
Tatsumi sighed, leaning forward against his knees. He flexed open and closed his left hand opening and closing. Tatsumi smiled a little, feeling Esdeath groggily press herself to him her bare breast against his back oh so very inviting. He had become more…accustomed to this, he kind of like being intimate with someone. Granted he felt the dull pain on his left arm act up a little. That as well as the claw marks on his back. Esdeath had been more 'gentle' whenever they slept together after that operation she did most of the work. For now until he was fully healed, she seemed to enjoy doing all the work. Most of it seemed to apply some kind of bodily harm to excite him. He wasn't sure yet if he felt excited or not, but well, he didn't hate it.

"Come back to bed" she mumbled, Tatsumi chuckled and carefully unwrapped her from him laid her down, and kissed her cheek. She mumbled something about freezing him in place.

"Where's the fun for you if I can't struggle for you" he smirked. She agreed and returned to sleep…after she grabbed a big stuffed version of him. Tatsumi blinked when did she?…never mind Tatsumi shook his head and dressed, in all black. Walking into the bathroom he picked up the black eye patch with a metal plate. Moving his hair aside he placed the eye patch on with a skull carved on the plate. Stylish had told him he could grow him a new one, it would take time so he had to learn how fight with his field of vision impaired significantly. So he had been making a routine of this, dressed in dark clothes he grabbed his coat looking at Incursion. Humming Tatsumi grabbed the sheathed sword and instead of putting it across his back. He hung it across his lower back, and grabbed a black coat with white fur on the neck. Tatsumi left the chambers and entered the hall before the stairs leading to the hall where he opened the adjacent window. Tatsumi put his foot up against the window and leaped, he jumped, around the palace rooftops and ran over to jump unto the walls. He grabbed the edge and pulled himself over the wall finding the usual garrison guards there. He smiled at them, the guards smiled in return in the middle of them a small fire with a pot on it. Tatsumi joined them as they waved him over and he sat with them.

"Another long night Lieutenant?" asked one of the guards handing him a mug filled with hot chocolate. The height of the massive wall always left them chilly. Tatsumi took it with a nod and sip.

"Yeah still getting used to not being able to see the peripheral of my right flank" Tatsumi sighed.

"Also tell Smith, I can feel him waving his hand to my right" Tatsumi chuckled with a grin. The group shared a laugh with Tatsumi relaxing before his nightly runs. He started to make a habit of visiting with the guard whenever he could. Keep in check of what he was fighting for why he was fixing and not destroying this corrupt empire. These men, weren't looking to fix the empire like him, they weren't looking for some sort of higher calling. The man infront of him the oldest was a father and was trying to pay for his daughter's wedding. The man to his right, still trying to sneak hand motions by Tatsumi had an ill mother that required expensive medicine. To his left the youngest excluding him, was from the country freshly married and trying to provide for his pregnant wife and family to be. The empire for all the corrupt bastards, they didn't outnumber the good people just trying to survive in a cruel world. The Rebellion didn't help these men live any better lifes. Even if by some obsence miracle the rebels won, what would their lives change? Nothing, the struggle against a system that needs mending by the dissapirance of a few key people is easy. To Tatsumi the empire wasn't beyond saving, the people in it where good, so many he had met as simple men trying to simply live their lives to the best of their abilities.

He spent some more time with his friends before he decided to head out and began clearing the walls until he was on the upper crust of the city roof top to roof top. He made sure he got enough distance to reach the dark under belly of the empire. The most infamous was its red district. Neon signs covered the walls of buildings. From rest stops to establishments promising every sin a man could get sent to hell for. Reaching in his pockets he put on his black leather gloves as the night air took a more chilling nature. His keen eye looked left to right. Tatsumi jumped and began scaling the walls looking for prey he saw enough back allies with whores bent over trash cans and crates to find nothing of interest. Finding hi first target of the night he examine the situation. Angry pimp, bloody hooker and he keeps waving that knife around…huh no security must be a new guy. These girls can find jobs from another one, not this ass hole. Moving his coat aside Tatsumi pounce.

"AAAAAGHH!" the pimps scream was short and painful. To Tatsumi after Seryu it was about a sloud as a buzzing fly. Blood splattered the wall the pimp was near and the whores cowered as Tatsumi had decended from the shadows and ended the man where he stood.

