Chapter: 3 POV: Connie Scene: Big Cafe(Big Donut)

Before I get started I just want to thank the people who read my stories so far. This Story would be noting without y'all. If you have any comments, suggestions for me to consider, or questions, write them in the review. Thanks again for reading. Hope you enjoy Chapter 3.

"It's been two days since I've seen Steven. I hope he's alright." I said to Sadie, who was co-owner of the Big Cafe with Lars.

"I'm sure he's fine. You Steven. He's strong." She said motherly." I more concerned about you. You look like you haven't slept in for days. Or stopped crying. Are you sure you'll be alright.?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine." I lied. wasn't fine. Every day & night, I couldn't stop thinking about Steven. I pulled out my wallet, & paid for the coffee & doughnuts.

"Okay, Connie. You take care of yourself."

"I will. You have a good day."

"You too." Sadie said getting up to serve to next table. I was about to walk out the door, when I saw Steven walking in. I wanted to say something, but before I could, he nodded & walked into the cafe. Right then & there I would to break down. I started to run towards the beach. 10 minutes later, I was at the edge, hugging my knees, crying.

'This place. I thought. 'The place we first Introduced ourselves. It's not fair. Steven's my rock. I need him. I fell so helpless without him.

That's when I notice a glow from under my dress. It was the diamond that Steven had gave to me the night this a whole mess started. I held it up in the air. Then it displayed a image of Steven. It had a play symbol over the picture.

"To play, say 'play'". The diamond said.

"Play." I said, following the instructions.

"Hey, Connie." Steven said through the video.

"By now you should have realized that this isn't an ordinary diamond."

'When is any you give ordinary'. I thought to myself, sarcastically. I remembered the promise ring he gave me shot a 2 ft hole in my room.

"This diamond a can send & receive messages. Like a phone. But only recorded ones. Here's what I wanted to tell you. How ca say this? I am getting to either Amethyst, Pearl, or Lapis."

When heard that, my heart broke.

"I know this is suddened news, but I'm still working out the details on how to get out this situation. I haven't forgot about you. Just know that I love you, adore you, & miss you a thousand times over. I hope can see you again. When saw you, made me realize that I put too much pressure on you. I hope you forgive me. It you I need, more than you need me. I know your stronger than me. Good- You know what? This isn't a goodbye. This a see you later. Oh yeah. Remember to keep yourself nice for me, will ya?"

"Message finished."

I'm blushing after hearing that message.

"That little..." I said out loud. Then I smiled. "But guess that why I love him. He's sweet."

I started to walk home.

End of Chapter 3.

Thanks for reading book one. Look out for book two. It coming up.