The sheet of paper felt like a heavy weight in his hand as he made his way down the corridor, his mind still confused as to what he had read. It didn't make any sense. Dr. Banner held it close to his chest, knowing the information that was contained on it were to be only for Coulson and him alone. Then again, there was a good chance that if anyone else did happen to glance at it, they wouldn't believe the results anyways. He, himself found it to be unbelieveable.

The two people who were currently being interrogated were somehow related to his friends. And looking at the results, they weren't distant relatives. The DNA results contained base pair sequences that could have only come from the DNA of certain individuals who could only be their parents. Yet, it didn't even seem possible. His mind ventured into the realms of various possibilities including alien cloning. But these two DNA samples were as human as they could be.

He always found the subject of DNA to be fascinating. He had worked extensively on his own after his accident years ago that changed his life. But this was a bit different. There were hundreds, if not thousands of combinations with the DNA structure. Never in a million years would he had expected the results that he held in his hand. Bruce would have expected that there was to be some sort of error, but this was DNA. This was no mistake. Every molecule and gene was in its place. But he still had trouble wrapping his mind around it and believing what he held in his hand was true.

There was Natasha's situation.

She had informed him many months ago during their hiding at Clint Barton's home that she was sterile. But now, according to DNA, her grown son was being held in containment.

And there was the issue with Extremis where Pepper had been infected two years prior. Yet, her apparent 20-something daughter carried that exact same dormant gene that he and Tony Stark enacted on Pepper.

It just didn't make any sense to him.

He was so deep in thought that he didn't even noticed that he had arrived. Bruce had briefly seen the pair while they were both heavily sedated before they were whisked away to confinement. But now, he looked at them with a new set of eyes and he could see resemblances. As unsettling as it was, he found them facinating to watch.


Facial expressions.


Bruce took a step closer to the glass and for the first time, he really looked at their faces. He could see minuet details that were distinctly from either of their parents in their facial features. It amazed him that no one else noticed. But then again, no one was expecting to see it.

He was suddenly startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Steve Rogers stood behind him, a look of curiosity and concern on his features.

"Are you all right, Dr. Banner?"

It was then that he noticed the rest of his friends who happened to have been around him when he first arrived, but he didn't even notice. He was so focused and distracted that he had been in his own world.

"Uh, yeah," Bruce replied, glancing at everyone.

Steve noticed the sheet in Bruce's hand. Bruce seemed to notice him looking at it and he instinctively held it closer to his chest.

"I have to give this to Coulson," Bruce said, as Steve shook his head.

"Sorry Dr. Banner," Steve told him. "Coulson has disabled recordings and the audio to the room and has requested to not be disturbed."

He glanced back at the window, seeing Anna with the large cylinder enclosure around her hands. It was obvious that they were uncomfortable by the way she was moving and her posture. Bruce now knew for a fact that she wasn't dangerous and he had the paper to prove it.

"I need to inform Coulson that the woman in there is not a danger to him or to this facility," he told Steve.

"And how do you know that?"

"I..." He paused seeing all eyes were on him. "I...uh...I can't say. Coulson needs to see this."

Dr. Banner stepped past Steve and knocked on the window.

Instantly, all three pairs of eyes turned towards the sound. Steve sighed as he crossed his arms. They watched as Coulson spoke a few words before standing up and moving towards the door. Bruce glanced triumphantly at Steve before heading towards the door where two armed S.H.I.E.L.D agents stood.

Coulson walked out and glanced at the group by the window. "Why am I being disturbed?"

Dr. Banner held out the piece of paper towards Coulson. Phil glanced at it before taking it from Bruce's hand. After a few seconds, he looked back up at the doctor. He had known that they were from the future, but that was all he had known. He found the results as amazing as Bruce had.

Coulson swallowed visibly. The shock was on his face for only a few seconds before it disappeared. Always the professional S.H.I.E.L.D agent, he hid it as best as he could but his voice betrayed him.

"These have been verified?"

Bruce nodded, understanding what Coulson was feeling. "Twice." He paused, watching Coulson before continuing. "Do you mind if I join you in there? The woman is no longer a threat."

"I can see that," Coulson stated. He turned to the S.H.I.E.L.D agent by the door. "Get someone down here to get that hardware off of her."

Coulson turned back to Bruce. "Has anyone else seen this?"

"No," Bruce replied. "I deleted the results as soon as it was printed."

"Good," Coulson stated softly. "This remains between the two of us."

Coulson walked back into the interogation room with Dr. Banner behind him, leaving the remaining Avengers in the corridor to watch on.

