Chakra is replaced the Blood of the Sage, or the Blood of the Beast

All of those with the Blood of the Beast can make parts of there bodies turn into their beast form like wings or claws but smaller species can easily become full beast. Larger species take larger amounts of energy.

Color of scales/fur/skin means the type of power they possess.

Mortality: even extremely powerful beings have weaknesses, then can be simple as sleeping longer to needing people to worship you

Aspect: a personal power a person has, from good luck to seeing the future

For each Aspect the person must have a Mortality

Each village is mostly populated by a dominant species, Konoha = Reptiles while Iwa = Mammals and the name of their forces also differ Konoha = Dragoons while Iwa = The Pack


Baby - Spawnling

Academy student - Hatchling

Genin - Adult

Chunin - Bloodied

Jonin - Elder

Kage - Ancient

Chapter one

As they sat in class ready for there teacher, a lone figure stood out among all the seated teenagers.

He was quite large even for an sixteen year old standing at 6'5 easily, maybe bigger with how he was slightly hunched over with strong wide shoulders. Not much could be seen of his body underneath the baggy black hoodie he wore, it had the Konoha leaf symbol over his heart in red with two slits in the back.

He also wore dark blue jeans with slight rips around the ankles and a tough brown leather belt, a average sized bag slightly behind him on his left. He finished his look off with large brown hiking boots.

Though his hood covered most off his face in shadow if you looked closely enough you could see his face. Short slightly spiked bright red hair, a single earring on his right with what looked to be a snakes fang attached to a small metal chain.

A slightly blissful look was on his face showing he was asleep. He was slightly handsome in a rough kind of way with his chiseled feature. If someone looked at him now they'd never realize it but this boy was the most hated person currently in Konoha.

This boy was Naruto Uzumaki, hopeful adult of Konoha's Dragoon forces. When he was just a egg, freshly laid from his mother, the village was attacked by a ferocious beast called the Kyuubi, the nine tailed fox demon. The Dragoon forces, fully transformed into there mighty dragon forms defended the village against the beast. But even with their mighty powers they only slowed it down.

The Hokage or Fire Ancient took drastic action and sealed the beast inside Naruto to prevent further destruction. But even sealed inside him the demon still made the terror it brought manifest itself around Naruto. Just standing near him or looking at him sent fear into the person, making close to a quarter of the village utterly despise and hate him.

The door to the classroom opened to reveal a man in regular Chunin or Blooded attire. He was the teacher of the class, Iruka.

Feeling a small shake from his right arm Naruto slowly opened his eyes, a beautiful bright blue with a line of red around it, and looked at the person who woke him. A slightly smaller boy in height being 6'0 looked up at him. It was one of his only friends in the class Shino Aburame.

Both being quiet an slightly disliked, for different reasons, helped the two bond together. It helped that Shino was able to see that the Terror Aspect of him came from his powers not his personality.

He, being the logical thinker he was, was actually able to find out that Naruto had a second Aspect in the Divine category. Naruto actually brought luck and fortune to those who were kind to him.

Personally Naruto denied it stating nothing good happened to either of them. His theory was proven however when Shino went and bought a soda at lunch with him and got four instead.

"Iruka is here. You need to be awake for this incase he calls you for something." Shino said to him quietly.

Naruto nodded still tired even with his nap. It was one of his Mortallitys. For each Aspect a person had that person also had a weakness. His were Hunger, him needing to consume large amounts food to use his energy, and Hibernation, to slow down the drain on his energy he needed to sleep more often and longer.

Looking up a little more he saw another of his close friends Hinata Hyuga. Seeing him looking she gave him a small wave and a smile.

No one would ever guess how the most hated child in the village and the Heiress to the Hyuga clan became friends.

He was only ten years old, still a Hatchling with his scales barely hardened yet.

Having been recently eating at his favorite ramen restaurant, one of the only places who sold him food and actually liked him, he had gotten lost on his way home.

Walking past the Hyuga clan compound, he watched as a man with scars on his face with a different colored uniform jump over the stone wall. His eyes zooming in on the sack over his shoulder, the MOVING sack!

Knowing something was wrong immediately he sprung into action, dragon instincts guiding him.

He had given off a mighty roar, jumping at the man, fists growing slightly with grayish scales around them. Being so young his scale color had not completely came in yet.

Startled he dropped the bag only to have a feeling of pure fear wash over him.

Slamming into the ground via tackle, Naruto quickly started raining blow after blow on him not giving him a chance to transform.

Soon the man was unconscious, face resembling more like ground up meat then a man. Blood still on his now regular human hands and breathing heavily he forced his now tired body over to the sack undoing the top.