"Find another pimp if you like, working in the brothels is much safer. If you do go for another pimp tell him, he steps out of line he'll end up like this pile" Tatsumi pointed Incursio to the corpse cut in half. Sheathing the sword he turne to return to the roof tops. No challenge at all, how the hell can I test out my senses like this. He thought frustrated.

"W-wait!" one of them spoke up" she was young, and Tatsumi nearly offered a pity glance but he knew that would only anger her.

"Thank you….I think he was going to kill one of us" she thanked. Tatsumi sighed, crossing his arms.

"Well you got lucky I was here then" he gave a small smile.

"Maybe…maybe I can thank you" she offered with a shy smile and hand to his chest. He felt her other hand around his waist.

"Oh…OH! Uhm…s-sorry but I have a girlfriend" he said blushing and looking away.

"I-I see well she must feel very safe with you" she smiled sadly hugging herself. As if on cue his father's voice echoed in his head. Whores will follow armies around during campgain, as well as civilins, follower camps is what we soldiers call them. the women there, whores and civilian often follow the camps in hopes of landing a soldier for a husband, after all soldiering is the only occupation currently in the empire that guarantees income and if the soldier makes it to twenty five years' service he can opt out with a pension and comftarble enough living.

"Well you take care I guess" Tatsumi turned and hopped to a wall pushing off to jump unto a roof and continued his search. He spent most of the night stopping petty criminals who barely tested his mettle. Hell most seem to ignore the blatant opening with his missing eye. Almost ready to call it a night Tatsumi found an interesting prospect. Numbers, a big enough gang was trafficking narcotics into a huge warehouse guarded by armed men, in varying suits. Tatsumi just seeing them felt his blood boil he smell the blood on them and anguish they caused all across the empire. Tatsumi felt a smirk coming to his face. Incursio well in his grip, these were his types of battle, no grey to get in the way. He knew what the poor would do to survive, but he could smell the evil of these men. All of them had made their peace with their choices. That was the only reason they stood with such confidence that they were doing what they had to survive.

"Time for a hunt" Tatsumi licked his lips and jumped from the rooftop. He found his first target. The man didn't even get to scream as Tatsumi split him in half. The guards outside quickly turned to him and began their assault. Well-coordinated they are spread out evenly enough to keep me on my toes a few of them used swords and some had actual military grade assault rifles. Haven't seen those since my campaign in the west. Tatsumi cut his way through the gang members who attacked rather perfectly. He felt his right hand tingle and he brought Incursio up deflecting the rifle shots. My reaction speeds hasn't been hampered, but still Tatsumi glared his good eye searched but his field of vision was shot enough for Tatsumi to rely on his instincts to dodge a sword swipe as he ducked down. Tatsumi hummed before he took the man's legs. Grabbing Incursio underhanded he stabbed at the man's heart he fell.

"BOSS! Kill that bastard!" Tatsumi looked to his advancing pursuers in basic infantry formation. These guys are ex-military I'm sorry I couldn't reach the position I am in sooner. I could have saved you Tatsumi glanced at the formation. Flashes of that damn red spear came to mind as they rushed him, Faster he thought he rushed forward faster than any of them could have expected. A head flew from its shoulders he turned his one green eye looked dull with the thirst for blood. Faster even faster! Tatsumi left dust in his wake as he destroyed skewered another two. Damn it I need to move faster! Tatsumi killed the last here who put their weapons up in defense but he smash through them. Tatsumi panted looking around mutilated corpses is all the remained. The warehouse gates opened lights turned on and he could hear almost as fifty men stepped up.

"So…this night stalker I kept hearing about, you're it a kid?" the apparent leader asked. Tatsumi turned his face made for an intimidating sight. His face had blood splattered on it along with his clothing. His eye patch with the metal plate was very frightful with blood on it. Throwing Incursio up in the air once he grabbed it underhanded. Tatsumi glared with a need to tear the man who spoke to him apart. He could feel the misery he caused, he loved to kill just by the way he stared at Tatsumi. However he wouldn't be intimidated. Tatsumi was going to destroy them all.

"GGGRAAAHHHH!" Tatsumi roared lifting incursion up and summoning his Imperial Arm.