Clint Barton was the one who suddenly broke the silence.

"Does anyone have any idea what just happened there?"

When the door reopened, both Anna and Daniel looked towards it. Neither of them expected to see Bruce Banner walk in. He also had no idea what he was walking into.

"If you're not familiar with this man, this is Dr. Bruce Banner," Coulson stated, gesturing to to Bruce who stood awkwardly behind him.

Bruce was impressed to see that Coulson didn't seem phased by what he had just informed him. If he was, he wasn't making any indication otherwise. It was as though this all made sense to him. To Bruce, he was even more confused. He watched as the young man took a step forward and extended his hand towards him. His eyes were exactly like Natasha's and the smile mirrored Steve. He shook the man's hand before looking towards where the young woman sat in the chair. She hadn't stood up to greet him but merely smiled.

"I'd shake your hand too, but I'm a little tied up at the moment."

Bruce smiled and nodded.

"We're going to have that taken care of momentarily," Coulson told her, as he sat back down in his seat.

"But now that we're more acquainted, I was hoping to get some verification on what Dr. Banner has discovered within your genetic pattern," Coulson stated.

"Our genetic what?" Daniel asked. He didn't like the sound of it.

"When you arrived, we took DNA samples to rule out everything from domestic terrorists to more outlandish but not impossible possibility that you both are aliens from a far off planet," Coulson said, with a smirk. "It was merely a precaution. But when we couldn't find your DNA in the system, Dr. Banner found something unique within your blood."

Coulson looked over at Dr. Banner to explain further as he knew that he wasn't familiar with the scientific lingo.

"What Coulson is saying is," Bruce began. "We're aware of who your DNA comes from."

He paused for a moment.

"We had them in the system and were able to match base pair gene sequences," Dr. Banner told them. "What I don't understand is how it is possible."

Coulson smiled weakly, not sure if he should say anything more about that to Bruce. But being an intelligent man, Coulson was certain that Dr. Banner would eventually figure it out anyways.

"That reason is the one thing that I was aware of prior to coming to interrogate them. They are in fact, from a future that hasn't happened yet."

Dr. Banner took a physical step back. "Wait...seriously?"

Coulson nodded, as Bruce looked at Anna and Daniel.

"Time travel is impossible."

"It appears that Tony Stark figured it out, or at least will figure it out," Coulson told Bruce as he watched Dr. Banner's eyes shift to Anna.

"He's your father."

Anna looked down at her hands and nodded before meeting Dr. Banner's eyes. "I suppose so. It still sounds strange to hear his name associated with me though."

Her comment caught Bruce and Phil by surprise. They were aware that Stark was her father but that was all they knew. They weren't aware that he would die before his time.

"How so?" Bruce asked.

Daniel took a step forward, knowing that Anna was going to give information that they weren't not necessarily needing to know. She saw him in the corner of her eye and she turned to stare at him.

"Daniel, I know what you're going to say, but we're stuck here," she stated harshly. "We may as well get to know someone whom we can trust and I know that we can trust Bruce Banner. So I say, to hell with the original mission. It's changed."

Her outburst caught Daniel by surprise. The stress of the day along with what they had endured had reached a climax. She turned back to Coulson and Dr. Banner.

"Tony Stark died when I was a few years old. I only discovered that he was my father just yesterday when you," she paused, looking directly at Coulson, "approached me with evidence to prove it. I have to admit, that hit me so hard that I ended up drinking myself drunk on the beach to the point where it made me late for my own birthday party. It wasn't one of my greatest moments nor best birthdays."

"How did he die?" Banner asked softly. When Anna didn't reply, Coulson did.

"Loki," Coulson replied for her. "He came back to inflict his revenge for what had happened in New York years earlier. The Phil Coulson from their time explained what had happened to Tony Stark and the reason behind their using his Relativity project."

"He hoped to send a team of agents back to create an early warning system so that it changes history," Daniel told them. "Then Tony Stark would've never died. The only difference here was that the original agents for the mission were never to be intercepted and instead would've been able to upload the program without being detected in your time. The only problem is that the Chitauri arrived on Earth and we were the only ones who were able to make it without jeopardizing the continuum. When we left our time, the Chitauri were on the verge of destroying every major city in the world."

"Dear God," Dr. Banner spoke breathlessly after hearing of a possible future.

"We can still prevent that from occurring," Anna stated quickly. "We brought the program with us and could easily set up the early warning system within S.H.I.E.L.D's computers."

"We may need that sooner than later," Banner said. "Thor stated that he was able to detect your arrival on Earth from his planet."

