Author's note*

Okay, so this chapter was a little hard to write. Like I had an idea on how it will look like, I just didn't know what it would be like. Writing wise. Do you get me? HAHA anyway, i posted half of this story up cause I felt that it was getting too long. I have no idea when the next chapter will be up. soooo yeah.


NOTE*Italicization: Inner thoughts
Bold: Nen words.
Bold and/or underline: text message/reading instructions
Italicization and this "~~~": someone is having a dream

A heavy fog surrounds the two beings and suddenly Gon couldn't smell the lake's scent anymore. The young Hunter stops at his tracks for a moment to take in his surroundings. Everything but the dirt path in front of him is covered by white fog. Gon can't even see the setting sun or the orange sky.

"Don't fret, we're almost there," Jozh says reassuringly, walking ahead of Gon.

Pursing his lips into a tight line, Gon nods his head as he sped walk towards Jozh. He felt an uneasy feeling grow within him with each passing minute. Though that didn't mean Gon was shaken up. He is beyond excited. Hopefully Gon will be able to have his Nen restored after this. He wonders what kind of methods the lake will take to help him.

Jozh stops at his tracks once the lake came to view. He turns towards Gon and smiles at him while closing his eyes. "This is as far as I go," he says. He points his finger towards the lake, "continue forward until you see water Lilies forming a ring, you are to sit yourself in the center of that ring."

Gon narrows his eyes and smiles widely before nodding. Delightful chills ran up his spine when his eyes met the crystal clear water. "Here I go," he sighs. "Thank you for guiding me," Gon bows thankfully at the Kiriko beasts.

"The pleasure is mine," Jozh bows along with Gon. "Gon, was it?" He asks, before straightening his back to look at the teen. Gon hums in response, also straightening himself up. "I can see you are a unique, remarkable, boy with great passion. I have strong faith you will regain your lost Nen,"

Gon nods his head in agreement. "Hopefully, if I get my Nen back, I'll be able to show Ging my abilities and be able to see my friends soon," Gon says as an image of Killua's smiling face came to mind. His heart flutters.

Jozh hums in response, "I'll return for you once you've finished." Jozh says his farewells before making his way back, the fog consuming him in. Gon swallows thickly and looks at the lake. It's now or never.

The teen strips from his clothing until he is down to his boxer briefs and leaves the clothing in a pile on top of his shoes. He takes a deep breath before making his way towards the lake. He stops to dip his foot into the cool water but… the water is solid? Gon raises both brows in surprise. It wasn't frozen solid, it felt more like marble? How is this possible if the water is still rippling camly? Gon stands on the solid lake, questioning it silently as he walks forward. Guess there really wasn't a need to remove his clothing? He watches the koi fish and many insects swim beneath him. One fish even leaps out of the water to catch a bug. So he isn't standing on marble, the lake is solid because of Gon. The young Hunter's never seen anything like this before. He notes to ask Kite and Ging if they've seen anything similar until he spots the ring of Lilies close by.

Gon speed walks and sits, cross legged, on the center of the ring, careful not to squish the flowers with his feet. "Now… what?" Gon questions as he looks around.

"Close your eyes…" A voice whispers in his head, causing Gon to flinch in surprise. He looks at his surroundings. No one is with him. "...Take deep breaths," the voice continues to say, "and clear your mind…"

Gon nods, not sure if the voice could see him, before closing his eyes. He rests his hands on his knees and took a deep breath while clearing his mind. He exhales, waiting patiently for something to happen. He felt a cold rush run through him and his stomach sinks, almost like the feeling you get when you're on an elevator. What is happening?

"You may open your eyes now," the same voice says, sounding much clearer now. Gon slowly opens his eyes, his vision immediately becoming blurred. Gon rubs at his eyes, and squints hard. There's a white blob in front of him. The voice chuckles, "give your eyes a moment to adjust." Gon blinks a few times, relieved to see the figure in front of him become much clearer. "Can you see me now?" An old man asks with a wide, cheeky, grin. He sat, crossed legged, in front of Gon.

The man looks to be in his seventies, he has a long white beard reaching up to his short curly hair and stretching down to his stomach. He is full of wrinkles, has large earlobes, no eyebrows at all, has crystal blue irises with large bags under his eyes, and his nose is fairly large with a tint of red at the end. He wore a white robe with faint, green, lotus flowers at the ends of his sleeves, giving him a pure appearance. Not only that, but the elder seemed to be glowing brightly.

