Disclaimer: I don't own the Inheritance Cycle, unfortunately.

Hey guys! I'm back! Here's the promised Ash one-shot. It's not a one-shot anymore, though, and it's now a multi-chapter story that I will be uploading alongside Bloodwar next week, though I'm leaving this here as a teaser since I'm so excited to share it with you guys!

Ashes to Ashes

Chapter 1: Inheritance

The cold early spring wind sears my lungs with every sharp breath I take. I run through the empty streets of Ilirea, terribly aware that I might not make it on time.

Beside me, I could hear Jotnar holding in his laughter.

My brother seems to think that waking up late is amusing when we could miss our chance to be chosen as Riders. Of course, there are many other Riders' offspring in the city to compete withs, and this is my brother's third Dragon Hatching Ceremony, but this day of all days is always special to those who attend.

If we were not related, I would have blackened those blue eyes of his. He grins back, as if reading my thoughts, and brushes away a curly lock of black hair. "Imagine a Rider elder's own children late for the ceremony! Would that not be amusing?" he insisted.


We reach the end of the Rider outpost and pass through the gates where two Riders stand guard with their huge dragons. They nod at us in recognition and we scramble through the massive, empty field where most members of the Illirean community are currently situated in. Callin the place crowded would be an understatement. There are roughly a hundred thousand people in Ilirea, both citizens and Riders.

At the head of the congregation are Vrael and Umaroth themselves, the white dragon and his white-clad Rider looking immaculate as always, looking well-rested despite traveling directly from Doru Araeba to witness the ceremony. They never miss it, despite being busy leading the Riders. Beside him is a golden dragon, a little smaller but no less intimidating. Sitting atop was a silver-haired elf.

Our father, Oromis, barely notices our arrival.

Though we've been living in Ilirea for our entire lives, we only met him two years ago – just enough time for him to know our names and acknowledge that we are, indeed, his children. I suppose there would be no point in him acknowledging our presence today.

Our mother, though, is another thing. The mighty Sigrid Twoblades, black-haired and gray-eyed, stands at the edge of the crowd with a disapproving look in her eyes mirrored by her black dragon, Dagoth. With her youthful Rider face, the look in her face is even more terrifying than it would if she looked her age.

If she did though, she would probably be a crone by now so I take that back.

We wave cheerfully, pretending that we don't notice anything wrong, and join the crowd of Riders' children who are the first to try hatching the eggs. We are few this year, as many of the others have been sent to other outposts to be educated, while others were chosen as Riders. Those whose siblings have been chosen now look so resentful, I wish it would never happen to Jotnar and me.

Silence falls as most of the other Rider and dragon pairs in the city join us, watching all children with interest. I feel my heart beat faster as they set the ornate pedestals at the head of the group. Murmurs ripple among us as they display seven dragon eggs – pearly white, smoky gray, mad pink, pale yellow, vivid orange, and blue as dark as the night sky. They are all beautiful in their own way, and I wish I would be chosen.

Vrael steps forward, a glint of joy and excitement in his eyes. "Greetings, people of Ellesmera," he begins, his voice high and clear. "Today, we celebrate and honor the pact made by our races."

I tune his speech out as Jotnar elbows me with a grin. "Makes you wonder if you're worthy of joining, eh?"

"But I want to," I whisper. "More than anything else. But you would make a better Rider than I, and we both know it."

I'm afraid that against all the other Riders' children, I would not be the best choice for a Rider. Even with the elven strength and speed that we inherited from our father, I am a mediocre fighter at best. Jotnar outclasses me in swordplay. My magic is good enough, I suppose, but I could barely do a mind probe, let alone protect myself from a mental attack. I do try my best, but it seems like it is all for naught.

Jotnar grins. "I do not have a dragon's determination, unlike you."

"Fruitless determination, I fear."

We turn back to Vrael as he raises his voice. "And now, we shall begin our annual ceremony. As tradition dictates, we shall begin with those born with the blood of Riders running through their veins – the living testimony that our pact has brought much harmony and understanding between our races, and among our own people."

We fall in line. In front of us are the humans ranging from ten years old to twenty. As the only two half-elves in known existence, I and Jotnar are next, ten-and-five and ten-and-seven, respectively. Behind us are the elves, aged twenty and beyond, their numbers overwhelming us. We do live in their land, after all. Wild dragons circle the sky to watch the event, even more numerous than last year.

"Jotnar, promise me that you will not regret any outcome that this day may bring," I whisper.

"I promise." He smiles consolingly and touches my shoulder. "Remember me when you fly off with your dragon."

"I should be saying that to you," I growl. My stomach churns forlornly, aware that I would never be a Rider.

The line begins to move, as the humans in front of us touch the eggs and pause before each, hoping that they would hatch. When thirteen-year-old Kifain touched the pink egg, he laughs in pure glee, waiting for the young hatchling to emerge while the rest of us watch with held breaths. I avert my eyes once the pink dragon makes contact with its new Rider's palm and a faint spark flashes. Kifain then picks up his dragon and joins the Riders, the smile on his face widening.

The line moves again, steadily shortening as no one else is chosen by a dragon. I exchange an uneasy glance with Jotnar. "If Kifain was chosen, I'm sure you will be, too," I tell him. "He's second only to you in swordsmanship."