"INCURSIO!" The daemon armor manifested covering Tatsumi head to toe and readying him for war.

"Let's dance filth!" Tatsumi roared Neuntote in hand he crashed into the wall of men hacking his way through them. One of them threw an axe overheat at him. Tatsumi smashed the poor bastard trying to attack him. Neuntote slashed his way through the first goons to reach him. Limbs and blood splattered the white armor.

"He can't see from the right! Attack him there!" yelled the clearly now scared criminals. Tatsumi grinned inside his helmet.

"You shouldn't announce your plans out loud!" Tatsumi cracked the ground as he pushed off it he span his body and Neuntote carved his way through four more men, their screams filling the air and making his heart pound faster. A savage grin was on his face, it felt good to kill in black and white. These were criminals' filth nobody would miss. He turned four more men assembled to try and take him out at the same time. Spinning Neuntote once he threw the spear the huge red blade eviscerated the front man. The powerful throw sent him careening to the far end of the warehouse stabbing the blade on the wall. His body hung limp. In the span of the few seconds Tatsumi again with incredible speed put himself between the two remaining men. He turned left and jabbed his hand at the criminal's heart. He felt the bone crunch and the heart burst from the impact. Turning he brought a powerful leg to the remaining man to the side of his face. His teeth flew from his mouth and his neck broke with a sickening snap. The body flew off destroying some crates. Narcotics, purple powder spread across the floor.

"Bastard!" one of them was dumb enough to believe he was distracted. Tatsumie summoned Neuntote and turned on a dime stabbing his would be attacker through the stomach. With his greater strength he held the body for a second before he felt his right hand tingle again. He turned too late to the right his body was shocked with the now all too familiar feeling of electric discharge coursing through his nerves. Tatsumi gritted his teeth staggering back. The big bad boss, grinned wearing some sort of gauntlets on his hands.

"HAHA! You think you're the only one with a Tiegu punk!" a right hook to his face and his body lit with pain as the gauntlets sent another discharge through his body.

"Gyaah!" Tatsumi growled he was staggered. He tighten his grip on Neuntote as he brought up the support weapon to block a strike.

"Idiot! That won't stop Stingray!" the current traveled through the weapon to Tatsumi. He let the weapon go walking back thin wisps of smoke coming off his armor. Again…I won't lose to this attack again! IEYASU! Tatsumi lifted his hands up and put himself in a martial arts stance. Low crouch his right hand brought up in a lion's claw open palm. He had his left arm stretched out also in a lion's claw.

"You bastard, I won't lose to this type off attacks!" Tatsumi snarled.

"AHAHHAHAH! You little punk, you think you can beat me!" Tatsumi narrowed his good eye watching the man's gauntlets. He snapped up and blocked the incoming punches making sure to hit the inside of his wrist to avoid the electric shock. So preoccupied with the man's gauntlets Tatsumi groaned as he felt a knee to his torso. Though no damage was received, it gave his attacker the perfect window and he felt his head be grabbed by both of the man's hands.

"You little fucker! Die! STINGRAY IGNITE!" the gauntlet let out a powerful discharge right through Tatsumi's helmet.

"AAARRRRGGAAHHHHH!" Tatsumi's quickly waning strength groped at the man's hands.

"HAHAHAHAAH DIE, YOU LITTLE SHIT DIE!" the man laughed as Taatsumi felt everything scream. Tatsumi clawed at the man's arms. His legs buckled and he went down to his knees, the big man hunched over as he kept discharging deadly electricity. He could feel his heart strain and if he kept it up longer he was going to die of cardiac arrest.

"AARRRGHHHHHH!" the scream echoed in his mind and the warehouse. Esdeath…I'm sorry I guess I wasn't as strong as you really thought. I think I'm actually going to miss you an insane thought at that Tatsumi let his hands drop from the man's arms. His body twitched and in his feigning vision, he could see the man was sweating. This is causing him quite an amount of stress….c-cant think…straight. Balck crawled at the edge of his vision and the man gave a tight grin. Tatsumi was dying in his grip.

So this is how you want it to end


I thought you wanted to be a soldier Tatsumi…I trained you to achieve your dream

I…I can't Incursio… can't filter out the electricity.

Idiot! When did I teach a boy who relied on his Imperial Arm too much.


