I'm back!

I was inspired by Fast and Furious 1 to write this, about the aftermath of the death of Dom and Mia's dad...

Enjoy! X

Mia Toretto sat on her bed, her black dress crinkled beneath her. A white rose lay next her thigh, as she cradled a photoframe in her hands. Silent tears spilled down her cheeks, her shoulders shaking as she grieved.

Her father was gone. The only other man she could trust in her life was gone. Seven years after burying one parent, she was burying another.

She didnt know the exact details of what happened, just what her older brother had told her. That their father had lost control of his car and it had flipped, though she had a feeling that wasn't the whole truth.

A knock at the door had her head snapping up. She watched as the door handle turned slowly and the door opened to reveal Leticia Ortiz, her best friend six years.

'Hey girl... The hearse is here' she said gently, tucking a strand of black curled hair behind her ear. Letty watched as Mia nodded and got to her feet and put the photoframe back on her bedside table. She turned to face Letty, her eyebrows raising in surprise at seeing black high heels on her feet.

'Don't say anything!' Letty warned, shuffling her heels on Mia's floor, looking and feeling comfortable in her black lace dress which fell just below her knees.

'I wasn't going to' Mia lied, smiling slightly, before picking up her rose and clutch bag, taking a deep breath.

'You ready?' Letty asked softly, holding her arm out for Mia to take. Mia sighed and slipped her arm through Letty's, both of them heading from Mia's room and onto the landing. Mka closed her door and rested her forehead against it.

'Mia? If you're not ready...' Letty trailed off, even the thought of seeing the hearse with the coffin was scaring her slightly. She heard Mia take a deep breath and straighten up, smoothing out the wrinkles in her dress.

'I'm ready' she said, not convincing Letty one bit, but she followed Mia to the top of the steps and held out her arm again, wincing as Mia gripped it tightly, as if Letty was going to disappear, but Letty herself knew Mia was trying to brace herself for the coffin.

They reached the bottom of the stairs, as Dom entered the household, his face of any emotion. He glanced at Mia and then at Letty, letting his gaze linger on her longer.

'Letty, you're with me and Mia in the family car. There's a separate car for the rest of you guys' Dom told them. Letty didn't miss the way Vince slightly tensed at the fact that she was going with them and not him.

'Dom, I'm not sure-'

'You're with us! End of!' Mia snapped, surprising everybody. Letty nodded quickly and Mia opened the front door, her breath hitching at the sight.

'Its okay... One step at a time' Letty told her softly, as she helped her down the steps and to the car. She watched as the others followed behind her, Dom last as he locked up the house. She smiled sympathetically at him as he neared her. He offered her a small one back and climbed in, sitting in the middle and watching as Letty climbed in and shut the car door, wedging him between herself and Mia...

The service itself was the worst. Mia cried the most, even through her speech which she only just got through, Letty let a few tears go and she saw Leon and Jesse quickly wipe away their own before going back to being macho. And Dom? Not one ounce of emotion flickered across his face and that terrified Letty.

She was so lost in thoughts that she didn't realised everyone, except for Dom and the gang had moved out, until Leon nudged her.

'We're giving them some privacy' he told her. She nodded and got to her feet, heading to the front where Dom and Mia were stood looking at the coffin.

'We'll be outside. Take as long as you want' Jesse told them, squeezing Dom's shoulder in comfort. They started to head for the door, but a hand clasped tightly round her hand, pulling her back gently. She turned to see Dom locking his jaw as he tried to control his emotions.

'Dom? Its okay to cry. It doesn't make you weak, it makes you human' Letty told him gently, as she rubbed his arm. She felt him tense under her touch and she withdrew her hand slowly.

'Goodbye Daddy!' Mia sobbed, her emotions getting the better of her and she took off running.

'Mia!' Letty shouted. She went to run, but Dom grabbed her waist and pulled her to his chest, his arms tightening round her as his eyes burned.

'I have to be strong for her. I can't let her see me cry when she needs one of us to be strong' Dom said, his voice tight as he tried to hold on to his emotions.

'Yes, you can! It's not good to bottle up your emotions. She won't think any less of you, Dom' Letty told him. He turned his head to look down at her, reassuring him.

He nodded and turned back to the coffin. 'See you, Dad! I'll look after her, I promise!' Dom spoke, before taking Letty's hand and allowing her to lead him outside, to where everyone was waiting for them...

The wake was back at the Toretto household. People who Letty hadn't seen for years and people who she never met graced the household, paying respect for Antonio Toretto. She looked around the room, a crying Mia was been comforted by Leon and Vince, Antonio's parents were stood in a corner, talking quietly with each other. She frowned when she didn't see Dom anywhere.

'Jesse? You seen Dom?' Letty asked, as Jesse passed her, on his way to toilet.

'Said he was going to work on his car at D.T's' he told her, before heading for the stairs. Letty locked her jaw before anger flowed through her veins. She grabbed the keys to her baby and rushed from the house.

