School was hectic. Especially when your boyfriend tends to do as he wishes. Not kidding. Jace goes out of the class as he wishes, questions a teacher as he wishes and snorts in class at something ridiculous the
teacher said. Believe me, it's tiring.

"No Jace. You absolutely can't." I said, exasperated.

"It doesn't make sense Clare, why can't I? I'm just saying that I can
teach the PE teacher better ways to use the sword."

Jace wanted to correct an experienced PE teacher. How ridiculous! I do admit that perhaps even Simon and I can do better than that. But he is the teacher for a reason and we are students. And I said this aloud
to Jace.

He just snorted, again.

"Teacher. Yeah right." After that he thankfully kept his thoughts and
comments to himself.

PE was proving to be an extremely annoying period. It was like a competition - who could wear the most revealing clothes. Our school didn't really have uniforms. I mean, we had uniforms, but it was only for those students who were a part of one of the school teams and only for their practice sessions.

So here you could literally see girls wearing a push up bra and booty shorts that were not holding the parts they were supposed to hold.

The major reason I hated PE was not that reason alone. These girls stared at guys, well, Jace, and that's pissing me off.

I have to admit that, me, a girl who doesn't normally get jealous over girls who stare at her insanely hot oyfriend is getting jealou... no not jealous, definitely not jealous of them, just immensely pissed at
them. I mean really girls? He is MINE!

Ms. Piss off – Drew Mackenzie was just throwing herself at him. Pathetic right?

I could faintly hear her talking to Jace in an assumed sexy voice.

Again pathetic!

Jace P.O.V.

"So honey, me and you tonight in my house. Or maybe yours. I'm giving you the choice to choose. Maybe we can catch up on life and how it has been treating us, the day we met. What do you think sweetie?" Mac and
Cheese asked. At least I think that what her name is.

She was wearing a top... if you could call it that! And literally her boobs were just hanging. Not kidding! I mean I'm a guy so of course I notice this "stuff" but her noise, her personality and her looks were just annoying, screeching and one that screamed "needs attention"

I just moved close to her face and placed my lips just a few centimeters away from that of… that... that ... I don't know what to call her even! And then I smirked.

"Sure honey" I said emphasizing her word. "Sure. But do you mind if my girlfriend joins too? You know she knows pretty well about me so maybe she could tell you a little. Well, maybe my sister too, and her
boyfriend. And wait I'm missing out my brother and his boyfriend too.

Are you sure you can accommodate all of us?"

"That is not the catch up I meant Jace." She said blinking her eye lids more than required and purred at the "Jace" part.

I would have certainly liked this before but now I'm a committed man who loves his girl. And this was getting boring. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Clary watching us with pursed lips I winked at her
and smiled. She gave a teeny tiny smile back.

"Honey, when you are the last woman on earth and I'm the last man of earth." I paused. "Still... I wouldn't like to do anything with know you can't really do anything with the icing on the cake." I
winked at her and turned to walk towards my girl.

When I was in front of Clary, she just narrowed her eyes at me and asked "What was that about?"

"Clearing some stuff out that I'm unavailable for... well, forever."

Clary smiled at this.

"You can be sweet at times. You know, when you're not a total douche."

"You dare tell this to anyone, I have an image to take care of."

"Sure. Sure. Well P.E is over anyways let's go to cafeteria for lunch. And I'm warning you, food sucks."

Clary pov.

Jace smiled and then shook his head.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing! Food just sucks" he mocked me.

I poked his stomach. Hard. And got the pleasure of seeing him in pain.

As we came to the cafeteria I soon noticed my group of friends and
waved at them and pulled Jace along.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed.

There were a murmur of heys and hellos.

"Guys, this is Jace, my boyfriend. And Jace, these are my friends here."

They all looked at me incredulously and murmured something about rumors going on.

"Jace this is Jane." I pointed to my brunette friend who nodded shyly and Jace. "This is Emily." I pointed to the strawberry blond girl who clutched a guy's hand on top of the table. Jace again smiled and Emily returned it. "This is her boyfriend Luke." Luke and Jace passed the man nod. "This is Amalia, she and Emily are twins." I pointed to the other exact same girl as the previous one. "And finally, this Matt." I pointed to the dark haired blue eyed boy who just... glared at Jace.

Hey guys,

This is the revised version Thanks to my lovely beta ICanExplain. Cheers to her amazing work I got a few complaints about the typos. Sorry about that I was typing on my phone and now I hope all have cleared out.

Please check my other stories out

