Beth's sitting in the middle of the cemetery, Maggie's head cradled in her lap while the bodies of her friends lay next to her. Castiel and the rest of the angels have congregated to one side while Dean and Sam took the rest of their group aside and spoke to them of a Hunter's funeral, and how it's better their way because though the infected and virus is gone, the rest of the monsters aren't. Glenn hadn't been too comfortable with burning Maggie's body but after finding out that other monsters could use her face to manipulate them later on the down the road, he found that a Hunter's funeral was the best bet for her to rest peacefully.

And just as Dean voices the suggestion that they start collecting wood for the fires, every angel seems to freeze and angle their heads upward towards the sky- Beth included.

It's time to come home, my children, but first you have one last mission.

Beth shivers at the voice in her head and tries to shake off the uneasy feeling.

"Beth?" Daryl grunts. "You okay?"

Find every last human being and show them it's time for a new beginning. Go.

"No," Beth murmurs quietly, eyes watering all over again. It appears that after her breakdown, human emotion is coming far too easy to display once more. "I can't leave her," she breathes shakily to the sky. "I won't."

All the angels startle at Beth's words, their attention then seeking out their grieving sister. Castiel steps towards her, clearing his throat before squatting down to be at eye level with her. "Stay," he tells her. "One angel won't make that much of a difference. I'll be back."

Beth gives Castiel a tight smile in thanks, she watching as Castiel stands and makes his way back to the other angels- Ramiel now looking every bit in charge seeing as Ariel didn't make it out of the fight. Every single one of them are staring right back at her, they nodding once before all disappearing in a flutter of wings.

"What was that all about?" Dean huffs.

"Nothing," the blonde shakes her head. Glancing back down at Maggie, she runs her fingers along her sister's hair. "We were being called back," she then gestures with one hand towards the sky. "All angels were to seek out every living human being and give them their choice. I couldn't- I cant leave my sister."

There's a moment of silence and then, "Come on," the elder Winchester sighs. "We need to start prepping the bodies."

Beth has to swallow around the lump of emotion that suddenly lodged itself in her throat, she sniffling and nodding and shifting around so she can stand up. But just as she gets to her knees, the flutter of wings has her looking to the side where Castiel's standing and beaming down at her.

"Castiel? What are you doing back so soon?"

"I spoke to God," he tells her. "I pled for their souls."


Eugene, Kevin, Charlie, Rosita, and Maggie all gasp awake, the lot of them jerking into an upright position. There are shouts of surprise and elation but Beth, Dean, and Sam stare at Castiel warily.

"What did you do?" the younger Winchester wonders.

Brow furrowing, Castiel's smile vanishes. "They fought for the greater good of this world. It didn't seem fair that they wouldn't see it."

"So you pled for their souls?!" Dean scoffs.


"Thank you." All eyes turn to Beth, she throwing herself at Castiel and hugging him tightly. Slowly but surely, the elder angel brings his arms around her to return the embrace.

"That's nice and all," Dean's deadpan brings them out of their moment. "-but what about the padre? Why isn't he waking up?"

"They were given a choice," Cas admits. "To come back or live in peace. Father Gabriel found his peace and decided to stay there."

Glenn's sobbing once more but this time, they're happy tears. Castiel's explanation is enough for Beth so her attention turns once more to her sister who's staring up at her with tears of her own in her eyes.

"I saw Daddy," Maggie smiles. "-and Momma. They're so happy, Beth."

"Did- did they say anything?"

As Beth kneels next to her sister who's cradled in Glenn's arms once more, Maggie's tearful gaze drops to her flat stomach and her hands come up to protectively shield it. "Just that they're proud.." She trails off as her little sister's gaze follows her hand's action, Beth's gaze questioning as her eyes dart back and forth between Maggie's stomach and Maggie's own gaze. Then as the puzzle pieces click together, Beth beams. "They also might have mentioned that since we've been through so much, I've been assured a smooth pregnancy."

