Author's Note: This is the final chapter for Change of Tides. Thanks to everyone who has stuck with this story, and I hope you have enjoyed it. This chapter goes through the wedding, and their is a small epilogue at the end.

For anyone interested, I do have another story posted. Look for "Forgotten Affairs".

"My best wishes to Harry and Hermione. May they live a long and happy life," Mr. Wealsey said, smiling at the couple as he held up his cup. They picked up theirs as well as the crowd echoed, smiling at each other.

They took a quick drink and placed their glasses back down onto the table. Harry rolled his eyes and grinned as Sirius swallowed all of his, refilling the glass as he did so.

The cool night air pressed against their faces, and he turned to look at Hermione, who was tucking a piece of her hair back behind her ear. He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"This is a very nice rehearsal dinner," she said, clutching his hand. He nodded in agreement.

"Molly and Arthur really went out of their way. It's amazing."

"I can't believe we're getting married tomorrow," she said, shaking her head. He smiled again, picking her hand up to kiss it.

"Will you be alright tonight?"

"I should be."

"If you need anything, you call me. I don't care what time it is."

She saw the look of concern on his face, and she smiled softly. "I promise, if I need you, I'll call you."

"Ready for tonight, mate?" Fred asked, as he and George walked over, clearly drunk.

"Should I be scared?"

"Not at all!" they chimed together. He shook his head.

"Have fun tonight," she said, giving him a quick kiss.

"You, too."

"Tomorrow's the big day," Mrs. Weasley said, giving them both a kiss on the cheek. "Are you nervous?"

"I'm actually not," Harry replied, smiling down at Hermione. "I thought I would be."

"Me either," Hermione said.

"I know you have been engaged for a long time. What made you wait so long to have the wedding?"

"Me," Harry said. "I wanted to be of-age before we got married, and Hermione agreed."

"Plus, with everything that had happened, we wanted some time before we wed. We were able to find an apartment, get some things sorted out, and finally live our lives."

"I am so happy for you two."

"Thank you," they said together.

She walked away, and Harry turned back to Hermione.

"How are you doing?"

"I told you I'm fine," she said. "You worry too much."

"I just want to make sure."

"I love you," she whispered, kissing him softly. "You know that if anything was wrong I would tell you."

"I know," he replied.

"Can't believe you're getting married," Sirius said, shaking his head. "You're making me feel old here, kid. We still remember the day you were born."

"Lily was in labor for almost an entire day. By the time we finally met you, she looked like she was about to pass out," Remus said.

"James was a right-up mess. I remember the patronus he sent to us. We couldn't understand it."

Harry laughed, imagining how nervous his father was the day he was born. Hermione smiled beside him, enjoying the stories about his parents.

And the more stories they heard, the less apprehensive they were both feeling about tomorrow.

"Hermione, wake up!"

Ginny's voice sounded in the distance, but she pulled the blankets over her head, hoping that she would leave her alone. Ginny shook her again, talking even louder this time.

"Hermione! Get up! It's your wedding day!"

"Leave me alone," she begged, throwing a pillow at Ginny.

"You're getting married today! To that guy-oh, what's his name-Harry!"

Hermione sat up, a smile forming on her face. Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Whatever gets you up. Come on, you need to take a shower so I can start doing your hair and makeup."

"Fine," she said, getting out of the bed. She started off towards the bathroom, and she felt knots beginning to form in her stomach.

Shortly after, she stepped out of the tub and used her wand to dry her hair. She then put the robe on that was in the bathroom and stepped out to where Ginny was waiting for her.

"I'll leave you to get change real quick. I need to get some more things anyway."

She nodded and watched as Ginny walked out of the room. She quickly put her undergarments on and smiled at the dress that was hanging nearby.

'How are you feeling, Harry?' she thought. 'Are you as nervous as I am?'

"Everything ok?" Ginny asked, looking at her in concern. Hermione nodded.

"Everything's fine. Just can't believe I'm getting married today."

"Let's get you ready," Ginny said, gesturing to the chair.

"Wake up, mate," George said, shaking Harry. Harry groaned and grabbed for his glasses.

"It's my wedding day," he said, as though he were unaware that it was. The twins laughed.

"Of course it's your wedding day! That's why we had a bachelor party for you last night."

"Right," he replied, getting out of the bed.

