A month later the investigation finally came to a close, and Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria was allowed to reopen. The case was considered cold, they weren't even able to find any viable suspects.

Yugi got a call from Cecil with the news, offering him his job now that the place was open again. "I appreciate that Cecil, but after what happened to James I just don't think I could bring myself to do it."

"I understand completely, but I knew I should at least ask before putting the help wanted sign back up. I've even had a few day shift employees that are too afraid to come back… business has slowed to a crawl as well…" he sounded sad, but Yugi knew he was trying to hide it.

"I'm so sorry, Cecil. If it will help I can drop by on weekends, it really made the kids happy when I was there before."

"Yugi that would be a great help, you can even keep the tokens card."

"Thanks Cecil! I guess I'll see you Saturday!"

That Saturday he and Atem walked into the pizzeria, smiled and responded to Toy Freddy as they had before. After listening to his speech they confidently walked into the arcade and got bombarded with children, who they dared to guess which of them was the real King of Games. Most of them guessed Atem, but after watching them play some versus matches of various games they made it clear that it could be either one, and thus asked the question again.

"How is one of you so good that bolth of you could be the King of Games!?" one child countered with a question of his own.

"We play so many games together, we're just that good!" Yugi smiled proudly.

"So have you ever lost the title to the not-King of Games?" asked another.

"We honestly don't remember who has the title most of the time. It's not that important to us, because we're such good friends!"

The children all gasped, and started asking them to play another game to decide who it was right now.

"Well, alright, but whoever wins will just lose it again later anyway," Atem shrugged, and the two walked over to the air hockey table. They played a really heated match for what felt like hours to the children, but eventually Yugi walked away the winner.

"Good match, Yugi! But, I'll bet you can't beat my score in pinball!" Atem laughed.

"Yeah alright, just don't tilt the machine!" Yugi replied playfully with a wink. I can't believe we didn't think of this before, the children seem happy just to watch us play each other!

The couple decided to watch the band play on stage again, the presence of the spirits that once possessed them still hanging ever so slightly in the air. Just enough to feel as though they were watching the couple from a better place, a happy place. After the show they grabbed some pizza and sat in Pirate's Cove. Yugi always greeted any wandering animatronics that passed him, soaking in that feeling of joy he had gotten from the place the first time they were here. The difference this time was the knowledge that they had helped eleven children move on and saved them another few decades of pain. They watched Foxy do his songs, Yugi found the bathroom on his own for once but allowed Toy Chika to lead him back to the arcade where he found Atem playing the racing game with all of the multiplayer cabinets filled. They still called the animatronics by their child's names, it felt wrong not to. And despite their previous experience, they held no residual fear of the animatronics. Atem was able to be around Toy Bonnie without wishing for his taser.

Yugi was eventually able to talk Cecil into fixing the Marionette animatronic, largely due to Atem offering up the money it would cost to do so. He was placed next to the prize counter, rigged up to a music box that had a token slot on the front of it. For one token, anybody could wind up the box and let it play. If the entire length of the wind ended before the Marionette was able to pop up, you lost. But, if the puppet did emerge from his box, the player won thirty tokens. It was a fun gamble, both Yugi and Atem tried it out multiple times. But since the entire game was based on luck, even they didn't win too often. But when somebody did win, Pop Goes the Weasel would play and confetti would come out. Every so often the Marionette's face would terrify a smaller child and they would start screaming, but for the most part these added effects and the thrill of winning turned the creepy Marionette into something everybody wanted to see.

Golden Freddy no longer glitched up his dialogue, he acted like any of the other animatronics. Even the phrase recognition began to work properly, so he was able to help the staff by taking the children's buckets of tickets and placing them on his own scale, which was placed on the counter so that they could easily reach the paper that popped out with their ticket count printed on it. The couple always waited for him to do this, no matter how long the line was.

After a month of these visits the pizzeria was more popular than ever. Cecil insisted on giving Yugi and Atem some money for their trouble, even when they insisted that it wasn't any trouble. After that Atem decided to quit working at Kaiba's casino. Kaiba took it well enough, but he didn't take the loss at the Dual he was promised much better than usual.

Not long after that Yugi asked Atem to visit James's grave with him.

Yugi kneeled in front of the grave and stared at the tombstone, tears welling in his eyes at his last memory of the man. He laid the bouquet he brought in front of him, "James, can you hear me? I did it. I know I'm late, and I'm sorry, but I- we, Atem, you and I, did it. The children's spirits are in a better place, the animatronics haven't killed anybody and nobody else will ever have to go through what you went through. Thank you so much again for everything you did for me. I hope you're doing well. And I hope your brother is doing well… Send me a sign if you ever change your mind about letting me help, by the way. Um… I'm not sure what else to say… I wish I could have gotten to know you better before… well, I pray that you're happy now too. Thank you so much again," he bowed and stood up, then felt Atem's hand on his shoulder. They stood there a while longer, Atem bid James a silent "thank you" for protecting Yugi, and they decided to head home.

They both curled up together in bed for the night and cuddled. It didn't take long for Yugi to break the silence, "Thank you for being there for me even when children are trying to kill us, Atem."

"Yugi, you've said that every night for a month now. I appreciate it, but you know I'd do anything for you."

"I do know. But I love hearing it," Yugi snuggled up to Atem's chest, and Atem smiled as he began stroking his hair. "I'd do anything for you too, Atem. Even thank you a million times for something you would have done anyway. Those children are a lot happier because of you. Thank you."

"Because of you, mostly, but I'll admit I did convince a few of them," Atem smirked. Yugi laughed, "I'm still so happy for them. And for all the night guards who never have to figure it out or suffer through it," his voice lost volume as he drifted to sleep.

"I'll be happy so long as you never work the night shift anywhere ever again," Atem chuckled in response, and let himself drift off as well.

Hooray, it is now complete! Thank you so much again for reading, please leave a final review and let me know what you thought! Praise and constructive criticism both welcome!

Also, a very special thank you to AliceCullen3 for commenting on every single chapter!