Here's the next chapter! It's a bit shorter than usual, but its just to get started on the next chapter. I don't own any of One Piece or it's characters in this story except for my original characters. Enjoy!

Livy stared out into the dark sea. It was a calm night, yet there was a slight chill in the air. The cold never bothered her. With her unique hybrid, she didn't get easily cold as an average human. But for this night, her hairs were standing up. An unexpected chill ran down her spine. She turned and saw Boris coming to stand next to her. His own dark eyes searching out. Livy leaned into him, getting closers as he put his large arm around her. "Something bad is going to happen Bori."

Loris shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She was never good at showing comfort in the traditional loving way. It was foreign to her. Her captain sat there with dried up tears. She has done her crying a long time ago. Loris then understood that she was there not for comfort but to just listen. To be her confidant. To act like a diary or journal of some sorts.

Despite her hard exterior, it never stopped Ione from trying to include her in on some of her secrets. Loris was the last to join the Paradise crew, yet she was positioned to being second in command. It baffled Loris as to why.

She was hot headed, brash, and unapologetically blood thirsty when it comes to fighting.

Most importantly she didn't know who she was.

Four years ago, she only remembered waking up with a collar around her neck. The men activated collar when she tried to escape. To their horror the blast didn't kill her. Her desecrated and charred skin started to heal instantly saved for the puzzled scars on her face. That for some reason never healed.

The only skill Loris remembered was fighting. More like her killing skills if you want to be correct. How easy it was to break people's neck. To dismember them. How little their screams affected her. In fact she enjoyed it and that disgusted her. Her violent ways was how she met Ione.

During a stop on an island, a man mistook her for a common prostitute and tried to have his way with her. It didn't last long for him. The guy ended up having body split in half. The ally was colored in red, including herself. When she went to leave, Ione was standing at the end of the alleyway. Her face didn't show horror or fright.

"I just wanted to make sure you was alright." she only said.

No one has ever showed Loris any care for her wellbeing. Ione had offered her a place to bathe and food to eat. Loris then met Livy Ronica and Boris. That same day she joined her new home and got her new name. Livy came up with it, simply saying that she reminded her of Boris. It was probably the way they 'handled' their enemies that made them similar. Loris didn't care and gladly took the name.

It's nice to have a name.

Though her past was blank she would have these contorting nightmares. She wouldn't remember what happened but, they defiantly shook her up. It was frightening to the point where she would go without sleep for days on in. Her awakened state wouldn't last and she soon found herself drowning into the darkness. But before she could sink further into the black hole, she would resurface into a calm peaceful slumber.

She later learned it's was Livy. The girls devil fruit ability made her more in tune to the emotions around her. This made Loris weary of her at first, but the girl never misused her power. All the girl wanted to do was make everyone happy around her. She hated negative emotions. Livy never told the others about her nightmares. She would just cheerfully say good morning to Loris and go off on her daily routine. Loris was forever grateful to her crew. She got along with everyone including the perverted Ronica.

Loris snapped out of her thoughts as Ione stretched and stood up. Yawning, she said "It's getting late. Thanks for listening, goodnight."

She turned to leave. Loris grabbed her hand.


Loris opened her mouth then closed it. She looked around nervously, not meeting Ione's face. "Loris what-"

Ione was suddenly pulled into a quick embrace. She was startled at first, never expecting her second in command to do something so… affectionate?

Before she could return the hug, Loris pulled away. Her face was slightly pink. "Sorry about your son."

Ione didn't say anything before she smiled and left the room.


Law lightly groaned in frustration as he looked through the scattered papers on his desk. His body was tired. Again he reviewed the ever large stack of papers that he's probably seen lose to thirty times. Still he couldn't find nothing that could give him the answer her was looking for. The various articles didn't hold a clue. Perhaps it was another dead end.

Law rubbed his eyes.

He should have pressed more when he had the chance, but Ione was already in a fragile state. One thing he knows for sure is that she lied to him. Since they were kids, Law could always tell when she wasn't telling the full truth. She could never look someone in the eye when she lied. She's almost worst than Bepo.

He felt a headache coming on.

Her friend.

Was her friend just a friend, or…

Law felt his blood run cold. But did he really expect her to wait for him? He would be a hypocrite. If she lied he had no right to judge when he had lied too.

Being the first one to wake up, Ione started to make breakfast for everybody. It felt good to speak to someone about her shame. Her Watz was gone. She failed him and it was her burden to carry. But after seeing Law, she felt the weight of the pain starting to crush her. How could he still love her not knowing she let their son die?

She was thankful for Loris lending her ears to her misfortune. Perhaps it was because she felt a connection to her. Loris has a forgotten past that she wants to remember and Ione has a past she never wants to remember.

Ione laughed bitterly. Maybe her people were right. She was born of sin and she will forever be punished for being in this world.

She jumped when she felt someone hug her from behind. Instantly she felt calm.

"Good morning Ione!" Livy muffled in her back. She took a step back and smiled. "Do you feel better now?"

"Yes I do. Thank you, but you know it's okay to be sad sometimes. It's only human."

"But i'm only half." Ione gave her some plates.

"That you are now get the table set please."

As Ione finished making the food, Boris and Loris both came in and sat down. Boris grabbed some coffee and Loris grabbed some orange juice. Ione looked around. "Where's Ronica?" she asked.

Boris pointed to the hallway and moved his mouth. Ione scratched her head. "Why would she be in there?" she frown. She excused herself and quickly walked to her room. Inside she heard Ronica's high pitched laughter and what sounded like an angry low male's voice.

Ione closed her eyes and inhaled. Knowing Ronica, it can be a very weird situation and she hopes it isn't what she think it is, especially in her room.

Opening the door, she was met with the sight of Ronica lounging on her bed with the Den Den Mushi in her hand.

Ronica licked her lips "So does the carpet match the drapes Kiddy dear?"

"Bitch! Get my fucking sister on the phone right now!"

Ronica tisked "That's no way to talk to your sister's subordinates" she teased in a baby voice. Ione could see the snail starting to steam red. She quickly snatched it away from her.

"Thank you for letting me know I have a call Ronica." she said potently. Ronica pouted looking away from her sternful gaze. "Okay I know when I'm not wanted anymore." she said as she sauteed out the room.

"Kid hey. Missed me already?" Ione said giggling. It's always amused her to tease him. "Shut up. Where are you?" he demanded.

"Heading to the new world. Aren't you?" she retorted. Ione noted that he sounded pretty ansy about something.

"We had to make a quick stop, but yea we're heading out soon. The quicker the better with all of the marine scum going to be at the execution. This will be a breeze." he laughed. "What execution?" she frowned/

She had no known knowledge of any executions that was to be happening. It must be someone big if all the world navy was to be at the event.

"Where the hell have you been sis. It's fucking Fire Fist Ace."

We get to see the relationship between Ace and Ione Next chapter!

iotakuo: interesting theory ;)

Apple Bloom: Thank you, Hope you liked this chapter

Katherine: We'll see Ione leave the Whitebeard crew next chapter, but it'll be for a slightly different reason.

TheAlleyKat: I'm sorry, but it must happen lol

AgentChan: Thanks for the love!

nana: Thinking far ahead as usual nana lmao

Cleokitty20: As of now Watz is dead :(