Chapter 32

Erin's Point of View

"There is no way in hell that is happening!" I yelled at Malcolm.

He had just suggested Taylor come and live with him for a year so he could get to know her and make her a part of his family.

"You can still see her regularly." Malcolm sighed.

I glared at him.

"Oh that is nice of you, so kind and considerate." I snapped.

Lydia was looking between the two of us and I could tell she didn't know what to day or do. I actually felt sorry for her.

"Look Erin, Bunny is on board with it and technically she adopted Taylor so it is her call…..Legally speaking." Malcolm tried to reason.

I cursed at the mention of Bunny. She really had a skill for running my life and anyone I cared about life.

"What about Taylor? I haven't even heard you mention her feeling and what she might say about being uprooted." I argued.

"Of course I will ask her but I honestly think she will be up for it. We have hit things off and I want to know her." Malcolm said.

"And I haven't heard you mention her feelings either. What if she wants to come to New York? Are you going to stop her?" Malcolm added.

I didn't know how to feel. He was right I hadn't considered Taylor wanting to move. I didn't want to, I couldn't. If Taylor left I wouldn't know what to do with myself, I couldn't go back to not knowing her and seeing her. She had become my life.

Before anyone could speak Malcolm's phone rang. He looked concerned as he answered it.

"They are where? What happened? Are they ok?" I heard him ask.

I felt myself begin to panic, as Lydia seemed to be thinking the same. She was pressed up against Malcolm trying to listen to the call.

"Dean and Taylor are at the police station with SVU. They say Dean attacked a girl." Malcolm said as he went sheet white and Lydia let out a gasp.

Walking into the SVU office I was greeted by the familiar faces of Amanda and Nick.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Amanda greeted, as she looked confused.

"The girl Taylor you have here, she is my daughter." I told her.

She looked even more confused at the mention of the word daughter.

"It's a long story Amanda and one I'm not up to telling. Is Taylor ok?" I asked.

Amanda nodded and led me towards Olivia's office. Malcolm and Lydia were busy talking to Amaro and Fin and I was grateful of the peace.

"He her dad?" Amanda asked as she knocked on Olivia's door.

"Yeah…." I sighed.

Before she could answer Olivia opened the door and I saw Taylor sitting opposite her desk.

"Lindsay?" She said shocked to see me standing outside her door.

"Hey Liv." I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"That is my daughter." I said pointed to Taylor who looked even more horrified when she saw me arrive.

"Really?" Olivia remarked.

"I can see the resemblance now." She smiled.

"Erin I'm sorry, I didn't do anything I don't even know what he did!" Taylor called out to me.

Before I could answer Malcolm and Lydia appeared next to me.

"Where is my son?" Lydia asked.

"He is in the room next door. He is fine we asked him a few questions but other than that we waited for you to arrive. A girl has made a complaint said he attacked her, we don't know everything yet. There was a lot of alcohol involved but the girl is upset and in hospital getting checks." Olivia explained.

"And Taylor is connected how? Other than the fact she was there." I said.

"Dean says she was with him the whole time, Taylor says she wasn't but she wont say where she was or with who." Olivia replied.

"She probably doesn't know who she was with or where. We don't live in New York, she has never been and this wasn't an arranged trip let alone a party. I knew I shouldn't have let her go there, or listened to you!" I complained to Malcolm.

Malcolm glared at me.

"My son is innocent, and if you trust Taylor so much why don't you ask her where the hell she was if she claims she wasn't with Dean." Malcolm hissed.

"I was with Caleb." Taylor announced as she came out of Olivia's office.

"Caleb is?" Olivia pressed.

"An old friend…..boyfriend…." Taylor said.

"An idiot, trouble and a liar." I added.

"Why were you with him? Did you know he was here? Is that why you want to come?" I asked her.

"Because I didn't know anyone else and Dean left me alone. I didn't know he was here but I am glad he was. The guys at that party were creeps if Caleb wasn't there I don't know what would have happened." Taylor told me.

Lydia reached over and grabbed Taylor.

"She's lying!" She screamed.

"My son and his friends are good kids, this isn't true. What happened at the party is little girls looking for attention! She wasn't at the party she claims so how can she call them creeps!" Lydia stated.

I reached over and pulled her hand from Taylor before stepping between the pair.

"Touch my kid again and I will hurt you. If your son is innocent then I have 100% trust in SVU proving that, but don't go calling my kid a liar to prove the innocence of yours." I said.

"Erin stop." Malcolm interrupted.

"Don't you start." I rolled my eyes.

"None of you start. This isn't helping anyone. I need to talk to Dean and I'm going to guess you both want to be in there? Olivia asked Malcolm and Lydia.

They both nodded.

"Ok the lets go talk to him, see if we can get the full story and the truth." She added.

"Lindsay talk to Taylor, see if she knows anything about these so called creeps other than that fact." Olivia instructed.

"I'm right here!" Taylor complained.

"Good then start talking to your mom, better her than some other cop." Olivia smiled as she let Malcolm and Lydia into the room with Dean.

"Mom…I like the sound of that…" I said before realising I had said it out loud.

Taylor looked at me and offered a half smile. I knew she wasn't ready to use the word when talking about me, but I wished she were.

"Maybe some day…..How about we get this over with?" She offered.

I nodded in agreement.

"Not the trip I wanted and I didn't think it could be worse than I had expected. Congrats on making it worse kid, I admire that." I sighed.

Until next time ;-)