors. They were all describing him as a freak, monster, a demon fox. Everything that was going on now was just like back then. He felt an overwhelming sadness to the point that it was suffocating him. So lost in his past memories, Naruto didn't notice that they had arrived at their destination. As he looked around he noticed it was a room full of chains and tools of torturement. His eyes widened when he realized that he was to be tortured for something he had no clue about.

"Kakashi sensei what is the meaning of this. Why did you bring me here? Can someone please tell me what is going on here?" Naruto demanded. He wasn't sure what this was all about but there was no way he was going to be tortured for something he had no clue about. In fact if need be he will fight his way out. But the anbu already foresaw this and immediately bound him in chains to the wall. Naruto struggled to free himself from this confinement but it was all in vain. For the chains sealed his chakra, unable to use his chakra Naruto was in a bind. Literally. He ceased his struggling and looked to Kakashi with pleading eyes asking for his help.

Kakashi looked at Naruto and wondered how it came to this. Just where did it all go wrong. Many questions ran through his mind and no answer to them. Remembering that Naruto had asked some questions he decided to answer him. He told him that the Hokage had died, although that fact was false but necessary for the safety of the Hokage. And Naruto didn't need to know this fact. He continued with his explaination on how with the last of her will power she managed to tell them that it was Naruto who had attacked her, and that he was after something. It was all the information they got before she passed out.

Naruto was stunned at what he was told. His entire world came crashing down on him. Not only is grandma Tsunade gone, she also condemned him as her killer. He just couldn't believe all this was happening to him, everything that he had worked so hard for was taken from him. His comrades, friends and the faith of everyone had for him was all gone in one night.

"I didn't do it! I'm innocent! I would never harm grandma Tsunade in anyway! You have to believe me Kakashi sensei! You know me, I wouldn't do such a thing to my friends or comrades! And you know it!" He yelled while looking into his eyes. Kakashi held his gaze looking for some sign of regret but found none. As Kakashi did that an anbu told him they were going to begin to torture him for information, and he can leave if he didn't want to witness it. After giving him a nod Kakashi turned to walk away but stopped at the door way and looked over his shoulder at Naruto before speaking.

"Naruto I'm very disappointed in you. I thought you could have at least admit your guilt. But instead you refuse to admit it. I wish I could believe you. Now you have to face the consequences of your actions. I'm really sorry Naruto." As the door was closing. Kakashi could see the look on his face, it was a look that he will never forget. It was a look of someone who's spirit was begining to shatter.

Naruto looked at him with a broken look and smiled one last time to his sensei before speaking in an equally broken voice. "I'm sorry too Kakashi sensei. I just hope that by the time all of you figure out the truth. The damage done today and future ones don't have a negative effect in the future. But something tells me it will. So I might as well tell you that I'm glad you became my sensei. And I'm also glad to have met you and everyone else. So take care. Because something tells me that the next time we meet again it won't be a good reunion. So goodbye." As Naruto finished speaking, a silent tear fell from his eye.

As the door almost closed, Kakashi took one last look at Naruto before it closed. He will always be haunted by Naruto's broken look along with his parting words. He started to wonder if they had probably made a huge error. Something inside of him was telling him that what they are doing to Naruto was wrong. He was brought out of his thoughts by Naruto's screams of agony and pleading voice. He hardened his resolve. All the evidence pointed to Naruto, even Tsunade herself said it was Naruto. With his mind made up, he walked away from the place leaving Naruto to his torturement. Not knowing that later he will regret this forever.

Naruto was on the run, he had managed to escape from the village. After an entire of six months of being tortured over and over again day and night. They had decided to put him in a cell to await for his discrete execution. And it was when they had unchained him to the wall that he made his move. Knocking out the gaurds and making a run for the door. By the time he was outside he noticed that it was dark and raining pretty hard, not to mention the thunder and lightning. All he needed to do was to reach his home and retrieve the scrolls he had left on his bed before they came to take him to that room.