The teen felt an overwhelming jolt of excitement come to him. He is clearly seeing the man's aura!

"What's the matter? Cat's got your tongue?" The old man's voice was low and raspy, but it held a gentle tone to it.

"Huh? Oh, sorry!" Gon apologizes while poking his tongue out. He scratches the back of his head. "I was shocked to see your aura so clearly,"

"Is that so?" The man chuckles. "I thought you were overwhelmed by your surroundings,"

"My surroundings?" Gon questions with raised brows. Gon looks around and is stunned to see fish and insects swimming around him. Why are they all swimming upside down though? The teen wasn't surrounded by white fog anymore, instead he is surrounded by many colors of blue and green. Plants seem to be growing from the muddy surface? What's going on? Gon looks underneath him and is baffled to see only white. "I'm upside down... inside the lake, right?" He asks, looking back at the elder. The old man nods, watching as the boy sways his hand around. It doesn't feel like Gon is in the water at all, it feels normal. "How is this possible? I can breath too."

"Dear boy," the elder chuckles, "you should know better, anything is possible with the power of Nen."

"This is your power?" A wide, toothy grin spreads on Gon's cheeks. He felt his hands tremble in excitement. "This is so cool!"

"Is it not?" The man laughs a hearty laugh. "You can only imagine how excited I was when I first started learning the techniques of Aura and Nen."

"How did you first discover Nen? How old were you? Did you have help?" Gon asks, completely forgetting why he was there in the first place.

"Now boy, don't forget your reasoning for coming here," The man narrows his eyes at Gon, studying him clearly. "You're here to restore your Nen?"

"How did you know?" Gon asks, surprised.

"I can see your aura being subconsciously tamed by TEN, but your aura is very faint. Even using GYO would prove difficult to see your Aura, not impossible though," the elder says, describing what he can see.

TEN, the process of keeping the nodes open, but also having your aura flow through and around your body rather than away from it. GYO, often used in the eyes, allowing a Nen-user to see aura and things which would otherwise be hidden.

"Can you help me find it?" Gon asks, a stern look on his face.

The old man thinks long and hard, running his hand through his long beard. "I believe I have a method to do so, but first, let's clear your mind," the elder says. He sways his right arm in a large circular motion in front of him before disappearing before Gon's eyes.

The teen widens his eyes as he watches his blue and green surroundings tint into a dark color until finally being surrounded by black. The fishes were nowhere to be found, Gon couldn't even see the white from underneath him anymore. He is completely submerged in darkness.

"You may rise," the elders voice says. Though Gon can hear him, the old man has yet to show himself. Gon stands to his feet with his arms at his sides and waits for further instruction. The ground beneath him changes to a navy blue color, rippling calmly from underneath him. Gon narrows his eyes as five black figures appear, flat, on the blue surface. The figures circle around Gon. "Have an open heart when these figures make themselves known,"

Gon clenches his hands into fists and nods. He braced himself once the first figure began climbing out of the blue water. Gon widens his eyes as the first person came to view. "...Kite?!" Gon questions loudly. Though it wasn't short, red haired, female Kite. It was tall, silver haired, male Kite. Gon felt his chest clench painfully. Why is Kite here and in this form?

Kite stood tall and crossed his arms, watching Gon with a soft smile on his lips. "These are the people occupying your mind, preventing you from reaching your goal," the elder says, breaking Gon out of his thoughts. The next person began pulling himself out of the blue water, the other three figures following soon after. "Not be afraid of the images you see, but welcome them with open arms,"

"I… don't think I want to touch Hisoka at all though," Gon tells the elder, watching as Hisoka came to surface. The magician smiles sadistically at Gon before winking his narrowed eyes at the unsure teen. Welcoming Kite is one thing, but Hisoka? That's just begging to be molested by the clown.

Gon turns to see Knuckle rise from the blue water. Like always, he had a stern look on his face. "Knuckle is here too?" Gon says, questioning his friend silently. The last time the teen's scene the other Hunter was during the elections.