Everyone within hearing distance freezes, Glenn pales, and Beth laughs.


Dean and Sam ended up taking the lead in getting Father Gabriel's corpse ready for a Hunter's funeral, and it was Dean that rummaged through the nearby rundown home to find a sheet that would be wrapped around Father Gabriel.

And after everyone said their peace and the fire was lit, it's Daryl that asks such a bizarre question and breaks everyone's calm bubble. "Not to scare anyone, but we didn't die, did we?" Everyone jerks their attention to the archer and he gulps as he gestures to everything around them. "I feel like m'havin' a bad acid trip or somethin'."

As everyone looks to see what he's talking about, they realize that the once dead grass around them is slowly turning a vibrant green. The trees around them are sprouting brand new leaves, the shrubbery is reviving right before their eyes, and the sounds of distant chirping birds can be heard.

"What the-"

In awe, they start stumbling down the private dirt road as fields of dead yellowed grass shift to an alive green. From between trees, a young buck and two does hesitantly appear long enough to catch attention before being startled and bounding back into the shadows. Mooing makes everyone freeze and then as they continue on down the road, they find a field littered with cattle as if they'd been there all along.

"So this is what He meant by being rewarded, huh?" Dean asks. Power poles surrounding them seem to buzz to life and Charlie nearly squeals. "Life will be easier," the elder Winchester then continues on. "-but I know next to nothing about raising cattle or slaughtering them for food."

"Well it's a good thing you have us," Maggie chirps. She slings an around her sister's shoulders, bringing her closer and grins over at Dean and now Rick who's looking at her in wonder. "We grew up on a farm. We know a thing or two and I'm pretty sure Daryl is a quick learner, right Dixon?"

"Hmm? Yeah," Daryl nods. "I can help out."

"Excellent," Charlie squeaks, nearly jumping from one foot to the other in her obvious glee. "With food taken care of and the power obviously coming back on," she gestures to the power poles around them. "-I can start rigging systems to they remain on and possibly get wi-fi up and running again. If there are any people out there like me, they'll be doing the same and we can start getting in contact with other survivors!"

"You can do that?" Rick actually looks stunned.

"Yep," Charlie smiles proudly. "We just gotta stop at every power grid on the way home so I can put some of my skills to use. I can actually get phones up and running if you give me a little extra time and we'll be good to go."

"Well, seeing as I'm no longer a deputy sheriff," Rick chuckles gruffly. "I think it's safe for me to say that I've never been more happy to have a hacker- or whatever you call yourself- on our side."

Seven Months Later.

True to Charlie's word, within a few months, she has power grids and telephone operation systems rigged for their endeavors. (Although, the power mysteriously turned off at what they eventually figured out was 10P and turned back on at 6:20A. It wasn't really that much of a bother seeing as the weather was absolutely perfect every single day, and it wasn't until Castiel mentioned that God was behind the mysterious power outages- because if the power ran indefinitely, it'd run out sooner rather than later and they needed to buy time until they could find someone to teach others how to run a power plant- did they let it go.) And though there were no threats of walkers or croats or any assholes that might jump her for whatever goods she has, Charlie still had to take a chaperone or two with her which is how she's gained yet another big brother type in Daryl and- surprisingly- Abraham.

No one understood why Charlie wanted the telephone's up and running so when she explained about automated phone systems and how she could get it to relay her own message to anyone who might pick up, Rick thought it a good idea so people could start building communities once more. However, they had to wait to rig up the phone systems in favor of cleaning out several homes and making them ready for inhabitants. And luckily for them, there had been a gated community not two miles from the Winchester's bunker.

Everyone worked together to make sure no one living was in the gated community so they didn't step on any toes, and after making the homes livable, Dean and Sam helped them ward each and every one of them against the demons and monsters that were still trying to thrive now that Lucifer was gone.

