A/N: Here it is, the final chapter! Where I will hopefully clarify exactly how the Power of Three would theoretically work in this scenario. Thank you all for the wonderful reviews. I especially loved casanova. 's offer of 15 episodes for CBS, lol. I am so happy that so many people have enjoyed this fic, and I'm glad I could breathe new life into the fandom in my own small way. :)

Chapter Nine

After a moment of stunned silence, all four of them began to groan and cough.

"Is everyone okay?" Prue asked, rising to her feet.

"Yeah," Paige answered, sitting up. "Though if I didn't have a concussion before, I probably do now."

"Is he gone?" Phoebe asked as she brushed herself off.

"Yeah," Prue said as she looked around at the destruction that was her apartment not half an hour ago. "He's gone."

Piper gulped as she glanced from the debris back to her eldest sister. "Prue..." she began.

"Let's go," Prue cut her off. "Something tells me someone's gonna want an explanation for this." Before anyone else could be allowed to comment, she began walking towards the door. As the others opened it, Prue turned back to rummage through the disheveled decor for her purse.

"Hey," Paige offered, also hanging behind. "You okay?"

"I don't know right now," Prue answered honestly, betraying as little emotion as possible.

Paige wasn't surprised – this had always been her sister's way, and she knew that the last thing Prue would want at the moment was someone trying to break her out of it. Instead she put her arm around her sister's as a small show of sympathy. "Come on," she encouraged as they walked out of the apartment.

Piper, Phoebe and Paige sat on a bench by the parking lot of Prue's building, staring at the flashing lights of the firetruck and police cars in front of the main entrance.

"Two ambulances in one day's gotta be a record even for you, Phoebe," Paige joked.

"Yeah, but it's because I saved the world," Phoebe reminded.

"I don't know about the world," Piper clarified. "But you did save your sister from being killed by her evil fiancé."

"Yeah..." Phoebe agreed. "I can't believe how good that felt. I mean, I was scared, obviously..." Piper and Paige nodded. "But when he exploded like that..."

"Shhh, Prue's still trying to convince the police it was a gas leak," Paige reminded.

"Oh, right," Phoebe realized. "Anyway, I know what we just did was insane..." Piper and Paige nodded again. "But I kinda think I like this Charmed Ones thing. I was just saying earlier today that I didn't know what to do with my life, and now... I'm Wonder Woman!"

"Let's not push it too far," Piper commented.

"Yeah, I know," Phoebe answered. "You and Prue get the cool powers, anyway. What am I supposed to do to the bad guys?"

"At least you have a power, Phoebe," Piper reminded. She looked over at her youngest sister. "You okay, Paige?"

"Yeah," Paige answered, putting on as cheerful of a face as she could. "Now I know what it feels like to be a squib in Harry Potter." Phoebe gave her a sympathetic smile. "Like I said, I am only your half-sister."

"But you're still a witch. You're descended from Melinda Warren too," Piper pointed out.

"And Roger flinched when you said the Power of Three spell," Phoebe reminded.

Paige chuckled. "Yeah, that's me. Making demons everywhere flinch. Watch out!" she joked.

"Oh Paige, I'm sorry," Phoebe said sympathetically.

"It's okay, really," Paige reassured her. "Besides..." She looked over at Piper. "A wise woman once told me that you don't always know the reason why things happen, but you have to accept them anyway."

Piper smiled back at her as Prue rejoined them.

"So, did they buy it?" Paige asked.

"Well, I'm not in handcuffs, and that's all I'm gonna worry about for right now," Prue answered. She looked back up at her building. "That and where to stay for tonight."

"Well y'know, there's a little place right here in the city that has an empty bed just your size," Piper reminded.

"Ooh, table for three?" Phoebe asked. Prue eyed her. "I got kicked out of my apartment," Phoebe mumbled. To her surprise, however, Prue didn't admonish her. "You're not gonna say anything?" she asked.

"As much as you've made me want to tear my hair out in the past," Prue said, "You did just save my life tonight. I know I'm not the most forgiving person, but even I know that counts for something."

"Oh, thank you, Prue," Phoebe said, jumping to her feet to hug her sister, who for the first time in years didn't recoil.

"Y'know..." Paige started.

"What?" Piper asked.

"Weren't we just saying that we should stick together until we figure this whole Charmed Ones thing out?" Paige asked.

"Uh-huh..." Piper replied.

"Well, none of us can afford to live in Grams's house on our own," she realized. "But maybe..."

"You think we should live together again?" Prue asked.

"Oh god, I am never getting another hot shower," Phoebe realized.

"I'm just saying, Piper lives there already, and you two need places to live. I have my apartment, but I could really do without the rats..."

"You'd commute to Palo Alto?" Piper asked.

"It's just a train ride away," Paige shrugged, suddenly enthusiastic about this idea.