'DOM! WHAT THE HELL?' Letty's voice echoed round the garage as she slammed the door shut, making him jump. He sighed and silently groaned.

'Go away! I want to be by myself, now leave me alone!' Dom told her harshly, his emotions taking a different turn to how they were in the church.

'Don't play that bullshit with me, Dominic Toretto!' Letty shouted, storming towards him as fast as she could in her heels. 'Your little sister needs you and you're here fixing cars!'

'Letty, I'm warning you! GO!' Dom shouted back, leaning back over the car hood.

'NO! Now get your ass back to your house. There's family what need you today and burying yourself in work will not help!' Letty shouted.

Dom had enough. He slammed the wrench down and grabbed Letty by the forearms and pushed her against the wall, holding her there.

'What part of I'm not going back there, do you not understand?' Dom shouted, his eyes dark.

'The last bit! Mia is having a bloody breakdown at home and she needs her big brother to go and put his arms around her and tell her everything is going to okay!' Letty screamed at him, her hands gripping his muscled forearms.

They stared at each other heatedly for a few moment, both them biting their tongues in order to stop themselves from saying something they would regret, before Dom crashed his lips onto hers. Letty responded instantly wrapping her arms round his neck. He scooped her into his arms and sat down on the sofa, sitting her on his lap.

'Let...' Dom breathed, as they parted for air. She rested her forehead against his, while they caught their breaths.

'Don't say anything' Letty whispered back, connecting their lips again heatedly...

The next morning Mia was curled up on the sofa, a hot chocolate in one hand and the T.V remote in the other. She aimlessly flicked through the channels, eventually settling on a F.R.I.E.N.D.S re-run.

It was halfway through the show when the front door opened and Dom stepped over the threshold. Mia's eyes sparked with anger and was about to shout out when she saw Letty step into the house, her clothes disheveled and her hair a mess, making no secret of what they had been up to all night.

'You can't stay and comfort your little sister, but you can spend all night fucking her?' Mia snapped. Dom turned, his expression showing his disapproval at her choice words.

'I'm going for a shower' Letty told Dom, heading up the stairs, leaving Dom to deal with Mia.

'You may be sixteen but your still my little sister, so watch your language!'

'I don't give a fuck! We buried our Dad yesterday and you couldn't even stick around long enough to put your arms around me and tell me everything was going to be okay! Do you know how that made me feel?' Mia screamed, throwing the cup of hot chocolate at Dom, who quickly ducked and watched as the cup shattered against the wall.

'I'm sorry, Mia! But I'm here now, doesn't that count for anything?' He stated more than asked.

'NO! I needed you yesterday, but it was clear where you prefered to be and who you wanted to comfort you!' Mia yelled, pointing her finger at him, her eyes black.

They stood staring at each other, the couch separating them.

'I'm sorry, Mia. I am!' Dom told his sister softly, walking towards her and hugging her tightly. 'I ran yesterday because I didn't want anyone to offering me anything because it wont bring Dad back. I watched him burn to death in-front of my eyes and I felt useless. I felt like I failed at not doing anything, I failed as a brother because you told me to protect him and I couldn't...' Dom broke off and cleared his throat. 'I couldn't bear to see the look of heartbreak in your eyes when I told you...' he continued, kissing the top of her head gently as she sobbed.

'It won't make me think any less of you. Crying isn't going make anyone think any different of you. You're human, you're allowed to grieve!' Mia told him, as she pulled back from their hug. Dom nodded and smiled a watery smile.

'Listen, why don't you go and fire up the BBQ and I'll run to the shops and get everything we need? Have a little family gathering with the gang to remember Dad by?' Dom asked, watching Mia slowly smile and nod as she came round the idea.

'Sounds good' she said, kissing his cheek and headed into the kitchen, smiling at him over her shoulder.

Dom turned and grabbed his red leather and slipped it over his white tank top he had changed into at garage before he left with Letty and headed for his car.

'Where are you going?' Letty asked, making him jump. He turned to look at her, dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of denim shorts.

'I'm going to get stuff for the BBQ what we're having. Pass word onto the others' Dom told her, tucking a piece of her wet hair behind her ear.

'Okay, anything else?' She asked, watching him closely.

'Yeah. Make Mia doesn't do anything reckless. She's vulnerable' Dom told her. Letty frowned but nodded, not thinking anything of it.

'Right' she sighed, turning to go back inside the house, when Dom called her name. She turned back to face him. 'Yeah?' She asked, squinting at him as the sun tried to blind her.

Dom stroked the side of her face with his hands before connecting their lips, passionately and deep. He pulled away when breath was an issue and leant his forehead against hers. He saw the question in her eyes.

'You look so hot in my shirt!' He whispered, smirking at her before he headed for his car, a stony expression settling over his face...

R&R x