"You didn't forget about me nyow, did you~"

Gon's heart stops, his breath hitches, and all the blood in his veins boils. He trembled violently as he slowly turns to face the being. That voice, that sickening voice that drove Gon mad to no end, belongs to one person. Gon's hands form into tight fists and his jaw clenches painfully when the person came to view. "Nefer… Pitou," Gon mutters with a low, dark, voice.

The royal guard stood there with narrow, playful eyes directed at Gon. He smiles an open mouth grin at the teen, exposing his large canines. Why is he smiling like that, acting like he hasn't done anything wrong at all? Gon can feel himself close to losing control. So angered the teen was, he didn't notice his fists were drawing blood from digging his nails into his palm. His mind is foggy and his heart violently beats in his chest. All he can think about is terminating the wretched ant, drawing blood from it, tearing it limb from limb, making it scream in agony. Gon didn't even notice himself walking, step by step, slowly towards Neferpitou.

"Bloodlust? Never thought I'd see that from someone as young as you… then again, I never asked you for your age... or name," the old man says, though his voice wasn't strong enough to break Gon out of his thoughts.

The royal guard smirks at Gon while extracting his claws, ready to fight.

"Though these are just images, the pain you inflict on each other are very real," the old man adds, "only you can control what happens next."

Gon reaches his arm out towards the royal guard. At this point he is a walking bomb. The slightest movement from the other and Gon is sure to pounce on the ant. It didn't even phase him that he couldn't fight with the help of his Nen, but Gon didn't care. He'll fight with his fists. Even with the odds against him, Gon will make Neferpitou suffer.

"Don't be fooled by the illusions, Gon," the teen stops at his tracks. Kite's soft voice breaking him out of his fury."Don't lose your cool, understand?"

Frowning deeply, Gon retracts his arm and rests it at his side. He looks down at his feet and steps back a few steps. He still felt a great amount of anger, but it's slowly subduing thanks to Kite. Gon deeply inhales and lets it all out in a sigh. That was a close one.

"Excellent, you were able to hold back your fury," Gon turns to face the old man. The elder is hovering, cross legged, on Gon's right side. "Well down," he claps his hands together, "though you forgot to greet one more individual." The old man say as he shifts his eyes toward the other he spoke of.

Another individual? Gon turns his head towards the area the elder pointed at. His heart immediately skips a beat and his stomach flutters as ice blue eyes stare directly into Gon's soft brown ones. "Yo, Gon," Killua greets while closing his eyes and smiling a toothy grin.

"Killua!" Gon yells in excitement, about ready to run up to his friend.

The elder interrupts him. "Now, now! Don't forget he's another image," Gon looks back at the elder before frowning deeply. He almost forgot where he was, who he was with… and who he wasn't with. Gon glances at Killua one more time before giving the elder his full attention. The old man smiles sympathetically at the younger. "Don't make such a long face, you'll feel better once this is all over," he pats Gon's shoulder with his hand, "now that you've greeted everyone here, you must face them individually."

The figures disappear into the darkness, all but Kite. "Now, boy, I want you to express yourself to-" Before the elder could finish his sentence, Gon had already bolted towards Kite and embrace the figures middle. "Hey, are you listening to me?"

"Kite!" Gon yells. His brows were scrunched together, tears were caught in the corners of his eyes, and there was a large grin on the boys face. "It's you, it's really you. I can't believe it!" He nuzzles his face on Kite's abdomen and shuts his eyes close. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not listening and being weak!" Gon tightened his hold on Kite. His body trembles. "If it wasn't for me then you wouldn't… you wouldn't have been-"

He is already dead…

The sound of Neferpitou's voice snaps Gon back to his senses. The young Hunter opens his eyes to look at Kite. They widen at the sight before him. Kite is scarred and stitched up. His eyes were lifeless and his body flinched and twitched in Gon's hold.

"Kite-" A fist is brought to Gon's cheek and sent the teen flying back a few meters. Gon lifts himself up with his elbows and knees, and stares desperately at the puppet known as Kite.

His soul is no longer here...

Gon's eyes widen once Kite's body falls on its side. "Kite!" Gon yells, cheeks damp with tears. He immediately lifts himself up and bolts towards his friend. Once Gon was beside Kite's lifeless body, the teen drops to his knees. His chest tightens painfully and his throat felt tight. He shook silently and reached his hand out towards Kite.

