Title: Kiss of a Mermaid

Summary: The sea had enchanted Cana her whole life. It's no surprise a mermaid would ensnare her even further.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.

AN: This is a Juvana drabble series (a mermaid au, surprise, surprise). Updates will be sporadic and come with whatever inspiration bursts I get. There's no particular order to the drabbles. Enjoy!

"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." - Jacques Yves Cousteau

Her smile was like quicksilver, her eyes shining beacons. Cana's eyes followed her playful flips, the mermaid's form and giggles clear to her, despite that the two were twenty feet under water.

The mermaid waved. Come play with Juvia.

Cana nearly followed but, the burn in her lungs said otherwise. She smiled ruefully and gestured upwards, already kicking towards the surface.

Juvia can fix that.

Suddenly, the mermaid was in front of her, placing her webbed hands on Cana's shoulders gently. Her eyes sparkled with a dozen shades of turquoise.

May Juvia kiss you?

And despite everything she's read online, despite all the movies of violent man-eating mermaids she's watched lately, Cana takes a leap of faith and nods.

Her lips are cool and salty, and yet the sweetest thing she's tasted.

Come play with Juvia?


thecookiemonster77 . tumblr . com