It wasn't hard to reach his home considering the fact that everyone was inside because of the storm. Once there he didn't waste anytime, he entered his home and found the scrolls on his bed just where he had left them. Picking them up and stuffing them into his pouch where he kept his ninja tools, he then looked at his digital clock. It was nine p.m..

'So its nighttime. That explains why its so dark.' he thought to himself.

Shaking his thoughts away, he looked around the room for anything else he could need. Finding some medical kit, Naruto grabbed his one strap backpack and stuffed it inside along with other necessities. Which included a large storage scroll. Looking at his clothes he decided to change. After a quick change he headed out. Luckily for him sneaking out of the village was no problem at all. A shout brought Naruto out of his thoughts. He looked behind him to see that he was being followed.

Naruto started running faster. But they were still hot on his trail, he ran until he reached the valley of end. He stopped and looked around, this was the very spot that both Sasuke and him had their first and final showdown. He was brought out of his thoughts once again but this time it was a voice calling out to him from behind. As he turned around he saw his friends there Sakura, Sai, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Kiba, Shino, Hinata, Neji, Tenten, and Lee. The only one missing was Sasuke. It only took him one glance to figure out who was in charge of this retrieval mission, and wasn't surprise to see Neji speak first.

"Naruto. Surrender quietly and let us take you back to the village. If not then we'll force you to come. So which will it be Naruto?" Neji declared in a stern voice.

"How about none of the above. I will definitely liked to see you guys try to take me back by force." Naruto replied in a cold voice. Everyone was stunned to hear him talk in a harsh voice to them. No one thought he was capable of such a thing. But that wasn't the only thing different, his eyes were cold there were no sign of light in them what so ever. The first one to speak was Hinata, she just couldn't believe Naruto was this new cold person.

"Naruto-kun please I'm begging you. Come back to the village with us." Hinata pleaded with him. Hoping he would say yes.

Naruto turned his gaze from Neji to Hinata. When his gaze landed on her his eyes softened, they were filled with light and his voice was the same as the old Naruto. "Sorry Hinata, but I can't go back there. I'm truly sorry." He didn't want to cause pain to the only person from the entire village who still believed in his innocence. So it really caused him pain to see her make such a painful expression. After all she was the only one out of all of them just to visit to talk about what was happening around the village while he was being tortured, while the rest just came to force him to admit to his 'crime'. Never listening to his side of the story.

"Hinata don't waste your breath on this criminal. He's not going to come quietly. I say we just take him down already and bring him back to the anbu to deal with him." Kiba stated. Naruto glared at Kiba for that remark. But in that instant he had to dodge an attack made by Shino with his insects. And with that the fight had begun. The fight only lasted ten minutes, the entire team was unconscious except for Hinata. Naruto had to explain to her why he had to leave before he left.

"Hinata I can't come back to the village because I need to clear my name first. I need to find the real bastard who did this. After I've done that I'll come back home." He said while looking at her teary eyes. She knew that he needed to go, but it didn't made it any easier for her after all she loves him. And its always painful to see the one you love leave not knowing when he will come back. But she must in order for him to prove his innocence.

"I understand but let me give you something." As she said this she took out a pendant out from her pouch. The pendant had a white crystal that hanged from a thin silver chain. The white crystal reminded him of her eyes. As he continued inspecting he noticed a small silver bell that had a silver chain connected to the crystal. He also noticed the crystal as well as the bell was infused with chakra. As he closed his eyes in order to concentrate on the chakra, he opened his eyes as he figured out who's chakra was infused in the pendant. It was Hinata's chakra . He looked at Hinata for an explaination.

Seeing that he wanted an explaination. She went ahead and told him that it was a gift from her to him. And that her chakra in the pendant was to soothe him for when ever he felt alone or confused. All he needed to do was touch the crystal in order to feel her chakra to remind him that she's always with him and will support him. And where ever he was a piece of her will always be with him during the good and bad times.

Naruto was stunned. She was giving him a reason to keep going, a reason to return back home to Konoha. He was lost for words that the only thing that came out of his mouth were three sentences. "Hinata. Thank you. I'll always keep it close." He then remembered that he too had a gift for her, he'd been working on it since after the war. He had managed to finish it the day he was arrested for his supposed crime.