There is no way to heal him…

Gon stops himself once Neferpitou's voice came again. His bottom lips trembles at the realization. No matter what he does, Kite won't be brought back to life. No matter how many times he wishes for it, Kite can't be brought back. The teen completely forgot about the real Kite waiting with Ging for his return.

"Who is this person to you, Gon?" The elder asks after witnessing everything.

"...Kite... he is my friend…" Gon answers after a moment of silence. It was hard to form words, but Gon still forced himself to speak. "Kite… He told me about my father when no one else would… He taught me and Killua things about being a hunter… he even trusted us to join him on a mission... and I failed him… it's because of me he's like this. It's my fault!"

"Failure is what's consuming you," the elder voices out. He stands to his feet and walks towards Gon. "Sometimes things are out of our control…" The old man crouches down to Gon's level and rests his hand on Gon's shoulder. "When you pick a rose from a garden, which do you pick?"

"...The prettiest one," Gon answers while wiping his cheeks with the back of his hand.

"Correct. The same concept applies when a person's time has come. Once someone dies, it isn't by mere coincidence. The Gods hand pick the finest people to join them in the heavens, much like how us humans hand pick the prettiest flower to join our bouquet."

"But it wasn't Kite's time to die!" Gon squints his eyes shut and clenches his jaw. "Kite was only trying to protect me and Killua. He told me to run but I didn't listen. Because of me they did terrible things to Kite and… and," Gon faced his head to the ground. He swallowed the lump in his throat. "It should have been me who died."

"Perhaps Kite believed it wasn't your time to go? From what I can see, you are still a young man barely blossoming into an adult. You still need to explore new continents, learn about the wonders of this world, and meet new allies and companions. Kite sacrificed himself so you can live on. Were his efforts in vain?"

Gon shook his head, "no." He did make friends along the way, like Knuckle, Shoot, and Palm. Biscuit trained him and Killua until they were too sore to continue through the night. He learned different battle strategies when he fought chimera ants along the way. "But… it was still too early for him to leave…"

"...Perhaps that's why he was reborn?"

Gon felt a cold hand cup his chin, causing the teen to finally open his eyes. The hand slowly lifts him up. Gon's eyes widen for a moment before softening. Purple orbs met brown ones. "Kite..." The teen said, watching Kite's female form smile warmly at him. The hand on his chin slowly makes his way up towards Gon's head and gently ruffles the boys hair. Gon relaxes to the touch.

"Whether he came back because he hasn't fulfilled his life goal, or because he wanted to insure your safety, Kite was able to return in this form. Now tell me, boy, did you fully accept Kite's return?"

Kite pulls away from the boy and stares intently into Gon's eyes. "...I guess it's still hard for me to accept Kite's return." Gon admits, averting his gaze from Kite. Though Kite was reborn, Gon can't help to believe it was too good to be true. The teen still felt like he failed his friend.

"Gon," Kite's gentle voice calls out. She reaches her hand out towards Gon, "in time you'll learn to accept what I've become. It was difficult for me to cope with my form at first but eventually I learned to accept it. Can you accept me as I am now?"

Gon looks at Kite's hand for a long moment before finally meeting her gaze. "...Okay," Gon hums with a nod of his head before accepting the other's hand. Kite smiles and helps Gon up to his feet. "I promise, Kite, I won't let anything happen to you again!" Gon smiles widely, his tears no longer flowing. "And I will accept you as you are!"

Kite closes her eyes and hums in satisfaction. "Hurry now, Ging and I are still waiting," Kite says before she fell through the floor.

"Kite!" Gon gasps in surprise.

"Well done, you have overcame one of your troubles," the old man says. "Now let's meet your next friend."

Gon took a deep breath. That was a lot for the teen to take in. When this is all over, Gon notes to hug the actual Kite until he's sick of the boy and punches Gon away. His chest felt lighter now.

Gon felt a sudden chill creep up his spine. Someone is standing very close behind him. VERY CLOSE. The teen immediately leaps up to the air and lands a few feet away from the figure.

"Hisoka." Gon mutters, giving the other a stern look.

"Oh, Gon, don't look at me like that-" Hisoka coos while hugging himself, "-Or I won't be able to control myself."

