To everyone who has read this far...well, thanks so much! You all have made this an incredibly fun experience for me, and I don't even know how to begin expressing how grateful I am other than saying thank you again!


If there was one thing that SOLDIERs of all types universally complained about, it was paperwork. With every mission came a report, and for most, that wasn't what they signed up to do when they joined SOLDIER.

Cloud actually found that he didn't mind it at all. Maybe because it was only his eighth one—he honestly enjoyed writing about his successful missions. He also liked handing in a physical copy instead of just submitting his reports electronically...since he was still new, after all, and his general might have questions about how the mission had gone.

A grin crept onto his face as he extended his arm across the desk, his latest report in hand. He snatched it back before Genesis could accept it, thoroughly pleased by the lack of amusement on his general's face.

When there was no verbal response, he prodded for it. "Hey, Gen?"

Genesis raised a single brow, but only after rolling his eyes quite dramatically. "Yes, dear?"

"Is it true you can cast spells without materia?" he asked curiously, wondering how many of the rumors were factual and how many were just hype—there seemed to be several rumors regarding each of the three generals, and now that he had a Second Class partner he was hearing about those rumors more and more.

"What do you think?"

"Uh…I guess I wouldn't be surprised," Cloud admitted, finally releasing the report into Genesis' expectant hand. He plopped down in one of the chairs across from the desk, waiting patiently as Genesis eyed over the form. "I just would've thought you'd mention it to me…it must be a useful skill to have. Are you the only one who can do that?"

Genesis laughed softly at that question, finally placing the paperwork down on his desk and meeting Cloud's eyes. "Every single SOLDIER can use magic without possessing a piece of materia," he revealed, smirking as Cloud took his turn at rolling his eyes. "You think I'm kidding—I'm quite serious. It's not a conscious casting, but it's the same principle."

"What's that even mean?"

"What is materia?" Genesis responded shortly.

Cloud frowned—why did it always come back to this question? The answer had been pounded into his head during 'boot camp', and all these months later he was still being asked on a fairly regular basis.

"Condensed mako," he answered dully, not seeing the relevance but trusting Genesis had a point—there was always a point to this line of questioning.

"And what is used to enhance all SOLDIERs?"


"Maybe you have learned something from me after all," Genesis boasted, his smile growing as Cloud scoffed. "Now—we refer to the process as enhancement because it does just that, correct?" Cloud nodded in acknowledgment. "What does it enhance?"

"Our senses…reflexes. Our bodies are stronger and capable of a lot more."

"Capable of what?"

"Withstanding greater injury, and—"

"What if we are injured?" Genesis pressed, not waiting for Cloud to respond. "We heal at an accelerated rate, largely due to the mako in our veins."

There was a long pause, heavy in the air as Cloud tried to figure out what his general was implying this time. "That's not the same as casting cure."

"Isn't it?" the redhead countered, raising a brow. "The mako inside us isn't typically condensed—it literally flows through our bodies, heightening everything we do. It bolsters our defenses in the process, whether we're consciously aware of it or not. That extends further when we're injured. When our bodies sustain an injury, a portion of the mako will gather at that point—it's not quite the same level concentration as a materia, but it's the same concept. That's why we sometimes see a green light emanating from an open wound as it seals without a cure spell. That's also why we can sustain five of the same injury, and those injuries will still heal one at a time instead of at the same rate. The mako will gather and heal those injuries one by one—the precise reason we aren't truly invincible. There are limitations. Too many or too severe an injury, and what's inside us won't be enough to gather and repair the damages in time."

"…So you can't use magic without a materia," Cloud concluded, slumping in the chair a little. "Or at least not the way people think you can."

"I wouldn't say that," Genesis revealed, opening his palm and showing off a tiny flame. It diminished as he closed his palm, his expression smug as he met the blond's wide eyes. "Cloud…once you have control over your own body, you'll find it's capable of more than you ever imagined. Focus next time you sustain a minor injury. Allow yourself to feel the mako acting on your body's behalf, and one day it will click. Once it does, you'll understand—it doesn't have to be an involuntary reaction. We can choose to utilize the mako inside us as we see fit."