It isn't Incusio! Incuriso can tell if your will is strong enough!




Tatsumui's good eye snapped open. The pain refocused one thousand fold. I won't die…not here….I still have a lot to do!

"You little fucker DIE ALREADY!"

Tatsumi! Stand up! I want you to show me the will that only my son could have! Wield Incursio wield the power of the daemon armor!

"HHHHHYAAAAAAA!" Tatsumi gathered his strength and punched forward. His armored fist smashed into the man's groin.

"AAAHH!" he yelled the gauntlets released his head Tatsumi quickly caught himself with his arms doubled over on his knees.

"My fucking balls!" the man cried and fell to his knees. Tatsumi strained his good eye and saw blood on the man's crotch. Serves you right his armor was smoking now his helmet had black spots on the side from where the gauntlets left their primary discharge.

"I…" Tatsumi began and got on one knee. The golden eyes of the armor glared at his opponent that tried with no success to get up.

"I am Tatsumi!" Tatsumi stood his arms at his sides limply. The last tingly feeling of the electric discharge left him. Standing he oepend his fingers as wide as he could before closing his hand into fist.

"I am Tatsumi Blackwall! I won't die to a weak fuck like you! HYAAA!" Tatsumi sprang the ground he pushed off cracked kicking up dust. Grabbed the man's head he spread his legs out and twisted them the rest of his torso and arms followed soon. A loud sickening crack followed by flesh and muscle tearing followed as Tatsumi span before landing behind the now decapitated body. The Criminal's head firmly in his grasp surprise and pain frozen permanently on his face. Gasping Tatsumi did a quick once over, dead bodies in a messy gore littered the warehouse. Mentally he called off Incursio Well I guess I got what I wanted all along. He was able to exploit my right side, I need to get better at fighting impaired. He ran a hand over his face, sweaty and tired he pushed the locks back. Stubbornly he felt them stick to his forehead after his hand passed them. Walking forward he disarmed the man this should cover at least one loss from our Night Raid encounters. Tatsumi tied the Gauntlets together with the man's belt and slung them across his back. Clearing the massive warehouse doors he jumped a little, as he suddenly felt rain pour down on him. When did it start to rain? Tatsumi thought the water feeling otherwise refreshing. Tatsumi stood there for a moment, the water felt cleansing as it soaked him to the bone. The repetitive thumping of the rain was overpowered as the sky cracked, his eyes opened to see thunder light the night sky. In that moment where he thought of his father Bulat, Tatsumi remembered the words clearly.

"Wield the power of the daemon armor…eh dad?" his green eye opened he knew what he had to do. Taking a deep breath he reached into his very self. Gathering what strength he still had left. Securing the Stingerey gauntlets rolling his neck with a satisfying pop, Tatsumi leapt to the closest. Building, clearing the building Tatsumi was surprised himself he still had enough strength to go this high I fooled myself in accepting defeat…I am strong! Tatsumi landed on the roof in a low crouch before standing looked for what he needed. His eyes landed on a tower with the eastern design, with new found purpose he ran across rooftops and jumped across gaps to reach the tower. One jump after the other he reached the top. As expected, a lightning rod soaked up the thunder that cracked across the sky lighting the Imperial Capital ever so slightly. Tatsumi put the Stingery gauntlets down and unsheated
Incursio from his lower back with a powerful slash he cut through the lightning rod and he threw it off the roof top.

"Incursio! I know you can hear me!" Tatsumi spoke at the red gem embedded at the hilt of the sword. Light illuminated the sky again, briefly reminded of the day Liver died.

"I lost my nerve but not again! My will is strong! You always heed my call when I answer but its not enough!" Tatsumi gripped the sword. And grabbed it underhanded as he stared his good eye at the sky.

"COME ON! GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT!" Tatsumi yelled at the black night sky rain and thunder cracking and streaking across bringing light.

"STRIKE AT ME! YOU NEVER HELD BACK BEFORE! I WATCHED MY FRIENDS DIE! I WATCHED A DEAR FRIEND KILL ANOTHER RPERSON DEAR TO ME! YOU NEVER HELD BACK SO STRIKE ME!" Tatsumi yelled with vigor. He watched the sky as best he could the ran making his good eye squint as it poured without mercy.