"Whoa, he sure is an odd fellow," the elder cups his own chin and looks at Hisoka's odd appearance up and down. "The youth now a days sure get odder and odder as the years go by-"

"~My, my," Hisoka interrupts, already standing at close proximity with the elder. The old man doesn't flinch nor cower away. Though he is surprised by Hisoka's speed. "Another strong being to add to my collection," Hisoka licks his own bottom lip. "How about you play with me for a little while?"

Gon felt a very uncomfortable chill run all over his body.

"My sincere apologies-" The elder chuckles before disappearing before the magician's eyes, "-but your business is with the boy over there… whom I still have yet to learn his name."

"Darn, I was hoping for a little fun," Hisoka pouts before giving Gon his full attention. "Hello little fruit~" Hisoka greets with a wide smile. A deck of cards appear from a pink dust cloud and fall to Hisoka's hands. He shuffles the deck. "How have you been?"

Gon doesn't answer, instead he stands his ground.

"What's wrong, still don't trust me?"

"You haven't given me a reason to," Gon answers, narrowing his eyes at the other.

Hisoka chuckles, "how mean. You hurt me, Gon." Hisoka points his index finger towards the teen. "Don't you remember all those times I've helped you and your friends?" He asks as a series of different sized screens surround both of them. Each screen play a different scene of Gon's memories with Hisoka. The magician pulls a card out of his deck, an Ace of Clover. "Like the time I helped you get all six points?" He questions before launching his card at a screen. The now cracked screen plays the exact moment Hisoka returned Gon's number tags back at Zevil island, during the hunter exam.

"You punched me soon after!" Gon argues back. He points a finger accusingly at Hisoka. "You wouldn't accept your tag back, I wanted to take it from you fair and square!"

"Now, now, if anything I was only nourishing my unripe fruit," Hisoka pulls out a another card from his deck, a seventh Diamond. He licks it seductively. "If I didn't treat you the way I did, you would have never started training to strike me the way you did." Hisoka launched another card to a different screen. It played the time Gon fought against Hisoka at Heaven's arena.

Gon held his tongue. He did start training because he wanted to punch Hisoka and have him accept his tag back, but that's not the only reason. Gon wanted to become strong. He wanted to challenge strong people in the future. He also wanted to be in the same level as Killua.

"Oh~ remember the time when~" Hisoka points his finger towards a screen and motions it to come closer. The screen immediately moves to the magicians side. Even without the use of his Nen, Gon can tell Hisoka used his hubba bubba gum or his bungee rubber or whatever it was. "~We played dodge-ball together?" The screen played the moment Gon, Killua, and Hisoka huddled together to catch Razors ball. "I broke my nail for you too,"

The screens disappear, leaving the two surrounded in darkness once again. Gon tenses once Hisoka made his way towards the teen. His large hips sway from side to side. Gon felt himself tense. How is he suppose to fight Hisoka without his Nen? "Relax my feisty friend," Hisoka comes to a stop, being a few steps away from the teen, "I won't harm you until you've fully mastered your potential." Hisoka reaches his clawed hand out to the boy. "Won't you trust me?"

Gon subconsciously steps back one. He didn't trust Hisoka but nor does Gon distrust him? Hisoka has given the teen plenty of reasons why he should believe in the magician, and vise versa. The young hunter felt himself grow irritated. What should he do? Trust the magician or not?!

"Wariness is what's consuming you," the elders voice whispers in Gon's head. "Learn to read situations and intentions. Make a decisions because wariness will get you nowhere,"

Gon swallows thickly and looks into Hisoka's playful eyes. "Well?" Hisoka questions with a slight tilt of his head. Gon takes a deep breath before taking the magician's hand in his. Hisoka chuckles before closing his eyes. He tightens his hold on Gon's hand while caressing it with his thumb. The teen cringes but doesn't pull away. "You never know what the cards hold for you, but you'll never know if you don't make a decision, a disclaimer for the future, Gon," Hisoka finally says before disappearing in a cloud of pink dust. Gon coughs and fans the dust away with his hand.

"...You know," the elder says, startling Gon from behind, "in all honesty, I believe you should still take high precautions on this jester. Though he does seem to have a point, he's helped you quite a number of times."

"When we first met at the hunter exam, Hisoka was killing contestants here and there. When I thought I was next he spared me. He said he wants me to grow up to be a fine hunter so we can battle in the future."

"I see," the elder shook his head disapprovingly. "Next time you two meet and he claims to want to help you, maybe you should flip a coin to make a quick decision!" The old man began to laugh at his own joke, but Gon didn't.