"Yeah, but…how?" Cloud asked, baffled by the thought. "If it heals us, there's no way to turn it into fire—that's not how materia works."

"Just because mako will heal us in its purest form doesn't mean that's all it's good for. We know that because it's been studied—if it's concentrated in the right conditions, it can take on new characteristics. Whether that happens naturally in a fire cavern over the course of a thousand years, or whether it happens in the lab where manufactured materia is produced—it's a fact, mako is adaptable."

"…So you're saying the mako in our bodies can take on different properties too?" Cloud questioned, raising both brows. It wasn't quite adding up, but Genesis nodded nonetheless. "How? There's nothing fiery about the human body."

"That's true for most of us. For me, it's not. I've always had a particularly strong attunement to fire, and that's only increased over the years as I've continued to use it. Go ahead and search me if you want proof. I don't have a single materia equipped, and I can cast fire spells all day by concentrating what's inside me."

Cloud narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "You just want me to frisk you."

"Perhaps," Genesis conceded with a look that was far too innocent. "I think it's only fair since you've interrupted my office hours. Come here."

He let out an exasperated sigh, clearly a habit he'd picked up from his boyfriend—but he was quick to rise to his feet and round the desk willingly. His heart was jumping in his chest as he was pulled into Genesis' lap, their foreheads pressed together intimately for a moment before their lips met.

"It'll take a few years, but I'm sure you'll be able to utilize your body's mako as well—your tolerance will increase every year when you get your injections, so you'll end up getting more and more each time, which makes it easier," Genesis explained, another gentle kiss before he pulled away and met Cloud's eyes. "Sephiroth is the only other SOLDIER who can do it, the rotten bastard. I showed him my new trick after months of trial and error—it was a personal discovery, and one I worked through on my own...I explained it to him once, and he immediately put it the information to use. He succeeded on his first attempt."

"Does he do fire spells too?" Cloud asked, carefully brushing a stray lock of hair from Genesis' eyes.

It was one of his favorite things—touching Genesis' hair. All his life he'd hated having people touch his own, but he couldn't help reaching out and running a hand through Genesis' from time to time…particularly when they were sitting so close and talking. More than anything, he wanted to be able to connect with Genesis—to meet his eyes and take in every word. If that meant trailing a hand through an out-of-place lock of flared out hair and pushing it back to the side, he was more than happy to do it.

And the soft smile it brought to Genesis' face...he couldn't see it often enough. "Yes. We can also use basic cure spells, of course."

"He doesn't strike me as a fiery kind of guy," the blond muttered, leaning comfortably into Genesis.

The redhead turned his head to the side before Cloud could steal another kiss. "You only met him once! He must have made quite the impression if you're able to make that kind of assessment already."

Cloud snorted. "Are you jealous?"

"Of Sephiroth? Of course not!" Genesis exclaimed incredulously, wrapping his arms around Cloud's waist a little bit more firmly until the blond was smooshed up against his chest. "He may lead the Firsts, and he may be ShinRa's go-to poster boy, but these days I'm actually glad I have the Third Class. I feel like I've gained a lot from it."

"Oh really?"

"I did have to fight for some it," Genesis added quietly, pressing a delicate kiss along the sensitive spot behind Cloud's ear, "but it was mostly worthwhile."


"Occasionally I wonder if it's worth the trouble."

Cloud couldn't even pretend to be offended, the laughter already bubbling up inside him. "I'm glad to hear it."

"Good. Now tell me why Sephiroth doesn't strike you as fiery—is it because the hair? I do look a bit more fiery, I imagine."