Jotnar sighed. "I'm not sure that it is all about skill. You do remember Livia being chosen last year, aye?"

I nod. Livia was not yet capable of using magic when she was chosen, despite the fact that all the other Riders' offspring in the outpost had that gift. It is highly probable that she could use it now, as anyone gains the gift of magic when they are chosen by dragons.

Soon, it is my turn, and I move forward nervously. Vrael nods to encourage me, pointing to the nearest egg with a warm smile. I smile back, hoping that I do not make a fool of myself. I touch the white egg and feel nothing stir within. I pause for a few seconds before moving to the next one. None of the next eggs hatch, and by the time I move to the last – the deep blue one – I simply go through the motions.

I touch the last egg, and my heart leaps to my throat as I feel the infant dragon within stir suddenly. I move away so fast in surprise that Oromis shoots me a sharp look. The dragon egg suddenly shakes as cracks appear on its surface.

It dawns on me that I am going to be a Rider.

The hatchling dragon emerges from its egg and crawls to me, night-hued eyes watching me with curiosity and glee. As previous Riders have done, I extend my right hand and let the dragon's snout touch my palm.

I supress my gasp as a searing heat and tingling cold coursed through my arm simultaneously before washing through my entire body. I still have no idea how I kept a straight face through all of that. The pain finally recedes and I feel a new sensation – my mind opening up to my dragon, as my mother described. I could feel its wonder and amazement.

I am now a Rider.

"Come child, your brother and everyone else will also be trying their luck today," Oromis says, ushering me forward.

I give him my best cold stare as I take my place beside Kifain. We watch the next people to be tested, but it seems like no one else is chosen – not even Jotnar. I stare at him, and he grins back with a wave as Vrael announces that Kifain and I are departing for Doru Araeba tomorrow at dawn to join the other new apprentices.

Vrael leads the way to the White Tower – the seat of the Riders here in Ilirea. Despite being a Rider's daughter, I have only been inside once to meet Oromis during one of his annual inspections. It is a beautiful place made of marble and adorned with crystals of all colors. Riders stand at attention to meet us, some of them whispering as I pass. Many people in Ilirea regard my brother and I as curiosities as unions between elves and humans are rare, children even more so.

"I suppose we will quickly be apprenticed, since we have undergone basic training as Riders' children already," Kifain whispers. "Do you think your father will choose you? I have heard rumors that he will start taking in apprentices."

"We cannot count on that. He has not been a very good father." I shrug to ward off Kifain's questions. There would probably be enough time for that on the way to Vroengard.

We are given separate rooms, and my dragon quickly scrambles onto the bedpost, watching me with wary eyes. I could feel its thoughts trickling through our thread-thin connection. It was hungry.

As if bidden by this sensation, the door to my room opens and an elf servant enters, face twisted in disgust at the tray of raw meat that she was carrying. She sets it down beside my bed, bows to me, and slips out of the room without another word.

Living in a place where no one eats meat, seeing the tray feels odd – but then again, dragons are hunters so they surely must eat nothing but meat. My dragon scampers down the bed and eats the food in a few bites. I suppose the elder dragons will help it hunt and eat in the coming days. I sit down on the soft bed and sigh. I watch my dragon eat for a few minutes, trying to suffuse myself with the feeling of contentment emanating through our bond.

The door is thrown open and Jotnar strides in, a glint of joy in his eyes. "I knew it," he gushes before sitting beside me. "Ash, I knew that you would be chosen! Should I call you Argetlam now?"

"Stop that," I tell him, hitting his arm lightly. "I'm still your younger sister."

"Aye, that's true." He shakes his head. "I was not made to be a Rider. I have discussed my options with Mother and she gave me her blessing. I will be departing for Du Weldenvarden once you head to Vroengard."

He never told me that. I grab his arm. "What? Why? You haven't discussed this with me."

"Do I have to?" He's right. After all, we have our own lives and we are both free to live as we choose. "I will be joining the Painted Ones. I have received an invitation, according to Mother"

The Painted Ones are the best elven warriors who were not chosen by dragons. Many have tried to seek an invitation, but few are summoned to join them in Nadindel.

"Do you truly not wish to be bonded to a dragon?" I ask him sadly, watching my new partner finish its meal.

"I used to – but not anymore. It would still be the highest honor that can be bestowed to someone, but I want to live my own life, as I said. I will join the Painted Ones and fight alongside you should there be a need for it. I will try to keep in touch whenever I can. You are still my sister and I am still your brother." Jotnar wraps an arm around me. "Make a mark in this world for me."

It seems like there are so many changes brought upon us today.

Well, that's it for now. What do you guys think?

To jog your memory, Jotnar was mentioned in Bloodlines, chapter 25. Kifain is one of the Forsworn who popped up in the last two chapters of Bloodlines too.

Oromis does love his kids (as you can see in Bloodlines and Bloodforge) but he was pretty busy when his first kids were growing up and so wasn't really around. He sort of makes up for it once Ash starts her training, and once Jotnar becomes a Painted One.

We'll be dropping by pre-Fall Vroengard next chapter, where Ash meets a potential love interest, a senior apprentice, and her first teacher.

Read and review as always!

PS: I received an ask the dragons question, but I didn't understand it that much so I couldn't answer. Sorry. :(