Ruby stepped off the airship and started to walk towards the asylum that held her sister. Ever since Yang lost control of her semblance, she started having aggressive and violent behavior and lashed out at almost everyone. Even her own team. Ruby loved Yang dearly but also saw the worse end of Yang's fury. She just wished she could have Yang back to normal.

She walked towards the doors, as shes done for the past 3 months. Each visit, Ruby's hopes for Yang to recover nosedived. She never touched or lashed at Ruby, just all the other patients and staff. Her last visit Security personnel had to restrain her when a Doctor tried speaking to Yang. 'Are you ever going to get better Yang' Ruby thought as she pushed opened the double doors.

"Good morning! How can I help you?" the receptionist asked.

"Ruby Rose checking in to visit Yang Xiao Long" Ruby quickly said.

She nodded as she searched the name for scheduled visits "Alright dear" She started, "From what this says, Miss Xiao Long had an escort of security bring her into the visiting area, you may still visit her, but you just have to check with security first"

"Oh..okay, Thanks!" Ruby walked past the front desk and towards the visiting section. 'What did she do this time to have guards escort her, they never needed to before' Ruby thought as she approached the guard. The guard was a very large man dressed in black military clothes with a tactical vest on, with his hand on his collapsible baton.

"Morning Jones!" Ruby happily said. She only knew the security personal names. Mainly because she sees them the most on her visits.

"Morin' Miss Rose, your sister is in room 3, we had to escort her today since she almost took the head off a nurse this morning." The guard said.

Ruby was shocked "Oh my god, is the nurse okay?" Ruby said.

Jones rubbed his head for a moment, "Yeah the nurse is fine, She mainly just yelled. No physical contact this time" Ruby sighed in relief, maybe Yang's condition was improving, usually she breaks a few bones when she yells.

"Okay thank you for telling me Jones!" Ruby said as she started towards lounge room where Yang was held. As she walked in, Yang was playing with a small red stress ball. As she tossed it in the air, Yang noticed Ruby and froze, after a short second the ball landed on Yang's head and she rushed to give Ruby a bear hug.

"Yang!" Ruby said "Can't.. breathe!" Yang released the pressure but still held Ruby close.

"Heh, sorry Rubbes. I just really really really missed you" Said yang as she kissed Ruby on the forehead multiple times.

"Bleh!" Ruby pushed Yang off and wiped her forehead off, "You saw me yesterday!"

"I know.." Yang started as she rubbed the back of her head, "I just really miss seeing you everyday"

Ruby sighed "I know Yang.. I miss seeing you everyday too. How're you feeling today?" Ruby asked.

"Better-ish? I did blow up on a nurse who started questioning me, BUT! I didn't hit her!" Yang quickly said.

Ruby smiled "I know the guard out front told me you just yelled but didn't hit her, that means you're controlling it right?"

"I hope so..I hate this place so much. Everyone treats me like i'm a ticking time bomb and this one girl purposely tries to enrage me and I can't explain it because they think it's just me losing control again.." Yang said as she slumped into the couch, hands covering her face.

Ruby sat next to Yang and pulled her into a small hug "I know but hey! Look on the bright side! You didn't harm anyone so that must mean you're getting better!" Ruby said with a huge grin on her face.

Yang looked at her and a small smile forced "Yeah you're right!" She pulled Ruby into a bear hug again. "I'm getting better for you!" Ruby squirmed out of the hold and stood up.

"OKAY! Now that I can breathe again, What did you want to do today!" Ruby said with her hands on her sides.

Yang's stomach growled. "Breakfast?" Yang suggested. Ruby's armed deflated and she slumped down. "You haven't ate yet?" She asked.

Yang blushed slightly "Heh heh. I was sorta wanted to see you that I forgot to eat anything" She started to rub the back of her head again.

Ruby sighed and face palmed lightly "Go get yourself some food, i'll wait here and think of stuff we can do while i'm here."

"Sounds good!" Yang walked out of the room while Ruby slumped on the couch and pulled out her scroll checking recent messages.

A few from Weiss, One from Blake inviting her on a date, Ruby blushed at this slightly. Her and Blake have been dating since last month. At first Ruby thought of it as pity because of Yang but, it soon proved it was out of interest rather than sympathy.

A few moments later, Ruby heard the door open up, "Hey about time Yan-" Ruby stopped mid-sentence when she saw that the person who came in was not Yang. But some girl she's never seen before. A tri-colored young girl with an abnormal hair color mixed with brown, pink and white. 'She looks like a freakin' Ice cream cone' Ruby mused herself to her own comment

After a few still moments Ruby spoke up, "Uhh. Hi there! Are you lost or som-" She was immediately as the tri-colored girl grabbed her by the collar and forced Ruby into a kiss.

Ruby remained wide-eyed until the girl pulled back and smirked before bolting out of the room.

"What just… happened.." Ruby remained still and dumbstruck until Yang returned with her food.

Yang noticed her sister shocked and dropped her tray and rushed to Ruby's side.

"Ruby?! What's wrong? What happened?" Ruby blinked a few times before finally responding.

"Some..girl just..kissed me.." Ruby said slowly still unsure of what happened only moments ago.