"Hold on. I too have a gift for you Hinata." Pulling out the pendant from his ninja pouch he extended his hand in front of him. He opened his hand to reveal the most beatiful pendant Hinata has ever seen. She was speechless, this was the first time Naruto was giving her a gift. She was truly happy. Looking away from the pendant and focusing on Naruto, she smiled.

Just as she was about to reply and take the pendant, when she was suddenly thrown to a near by tree. The force of the throw was great, but it didn't render her unconcious immediately. She tried getting up but as soon as she moved she felt a jolt of pain. So she layed her back against the tree, looking up she saw Naruto panicked face. He yelled out her name while running towards her but as soon as he took a couple of steps foward, an unknown cloaked figure was standing in front of him blocking his path.

"Get out of my way!" Naruto yelled. He knew this person. It was the one who warned him of the events to come. But that didn't matter now. What matters now was the fact that this person was the one who threw Hinata and was blocking his way.

"Naruto, that's no way to talk to a friend now is it. Anyways I see that you've been through hell, I can see you're bleeding. So that can only mean your beloved comrades have deserted you." He said only for Naruto's ears. He didn't want that girl, what was her name...oh thats right Hinata. To hear what he was telling Naruto. He looked over his wounds to see if they're life threating. The wounds themselves are not, but the amount of blood loss was a different matter.

"They really went over board with your torture. That they didn't even tend to your wounds, at this rate you'll bleed to death," He growled at that thought. In no way was Naruto allowed to die. With that he healed his wounds, with his energy.

Naruto took a fighting stance when he felt his energy. But what he didn't expect was his energy to wrap around him, nor did he expect him to heal his wounds. It was just to puzzling for him. With a puzzle look he started to ask questions.

"Why? I don't understand you at all. You appear before me with an ominous energy and the next you're energy changes to a gentle healing energy. Just what is so important about me?" Naruto kept his focus on him. This person just seemed to stand there just staring back at him, it was like he was thinking on how to answer him. It didn't take him long to answer.

"Call me Akira. And the reason for healing your wounds is because your an important person to me Naruto. So I can not let you die. As for the rest you'll just have to wait. It's still not time for you to know. Now then its time for you to leave this place." With that said Akira let out a small crystal sphere. The sphere left his hand and floated in between Naruto and him. As the clouds parted they could see the moon. But the moon was different, it was a moon halo. Just as Naruto was admiring the moon, lightning struck getting his attention he noticed that the storm was still going on.

Naruto looked around to notice that the only place that wasn't raining was the spot where they're standing. Just as he looked back to Akira a bright light blinded him. As he shut his eyes, he could here Hinata scream his name. When he heard her scream his name he had yelled her name. Then the light dimmed declaring that it was alright to see. As he opened his eyes, he could tell something was wrong. Hinata was no where to be seen as well as the others.

He looked around to notice that he wasn't at the valley of end. Though this new area had a huge waterfall it was different, he could see it was located in an open field with alot of different kind of flowers. Not to mention the thick forest, and the trees were more taller than the ones he knows.

'Just where in the hell am I?' he thought to himself. As though reading his mind Akira answered him.

"You're in another world Naruto. This world is different from yours, you see there's no Hokage, Mizukage, Kazekage, Raikage, or Tsuchikage. And there's no chakra here either, just reiki and youki. But don't worry you're still able to use chakra, what I meant is that your chakra is a different type of energy. So it'll probably have an effect on this land. It can have a positive one or a negative one, it all depends on you." Akira then turned on his heel and started walking away. But before he disappeared Naruto's voice stopped him.

"Wait a second. Whats the reason for bringing me here besides to isolate me from anyone who could possibly help me? Just what are you up to?" Naruto didn't know why but he feels this nagging sensation when he's around Akira. Its like something is trying to make him remember something. His thoughts were interupted by Akira's voice.