"Maybe I should do that?" Gon said, voicing out his thoughts.

"NO, NO! It was a joke, boy! Let's not get crazy!" The elder waved his hands frantically, as if trying to erase the thought away from Gon. Once Gon laughed apologetically, the elder shook his head. The teen takes things too seriously. "Now, time for your next friend," he said before disappearing.

Once the restroom door closed behind him, Illumi raises his fist. "I wait thirty minutes for you," Illumi softly punches the mint colored wall beside the door. "You have poor table manners," he punches the wall again with a little extra force. "You run your mouth over the most idiotic and simple things," he applies more force to his third strike. The wall now holds a small crater. "And you dare steal food from my plate?" Once he does his fourth and final strike, Illumi was elbow deep into the wall.

"I am not pleased," Illumi said to himself, stating the obvious. Though he did not let his features break out of it's poker face. The needles in his face didn't allow him to do much facial expressions anyway.

Illumi pulls away from the wall and dusts the debris from his tux's sleeve. He made his way to the sink. Turning the knobs, the assassin lets the cool water splash onto his hand. Whenever he felt the slightest bit of anger, Illumi would always run his hands in cold water to help numb out his temper. Why even today, Illumi took an ice, cold, shower because he did not want to attend his date with Leija. The action never really works, but Illumi is already used to how soothing the cool water felt against his skin. Now it's just a habit.

After a minute or so, Illumi turns the knobs off and shook the water from his hands. He doesn't bother drying them, they'll dry by themselves eventually. He sighs and looks at himself in the mirror.

Not even an hour into their date and Illumi is about ready to smash his skull onto the wall, and then do the same to his date. Alright, so the first five minutes were neutral. Leija is fairly tall and skinny, has clear blue eyes and light freckles on her cheeks, and has lovely locks of blonde hair with brown ends. Illumi's got to admit, his mother knew how to pick a lovely woman… that's about the only thing she's good at though.

Leija loves to talk and talk and talk. She recently counted all the freckles on her body, 214. ISN'T THAT EXCITING? Her cats love to wait for her while she showers. ISN'T THAT THE CUTEST THING? Oh, and let's not forget how much she loves to eat. SHE DOESN'T GAIN A POUND! Honestly this woman never seems to stop talking. She even chews with her mouth open while talking. Illumi took everything in him not to smack her mouth shut. Not only that, she took food from his plate. Who does that on the first date? Illumi doesn't mind sharing, but God damn. He barely met this woman!

Illumi just wants to throttle her. He want's to snap her neck or effortlessly rip her heart out. Well Illumi is craving to hear her scream in agony. Maybe a slow painful death will do.

The assassin closes his eyes shut and sighs. No, he can't harm Leija. Kikyo will throw a fit if Illumi killed his date. He's just going to have to bare it a little longer.

Once his hands were dry enough, Illumi pulls out his phone. Two text messages from Hisoka and one from his needleman. Shocker, Killua slaughtered more of his men. These damn puppets of Illumi's aren't getting much done. Perhaps the assassin needs to find a different use for his Needlemen. They aren't able to perform their task without Illumi being there to hold their hand. Maybe the assassin should rely on someone who isn't under his control. Finding an ally might be tricky considering that Hisoka is his only ally. Illumi can't rely on the sadists with another task, especially when it involves his brother.

That's when it hit him. Why not use his personal butlers? Gustav would certainly perform his tasks without any trouble whatsoever. After his date is over, Illumi is going to have to speak with him. Of course Gustav wouldn't deny his request, but Illumi still has to hear his employe out. Maybe Gustav will suggest strategies in Killua's capture?

Illumi smiles to himself. Finally, at least something good came out of tonight. Soon he'll be able to see his beloved brother. Hopefully Illumi will be able to recruit all of his siblings by the end of the month and start fresh with them. The assassin felt giddy from the thought. He can't wait!

He opens the sadists text message. All your victims of the day have been taken care of. Oh, and I followed instructions… well, most of it anyway~ It was sent ten minutes ago. The second message was sent two minutes ago. Soooooo~ how is your little date going? Did you scare her away yet?

Instead of responding, Illumi dials Hisoka's number and presses the phone against his ear. He listens intently until the other pics up. "I dislike her." Illumi simply says, not giving Hisoka the opportunity to greet him through the phone.