Dean and Sam obviously remained living in their bunker along with Daryl and Sasha who took really well to the life of supernatural Hunters, and Castiel who only popped in every now and then since Heaven apparently left their doors open. Rick, Michonne, Carl, and Judith took one home; Maggie, Glenn, and Beth another; Rosita and Abraham settled in right across the street; Tara, Charlie (she loved the Winchesters, really, but she needed out of that bunker), and Eugene got along splendidly so they didn't mind sharing; and Carol surprisingly took in Noah and Kevin.

Though the world was somewhat right once more and they didn't have too many threats to worry about, the group had been through too much to stray too far from one another. So, of course, they all lived in houses grouped together and made frequent trips to the Winchester's bunker because friendships forged while battling the devil were hard to forget. And living under the circumstances and conditions they had, it's not really a surprise that the Winchesters and the Atlanta group- plus the others- have become somewhat of a misfit family.

So after getting a hang of living in a world where they had to raise, breed, and kill animals for food- as well as scouring for fruit and other edible food- family dinner night became a regular thing.

Daryl's cleaning his crossbow when Beth pops into the bunker, he barely acknowledging the fact she's appeared from thin air. (Seriously, Castiel and Beth popping in and out got old very fast). And as Beth stands just a few feet away from him without speaking a word, he just sighs and places his crossbow atop the table before giving her his attention.


"Sam wants you and Dean at Rick's already. They're about to start up the grill."

Daryl shrugs and starts cleaning off his hands on a nearby rag, but it's Dean who answers. "Alright, we're good to go," he loudly exclaims. He saunters into the main room, grinning and twirling a set of keys in hand.

"Nope," Beth grins right back. "Gas is a precious commodity now-a-days so I'm your ride over."

Now pouting, Dean pockets his keys. "Aw, man, I hate riding the angel express. I can never poop right afterwards." Daryl snorts and finally stands, he leaving his crossbow on the table as Dean closes the space between them to stand right next to Beth. Grumbling beneath his breath, the elder Winchester finally gets himself under control with a little sigh. "Alright, beam us up, Scotty."

Beth rolls her eyes though her lips twitch in amusement and waits for Daryl's approval. And when both men are ready, she takes yet another step closer to them and raises both hands- her middle middle fingers and index fingers pressed together- and touches their foreheads to whisk them away.

Between one blink and the next, the men find themselves suddenly standing out in the open in Rick's back yard where everyone has congregated to. The only one missing is Castiel but that's usual now-a-days as well.

Dean gives a quick grunt before stepping away, his eyes seeking out the one person who he absolutely adores more than his own brother at the current moment and makes a beeline for them. "There's the Momma Bear. Here you go, Mags, I got a present for baby Henry."

Maggie's sitting at a picnic table with Carol and Tara, the three ladies shucking corn and prepping them for the grill. Her sister is all smiles as she accepts a small silver necklace from Dean, and them promptly kisses the elder Winchester on the cheek which only makes him beam and then paw at Maggie's swollen belly.

"Think he's gonna be heartbroken if the rugrat's a girl?" Daryl huffs.

"Oh, most definitely," Beth laughs. After greeting the other two ladies at the table and taking in his fill of touching Maggie's stomach, Dean then takes off towards Carl, Sam, and Rick who are standing around their own rigged up BBQ pit and Dean easily slips Judith from Carl's hold while shooing off the teenager towards Noah and Glenn who are playing Horseshoes. "Well, not too heartbroken," the blonde angel grins. "For being a big bad Hunter, he sure does have a soft spot for kids."

Daryl snorts and then nudges Beth before departing, he heading over to their other friends.

"Hey, there you are," Charlie exclaims as she sidles up to Beth. "Have you heard from Castiel yet?"

Beth's brows furrow. "No. Why?"

"Got word he's found some people in California," the redhead shrugs. "Come on, lets go inform Dean and Rick."

