
Like many dates in Kuoh Town, the final destination was the Kuoh Park known for its gardens and sculptures, as well the various events from park musicians to food festivals. Yet today there was no such even taking place and only by Yuuma Amano's insistence that Issei Hyoudou came along with her. It was dark and despite the elegant and bright lamp posts it was difficult to see far outside the fountain that his new girlfriend had wanted to see.

"Hey Issei can I ask you a question?"

Issei stopped to paused, looking at a patch of blank space for some reason.

"hm?" he finally answered, "what do you need?"

"can you turn away please?" she pleaded.

Issei did so, "sure."

With his back to her, Yuuma let out a sinister smirk, pleased that she was about commit her act.

"would you die for-"


Out of nowhere Issei's flying fist became encased in a golden cage of light as it slammed into Yuuma's jaw. To shocked to realize what even happened, the girl was sent careening into the fountain just as she saw a grenade be tossed towards her.
It was here that her instincts kicked in as she rolled over and into the water only to see that it adjusted its trajectory towards her.


The homing grenade exploded point blank and kicked up marble dust and smoke but not enough to comfort Issei as only a few seconds later did Yuuma show her true self. An older, far more mature and sadistic woman whose blackened, studded leather only add to the corrupting and malign vibe emanating from her.

"You…." she snarled, now high in the air upon raven wings, "I'll kill you slowly!"

In her hand was a yellow spear of light, but whereas Issei's punching weapon was made of clear cut holographic geometry, her own construct was a roaring mass of energy shaped into a javelin.
Her projectile was already in motion before Issei could act but the smile that started to stretch on her face soon disappeared when a blue shimmering barrier sprouted a few inches all around the teen before fading.

Without hesitation Issei whipped his hand out to her and said, "Overload."

All of a sudden the second spear in her hand began to shake and distort as the divine light within it began to rupture and force her to drop the construct as it shattered into nothingness. Now disarmed, Yuuma's now former boyfriend though a screen of homing grenades that exploded all around her.
Though disoriented the Fallen Angel attempted to fly high only for the tracking explosives to be followed by another grenade that began to glow; without even the chance to shield herself Yuuma soon convulsed as the immense current flew through her nervous system, electrical arcs dancing around her body in a violent salsa.
By the time it was over the Fallen Angel had crashed to the ground, having broken half a dozen bones in her fall. Issei proceeded to approach his ex-girlfriend, with his light encased fist clenching a small glowing mass.

Foot on her stomach, Issei loomed over her as he frowned, "Yuuma-chan do you mind telling me why I shouldn't incinerate you?"

Issei never knew that Fallen Angels could be so cowardly or self-serving. All it took was a death threat and she spilled out her real name Raynare and the fact that she took matters into her own hands and tried to kill him over the potential threat his powers could be; completely against the clear cut order to only observe him.
Without a weapon, Isse had to use his abilities and would've exhausted himself if he used a maximum of two more besides the primed plasma projectile awaiting to be fired in his hand. What was worse was that every other ability was on cooldown, to his chagrin as the clock symbol still floated over the icons in the corner of his eye.
Incinerate as it is called was not meant to be held in the hand for longer than three minutes before breaking down and he had it for two and a half.
The teen had already killed dozens of times before and this was not the first seductress to make an attempt on him. Of that dozen not one death was easy for him to get over. If he wanted to Raynare could be another tick mark on his kill counter but he had yet to finish off a downed opponent, let alone one frightened and...defecating; be it from fear or the electrocution screwing with her bowels he did not know.
In front of him, aloft in two transparent panel were two bold lines, one in white and blue, the other red and black:

Paragon - Mercy
Renegade - Execute

Spare her and risk her return or to put her down at the cost of his conscious; if he hesitated a choice would be made for him, his body would act against his own will and consequences not always given. So he stood there, ironically to her looking like a demon prepared to slaughter a victim. Seconds seemed like hours as his mind continued to flip flop between decisions.
Only at two minutes and fifty five seconds did he start to flex his hand…

Issei Hyoudou - Engineer

Homing Grenade - throw a grenade that homes in on targets before detonating
Arc Grenade - throw a grenade that discharges a high voltage electrical current
Overload - disrupts mechanical, electronic, and magical processes
Incinerate - fire an incendiary projectile of hot plasma.

A/N: Good god I just found out that The Gamer is going to be on hiatus D:
I wrote this up just out of an idea that spontaneously sprang up in my head and I admit that It may die as quick as it was born.
P.S. what do you call the written prose version of pilots anyway? I want to know.