"You poor Dear," Hisoka says, sympathetically. "Unfortunately you caught me on a bad time, I was about to shower-"

"-She is intolerable," Illumi interrupts, ignoring Hisoka completely. "When she laughs, it's loud and obnoxious. She sounds like a horse. When she talks, it's usually a long story about something small and uninteresting. She won't even pause to take a breath. She also-" Illumi continues to complain and drops a few insults here and there. "Hisoka, I'm about near ending her life-"

"-Illumi. Take a breath." Hisoka cuts in, voice stern and direct.

The assassin held his tongue, surprised by Hisoka's tone, and took a few deep breaths. It did calm him down some, but not entirely.

"Alright, now hear me out," Hisoka stretches his arms over his head. Before Illumi called, the sadist was stripping from his clothing and about to hop into the shower. It looks like he won't do much cleansing tonight. He is now lying on his bed face up, still naked. "Your mother didn't pick your date for nothing. Annoying as she is, she may have some unique qualities to her."

"You're not wrong. When I took her hand, she had calluses, her weapon of choice might be a sword"

"Or she's a gymnast," Hisoka suggests.

Illumi cups his own chin, deep in thought. "Perhaps. I still haven't had the chance to ask her about her abilities."

"Hm~ slip your mind?"

"Of course not, she just wouldn't shut up," Illumi leans his back against the wall.

"Poor Dear, would you like me to sooth your troubles away?"

"...I would appreciate it if you don't," Illumi answers, earning a chuckle from the other.

"Don't worry, Doll. The night will be over soon. You know the best part about dates is getting to know the person. Now that you got to know her, you don't have to arrange another date with her."

"I understand the concept of dating, Hisoka, and you're right. The date will be over very soon," Illumi runs his hand inside his tux's inner pockets.

"Hm~ Do you plan on doing something to her?" Hisoka asks, liking the slight change in Illumi's voice. The assassin is becoming a lot like him. Hisoka wonders if Illumi realizes this too.

"Of course not," Illumi pulls out a small, silver, flask. "I'm just going to check for myself if she's Zoldyck material."

Hisoka hums in response. He felt himself get hard. Oh how he loves it when Illumi talks "dirty" to him. "How will you do that?"

"I'll tell you about it later," Illumi says, screwing the bottle open and taking a whiff at it. Scentless, like water. He drizzles a small amount onto the sink. Clear, like water. Illumi takes gulp from the liquid. He licks his lips. "Tasteless," he mumbles to himself.

"Awe~ Can you give me a hint?" Hisoka pleads. He presses his ear against the phone. "Lumi~" He coos before the other hung up on him. "Jerk." he curses before letting his phone slip off his fingers and onto the bed. "You interrupt me with your problems, and you don't even have the courtesy to tell me of your plans?" Hisoka pouts. "I'm starting to think you're not a very good friend, Lumi,"

A small smile spreads on his cheeks. "Well, at least I'm getting a kick out of your problems" Hisoka pushes himself off the bed and made his way into the bathroom. "I wonder," Hisoka turns the knobs, letting the hot water pour from the shower stall and onto his body, "will Illumi actually find someone to wed?" He hums in wonder and delight. The access water beneath him mixes with his victims blood. "Of course, lending him a hand is what a good friend should do, although~" Hisoka chuckles, "you, yourself, did say we weren't friends~"

Hisoka's chuckle becomes darker as ideas came to mind. Oh what will he do when Illumi does get a fiance? Will Hisoka steal her away? Perhaps, perhaps not. Oh the fun! Hisoka can't wait to see the anger in his little assassins face. He simply can't wait.

Author's note*

So here it is! It was super complicating to write this. My friend gave me the idea on how Gon should approach these people. I might have trouble with Gon's approach of Pitou and Killua. Not so much knuckles though. OH and by the way, I mentioned to Pitou as "he" instead of "she." That's cause I am not sure oh his gender, not even the HxH wiki knew his gender. I was going to write "they" and "them" originally but before I knew it, I wrote "he" and got tooo lazy to fix it.

SO what do you think Hisoka is going to do? How will he sabotage Illumi's dating? How will Gon face his next images? And why is Leija so annoying!? DX LEave a review! share this around.