"COME ON YOU BASTARD! STRIKE ME! GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT!" His gut clenched and his instincts screamed at him, fight or flight! Thrusting the sword up flipping it so the blade pointed at the sky in challenge, lighting illuminated the sky streaking towards the uplifted sword with fast speeds. The lighting hit the sword and Tatsumi felt his body on fire. Bulat's voice yelled in his mind at Tatsumi


"HHHAAAAAAAAAA! INCURSIOOOOOOO!" The roof of the building launched red tiles into the sky as the Tyrant inside the blade erupted upward! The armor encasing the cracked at key points. The helmet that incased the tyrant shattered as two horns grew from its head as it grew another helmet around the new horns leaving only it's gaping maw and four set of eyes glowing red with the odd cross pupils. The shoulder armor around the Tyrant morphed into angular shoulder pualdrons the gauntlets on it's claws grew thicker armor ending at points like claws. Tatsumi with a brief glance his eye could see even from here the few people still out in the red district watched with bewildering horror at the massive Tyrant. The Tyrant let out a final roar resonating across the sky thunder mouth agape it dove at Tatsumi swallowed him whole and a blinding light eclipsing the thunder made any onlooker cover their face as if it were daybreak.

Tatsumi stood on the remains of the destroyed rooftop, Incursio had heard his call and evolved. Tatsumi's helmet changed little the horns where now more angular and curved downward and up like a dragons. The once golden eyes where an icy blue like the lightning that lit the raining sky. The round shoulder pauldrons now ended in a sharp edge the back of the paulderons had what appeared to be exhaust vents. The helmet's face cover as well the small black holes that filtered the air now where bigger but instead of a circle it was an elongated oval. The chest plate extended down to cover his abdomen with the look of his muscles. His gauntlets armored fingers ended in sharp claws his cape flapped behind him. Tatsumi took a deep breath exhaling feeling very…powerful at the moment. He felt his instincts again as lighting streaked at him. Tatsumi grinned lightning struck him as he stood tall and proud. Nothing he thought with a grin the electric discharge passed through the armor with a mental command Tatsumi expelled the energy. The holes in the helmet and the new exhaust on the back of the shoulder pauldrons expelled hot steam as form of release with a hiss.

"With this I won't let Ieyasu take another comrade from me" Tatsumi smirked he turned and found the Stingrey gauntlets. They had rolled to the edge of the ruined rooftop, sighing with relief Tatsumi grabbed them and readied to return home. Before he leaped to return to the palace he paused blinking.

"When did I began thinking the palace as my home?" Tatsumi said out loud. Not the palace exactly but the rooms where he and Esdeath spent their time together. She's different, there's cruelty and she enjoys the suffering of others….I shouldn't be so attached to her but. I've seen her be gentle I have seen her be kind and mourn the loss of friends…yet. Tatsumi shook his head, with an upward grin he thought of the Jeagers.

"There are good people in the Empire, Esdeath can change, I will make sure she does" Tatsumi said. Speaking of the blue haired General Tatsumi blinked as he looked to a building not too far. Esdeath was standing there looking at him with a smirk. Tatsumi jumped across the sky with Incursio's added strength he cleared the huge gap and landed before Esdeath the roof he landed on cracking under the impact. He was before her in one knee one hand outstretched mentally he called off the armor his hair waved upward in a flash of light the armor disappeared.

"Tatsumi…I picked a good day to finally see what it was you were doing all these nights" Esdeath smiled as Tatsumi remained in one knee. His good eye opened as he stared up from her long beautiful legs to her flawless face. The blue eyes that displayed so many emotions from love to sadistic pleasure in the pain of others.

"Rise Tatsumi, you are no servant, but a warrior" Tatsumi lifted himself upward and gave her one if his boyish smiles and the made her heart thump faster.

"I see you found an Imperial Arm" Esdeath commented.

"Wouldn't call it a find, more like an encounter" Tatsumi admitted with a shrug.

"I see the sixty dead criminals was your doing?" Esdeath asked, Tatsumi grinned pridefully.

"Yeah, cleaned up the trash" Tatsumi said and showed his trophy.

"Good, remember they are trash, those who are weak mean nothing" Esdeath shrugged casually.