A terrified young girl looked up at him. "" Naruto asked feeling nearly ready to collapse. Sure he had recently eaten but transforming both arms and his lack of sleep was tacking its toll. She had grabbed him in a hug crying her eyes out into the taller boys chest.

Naruto didn't remember much after that besides feeling relieved for the girl and falling asleep against the wall, her yelling at him in worry. He was told that her uncle arrived seconds after he passed out and picked up the two after permanently disabling the man for another member to get.

After that he was always allowed at the compound and had their help if he ever needed it. The clan was extremely thankful especially Hinata's father Hiashi. He said that things could have got a lot worse if he wasn't their.

Naruto gave her a small smile which made her own grow in size. They were the only two his age that knew about his secret, what kind of dragon he really was.

"Alright class we will call you in one at a time to grade you. I wish the rest of you the best of luck!" He said with a large smile on his face.

Time skip 2 hour later

Naruto sat atop the Hokage's mountain looking out onto the village, thinking about his test.

The written part he had passed with regular grades. The combat part he had aced no doubt, punching Mizuki out of the ring, into the wall, and out cold without transforming helped. It was the Ability section that got him.

Each dragon, no matter what kind they were, abilities were represented by the color of their scales. Red scales meant you could breath fire and bath your self in lava while Blue meant you could breath under water and swim easily in it. The problem was his scales were black, harder then steel but no breath ability.

He couldn't exactly explain it either because the old man told him not to transform around other without his permission. So he failed simple as that.

Not wanting to ruin the other students celebration he left so his Aspect didn't affect their special day.

Hearing a slight noise behind him he saw Mizuki appear. Clenching his fists ready to hit him he glared at his teacher. He had never got along with Mizuki mostly because even in a full out fight Mizuki knew he didn't stand a chance, and he HATED knowing that. This time though he had this cheesy smile on his face.

"Did you need something teach?" Naruto asked, his voice deep but steady at the same time.

Mizuki smile got a little bit bigger. "Hey Naruto did you know about the alternative test?" He asked.

Timeskip half hour later

Naruto walked into the Hokage's office. Something was off about Mizuki's 'test'. He saw Hiruzen smoking his pipe from behind his desk. He smiled at Naruto before a questioning look came over his face. Hiruzen was one of the only people he knew that wasn't affected by his Terror Aspect." Why hello Naruto my boy, what calls for this visit? An by chance where is your headband?" He asked.

Naruto looked down at the ground both embarrassed and ashamed at what he had to say next. Hiruzen had always taken care of him, helped him understand what he was, and actually cared for his well being. Naruto didn't want into the Dragoons for money or fame. He wanted to be able to serve under Hiruzen, use his power for the right person.

"I...I didn't graduate. I failed the ability portion of the exam." He said struggling to keep his emotions in.

Hiruzen blinked, "...So? I knew about that Naruto, I sent a letter to your teachers explaining not to test you on that part. My boy, I've seen you trounce three Bloodied Drakes in full dragon form by yourself in pure fighting ability and you were only thirteen! Trust me Naruto I don't think spiting a few sparks at a target dummy is your forte?"

Naruto looked at Hiruzen surprise clearly seen on his face. "But... Old man I...!" Realization donned on Naruto's face. His eyes turned slinted like a lizards, the ring of red around his eyes flowing inward taking over the blue, a look of rage coming over his face."MIZUKI!" He said, his voice more a growl from an animal then human.

Hiruzen put his fingers together in front of his face, a slight glare on his face. "Start from the beginning..."

So Naruto explained how Mizuki came up to him, telling him to bring him the Forbidden Scroll, and meeting him tonight outside the walls.

Hiruzen smirked at Naruto making him raise an eyebrow. Hiruzen stood up hands behind his back. "It seems to me you have your first mission Naruto. As an adult of Konoha inside the Dragoon forces, I order you to perform a B-ranked mission to ELIMINATE former teacher Mizuki on account of turning rouge and forging information!" He said with power behind his voice.

Naruto quickly kneeled onto one leg putting his hand over his heart. "I accept Ancient one! I vow on my name Mizuki's life will end tonight!" He said before quickly heading for the door.

Hiruzen smirked "Oh and Naruto? No going full form, I actually quite like the forest an I wish to keep it."

Naruto tripped slightly before straightening himself. "Y...yes sir." He said quickly before closing the door behind him, still embarrassed over the last time he did a full transformation.

Timeskip 2 hours later

Naruto sat against the small shed that was in the clearing Mizuki wanted to meet him in, a fake Forbidden scroll next to him.

A rustle came from the trees, Naruto's gaze focusing while his muscles tensed ready to defend or attack. That was until, low and behold, Iruka popped out of the leafs a look of bloody murder on his face.