"Feeling nervous?" Neville asked.

"A little, but not as much as I thought I would be. I'm ready to be married to Hermione."

"Let's get you ready, sappy," Fred said, as he and George lifted Harry out of the bed.

Hermione stared out the window, watching as people filled their seats below. She looked further up and saw Harry standing there, smiling proudly as Sirius walked up to him, fixing his robes as he did so. She let a small smile, tears filling her eyes as they did so.

It was the perfect day for their wedding. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect, and everything was going smoothly.

That is, until just a few moments ago.

"Look at you!" Mrs. Weasley cried, as she, Ginny, and Tonks walked into the room. Hermione smiled at them.

"You look so beautiful," Tonks said.

"Thank you," she replied, looking down at her dress.

"Your parents would be proud of you," Mrs. Weasley said, putting her hands on Hermione's arms.

"I know they would. I wish they were here."

"We all do."

"Look at you," she cooed at the little boy in Tonks' arms. "You look so much like your mommy."

"He acts like his daddy," Tonks laughed. "He wanted to see his favorite aunt and uncle get married."

"Thank you for bringing him. He's family too," she said, holding her finger out for him. He grabbed for it and smiled. "Hi there, Teddy."

"It's about to start. We'll meet you downstairs," Tonks said, smiling at her. Hermione nodded.

"Are you about ready?" Ginny asked, as Mrs. Wealsey and Tonks left the room. Hermione shook her head, feeling the pain well up in her chest.

"I need to speak with Harry."


"Ginny, please," she choked out.

"It's bad luck-"

"I don't care! I need to speak with him!"

"Ok," she said softly, turning on her heel. Hermione turned from the window and looked into the mirror, unable to stop thinking about it. She closed her eyes and felt the tears flow from them, cascading down her face. She was sure her makeup was messed up but she didn't care.

A moment later, she felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her waist. She kept her eyes closed, but put her arms on top of Harry's.

"What's the matter?" he asked, placing his chin on top of her head.

"I don't even know."

"Do you want to get married?"

"Of course I do," she replied, turning around to face him. "I don't even know what's wrong."

"Is it Ron?" he asked softly, wiping the tears from her face.

"I can't stop thinking about him," she said, moving away to sit on the bed. "I can't get his voice out of my head. Constantly, on repeat, "I love you". I was thinking about the day he died when I asked Ginny to get you. He should be here."

He sat next to her, taking her hand in his as he did so. "I wish he was here, too. He was supposed to be my best man. Knowing Ron, he would have gotten drunk and made some kind of inappropriate speech and we would have laughed because it was so funny. It's hard to understand that he won't be. He won't be seeing his friends get married."

"Why do I keep thinking about this?" she whispered, more to herself than him.

"Because, I believe you were in love with two men at one point."

She dropped her head to his shoulder, pressing her lips together as she did so.

"Did you love Ron?" he asked, grasping her hand in his.

"I did, but not in the way he loved me. I thought, at one time, I did. Then, I fell for you. I didn't feel anything for Ron other than him being my best friend. I love you. I just-I can't seem to get him out of my head."

"Because it's the last thing he said to you. He protected you. He knew he wasn't going to make it, or else he would have never told you."

"Did you know?"

"I had a suspicion," he said, almost as though he were feeling guilty. "I always meant to talk to him, but I never got the chance to."

He pulled her head back up and stared into her eyes, smiling softly as he did so. "Are you sure you want to get married today?"

"More than anything," she replied without missing a beat.

"Ron wanted you to be happy," he said, standing up to pull her up. He wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled at her. "That's why he never told you. You were happy. Your happiness came before his. If he hadn't been killed, he would have never told you."

She nodded, knowing that is was true. She looked past him and stared out the window, her mind going into overdrive at what they had just talked about.

"Thank you, Harry," she said, reaching up to kiss his cheek.

"I want you to be happy. If you're not happy, tell me."

"I am so happy. All I want is to be married to you today."

He smiled-one of the biggest smiles she's ever seen. His eyes then glanced over her dress and they lit up.

"I know its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding," she said, placing her hands on his chest, "but, I needed to see you. I was having a freak out."

"I think we've had all the bad luck we're going to have in our life. If my soon-to-be-wife needed to see me, there's no way in hell I wasn't going to see her."

