-Of Honeymoons & Ocean Waves-

-Well, I need to apologize for the gigantic amount of fluff in this. Because trust me, there is a LOT. This was requested by a guest reviewer who wanted a honeymoon fic with Minho and Newt (and their first time, you know, THE first time... XD) It'll probably be two parts long. I hope you like it! Leave a review to let me know what you think :)

PS: I couldn't think of a good place to send Minho and Newt for their honeymoon, so I made one up XD-

Everyone had heard of the famed beach a plane's ride away from Glade City.

It was called the Gem of the Ocean, the Place of Fire (after the magnificent fireworks that were launched nearly every night, for almost any occasion), the Holiday Beach (because of how every possible holiday was celebrated there), the Wonderland.

It's real name was the Siren's Paradise, named after the creatures of the deep that took the forms of beautiful girls with heartbreaking voices. The surrounding, bustling town of Siren's Paradise was just as beautiful as the beach itself. Cute little shops, blue-walled houses, and neat sidewalks were all scrunched together along the streets. The stores there sold everything from fish to jewelry to musical instruments. The houses were either small, modest things or wealthy, sapphire gems (many had been painted a pale shade of blue, to match the pristine ocean of Siren's Paradise). Balconies overlooked people scattered across the sidewalks below. They talked and laughed, and enjoyed the always-lovely weather of the beach.

There was even a part of the town, called the Waterwalk, where there were no streets, only water. Canals marked the pathways between buildings, glittering azure in the sunlight. Sleek boats drifted along between sidewalks, tempting tourists and other visitors. Ornately designed bridges spanned the waterways and made great places to take pictures.

But even with all this mysterious splendor, there was one place in Siren's Paradise that was different from everything else. A place wealthier, livelier, and brighter. That place was The Diamond. The Diamond was a towering seaside hotel, set at the edge of the town's limits. It overlooked the ocean in all its glory. It was gorgeously built with archways and balconies, painted purest, soft white. The windows were taller than a man and golden light blazed from them day and night. It had great food, a renowned dance hall, and more grandeur than even the wonderful Glade City itself. Everything about this place whispered of escape, and wonder, and dreams.

The perfect place to go on a honeymoon, don't you think?


Newt was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, the window rolled down the whole way. He rested his head against the seat and let the summer wind snag his hair. They were driving fast, but not fast enough for the air buffeting the car to be unbearable. Just enough to lift the blonde strands off his forehead. He glanced out the window and glimpsed a guy playing the saxophone outside a pale, blue-walled house. He smiled. He could hear Minho beside him, talking on his cell phone as he drove at a lazy pace through the windy streets.

"Yes, Mom, I made it," Minho was saying, keeping a hand on the steering wheel. "No, I wasn't robbed. Newt wasn't robbed either...No, nobody tried to kill us...Why're you worrying so much, I'm not a kid anymore. I think I know what I'm doing...I'm not VERY young...Okay, maybe it is kinda young compared to you...Hey, I was just saying!" He laughed then, and the sound rippled like dark waters.

Newt closed his eyes and listened to more of the conversation. The corners of his mouth turned up as he did.

"Yeah, we're here...Yes...They said the hotel's great...Why're you calling me again?...Oh, yeah, well, we didn't die, we're not sick, we're not kidnapped. We're fine...I'll see you later, okay?...Mom...yes, I have sunscreen...Oh my god, NO I DID NOT BRING CONDOMS and if you snuck them into my suitcase, I will throw them into the ocean...NO that is NOT the only thing honeymoons are for."

Newt snickered. Oh, Mrs. Park. She could be interesting sometimes. He turned his head to look at Minho then. Minho was pink in the face, listening at the moment to whatever his mother was saying. He sighed, a slight smile pulling his lips up. "I'll take a lot of pictures for you...I promise...Okay...I know...Yeah...Love you too." He hung up and shoved his phone back into his pocket. "I think she has separation issues," he said flatly.

"You think?" Newt asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Hey, you gotta give her some credit. She waited until AFTER we got here to call." Minho smiled teasingly then. The sunlight caught in his ebony hair and turned it to silky, cobalt-blue. It also brought out the pinpricks of gold in his dark eyes.

Newt longed to pull the car over and kiss him. Instead, he glanced out the window again. "So where's this place we're going again?" he asked.

"The Diamond," Minho answered. "It's on the beach. The rooms with the balconies are the best, so I'm planning on taking advantage of that."

"The Diamond, huh?" Newt echoed thoughtfully. "It sounds very nice."

"It's supposed to be one of the best in the world."