'Aw crap...' Naruto thought to himself. Sure he was a good guy and occasional ramen buddy (screw liquor REAL men bonded over ramen!) but he hated getting one of the mans famous lectures.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING NARUTO!" Iruka yelled at the teen, his head seeming to expand as slight dragon marks came to his face. Pointed teeth and ears with bright yellow eyes were on his face making the look all the more terrifying. His voice so loud that Naruto's hood blew off actually showing his face.

"How did you find me teach?" Naruto asked honestly curious. He was out of range for most sensors of the village.

"Word got out that a certain SOMEONE had stolen the Forbidden scroll and Mizuki thought he saw you come this way. He went to the the Hokage to see if he could stall for time for us so I could..." "Wait MIZUKI sent you here!" Naruto said suddenly before a movement in the trees caught his attention.

Using pure strength, he pushed off the ground and using the shed to angle himself, he shot forward in a blur grabbing his true teacher. Iruka was lucky that Naruto saw it coming, as the second they moved a hail of kunai rained down on the spot. Our hero however wasn't as lucky. Two kunai had pierced his left side and thigh while another was lodged inside his right calf blood oozing out of them.

"Damn it Iruka that fucking hurts! Pay attention!" Naruto said already removing the kunai from his side.

Standing up quickly Iruka's form changed. Light brown scales covered his entire body in moments, his body growing slightly in muscle and height. Iruka was a Lizardman, the most common race in the Dragoon forces. Famous not for unique powers like other races but the sheer variety of Abilities and transformation speed. Most Dragoons were only able to transform parts of their body's but Lizardmen could go full dragon form in an instance.

"You gonna be alright Naruto?! What the hell is going on?" Iruka asked voice having a slight rasp to it. His back was to Naruto, his eyes scanning the trees.

Naruto grunted, pulling out the kunai in his calf, the wound seeming to already have stopped bleeding. "It's Mizuki, he set up this little event. He wanted me to get the scroll so I'd pass this 'alternative test' and wanted you specifically to come find me." Another grunt was heard as he yanked the blade out of his thigh. 'The Old Man owes me SO much ramen for this!' He thought.

"Well the idiot actually figured it out!" Mizuki said from a now visible perch.

Naruto glared at him, something was different about the man.

"I had planed on eliminating Iruka quickly to focus on the actual threat but seeing as now he's out of it." Mizuki smirked at Naruto.

'Keep talking asshole, give me enough time to heal so I can crush that skull of yours.' Naruto thought menacingly, a growl escaping his mouth.

"That just leaves poor little Iruka by himself." Mizuki said showing a cruel grin.

"Sorry to rain on your parade but incase you forgot you've never beaten me in a fight Mizuki." Iruka said. Mizuki let out a unnerving laugh.

A disturbing look came to Mizuki's face, his body seeming to start growing. "Since your about to die I'll tell you something interesting! I'm not the same any more Iruka, Lord Orochimaru has made me a hundred times stronger then before!" His transformation complete Mizuki had transformed into a buff humanoid tiger. Mizuki jumped to the ground before putting out his arms in a 'bask in my glory' pose. "Behold Iruka! My master has remade my body into a Were-Tiger, even stronger then a full fledged Eldar like the ones in Iwa!" He said a deep growl coming into his voice.

A sickening grin came to his face. "Tremble in fear Iruka! You are about to see my true stren'POW'!" Mizuki could never finish as Naruto had shot forward slamming his knee into Mizuki's stomach making the man go to his knees in pain coughing up a large amount of blood.

"Finally done healing. Before boasting about how I'm out of a fight, make sure that I'm actually unable to fight." A serious look came to Naruto's face. "By order of the Ancient of Fire, Hiruzen Sarutobi, you are to be put to death."

Raising his left leg, he let his black scales form, hidden underneath his pants. He pushed his leg down full force on Mizuki's back a sickening crunch was heard as the ground as the ground cracked and broke from the force.

Iruka fell on his rear from the shockwave created but also from surprise. Naruto, the kid he ate ramen with and was like family, was literally destroying his former friend/rival through sheer strength! No powers, no abilities, no weapons just brute force!

Kicking his side to roll him over, Naruto grabbed Mizuki by his combat vest. A look of fear and agonizing pain was spread across his feline face. "I just crushed every single one of your lower organs and your spine. You will die of internal bleeding in close to five minutes. The Dark Ones will be here in three, the pain your feeling right now is NOTHING compared to what they will do to you. I can end you right now and stop the pain but only if you answer my questions." A look of hope formed on Mizuki's face.

"Why does Orochimaru want the scroll?" Naruto asked.

"," Mizuki started to cough up more blood "To complete his forbidden art, h..he wants to bring back the dead. He plans to attack the vill 'cough' village."

