element of bravery by matthewneville13
chapter 4 wonderbolts

the following day

i awoke to find myself sleeping next to a half naked spifire i quickly shot up and hopped out the bed and noticed i was only in my boxers. i quickly blushed and went to the bathroom to get changed. i quickly changed into a skull t-shirt a pair of denim jeans and some skating shoes. i walked out the bathroom and noticed spitfire outside the door taping her foot with a glare.

"h-hey spitfire what's up" i asked and she continued to glare at me.

"leaving so soon" spitfire replied still glaring at me in hatred.

"why are you so angry spitfire is it because we didn't have sex this time" i asked and she let off a huge blush.

"n-no how could you think that" spitfire replied trying to hide her blush.

"seeya spitfire"i stated as i turned and walked out and got the next train back to ponyville. i arrived in ponyville and immediatly flew up to rainbows house and landing at the front door. i ran threw the door and placed the rebelion down before turning to see the six girls glaring at me. "hey girls whats up" i asked and they continued glaring at me.

"get out you pervert" rainbow shouted as she pushed me out the door and slammed it behind me. i looked in my bits bag and noticed i had 200 bits left over which should be enough for a house. i quickly ran to the town hall and bought a house and rented it for a year for about 80 bits. i flew back up to rainbows and knocked on the door. after a bit she opened it and i silenced her.

"i'm only here for my stuff i've already bought a house so i'll be out of your hair soon" i stated as i boxed my stuff and walked out slamming the door behind me before flying to my new house. when i reached my house i quickly walked inside and place my stuff down before running to the boxing gym nearby. i ran in the gyms door and schedualed a match against the equestrian champion iran out and went to my house before going to sleep.

1 week later

it was the day of my championship match and i ran to the boxing hall and got changed into my boxing gear in my changing room.

i ran down the ramp and jumped into the ring before doing a combat roll and standing to my feet.

i looked to the crowd and saw the six girls who used to be my friends cheering for the current champion. the bell rang and he charged at me throwing a flurry of punches my way before conecting a hard right to my temple knocking me to the ropes and i was barely concious as he continued to ruthlessly beat me into the corner. he conected another hard right to my temple and i was unconcious though my eyes stayed open and i didn't fall i just stood motionless. i swear the girls looked shocked to see the blood that poured from my head and eye. i thought of something that would help me win or something to unleash my rage. i quickly thought of my so called friends kicking me out and my eyes burst open and i let out a roar of rage. i ran at him and let out a flurry of explosive punches and blood began to burst from his move and i threw an uppercut which lifted him from the canvas before he fell to the floor. the ref ran over and checked on him but then the bell rang and i was declared the winner before i received the equestrian champion belt. i raised it above my head in a victory pose and i swear i saw the girls tear up a bit though i didn't care i'm just glad i won i had it wrapped around my waist before i walked out the stadium and was greeted by a group in fighting poses asking for a street fight. i accepted and they all found themsleves in the floor and i turned to see the girls looking at me in shock i just let out an evil chuckle. "don't think i'll forgive you so easy" i stated as i jumped and flew to my house.