"Of course." Minho grinned brightly, then reached over to slip his hand into Newt's. He laced their fingers together and brought their hands up to touch his lips to Newt's knuckles. "Only the best for my angel," he added affectionately.

Newt's heart started doing crazy backflips in his chest. He was such a softie around Minho. "Please," he scoffed jokingly. "You're just using the occasion to get into a fancy hotel. It has nothing to do with me."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Minho replied lightly. "It has everything to do with you. The entire 'occasion' is for you."

"Yeah, yeah," Newt brushed it off. "And what was that your mother said earlier? Something about condoms?" He flashed Minho a suggestive smirk.

Minho blushed and kept his gaze fixed on the front windshield. "I don't know why she says the things she says," he sighed in comical hopelessness. "But if she packed condoms for us, I may actually drive the whole way home just to leave them on her doorstep."

Newt laughed, shaking his head. "She does realize that neither of us can get pregnant, right?"

"I honestly don't know what goes on in her head anymore."

Newt smiled, then shifted his gaze down to their joined hands. Sunlight filtered in through the windshield and glittered on the golden ring on Minho's finger. Newt's heart leaped with joy when he saw it. He couldn't help but rub his thumb over his own ring, feeling the cool, smooth surface under his skin. It made him giddy every time he thought of it: he was married. He was in Siren's Paradise. Minho Park—no, Minho NEWTON—was his husband. He remembered the day he'd told Minho that he didn't have to change his name, and Minho's reply that Newt just couldn't be Newt without his last name. Then, being the romantic shank he was, he'd added that he'd always felt he belonged to Newt, so why not make it official in every way?

Newt didn't know how he'd gotten so lucky.

He gazed out the window again as they neared the edge of the town. The beach opened up before them, a glittering expanse of white sand closed off by only a fence. People were out there now, laying out blankets and folding chairs. They all looked so happy and carefree. Newt felt lighter than ever to know that for a short while at least, he was one of them, lost in the beauty that was the Gem of the Ocean.

The car arced around the outer edge of town, passing shops with seahorse figurines and seashells in their windows. Up ahead, a massive building rose up above all the rest. Newt leaned forward to gawk upward in awe. Shining, snowy walls and stone pillars around the entrance greeted him. As they drew nearer, he could see flowing, elegantly black lettering printed over the main entrance: THE DIAMOND.

"THIS is The Diamond?" he asked incredulously.

"Yup!" Minho answered, a hint of bravado in his voice. "Nice, huh?"

"Minho, how much did you pay for this?"

"Don't worry about that." Minho stroked his thumb over Newt's knuckles.

Newt raised his eyebrows at Minho. "I'm kinda worrying about it," he admitted.

"Sweetheart, this is our honeymoon, and you're my husband," Minho assured him. There was that same thrill of happiness in his voice when he said it out loud. "Costs don't mean a thing."

Newt fought off his silly smile and shifted his eyes back to the sprawling hotel. He'd known that Minho had wanted to keep where they were going a secret because it was going to be great, but he hadn't expected this. This was incredible.

They pulled up next to the neat rows of cars beside the hotel. Minho shut off the engine and pushed his keys into his pocket. "All right, let's go," he announced, and opened his car door.

Newt blinked. "What? Wait a minute!" He fumbled out of his seat belt and opened his own door. Standing up in the warm breeze, he faced Minho over the roof of the car. "What about, you know, our stuff?"

Minho waved a hand dismissively. "I had everything sent to the room before we even got into town," he reassured Newt. "All we need to do is walk in."

Newt blinked. "You did all of this for me?" he asked. "Just for our honeymoon?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Minho rounded the hood of the car to stand in front of Newt. Taking the blonde's arms gently, he glided his hands down to hold Newt's fingers in his. "I love you," he murmured. "I'd do anything to make you happy."

Newt smiled like a fool. "Anything?" he asked with a tinge of playfulness.

Minho's mouth curved up. "Yeah, anything."

"Take me to our room with the balcony?" Newt asked sweetly.

"Of course."

"Go swimming later?"

"Heck yeah."

"Ummm..." Newt pretended to think, sidling up close to Minho. Keeping their fingers laced together, he leaned in to brush his lips over Minho's ear. "Take me up to the room now?" he asked in a suggestive whisper.

Delight lit up inside of Newt when Minho shivered. "Whatever you want, angel," Minho murmured, turning his head to nuzzle Newt's hair. Now it was Newt's turn to shiver.

