Chapter 1-Back Again


Be-beep, be-beep, be-beep! I groaned and reached over to turn off my alarm. I looked at the calendar next to my bed and saw that it was, of course, September 5th, the first day of the school year. Over the summer holidays I went back to Forks to visit my dad. Over the years I've started calling Charlie 'dad' because we've a lot closer. I visited dad for a month before going to Jacksonville to visit mom for 2 weeks before coming back here.

I got up, got showered and got dressed in a black pencil skirt that went 4 inches above my knee and a red blouse with ¾ length sleeves. I put a black blazer on and went through my 2 bedroomed bungalow to the kitchen and put the kettle on to make myself a cup of tea before making some porridge. After breakfast I brushed my teeth but on some suitable, smart black high heels and grabbed the keys to my dark red 1996 Ford KA. I picked up my folders and went to my car before heading out to work.

I got stuck in traffic half way there and didn't get to the school until 8:30 and registration starts at 8:45. I rushed to the main reception and got my timetable, room number and got notified that 3 new students would be joining my form this year. After getting this information, I went to my classroom (H6) before setting up the computer and making sure I would have enough desks for all my classes, just in case I had to go after the care taker at lunch.

The bell rang and I let my form in. I got talking to a girl called Izzy about what she was most excited about this year in year 13, which was going to look at university. She had been studying biology and psychology in 6th form and wanted to study animal behaviour and psychology at university so she could be a dolphin or killer whale trainer for shows. The classroom door opened. I looked up to the clock and saw that we were half way through form and everyone had already got there timetable and planner. Without looking at the door, I said, "You're late. What's you're excuse?" my eyes widened when I heard a familiar deep voice say,

"We got lost. We're sorry miss." I turned my head to see Emmet Cullen as well as Jasper and Rosalie Hale all staring at me.

I swallowed and said, "Ah, you must be the kids, right? Miss Hale, Mr Cullen and Mr Hale, correct?" they nodded their heads and I replied with, "Very well, sit down." they went to the only remaining table for 4 and sat down. I got up after finishing my conversation with Izzy and quickly took the register. After that I started getting everything I needed together for 1st period. I set up the power point and sent some stuff to the printer. I knew they were looking at me but every time I looked up they were talking amongst themselves. I asked Izzy to go and get the printings from the library. I then got their timetables and planners and took them over to the 3 students. When I put them down I asked, "Do you want me to give you guys a map of the school?" Jasper nodded his head and whispered,

"Yes please, Bella" I sighed and whispered back,

"All of you, I am your teacher now. You call me miss, not Bella, and give me the respect I deserve. Do you understand?" The nodded their heads and I said "good." After I gave them the maps Izzy came back with the stuff. I thanked her and took the sheets.

The bell rang and I thought everyone left the room. I started to write my name on the whiteboard along with the date but when I turned around them 3 were still standing there. "What do you want?" I asked them "You're going to be late to your next class and I don't like writing late passes." I put my hands on my hips and stared at them. They just shook their heads and left the room. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and sat down in my chair and waited for the year 10s to arrive. I then thought how on Earth am I meant to get through a year with them here. If those 3 are here that means Alice and …Edward will be here too.

Just thought I'd say that if you're American, Year 12=Junior; Year 13=Senior; and Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11= 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade.

Sorry it's short. I'll update soon.