"I don't know..." Prue started.

"Well, it might not work out," Paige admitted. "But we won't know until we try. And you, my dear, don't have a lot of other options right now."

Prue still looked unsure, but smiled. "Alright," she said. "I guess we're sisters again."

"Where did you get all of this stuff from?" Piper grunted as she and Prue struggled to carry a desk through the front door. "I thought your apartment blew up."

"Not all of it," Prue reminded. "Roger may have been a demon, but at least he was a rich demon."

"Warlock," Paige corrected as she came downstairs, holding the Book of Shadows.

"Are you still reading that thing?" Prue asked.

"This thing is our family history," Paige said. "And the only guideline we have for how to save your butts from actual demons. Just because I don't have powers myself doesn't mean I can't help you out."

"Well that's very thoughtful, Paige, but right now, could you help us out by moving Prue's stuff in?" Piper asked.

"Knock knock!" Phoebe said as she walked through the open front door. In her arms she held a fluffy gray cat.

"Whoa, whoa, you were supposed to go to the shelter to find a job, not a pet!" Prue complained.

"I know Prue, but look at this," Phoebe said. She turned the cat's collar towards her sister for inspection. It bore the same symbol that appeared on the front of the Book. "That cannot be a coincidence. This cat was meant for us."

"Uh, no it wasn't, because that's a common Celtic symbol, and I am allergic," Prue reminded.

"I dunno, it could mean something," Paige concurred as she came up to look at the cat. "I say we keep it."

Prue rolled her eyes. "What have I gotten myself into?" she muttered. Looking out the front door, she saw a mail truck pulling away. "Oh, can somebody get the mail?" she asked as she and Piper resumed lifting the desk.

"I got it!" Paige shouted, jogging outside. As she retrieved their letters from the box, she looked across the street to see a tall, blonde-haired man standing on the sidewalk. He seemed oblivious to her presence, and was instead staring directly at their house. "Hi..." Paige said cautiously.

The man was shaken out of his thoughts. "Hi," he answered with a smile.

"Are you one of our neighbors?" she asked.

"Oh, no, I'm doing some repairs for a house up the street," the man explained. "But I love to walk around here on my lunch break. This area has such amazing old houses."

"And you're looking at ours?" Paige asked incredulously.

"Well, sure," the man answered. "It could use some fresh paint, some new shutters, and probably a little masonry work on the stairs, but once that's done, you'll have a real beauty on your hands."

"Great. I'll get back to you in the ten or so years it'll take my sisters and me to scrape together the money for all that," Paige joked.

"Oh, it wouldn't cost that much," the man assured.

"Uh, maybe not to your eyes, but trust me, the inside isn't any better," Paige informed.

"Well, if you ever want an opinion on anything, here's my card," the man said, crossing the street to hand it to Paige.

She looked down at it. "Thanks, Mr. Wyatt."

"Please, call me Leo."

"Okay," Paige smiled. "See you around." She turned and walked back inside.

Leo stood on the sidewalk for a long time after the interaction, still staring at the house.

"Leave the others be. You're not here for the Charmed Ones," a voice echoed in his head. "Only her."

"But they don't know how to use their powers yet," Leo protested. "They're vulnerable."

"That is not a job for you," the voice reminded.

Leo sighed. "Understood," he said. His body began to glow, seemingly encased in white light, before disappearing entirely.


A/N: Ta-da! So Leo is here too! My idea is that it would be kind of ambiguous at first as to whether he's good or evil, similar to how it was on the show. And in this version, he would be sent specifically to help Paige realize her potential as a whitelighter. My explanation for how the Power of Three works with four sisters is that Paige would have her whitelighter powers only (and hey, orbing, healing and glamoring ain't too shabby), and would actually be her sisters' whitelighter! Perhaps later if Prue still died in this version, her powers would be transferred to Paige, or Paige could have some witch powers manifest themselves later. I do think it's important that she's still able to perform spells and make potions, since she's descended from Melinda Warren as well. So that's why she was able to somewhat "invoke" the Power of Three against Roger. But it would be interesting if she thought she was nothing more than a "dud" in a family of witches, then all of a sudden orbs one day, and realize she has unique powers of her own too. And of course, Leo and Piper would still meet each other and fall madly in love and have lots of babies. :)

I know a lot of people will probably be disappointed that Andy didn't play in here, but hey, Prue's apartment just exploded under mysterious circumstances... Something tells me the cops are gonna have to investigate that... And who better than a detective like Andy?

I don't know if or when I will write any future "episodes" for this version of Charmed... I'm starting grad school in two months so I'm going to be very busy. But if anyone has enjoyed these characters and is inspired, please feel free to write your own stories! All I ask is that you credit the original fic that they're based on. Thank you all again for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it!