"Thank you," she said softly, lightly pressing her lips against his.

"Besides, this means that I get to see you in your dress twice. You look so beautiful."

"Really?" she asked, going over to the mirror. Her makeup, for the most part, had remained intact.

"Sexy," he said, wrapping his arm around her waist. "So beautiful and sexy."

"I must say that you clean up nicely. These robes look so good on you," she said, turning around to see him in his robes.

He smiled again, and captured her lips with his. She smiled against them, wrapping her arms around his neck as she did so. A few moments later he bent her down, holding his arm around her back to support her.

A knock on the door caused both of them to break away. They looked up to see Ginny there, smiling softly as she did so.

"Are you guys about ready?"

"Yeah," she said, breaking free of Harry's grasp. "Can you give us one more minute?"

She nodded, and disappeared from the frame. She turned back to Harry, laughing slightly at the lipstick on his lips.

"Almost time."

"A few more minutes of being Granger," he said, kissing the engagement ring on her finger. She laughed, dropping her head to his chest. "I should get back down there."

"Last kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend?"

He smiled again and captured her lips with his. He broke away a moment later.

"Ron is still with us," he whispered, pressing his head against hers. "He's never left."

She nodded, pulling Harry in for one final hug. They broke away and he left the room. She stared down at her engagement ring, remembering the day Harry had given it to her.

"Hermione?" Ginny asked, drawing Hermione out of her thoughts.


"Let me fix your makeup," she said, pointing her wand at Hermione's face. A moment later her makeup was fixed.

"You look so beautiful," she said, handing Hermione her bouquet.

"Thank you."

"They're ready to start downstairs, if you are."

"I am."

"Then let's go," she said, grinning at Hermione.

She followed Ginny downstairs and to the front door. Her breath caught in her throat by who was standing there.

"You look beautiful," Remus said, smiling at Hermione. Beside him, Tonks was grinning. "Can I have the honor of walking you down the aisle?"

She nodded, unable to find the ability to talk. They quickly hugged.

"I know you wish that your parents had been here, and so do I. I hope it's ok that I'm walking you down the aisle in his place."

"Thank you," she said, pulling away from him. "I love this surprise."

She linked arms with him and Tonks and stood in position behind Ginny. She took a deep breath and let it out when the soft music began to play. When Ginny finally moved, she looked around the very small crowd, thankful that it was only family and close friends here. Everyone in the crowd had their eyes on her, and she suddenly felt extremely nervous.

The music changed, and everyone stood up. She turned to look at Remus, who smiled and nodded at her.

"Breathe, Hermione," Tonks whispered, and she nodded.

They began to slowly move down the aisle, her focus up front. Harry was smiling at her, refusing to look at anyone else.

And she suddenly felt all of her apprehension melt away.

They reached the front and Kingsley stepped forward. "Who gives this man to this woman?"

"Her parents, Tonks and I do."

He nodded, and stepped back. She turned and gave one final hug to Remus and Tonks, and watched as Harry stepped down and did the same, whispering something in his ear as he did so. Remus clapped his back and took his seat next to Sirius.

Harry stretched out his hand, and she took it, both moving to stand next to Kingsley. He looked between them before he started to speak.

"This couldn't be a better day for a wedding. For it being the middle of August, the temperature is perfect, isn't it? Almost as though this was meant to happen today. Today we are to join Harry James Potter and Hermione Jean Granger in holy matrimony. These two have been through so much together and are still standing here together, wanting to be joined as one. Before we begin, is there anyone who wishes that these two should not be wed?"

They waited in silence for a minute before Kingsley continued. "Marriage is all about spending the rest of your lives not just as one, but bound as one as well. Harry and Hermione will both be bound as one at the end of this ceremony. Before we get to that, however, they have both written vows to one another, and will recite them now. Harry."

Harry took the piece of parchment from Neville and opened it. "Hermione, as of today, you and I have been together for two years. It seems like so much longer than that. We've been best friends for nearly seven years. I love being with you. We survived a war, but being with you is like a whole new adventure. You were with me every step of the way, even when I tried to push you away. Every day is a new journey, and it's a journey that will never end. I can't wait to continue on this journey. I love you more than you can imagine. Happy anniversary."