Cloud laughed right into Genesis' ear, but couldn't deny it. "Kind of. He was just…I don't know, fire just doesn't suit him," he tried to explain, the very idea of it not sitting well with him for some reason. "I guess he just struck me as a blizzard kind of guy. Not that he was cold or anything—he barely even said a word other than when he had questions about something I said. I guess he was just kind of…stiff?"

"He's certainly not cold," Genesis admitted reluctantly. "He can be a tad bit too formal, but that's just because he was raised by the company. It doesn't help that Angeal just sprung you on him like that—he was in the middle of something, but he didn't want to be rude and throw you out. We talked about it, and I think you made quite the impression on him—we'll have to discuss this further after you get to know him better."

"Um…I don't really have any reason to get to know him. He's got better things to do than waste time with me."

"Cloud, we're in a relationship now, yes?" he asked, staring expectantly until Cloud nodded, a big grin spreading across his face. For some reason that happened whenever either of them vocalized it—maybe because it had only been a couple was all still relatively new. The thought alone just made him too happy to hold it back. "If you expect me to spend time with your friends, it's only fair you spend time with mine. Angeal and Sephiroth are important to me."

"You were already friends with Zack though, way before we even met—it's not like you're doing me a favor by spending time with him," Cloud argued halfheartedly.

"Yes, but I also have a limit—some days Zack can be a bit much for me," Genesis insisted, holding a straight face as he spoke, "but I endure it for you. So come to dinner tonight at Angeal's—we'll make it a double date."

"…Okay," Cloud agreed, forcing another smile even though the idea made his stomach turn nervously. He definitely didn't mind seeing more of Angeal, but Sephiroth...well, hopefully it would be easier in a more relaxed setting where he wasn't the sole focus of everyone's attention. Either way it would be worth it if it really was so important to Genesis. "They really don't mind?"

"It was Angeal's suggestion—I was planning to decline and keep you to myself tonight, but after hearing your thoughts on Seph, it only seems right to have you meet him outside of the office. I'm the only one around here who's supposed to think he's less than perfect."

Cloud laughed again, shaking his head as he held his boyfriend's gaze. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Good. And actually, I think Zack may be going as well."

"It won't be weird for him?" Cloud asked, a bit surprised.

"He's your friend—what do you think? Is Zack Fair the type to feel awkward around friends?"

"Definitely not," Cloud replied without hesitation, realizing Genesis had a good point.

Zack had been nothing but supportive about his younger friend's relationship, and was still their biggest cheerleader on a daily basis—and he seemed just as supportive when it came to Angeal and Sephiroth too. At least whenever the topic came up, which wasn't particularly often.

All in all, it felt like Zack had really meant what he said—he really was the happiest he'd been in years. Maybe he wasn't in a relationship, but if anyone could have a good time as a single person, it was Zack Fair—he was loving every minute of his life as a First Class. And it wasn't like anyone would do anything to make him feel uncomfortable or like he was the odd one out.

In fact, having Zack around would probably make it less stressful to 'get to know' Sephiroth. Maybe he'd do everyone a favor and do most of the talking. And if he didn't…

"Is it true Lazard's getting promoted?" Cloud asked, another rumor coming to mind as he thought about what he could possibly discuss with Sephiroth over dinner.

"Yes," Genesis answered slowly. "He'll be taking over as the Joint Chief of Operations for the Army and SOLDIER."

"So Sephiroth's really going to head the Firsts and the whole program?"

"Temporarily—it's not possible for him to fill both rolls indefinitely. They'll be selecting a formal replacement to fill Lazard's shoes as Director soon enough."

"Do you think it'll be him?"

Genesis shook his head. "No. Sephiroth is too valuable to be turned into a full time office maid—plus, no one else could lead the First Class…Well, aside from me, but then they wouldn't have anyone to lead the Thirds, so Sephiroth will have to stay, obviously."

Cloud laughed again, shifting in Genesis' lap slowly as he prepared to ask the next question. It was probably only wishful thinking, but…

"Is it true then? Lazard's getting promoted because ShinRa's pissed about how things are going between the Army and SOLDIER?"