Newt stepped back, still grinning broadly, and let go of one of Minho's hands. He held onto the other, fingers entwined, as they started toward the front of the hotel. As they walked, Newt couldn't stop sneaking sideways glances at Minho. In the white-hot sunlight, he looked absolutely breathtaking; he wore the black mesh shorts he'd worn in track and a blue T-shirt. The shirt was just tight enough to show off his broad shoulders and chest. Newt would never admit it out loud, but he secretly loved having a husband as gorgeous as Minho to show off. He slipped his hand out of Minho's then, choosing to loop his arm around Minho's waist instead. The feel of the muscles flexing in Minho's back made him dizzy.

Minho slid his arm around Newt's shoulders and pulled him in to kiss his forehead. "Can't stop touching me, huh?" he asked in a low voice.

"I could say the same about you," Newt returned.

Minho rubbed Newt's shoulder with his hand as they walked up to the front doors. They were wide and golden, with spiraling designs carved into the surface. They swung open on their own as the couple approached, revealing the interior of the hotel. The Diamond's lobby was huge, with a domed ceiling of gold-and-white spirals. The front desk was wide and made a nice contrast with its dark, reddish wood. People roamed back and forth, either coming or going. All of them wore light, summer clothes and shared the same cheerful laughter. Some of them shot Minho and Newt surprised, and then curious glances; others just smiled. It was the ones that smiled that Newt decided he liked.

The room was even better. As soon as Newt stepped through the door, he gaped in shock. It was a vast space of dark furniture standing out against the creamy walls and lush carpet. A doorway led back to a sprawling bathroom, with a huge shower and a mirror long enough for four people to use at the same time. The huge bed was just as luxurious, piled with pillows and sheets. The entire room had a very airy, open feeling, probably because of the glass doors at the back. They were open wide, and led out to a balcony overlooking the jewel of the ocean. The entire scene was like something out of a dream.

"Oh..." Newt slowly stepped farther inside, slipping out of Minho's embrace. He couldn't stop staring at everything, even though he knew he must look ridiculous.

Minho hung back, watching him. "You like it?"

"Uh-huh," Newt mumbled absently.

"You're awfully quiet," Minho chuckled in amusement. "Speechless already, and we didn't even get to the beach yet."

"Can we live here?" Newt made his way past the bed, trailing his fingertips over the soft sheets. He went to the balcony doors next and leaned his shoulder against the doorway. From here, he could see the whole way out into the sea. It went on forever, an endless expanse of blue-green that met the horizon at its edge. Newt couldn't believe that a place like this actually existed, that it wouldn't disappear at a simple touch.

Joining Newt at the balcony, Minho wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist from behind. Newt instinctively closed his hands over Minho's on his stomach. Minho kissed Newt's neck once, twice, then rested his chin on Newt's shoulder. "Newt?" he mumbled.

Newt let his weight sink back into Minho. "Hmm?"

"I'm glad," Minho murmured softly, "that I get to spend my life with you."

Newt's heart bloomed with happiness in his chest. He lifted one of Minho's hands from his stomach and watched the way their fingers overlapped. Their wedding rings glinted right next to each other. "God, I'm so in love with you," he whispered, and Minho's arm tightened around him. How had it gotten like this? How had he come to need Minho so much, more than anything else?

Turning in Minho's arms, Newt linked his hands at the back of Minho's neck. A half-smile touched his lips. "Remember when you said you'd do anything for me?" he asked softly.

"Mm-hm," Minho hummed in reply.

"Would you do something now?" Newt rested his forehead against Minho's, his smile widening. He let his fingertips slip into the soft hair at the nape of Minho's neck.

Minho's eyes were already fogging over with desire. "Anything," he mumbled, pushing his hands under Newt's shirt to press them to the blonde's lower back.

"Then let's go swimming."

The look of mixed surprise and disappointment on Minho's face was priceless. Newt gave a little laugh and placed a brief kiss on Minho's mouth. "What's wrong?" he asked innocently. "Were you hoping for something else?"

"No," Minho muttered.


"Oh? So what did you think I wanted?"


Minho smiled at the way Newt leaned against him then, pressing their chests together. Leaning in, he trailed his nose down Newt's neck. "Maybe I do want you," he admitted quietly.

"Well, we ARE on our honeymoon after all..." Newt trailed off suggestively.

Minho made a tiny sound at the words, sliding his hands farther up Newt's back under his shirt. Newt purred at the touch and arched his back slightly. "But not now," he whispered, when Minho tried to lean in for a kiss. "You can have me later. Right now, I wanna swim, okay?"

Minho groaned in despair. "No, it's not okay," he decided in mock sadness. "I waited the entire car ride here to kiss you, and now you're not even gonna let me."

"Well, you can kiss me when we get out there," Newt suggested.

"Not the same," Minho replied glumly. "I can't make out with you in public."

Newt smirked and dropped a kiss on Minho's nose. "Later, love," he murmured. "I promise."