As Beth and Charlie make their way towards the men grouped around the BBQ pit, Abraham meets them halfway with a pan of steaks and potatoes wrapped in foil. Judith laughs happily at the sight of Beth, the young angel smiling and taking the toddler from Dean's arms as Charlie explains what's going on.

"So there's a family of four and then a family of two who Castiel's found," Charlie says. "He's vetted them himself and told them of the community here since we're now ready to start growing."

"Did he tell 'em about how everyone has a job to maintain 'round here to keep us living?" Abraham huffs. "I'm all for bringing people in after being vetted but I ain't gonna be too happy if he brings in slackers."

"Already voiced that and Cas is all over it," Charlie grins. "Trust me, one of the girls in the group- after finding out we were building a community- asked if we had a shopping center. When he told her no, she gave the idea that they should collect as much clothes as possible to bring with them so we could have our own little mall of sorts when we need new clothes."

"Huh," Sam muses. "That's actually a pretty good idea."

"Right?! Anyway," Charlie plows on. "They're determined to drive so they should be here in a couple of days."


As the group settle down to eat their steaks, potatoes, and corn, Beth finds herself wandering over to the tree swing that Carl had set up for when Judith got older. Settling carefully on the wooden plank, she smiles happily at her family laughing and just being at ease.

She's slowly swinging back and forth as she lets her family's laughter wash over her when her vision suddenly tinges gray, and it feels like a veil has been dropped over her. Then sensing a presence at her back- a really strong one- Beth comes to an abrupt stop and turns to find a man leaning casually against the tree. He looks out of place in a dark mustard yellow corduroy jacket with a blue button down shirt beneath, and dark washed jeans sitting comfortably on his hips. His aura is strong, calm, and soothing so Beth does not feel at all threatened but something is telling her that she knows this man. Or at least.. she should.

He barely glances at her but Beth notices that he's watching her family with a fond smile. And then out of nowhere, the man's name flashes in her mind, but it couldn't be. Could it?

Breath shaky, Beth gulps before saying, "God?"

He smirks, his neatly trimmed brown beard hiding most of his smile but the crinkling of the corner of his eyes give away his amusement. "Actually, name's Chuck."

A deep blue gaze meets Beth's own and she can't help but feel intimidated and excited at the same time. "What are you doing down here?"

"Just visiting," Chuck continues to smile. "Glad to see the Winchesters found a family to surround themselves with."

"Y-you know them?"

"I did," he acknowledges. "-but they think I'm dead so I'd prefer it if you didn't let my name slip out around them."


Silence reigns for a brief moment and then Chuck's giving Beth his attention once more.

"So what do you plan to do now that everything and everyone is fine? All the angels are going-"

"Please don't make me go back," she blurts, eyes wide and pleading. "I- I know I'm an angel and my place is in Heaven but I can't leave my sister."

"Hey.. hey," he says soothingly. "No one is going to make you do anything you don't want to," Chuck then assures her. "Heaven is being.. run differently this time around. The Gates will remain open- given nothing or no one is threatening our Home- and the angels are free to come and go as they please. No one will be forced to love anyone else but the angels will be watched to make sure they're not outright cruel to others."

"So I can stay?"

"As long as you wish."

Jumping up from the swing, Beth lunges for Chuck and brings him into a hug. "Thank you."

He laughs happily and pats her on the back before deciding to step back. "You're truly one of my best creations, Beth Greene. Never change." And then with a wink and smile, Chuck vanishes before her eyes.


I honestly had no idea where this was going to stop when I first started to writing so I'm sorry it ended very abruptly. And for those who are Supernatural fans, I could not resist putting Chuck in, haha :D For you Walking Dead fans, DID YOU SEE LAST NIGHT'S EPISODE?! I refuse to believe what happened actually happened. You know?

Lastly, I'd just like to thank all of you for sticking with this story and giving it a chance. Seriously, you guys are the best and it was you who left comments that pushed to me to continue writing when I didn't think anyone actually cared about this crossover. So thank you, thank you, thank you!