Hermione smiled as she grabbed the parchment from Ginny. "Harry, I have been looking forward to this day since you asked me to marry you. Before we started dating, I never knew that the man I would marry was with me from the beginning. Even when everyone else believed that we were together, we always said otherwise. One of the happiest days of my life is when you and I got together two years ago. You have been the best friend I could have asked for, and the best boyfriend I could have asked for. We've been through so much together, and I can't wait for the future we are building. I cannot wait for us to be husband and wife, and mother and father. I love you with all my heart. Happy anniversary."

"Harry, do you take Hermione to be your wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Hermione, do you take Harry to be your husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"At this time, we shall begin the soul bonding ceremony. I will ask the both of you one last time-are you sure you wish to be married?"

They turned and looked at each other, both nodding their heads yes. Kingsley pulled out his wand.

"Hold out the hands closet to me." He waited until they did. He first took Harry's, and sliced a small cut into his hand. Harry flinched but didn't make a sound. Kingsley then moved to Hermione and did the same, and she hissed in pain. "Join all hands."

They did, and stared at each other. Kingsley moved his wand around the hands that he cut, and stars began to appear around them. They both suddenly felt very dizzy, and they closed their eyes, hoping that it would quickly pass. A blow, almost like a strong wind, erupted between them, knocking them back slightly. They didn't let go of each other, but opened their eyes, looking around.

Then, two gold bands appeared on both of their ring fingers.

Kingsley put his wand away, and moved in close to the couple. "The bond will be completed when you two consummate your marriage."

They nodded, glad that Kingsley whispered that. Kingsley stepped back and began to address the crowd again.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. Kiss your bride."

"With pleasure," Harry said, grinning. Hermione smiled, rolling her eyes, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Their lips met, and they kissed for a brief moment before pulling away, smiling at each other as they did so.

"May I introduce for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Hermione Potter!"

6 years later

The sounds of squeals and laughter coming from the living room made Hermione smile. She picked up the sippy cup and walked into it, smiling even more as she saw Harry playing with James.

"Here's your milk," she said, giving him the sippy.

"Where's Lily?" he asked, his breathing back to normal after his father's excessive tickling. Almost on cue, crying came from the bassinet that was in the middle of the room. She walked over and picked the little girl up, cooing at her as she did so.

"She must be hungry," Hermione said, walking over to the couch. Harry picked himself off the floor and picked James up, slinging him over his shoulder.

"Daddy!" the four-year-old cried, laughing.

"It's bath time," he said, giving Hermione and Lily some space. "We'll be back soon."

Hermione nodded and smiled at him before turning her attention to her daughter. She undid the buttons to her shirt and began to feed her. "You look just like your daddy," she said, rubbing the top of the two-month old's head. "You and your brother both do. Both with his messy black hair. You, however, also got his eyes. Those pretty green eyes."

Lily continued to feed, but her green eyes began to drop. Hermione hummed, closing her eyes as she waited for her daughter to finish her dinner. A few moments later she looked down to see that Lily was sound asleep. She stood up and carefully put her back into the bassinet before she closed her shirt. Harry and James returned ten minutes later.

"Mommy, will you read me a story?" he asked, his brown eyes wide.

"Go pick out a book."

"He's already too much like you," Harry replied, as James ran past him up to his bedroom. He moved to the bassinet and smiled down at it. "I'm going to put princess to bed."

"I'll go with you," she said, and he carefully picked Lily up from the bassinet and rocked her as she began to cry. She snuggled up in her father's arms and fell back asleep. They walked up to the nursery and he gently put her into the crib.

"Goodnight, princess," he said, kissing the top of her head. Hermione did the same before they turned and walked out of the room.

"Story time?" James asked, waiting outside of the door. Harry and Hermione laughed.

"Story time," they said together, and followed James into his bedroom. They read to him from the book that he picked before he fell asleep in his own bed. They both leaned over and kissed his head before they blew out the candle and shut the door part of the way.

"Both the kids are in bed," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. He raised his eyebrow at her.

"What are you suggesting?"

"We probably have an hour before Lily wakes again. What could we do in an hour?"

She turned away and placed her finger on her chin, as though she were thinking about it. He wrapped his arm around her waist and began kissing her neck.

"I must be one step ahead of you," he said huskily into her ear. She turned around and captured their lips together, very thankful for her husband, her children and the life they have created.