"Ah, I was hoping to let the other two tell you more about this tonight," Genesis admitted, running a few elegant fingers through Cloud's unruly hair. "The short answer is, yes. After your impromptu meeting with Angeal and Sephiroth, they began putting together an extensive report detailing all the areas in which ShinRa would have benefited from joint ops or open communication between the two programs—they finally presented it to Lazard, who agreed wholeheartedly and brought the plan to his supervisor."

"The plan was based on my meeting with them?"

"In part. Truthfully, Angeal had been looking into a way to improve communications for quite so time, and I began assisting him after becoming your mentor. Your input provided the additional perspective and specifics needed to make a solid proposal to remedy the situation though…So, we should be seeing some changes around here soon. The others will tell you more tonight. Angeal is quite proud, and I have a soft spot for him—I don't want to ruin his surprise."

"That's great!" Cloud exclaimed, not really needing to hear more. He jumped from Genesis' lap with a grin, tugging at his boyfriend's hand. "We should go celebrate, or—"

Genesis squeezed his hand in return, but shook his head regretfully. "We'll celebrate tonight. I really do need to get some work done at some point this afternoon."

"You're right, I'm sorry," the blond said, leaning in for one last quick kiss. Genesis gave him two instead, his hand trailing over the blond's cheek and nearly drawing him back in for a third. "I'll leave you to it then—I'll go do some training, I guess. Are we still working on summons tomorrow?"

"Of course. If you expect to be my new lieutenant, you'll need to be able to call at least three different summons. I'll accept no less."

Cloud put a hand on his hip. He was well aware that the position had opened up, but he hadn't even given it a single thought—ultimately his goal was still to eventually become a First, which meant getting promoted to lieutenant at some point…but for now he was too new to the program.

"Who said I want to be your lieutenant?"

"I believe that decision is up to me," Genesis reminded him shortly. "And honestly, the list of candidates is slim—you may not have as many missions under your belt, but you can certainly outperform most of my current Thirds. Kunsel informed me that some of my best men have been asking you for tips."

"That's because they think you told me all your secrets," Cloud said dismissively. "I don't want to be promoted just because—"

"I know," Genesis reassured him, softly this time as he met Cloud's eyes. "If and when you get promoted, it will be because you're the most qualified for the position. Now go—you're distracting me!"

"Maybe you're distracting me," Cloud countered, his tone playful as he narrowed his eyes. "All I wanted was to turn in a simple report, and you—"

"Unless you intend to kiss me again, go!"

Cloud snorted, but was quick to graze his boyfriend's lips one last time. "I'll probably still be in the training room if you finish early."

"I don't expect I will. Why don't I meet you at your apartment instead? We can have a drink and relax a bit before headed up to Angeal's—does that sound nice?"

"That'd be perfect...I might be a little more nervous by then," he admitted, trying his best to move toward the door as he spoke.

Why was it always so damn difficult to walk away from this man?

"I'll be sure to finish here at least an hour before dinner then. Remember not to overwork yourself—your next assignment will be in two days, and I expect you to be in top shape."

"Of course. I did learn from the best," he said with a wink.

Genesis smiled at that—a broad smile that he seemed to reserve only for Cloud. "Yes, I suppose you did."

Cloud mirrored the smile, nodding an unspoken goodbye as he opened the door and forced himself to step outside. As it shut behind him he let out a long, almost dreamy breath. He'd thought the butterflies would have been gone by now, but apparently not. Genesis always impacted him like this. His heart was still thumping loudly in his chest as he headed away from the office, and the smile hadn't faded even slightly.

On instinct he reached into his pocket, thinking over the good news as he clasped his fingers loosely around his good luck charm. He pulled the materia out, rolling it in his palm once before tossing it up in the air and catching it in one swift motion. It was remarkable to think how much had changed since this materia had been kicked in his direction…and it was still just the beginning.