"Why me? Why target me for the scroll? You could have chosen any of the failed students, why go after the one student who could beat you?" He asked again.

" Orochimaru 'cough' is w..wary of you. He knows what are and what you hold."

"When and how?" Naruto said bringing his face closer. That last bit left questions but those could wait.

" I d..don't know. But it will be soon. I don't know any more I swear! 'Cough'" Mizuki finished. A look of pleading was in his eyes.

Naruto raised his left hand in a fist forming scales there and closed his eyes. He swung down not looking at the man he was about to kill. A crunch was heard before his fist embedded itself into the ground.

Pulling his fist out of the ground, not opening his eyes and trying to focus on anything other then the feeling of blood on his hands, he stepped away from the still warm and bleeding corpse.

Iruka was frozen from his spot on the ground as he watched Naruto walk out of the small crater he made, dragon form already receded back into his body.

Cold sweat ran down the back of his neck, he had never seen such a one sided fight, if he could call it that. It felt more like watching an execution and he was the witness.

"Iruka..." Naruto said sounding slightly strained.

Discreetly going for the knife hidden behind his back inside his flak jacket. "Y..yeah?" He asked, cursing at himself for showing his fear.

Naruto made a pretty scary view, bright red hair, blood still dripping off his knuckles, and his large figure being slightly shadowed as the moon shined behind him.

That was until Naruto's cheeks puffed out comically, both hands going for his mouth trying to keep whatever wanted out stayed in.

Slightly muffled by his hands he said " Teach I don't feel so good...UGH!" He managed to say before running over to the closest bush doing what most Elder Dragoons affectionately nicknamed 'The Aftershock'.

Iruka mental bitch slapped himself after remembering one small fact 'Right this is Naruto, Terror aspect, forgot about that.'

After Naruto's stomach finally stopped trying to kill him, Iruka and Naruto headed to the the Hokage to report. Usually it took less time to get there but Naruto wasn't exactly in the best condition.


"So the mission is completed?" Hiruzen asked Naruto.

Naruto stood before Hiruzen, hands behind his back looking as strong as ever beside a slight paleness of his skin. Iruka was told to go home after a small report and told to keep this matter secret." Yes sir, Mizuki has been eliminated but their is additional info I must add." He said.

Taking out a scroll and some utensils he nodded at him to continue. Naruto may not talk a lot but when he deemed it important Hiruzen made sure to listen.

"Mizuki didn't turn rogue on his own. He was influenced, he called him lord Oro," "Orochimaru, previously known as the Serpent Sage, now an Exiled of Konoha." Hiruzen said interrupting him. A look of fury came over his aged face.

"Lord Hokage," Naruto said. Taking a deep breath to calm himself he waved at Naruto to continue. "Mizuki had been changed sir, he called himself a Were-Tiger almost completely identical to the descriptions of one from Iwa." He continued.

Hiruzen nodded to Naruto, making a note for the T&I to thoroughly inspect Mizuki's body when it was brought in.

"Mizuki also said that Orochimaru had planed to attack Konoha. He gave no specific time only that it was soon. His main objective of all this truly was the Forbidden scroll sir. He said that one of the forbidden arts had the ability to bring back the dead. He planned to use it somehow in the attack." He finished. Naruto honestly was surprised at himself, he couldn't remember the last time he talked that much.

A kind smile appeared on Hiruzen's face. "Thank you Naruto, this info could help me and this village greatly. Your pay for the mission will be added to your account. Oh and before I forget.." He said, Hiruzen's arm going into one of his drawers before tossing something to him.

Catching the object Naruto looked at it. A simple piece of black cloth with a shiny metal plate attached to it, the emblem of Konoha on it.

"Welcome to the Dragoons Naruto." Hiruzen said.

Naruto was completely still before reaching under his hood with his sleeve and rubbing his eyes.

Taking his hood off he reached around and tied it around his neck similar to Hinata's before putting his hood back on.

"Permission to retire for the night lord Hokage." Naruto asked.

Hiruzen had a soft smile on his face, Naruto was never one for heartwarming moments. "Permission granted Naruto." He said.

Turning around Naruto left his office, his head held a little bit higher.

Sarutobi leaned back in his chair, a chuckle escaping his lips. 'Your gonna do big things Naruto, I just know it.' He thought.

Chapter End

I know I promised to do the Pokegirl bounty hunter story and I am, but this thing popped into my head and basically wrote itself.

That and I needed to say this, why has only seven people voted?! It's a great manga so I thought more people would would had voted? So until one of the choices has reached at LEAST 5-10 votes I won't start The Gamer chapter. I will put the bounty hunter up though.