"For now I'll just let you have fun in this world. You're free to roam around for the time being. But I'll come back to retrieve you before the day of the reunion. So until then little Naruto." As Akira finished he disappeared leaving a puzzled Naruto. Naruto looked up to the sky and noticed it was raining in this world. Or should he say that there was a storm going on in this world as well. He then decided to find shelter from the storm, he was about to walk away when he heard some whimpering sounds. As he listened carefully he could also hear sobbing, it was coming from behind a tree just ahead of him. He walked toward the tree and looked behind it and saw a little girl in a checkered kimono curled up crying. She was all bruised and covered in mud, she was also bleeding from her arm.

"Hey are you alright?" Naruto asked even though he knew otherwise. The little girl was startled by his voice, she looked at him with fear in her eyes. Seeing this Naruto reassured her that he was no danger to her, she then relaxed. Then she shook her head as to say no, Naruto saw this as an answer to his question. He looked around to see if anyone was looking for her but saw no one. Then he decided to take her with him in order to get away from the storm and clean her wound. Just as he was about to make a move a demon emerged from the forest.

It sniffed the air as it was looking for something, then turned and looked at them with red glowing eyes. He started growling, Naruto took a defensive stance in front of the girl who was now cowering. Just as he was about to take action the demon spoke.

"Boy give me the child unless you want to die. My master wants me to bring her back and I will not let you get in my way. So which will it be human."It said in a rough tone.

"Like hell I'll give you the kid. If you want her you'll have to go through me first." At those words the demon charged at him. Naruto then did the multi-Shadow clone jutsu, the clone then started helping Naruto concentrate chakra in order to form the rasengan. He waited for the demon to come a little closer and unleashed his attack on the demon.

"Rasengan!" The attack made contact on the demon's stomache sending him flying back and into a tree. When the demon hit the tree, Naruto noticed that the demon turned to a pile of ash. Thus ending the demon's life. Naruto didn't get a chance to ponder on the matter, the little girl's gasp of pain caught his attention. Turning around to face the little girl Naruto knelt down in order to be eye level with the little girl.

"Hey what's your name kid? My name's Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto asked in a soft tone in order not to scare the child. The child looked at him, she was wondering whether or not to trust in him. Then again he did save her from the demon who was hunting her after she was seperated from her pack. It was decided then she would trust this stranger.

"Rin's name is Rin. Thank you for saving Rin from that bad demon Naru." Rin replied. Naruto then picked Rin up bridal style before answering her.

"Your welcome Rin." As he said those words, Naruto felt her snuggle close to him. When he looked down at her he noticed that she fell asleep. And why shouldn't she, she was being chased by a demon and was wounded. So of course she will be tired. Thinking about what had happened he couldn't believe he destroyed a demon, Naruto then chuckled at this thought. This world sure is full of surprises.

'What have we gotten ourselves into Kurama?' he asked Kurama who had been silent through this whole ordeal.

'Correction. What have you gotten us into Naruto. But thats besides the point. This world seems to have piqued my interest. Although something tells me I'll have to watch your back." Kurama answered him.

'True it is quite interesting. But none of the people I know are here in this world with me. It'll just be me and you. So I'll have to rely on you healing my injuries.' Naruto was uneasy. He had no one to rely on in this world except for Kurama.

'Keh, Naruto are you forgetting that I'll heal your wounds regardless if you don't ask me to. Are you forgetting that if you die I die as well. So don't worry I have your back. Besides you're not alone in this world, you have Rin and I here to keep you company in this world. So this will be fun. Right Naru?' Kurama then chuckled at the nickname the little girl came up for Naruto.

'I can't wait for Rin to come up with a nickname for you Kurama. But yeah your right, this will be fun. Now I believe we still need to find shelter, we're both soaking wet.' With that conversation over Naruto started searching for shelter. Thus his journey had begun in this strange world.

A/N: And thats the end of this prologue. Please forgive me for any errors or bad explainations. In my defense I was up all night finishing this, so I didn't sleep much. And have read over it for any errors about four times. Anyways this story will have some chapters about Naruto and other characters, or both at the same time. Depending on how I want to write it. So I hope you liked it.