"I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"

Usually, when you heard the word 'I'm' and 'Late' together, your first thought probably goes to the smart loud mouthed girl; Momoko Akatsutsumi. But no, unfortunately or not, it's not her. In fact, it's the bubly popular one of the group; Miyako Goutokuji.

"I can't believe I'm late...!" She murmured between her running, gasping and panting along the way. "Hiks... My brand new shoes..."

Thanks to her lateness, the shoes that she bought literally yesterday will now be ruined beyond repair, and the same can be said about her hair. Fantastic.

Sigh, maybe this is her karma on always criticising her friend lateness everyday. Now she know perfectly how Momoko feel. Not that she put it rudely or anything, oh no! But... Criticising is still criticising nonetheless, she always said to the red headed girl about how she should improve her morning routine, and now look what situation she gotten herself into!

Fixing her blond pigtails a bit, Miyako run as fast as she can, thinking of apologising to the Pink Puff later. Now? Just run and run!

Her shoes make a 'clip, clop' sound you expect of shoes heel touching the strong pavement. The sound turn more and more louder as she saw the big closed gate to the entrance of her school.

Okay, just a little bit more...! Miyako encourage herself.

Not thinking through, she sprint and take a leap, jumping and twirling upside down in mid air with a graceful landing for the cherry on top (being a superhero is great!). She ignored the look of complete shock the security guard send her and keep on going.

So... Close...! Clip, clop, clip, clop, clip, clop. And... Made it! Yes!

Miyako burst through the door, taking her running adventure through the empty hallway, neither did the students or teachers she found in sight.

Please don't let teacher be there, please don't let the teacher be there...!



With a shriek, Miyako fall down to her butt, complete in utter shock with the sudden turn of event.

W-what? D-did I... Did I... Crash into someone? With this thought alone, it's enough to send her into a panic frenzy. Her fallen school bag completely forgotten. In reflex, she scurriedly fix her checkered blue and white skirt, looking down.

"I-I'm so sorry! I'm... In a h-hurry so...!" The Blue Puff doesn't have the tiny bit of courage nor power in her to look up, and standing up is definitely out of the question.

In her self-pity, she heard the sound of rustling she know so well from her school bag. Suddenly, out of nowhere, that bag is thrusted to her face, instinctively making her look up.


Miyako is seriously considering this incident to be one of the most shocking thing she have to face in her life, and this came from a girl who fight monkey daily!

Kneeling in front her of was a boy, a boy with a shockingly sea blue eyes. His dark blond hair is a mess, but it's the kind of type that will make girl intrigued like crazy. And Miyako can't help but to give this boy a thumbs up for his spectacular fashion sense.

He's wearing a dark blue sweater vest on top of his white dress shirt, his long sleeve rolled to his elbow, black dress pant, black and white tie under the vest, and a gorgeous-looking designer dark blue laced boots. Oh, it's glorious!

Honestly, Miyako want to drool on that shoes for all day long.

"A-ahem? Miss?" He suddenly cough to his fist, "This is yours, right?"

That, make her snap her snap out of it. "Y-yeah, t-t-thanks!" She took her bag unsurely.

The boy only grinned, "Your welcome!"

With one pat on her head, he then stand up and begin to run, leaving her there sitting on the cold hard floor, trying (that being the key word) to digest on what the hell had she been experiencing.

Miyako then slowly rub her head with her hand, feeling warm suddenly.

Badump, badump, "Who... Who was that boy?"

"Mom! You're going to break your back bone lifting those boxes up! Didn't I tell you to rest already?"

His mom replied with a small tired smile on her lips, saying, "Kira-chan, Sweetie, no need to be overdramatic about this, I'm fine really."

"No you are not!" The red headed boy insisted, a scowl on his face.

Akira Matsumoto is pissed. This whole week is already a living hell for him and now his mom dare to look as if she could faint right here right now? He's REALLY has enough with this shit.

He sighed, "Mom, I know life is nothing but bad for us lately, but... Is it that hard for you to take a rest a little and sleep? You don't need to worry about me you know. I am my dad son after all, I can take care of myself."

As the word slip out of his mouth, soon enough he's really regret it with the sight of his mom red coloured eyes quickly becoming watery. He cursed himself. "M-mom, I..."

"Akira," His mom cut in, "What about you going upstair and check up your room, honey? You need to prepare for school tomorrow, right?"


Her tired smile faded for a second, a frown replacing it. "Your room. Now."

One second of disbelief later, he grudgingly nodded, "...A-alright. But I'm not going to give up!"

The next thing he's done, he stomp his way to his room upstair, too pissed to even want to look at his mom right now.

Ugh, what's with her and always bossing him around?! Who did she think she is? His mom?!

...Okay, that was a stupid question because she is his mom. My bad.

Falling to his bed, Akira sighed, "Dad, Mom's really losing it... What should I do?"


Is that... His computer?

Lazily standing up, he dodge the boxes on his floor, walking straight to his LCD computer. He glance curiously to both of his hat and jacket on top of his desk, but quickly brush it off. The computer is more important right now, he thought.

"...What the? Someone's on?"

MrFabulousGreen is now On.

MrFabulousGreen: Hey, does anyone here?

Akira then sit on his chair, begin to type his reply.