"Esdeath…" Tatsumi said, changing her is going to be a lot harder than I thought Tatsumi sighed.

"Well let's return home this rain won't let up any time soon" Esdeath said motioning for Tatsumi to follow her.

"Esdeath!" Tatsumi quickly said.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Uhm…can we just walk together? You know back home?" Tatsumi asked pocketing his hands.

"In the rain?" she asked smiling with mirth. No doubt finding it strange.

"Well…yeah, when I was a kid I always enjoyed the rain…though mom always hated it when I returned from home soaked and muddy" Tatsumi scratched the back of his head grinning.

"Very well, lets walk home…I think it is a lovely night" she jumped off the roof arms crossed Tatsumi following behind. They were still in the red light distric when they exited the allyway they had jumped down to. The people that saw the distinctive blue hair and Generals apperal gaped and kept clear from them. The two walked side by side returning to the palace. Walking in silence Tatsumi stared at Esdeath she was soaked and the white uniform clung to her figure nicely. He blushed a little and looked forward distracting himself with the idle chatter he caught. Tatsumi frowned his good eye as in the idle chatter, he heard talk of Esdeath and none to flattering talk of him.

"Who's the kid?"

"Why is the general with some pip-squak?"

"Man if I could get my hands on those legs"

"She's probably a hell of a fuck in the sheets"

"Lion's do not bother with the thought of sheep Tatsumi" Esdeath said.

"I'm enjoying this walk by the way…being next to you is…interesting" she blushed in the odd show of her feminine side.

"Yeah…and I don't care what they say…but I'm a man damn it!" he could practically see his father Bulat in his mind. Show you are a man Tatsumi! His father was smiling with that ridiculous pompadour and thumbs up. He wasn't as tall as he'd like compared to his lover and those legs that could kill. However he was up to her shoulder in height so he was going to show these sheep, a Lion might not bother with sheep. But a lion claimed what was his! So Esdeath made a confused 'huh?' as he threw his arm around her waist and walked with her pressed to his side his hand firmly on her hip.

"My, did the sheep get to you" she smirked and sneaked her arm over his shoulders.

"No…but a Lion marks what's his!" he tried blushing sounding slightly nervous. She laughed a throaty laugh covering her mouth.

"True I am yours as you are all mine Tatsumi" she kissed his wet hair and Tatsumi blushed a little harder the two young lovers walking through the rain for a moment the whole world forgotten.

Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter, I was going to get to spear but Tatsumi's chapter just got longer and longer and decided to make it an all him chapter. He keeps getting better little by little! Also we get Incursio's first evolution! I had to make sure he was exposed enough to the lightning attack for the evolution to be more believable. We are nearing the Kyocroch arch but the next chapters are going to be more character focused. Next chapter we are getting to Night Raid and Spear, again sorry I couldn't get to it today but the Tatsumi chapter just was too good and I went with it.

To answer some stuff.

Zadax: I will get to the Tiegu and how it works, as I would like to point out while I took the name and ability this is not a Noble Phantasm, but an Imperial Arm so the way it works here is much different than Fate…However I will get to Gae Bolg in the next chapter when I reveal more about Spear.


Lol more people knew about this Tiegu than Alastor no one has told me about it yet, so last chance! Let's see who knows about the Tiegu Alastor.

Teigu: Stingray

Full Name: The Fists Made of Thunder Stingray

Type: Gauntlets

Faction: Criminal elements, Imperial Army

Sub-Faction: N/A

Abilities: Electric Discharges

Trump Card: N/A

The Stingray Gauntlets where made from a Super Class Danger Beast called Raiden. Flying Stingrays were common during the time of the second Emperor among the many Stingrays that flew across the sky none were more dangerous and rarer than the Raiden the Emperor set his sights on. Raiden class Danger Beast always flew above the clouds or right through them to keep moist. The moisture made the electric discharge they naturally generated flow through it easily. The Emperor sent his now legendary Wyvern mounted knights to subdue the creature in a battle that at the time was described as men fighting a god. When the beat was brought down from the skies they made several gauntlets using the scales that proved to be supremely good for armor and generating electric currents. During the War of expansion however all but one pair were destroyed when the Second Emperor's Castle fell in a bloody siege that brought the whole castle down. To this day only one pair remains.