Daniel stepped forward. "We don't have that much time then."

"I don't know how I'll do with tech from the future, but if I can be of help, I'd like to help you," Bruce said, walking towards Daniel.

A smile appeared on Daniel's face. "We'd appreciate it Dr. Banner."

"You know, you look so much like your Dad when you smile," Bruce said. He remembered that Anna had called him by name earlier. "You're Daniel?"

Daniel nodded. "Daniel Rogers, sir."

Bruce smiled. "You even have manners like your old man."

He turned to Anna who still sat in the chairs. She smirked. "Anna Hogan."

Her name caught both of them off guard. Coulson was the one who spoke. "Hogan? As in Happy?"

Anna nodded. "It's a long story."

"Damn it, Banner," Tony swore, as he glared at the computer in front of him. "What kind of world have we come to when you can't even trust you best science buddy?!"

Tony had been searching the computer for nearly 45 minutes. For someone like him, it shouldn't have taken so long, but Banner did a good job at covering his tracks. He was so enthralled in the work in front of him that he didn't even hear Steve Rogers walk in.

"I think you've finally lost it, Stark," Steve quipped, causing Tony to quickly look over his shoulder and scowl at Steve. "You're talking to the computer."

"Well," Tony said, turning back around, "when said computer will not retrieve a deleted file because a certain somebody doesn't trust anyone in the world, one will succumb to every means possible."

Steve leaned back against the table behind him and crossed his arms.

"Did you ever think that if it was deleted, there was a reason for it?"

Tony glanced over his shoulder. "If you saw how fast Coulson made his escape from this room, you'd be curious as well. He ran like a bat out of hell. Plus, he has this locked up like Fort Knox. There's a reason for that too."

"That's why I came down here. I was wondering if something was going on with him. He just came out of the interrogation room with Coulson and our two uninvited guests," Steve commented, as he thought. "The one with Extremis was strangely released from the bindings on her hands and neither one are handcuffed."

Tony turned and stared at him, confused just as Steve was.

"When Banner came down, he was acting weirdly and insisted on talking to Coulson, even though the man demanded to not be disturbed. Yet, Couslon was cool when Banner gave him some information. He let him in on his private interrogation with the two that we brought in and just walked out like they're long lost friends."

Tony pointed at the computer. "That information he had for Coulson was the same document that he deleted. I hate that S.H.I.E.L.D keeps so many secrets. I mean, if we're helping out, we should at least be privy to some of them."

"Why do I have a feeling that you're going to be opening a Pandora's box if you find that file?" Steve asked aloud.

"I doubt it's anything as sinister as that," Stark stated. "But I am still intrigued."

He paused for a moment.

"Eureka!" Tony suddenly shouted as he slapped the table top with his hand. "Banner, you son of a bitch! That was quite a rabbits trail."

"You found it, I'm guessing?"

Tony nodded as he opened the file. "From someone who has deleted a lot of things in their life, nothing that is deleted is ever truly gone."

The smile on his face faded to confusion followed by terror. "That is impossible. I've never...I mean, I've always been careful. But there was that one time..."

"What is it?" Steve asked, leaning over to look at what Tony was reading. Part of it was completely confusing to him.

"I...I have a kid," Tony stated blankly.

Steve smirked before he began to chuckle.

"It is not funny," Tony exclaimed.

"You have to admit that it's not too far fetched," Steve told him, with a smile.

Tony ran a nervous hand through his hair and read the results again but this time something else caught his eye.

"..okay, now that doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't?"

Tony read the results aloud. "The primary genome is a match for Anthony Stark and Virginia Pepper Potts."

Both men were silent as they let that sink in. Together, they looked at the result again.

"That's impossible," Steve stated. "Well, we know that the woman downstairs has Extremis but Pepper only has had it for what? Two years now?"

Tony nodded as he continued to read.

"Here's something else that you might want to see," Tony said, pointing at the screen. As Steve leaned in closer, Tony continued. "Seems like someone has stolen your virtue, old man."

Steve's eyes widened. "Natasha?" He shook his head. "That still doesn't make sense."

"But this makes sense as to why Banner was so spooked when he left," Tony said, leaning back in his chair.

His mind was racing as he thought back to when the pair were brought in and he first saw them. Within seconds, he was sitting back up and typing on the computer.

"What are you doing?"

The printer turned on and began copying the exact sheet that they had just been looking at.

"Something is going on here with S.H.I.E.L.D and I don't like that it involves me," Tony said, standing up and making his way to the computer. "I'm going to get some answers of my own."