A/N: I'm choosing to skip over the battle with Hela because I am ready to write the true purpose of picking this story back up and I hope you all enjoy it.
After Valkyrie returned with Thor and Banner, they made a plan to take a ship and escape through the Devil's Anus. Thor was thrilled to learn of Loki's impending Fatherhood but no one had time to discuss anything as they made their flight for Asgard.
The battle with Hela ended in the ruin of Thor and Loki's home with all survivors, the very few left, on a ship from Sakaar flying through space with no certain destination or plan for their future.
Things were fine until Thanos and his followers took over their ship, leaving only Thor, Banner, Loki, Heimdall, and Logan alive. Logan was much further along, nearing her due date.
Thanos grabbed Thor by the head after his mission of death was almost complete. He looked at Loki, "The tesseract or you brother's head."
Loki watched Thanos crushing Thor's skull, Logan cringing from where she stood, "Go ahead," he challenged but once Thanos began to squeeze harder, Loki offered the tesseract.
Thanos moved toward the item as the Hulk attacked him to no avail, Heimdall sending him back to Earth just before he could be killed. But Thanos murdered him for his actions before smashing the tesseract and placing the stone within his gauntlet.
Logan began gathering fragments from space as Thanos and his minions discussed. Loki interrupted him and offered his own services.
"If I may," Loki began, pulling away from Logan's hand as she tried to stop him, "You may need a guide on Earth and I have experience in that area."
Thanos replied, gruffly, "If by experience you mean failure."
"I view experience as experience," Loki replied, "My lord, I pledge to be your faithful servant. I offer you my undying loyalty." As he finished, he pulled a knife and moved to stab Thanos with it but was stopped.
Logan watched as Thanos moved to wrap his hand around Loki's throat, making her move and hurling her creation of space debris at Thanos. She made contact, the impact surprising Thanos before he could do anything to stop it. He was thrown from the ship into open space.
Logan moved to Loki's side, wrapping her arms around his waist gratefully, as they watched together Thanos turning to ice unable to survive the exposure or use any of his stones, which also cracked from the pressure.
Loki looked at Logan, as Thor was escaping the items holding him, "How long did it take you to put that together?" he asked, placing his hand tenderly upon her cheek.
"I started as soon as he began killing everyone, staying out of his line of sight and attention. It paid off," she replied as Thor moved forward to thank her for her work.
"That was very good," Thor stated, "The Avengers have not been utilizing you properly, or at all."
Loki placed his hand on her large bump, "I don't believe she'll be in any condition to join up with your friends any time soon."
"Can you get us to Earth, Thor?" Logan suddenly asked as she grasped the bottom of her stomach, feeling a pain radiate through.
Thor looked around the remains of the ship, "I can try but it may take me a spell, especially without Banner here."
Logan nodded, gritting her teeth as she clutched Loki's arm, "It would be great if you could do it as fast as possible because this baby is coming," she revealed causing Loki to turn to her as Thor got to work, his face filled with panic.
"Did it just begin?" Loki asked, placing his hands on each side of her bump, as she sank to the floor, joining her.
She nodded, "It's probably from the amount of energy I tapped into of my powers to do what I did. It'll be fine as long as my labor goes slow and we can get to a doctor before it's too late," she began rubbing her stomach, taking deep breaths.
Loki called to Thor, "Brother, is there anything I can do to speed this process along?"
Thor shook his head, "Stay be her side. I think I found a way to separate the ship leaving only the part we're on that's intact and make a speedy journey to Earth."
Loki nodded as he focused back on Logan as another pain took her over, causing her to hunch forward, Loki moving to rub her back, breathing with her.
Logan's contractions were closer together as Thor announced he was ready to bring them to Earth and break apart the ship. Loki helped Logan up, supporting her with his arm around her waist, to the area where they would be safe. As he began to help her back to the ground, she yelled out loud from the severity of the pain overtaking her.
Loki didn't know what to do to ease her suffering. She'd stopped the galaxies biggest threat, saving his life in the process, but he could do nothing for her in return. "My love, has your progress changed?"
Once the pain left, Logan nodded, "I think the baby's really ready to come out. Like, it's time for me to push."
"Do you think you can wait, perhaps cross your legs, until we land?" Loki asked in reply now that Thor was flying them.
She took a deep breath, the pressure she felt increasing, "I wish but if I do that, we risk losing the baby from complications," she looked into Loki's eyes, "You can do this. I will push and you'll deliver our baby. We don't have another choice," her eyes were pleading.
Loki took a deep breath, "I would never risk our child's safety," he agreed moving to help Logan remove her pants which were already undone to accommodate her growing abdomen. He glanced at Thor, "Focus on piloting us safely to Earth and please don't look over here."
Thor nodded, "I was not planning to, brother."
Loki moved between Logan's legs, which she had prepared, and he saw their baby's head. "You're quite right, my sweet, this baby will not wait until we reach Earth. Do you know when to push?" he asked, unfamiliar with this process.
She nodded, "I'll do it for ten seconds when the next contraction comes. All you have to do is help guide the baby out and make sure not to drop it on the floor," she added with a small laugh before pain took her over again.
Logan inhaled and then beared down, holding her breath, pushing as hard as she could. Loki placed his hands below where the baby's head would appear, ready to ensure he did his part.
It took Logan a few more strong pushes until the head came out. Loki placed his hand gently underneath the small, fragile head, preparing his other hand to grasp the rest of the baby once she pushed again.
"Darling, you're doing wonderfully. Just one more good, strong, push and this will be over," Loki encouraged her.
Logan couldn't help but roll her eyes as she spoke, waiting on the next contraction, "I would give birth to the child we conceived after knowing each other for five minutes after vanquishing Thanos. This is our story and I can't believe I expected it to go any other way," she finished just as her body erupted in pain once more.
She pushed as she'd been doing but this time, their baby slid out and into Loki's ready hands, the crying starting immediately. Loki looked at the small creature in his hands, messy and loud, but filling his heart with warmth.
"Logan, we have a girl," he shared as he moved to place their baby on her chest, grabbing fabric from the area around them. A piece to wrap their daughter in an another one to drape over Logan's exposed lower body.
Logan looked at their baby girl, her eyes watering, "Couldn't wait a little longer, could you?" she teased, moving to place a small kiss on her forehead.
Loki sat next to them, his girls, "What shall we call her?"
Thor was glancing over, wishing he was already landed so he could take a look at his niece.
Logan looked at the baby, before she replied to Loki's question, "How do you feel about Frigga, after your mother?"
Loki's eyes began to fill with tears, he was so overcome with emotion, "I would truly love that," he agreed before moving toward Logan and placing his lips to hers as the ship landed safely on Earth, in New York City.
The End