FlamingRed01: 'Sup.

MrFabulousGreen: Red, thank god!

MrFabulousGreen: I almost thought I need to endure this hellishly boring day alone!

MrFabulousGreen: I know I can count on you, dude!

Akira blinked, noticing something.

FlamingRed01: Huh? Where's Blue?

MrFabulousGreen: Blue? He's in school, duh.

MrFabulousGreen: He's just goody two shoes that way.

'Red' almost face palmed himself.

FlamingRed01: Oh yeah, sorry dude, the whole moving away thing just kinda mess up my brain a bit.

FlamingRed01: I think I need a day teller or something, lol.

And then it hit him.

FlamingRed01: Wait a minute, this is school time, how the hell are you on?!

MrFabulousGreen: Easy, my noisy uncle, that's how.

Akira lifted his eyebrow at that. Beginning to type his question.

FlamingRed01: What is it now, dude?

FlamingRed01: You didn't break his car again, did you?

MrFabulousGreen: What? No!

MrFabulousGreen: You truly wounded me, Red :'( *hiks*

The red headed boy rolled his eyes.

FlamingRed01: Don't be such a melodramatic asshole.

FlamingRed01: Just tell me what's up already.

MrFabulousGreen: Okay, okay! Geez, someone is a lot grumpy today.

FlamingRed01: Blame the stress, not me.

MrFabulousGreen: Yeah, yeah, whatever help you sleep at night, Red.

Akira growled.

FlamingRed01: You really are an asshole, you know that?

MrFabulousGreen: I'm a gentleman Reddy-chan~ I'm far from any jerky attitude ;)

FlamingRed01: *sigh* Can we get back on track already?

MrFabulousGreen: Sure, Reddy-chan~

Akira swear if Green call him that one more time...

MrFabulousGreen: Anyway dude, it's mess up. You wouldn't believe what uncle-jerk told me.

FlamingRed01: Try me.

MrFabulousGreen: Pfft, I know there's a reason we're best buds!

MrFabulousGreen: So uncle said he's going to transfer me to his school.

Akira blinked, Green was right, this is hard to believe.

FlamingRed01: ...Wow, really?

MrFabulousGreen: I told you, he's nuts!

MrFabulousGreen: I love my school, okay? I never thought in my whole life I say this, but I LOVE my school.

MrFabulousGreen: There I'm popular, have many good friends, and heck the sport team is the best in town, and you know how I am with this thing!

MrFabulousGreen: That jerk-uncle don't understand one bit! Who the hell did he think he is?! My dad?! News flash, he's not!

Akira again blinked, suddenly gotten a splash of de javu.

FlamingRed01: Wow Green, you seem to be beyond pissed.

FlamingRed01: I really want to help you dude, I really am. What can I do?

MrFabulousGreen: Thanks Red, but with you probably in the other side of the country, I don't know how you can help.

Akira begin to smile sheepishly.

FlamingRed01: Dude, you live in New Townsville, right?

MrFabulousGreen: Yeah, I said it to you and Blue once.

MrFabulousGreen: What of it?

FlamingRed01: 'What of it?' Well... I kinda forgot to say this, but... That's the town I move in?

More seconds now and...

MrFabulousGreen: ...

MrFabulousGreen: WHAAAT?!

MrFabulousGreen: DUUUUDE!


Sigh, know it.

FlamingRed01: *sweat drop*

FlamingRed01: Like I said, I'm kinda forgot about it so...

MrFabulousGreen: Forgot about it my ass!

MrFabulousGreen: That's it! If you are in town, meet me at the park RIGHT NOW!

The red headed eyes widened.

FlamingRed01: Wait, what?

FlamingRed01: You serious?

FlamingRed01: Dude, I barely know anything about this town! What if I'm lost on the way or something?!

MrFabulousGreen: Not my problem.

MrFabulousGreen: If you don't show up I'm going to punch you in the face, both in reality and internet.

MrFabulousGreen: Beside, it's right in the middle of the town, you'll not going to miss it.

MrFabulousGreen: I... I really need someone to talk right now.

MrFabulousGreen: Oh, and Asshole? Wear that hat you told me so much about so I know what to look for. See ya.

FlamingRed01: Wait Green! I-...!

MrFabulousGreen is now Off.

"Son of a bitch."

Looking at his computer screen, Akira sighed. Well, what should he do now?

His mouth slowly moving upward as he pick up both his hat and red motorcycle jacket beside his computer. He wear them quickly with record speed, running out of his room making his way downstair.

"Mom! I'm going to meet my friend now!"

And so, it begin.

A/N: First off, I want to say my thanks to you wonderful reader who decide to read this rather than choosing one of billion more other story in this site, really, thank you so much!

Second off, this fandom is just... Awesome. Every stories that I read in here were great, I can't help but to tribute at least one story to this fandom (beside both cartoon PPG and Z are my childhood).

So I hope you guys enjoy this prologue, review is great, if you guys have any advice on how I could improve my writing please tell me with clicking on that magical review box. Oh, and don't forget to fav and follow!

(Oh, and one more thing! The boys will still be called RowdyRuff Boys because... Be honest with me now, PowerRuff Boys just sound lame, lol)

See you next time!